
By Yours Truly

Rainie entered the dorm with her freshly copied key set, grocery bags in both arms. The first thing she did was rush to the kitchen in order to place the juicy fruits and drinks into the refrigerator, then she placed the vegetables and frozen meats into the freezer. It was 10 am in the morning; the weather was nice and the hours went by quickly, but it was far from a typical day.

She heard the dorm doors open and close, walking in from the door was Heechul in pink Hello Kitty pajamas, a cup of juice in one hand. This was only the second time Rainie has met with Heechul; he was quiet and seemed very hard to become closer with, therefore, Rainie decided she would just keep a distance with him.

“Good morning,” she greeted with a soft smile, organizing the snacks into the cupboards

He allowed their gazes to meet, his large glittery eyes shined with shyness as he replied with a simple “morning” and continued on to Kyuhyun's room. As the door opened, Rainie could hear loud video game music and soft hisses. Then the door closed.

She continued with her duties, organizing and cleaning until she thought everything looked efficient. After she finished, she plopped herself on the couch and pulled her laptop out of her book-bag. She already planned general qualities of both lead characters and decided she would determine the qualities of other characters as they came along in the story.

Under the female leads brainstorming were the words: simple, intelligent, thoughtful, spiffy, easy-going, introverted- wait, easy-going and introverted didn't mix too well and she realized this, wondering which of the two she should scratch out.

Under the male leads brainstorming were the words: possessive, charismatic, tongue-tied, straight-forward, simple, and several other words, but maybe wasn't a suitable characteristic.

Suddenly the word animals popped into her head. Animals... beasts... these words kept replaying and reciprocating in her mind, she felt something coming, the emotion was becoming intense, she almost had a direction, and then she was interrupted.

“You can't be serious!” Heechul complained, following behind Kyuhyun who headed into the kitchen, searching for a drink.

“Oh, I'm serious,” he replied matter-of-factly, a devastated look on his face. Rainie remained silent, thinking she should stay out of their little argument.

“That can be dangerous though,” Heechul continued, walking past Kyuhyun to the snack cupboard. Kyuhyun rolled his eyes and shoved his way to the snacks.

“How bad can it be?” Although his voice was inanimate and he tried to make himself seem unworried, his expression revealed how nervous he actually was.

“Look in the mirror and say that again,” Heechul rolled his eyes, pushing Kyuhyun aside. “It's just a game, virtual relationships should stay virtual, especially when you're a celebrity.”

Kyuhyun sighed and sat on a stool by the counter, “it's not a relationship, she's just a friend.”

“Yeah, well a lot of our star-craft friends would beg to differ,” Heechul laughed, finding and opening his favorite brand of chips. He offered some to Kyuhyun, but Kyuhyun waved it away.

“I'm serious, we're just friends.” Suddenly he heard tapping and looked over in Rainie's direction, when he saw her sitting there he immediately stood up and with his eyes wide open he asked, “when did you get here?”

Rainie looked up from her laptop in a daze, she was trying to finish typing out her thoughts before responding to him and his startled act, noticing this Heechul kindly answered for her.

“She was here even before I got here, where did you think all the snacks came from?” Kyuhyun was startled that he never noticed her presence. He fell into silence, not knowing what to say. Heechul sensed the awkwardness, but didn't feel the least bit uncomfortable.

“He says he wants to meet an online gaming friend,” Heechul continued, mocking Kyuhyun. Kyuhyun nudged him with his elbow and motioned for him to shut his large flappers but Heechul ignored the maknae and continued. “I personally don't think it's too safe. You're his assistant right? What do you think?”

Rainie finally was able to meet the gazes of the two men speaking to her. She thought it over for a little while before asking, “is it a boy or a girl?”

Heechul took in a breath preparing to answer when Kyuhyun tried to stop him, Heechul simply hopped aside and answered, “it's a girl.” Kyuhyun let out a small groan and took a sip out of his cup, Heechul laughed at his helplessness.

Rainie set aside her laptop and walked over to the kitchen. She opened the fridge and grabbed a bottle of cranberry juice. Looking over at Heechul and Kyuhyun, she smiled as she said, “then it should be fine, as long as you don't get caught by the paparazzi, you're good.”

“You didn't just encourage him did you? I've been trying so hard to prevent him from going!” Heechul cried, nudging her softly with his elbow. Kyuhyun looked down at his cup, oddly a little disappointed by her words.

“I don't think it's that bad of an idea. I don't play online games so I don't know how making friends work, but if she's nice enough for Kyuhyun-sshi to want to meet her, then she can't be all that bad.” Rainie took a drink out of the bottle and handed a fruit to Heechul. I heard you like to drink alcohol a lot and don't eat very healthy, you should have this.”

Heechul took the apple from Rainie with a grin on his face, “are you that interested in me?” he joked.

“Yes, totally,” Rainie teased back. She seemed to have discovered another side of Heechul that she hadn't seen before and was glad. They laughed the joke off and she returned to the sofa, working on her laptop again. Heechul started out the door to return to his dorm. Kyuhyun showed him out and locked the door behind him. Turning back, he began walking towards his room when Rainie shouted, “you should get some fruits too, you're so skinny. You need to eat more.”

She didn't look away from her laptop while saying this, she didn't get to see the small smile that lifted the corner of his lips. He opened the fridge and took a bottle of cranberry juice before returning to his room, returning to the virtual world where all his “friends” were.


It was a sunny day with warm breezes and puffy white clouds floating about the sky. People were rushing back and forth around the plaza; some people walked hand in hand, and others walked with a distance between them. Amongst the mass of people sat a petite, stylish and spunky girl. She wore a white baseball cap with her hair tied up in a ponytail, cute squared glasses, a short half-sleeved white jacket with a pink t-shirt underneath, finished with her choice of casual jeans. Sitting under a tree, a smoothie in hand and headphones in both ears, she enjoyed the beauty of the day while waiting for someone.

Rushing through the crowd with his head hung low, a black baseball cap over his messy hair, a black jacket zipped halfway up over his gray-black t-shirt and black jeans, Kyuhyun tried to find his gaming friend as quickly as he could. He used one hand to hold onto the tip of his baseball cap and the other to drag Rainie along with him. She was much more relaxed and dressed a lot more casually due to the nice weather. It wasn't too hard to stay undiscovered in such a large mass of people but he was still worried so he decided to bring Rainie along with him, as always.

“You know... we're almost at the destination she said she'd be at, I think I should go now,” Rainie said, stopping in the middle of the plaza. She broke her arm free of Kyuhyun's grasp, it was red with the imprints of his finger, he unconsciously grabbed onto her too hardly due to nervousness.

“Why?” he asked in a soft voice, hanging his head lower.

Rainie laughed at his phobia of being discovered, “it's going to be awkward for me if I actually see her and don't greet her,” she replied, crossing her arms.

“Then greet her,” he stated simply, raising his head to meet her gaze while imitating her crossed arms.

Rainie stared at him with the 'that's-obviously-not-going-to-happen' look. “No, that's going to make it even more awkward.”

“Why?” he questioned again, his expression becoming a little uncomfortable.

“If you were so nervous about this in the first place, you shouldn't have promised to meet her,” Rainie exclaimed, leaning against a pillar.

A grin started to form on his face, “do you not want me to meet her?” he teased.

“No, I don't want you to act like a baby and need me to follow you to meet a new friend. Especially when I've never talked to her before, it's going to be awkward for both of us,” she retorted, a little irritated.

He realized she was becoming very uncomfortable with the situation and answered reluctantly, “fine, if you really don't want to go then find some place to sit and have a drink, I'll call you when we're ready to leave. If I get caught, it's all your fault!” He didn't forget to remind her she was responsible for guarding his safety and image as an assistant.

“Ok,” she smiled, feeling victorious.

Kyuhyun continued rummaging through the crowd nervously, he could feel himself sweating under all the black clothing and his cheeks burning, it didn't feel good at all. When he reached the area she said she was at, he searched under the tree and found a girl sitting there. He immediately took out his cell-phone and sent a text message to the girl he was meeting, moments later he saw the girl sitting under the tree pull out her cell-phone. She turned her head and their gazes met, she smiled at him and stood up as he approached her.

“Hi! I'm Tuuli,” She immediately greeted, holding out a hand. Her hand was cold from holding the smoothie.

“Hey, I figured,” he greeted, shaking her hands. “Have you waited long?”

“Not really,” she answered, pulling the headphones out of her ears. She had the brightest smile on her cutely rounded face. “Did-” she paused for a moment, noticing the sweat forming on his forehead and his reddened cheeks, “did you have a hard time getting here?”

“Well... well, not really, there was just one... distraction,” he answered, wiping away the sweat on his face. They took a seat under the tree and conversed about star-craft for a while until Tuuli suddenly excused herself.

Kyuhyun took the chance to send Rainie a text message. You have to be prepared, I don't know when I'll be ready to go. He was actually more worried about her than he made himself out to be, he wanted to make sure she was safe, but there was no reply.

Tuuli returned with two smoothies in hand.

“You must really like smoothies,” he commented, thankfully accepting the smoothie being handed to him. He took a sip out of it, finding it very refreshing.

“I never get tired of them,” she laughed innocently. “You must not get to have them much,” she stated bluntly.

“Why do you say that?”

“You're a celebrity, that's why. I mean, it couldn't possibly be because SM is such a strict company,” she replied sarcastically. He laughed at her latter comment.

“Yeah, I guess so,” he replied. He took a look at his cell-phone, still waiting for Rainie's reply.

“So, what do you want to do?” she asked him, sipping her smoothie.

Kyuhyun thought silently for a short while, nothing came to mind so he simply shrugged his shoulders before checking his cell-phone again.

“Do you want to go to the video game store?” she asked, taking the last sip out of her smoothie. He was surprised at how quickly she finished it.

“Sure,” he said, standing up and preparing to leave. Tuuli threw away her cup and led him in the direction of the game store, walking side by side. She was actually a lot more nervous than she seemed but she was good at hiding her emotions.

She realized that Kyuhyun repeatedly checked his cell-phone over and over again every several minutes, she tried to stop herself from asking why, but failed when the fourteenth or fifteenth time came around.

“Kyuhyun-sshi,” she stopped to face him, “why do you keep checking your cell-phone?”

He looked down at her. She only stood to his shoulder high. Suddenly realizing that he really was checking his cellular a lot of times, he turned away and blushed lightly before looking her in the eyes again. “I'm waiting for a reply,” he honestly replied.

“An important one?”

“Not really,” he lied.

“Liar,” she said, picking up her footsteps.

“Why do you think I'm lying?” he asked.

“If it wasn't important, you wouldn't be so worried about it,” she stated, smiling.

“I'm not worried,” he denied.

“If you say so.”

They arrived at the game store and browsed through many video games, each describing past experiences and achievements with each game. He lost track of time, losing himself in games and his conversations with Tuuli so much that when his gaze spotted Rainie walking outside the shop, he was totally dumbfounded.

He grabbed Tuuli by the arm and sprinted outside, catching up to Rainie.

“You didn't reply to my text message!”

Rainie turned around and saw Kyuhyun standing hand in hand with an unfamiliar female. She stood shocked, surprised by the fast paced advancement of their relationship. She forced a smile at the girl before turning to Kyuhyun, giving him the death glare. “I didn't get it,” she replied.

He reached into her purse pocket and took the cell-phone out, opening the message in-box. He turned the cellular to her and pointed at the message. “It's right there.”

She tugged the cell-phone out of his hands, “I didn't see it,” she answered simply.

Kyuhyun angrily parted his gaze from her, finally realizing a man stood beside her. “You were busy?” He asked, returning his gaze to her.

“I was,” she replied honestly, putting her cell-phone back into place. She turned to the unfamiliar girl and introduced herself. “Hi, my name is Rainie, I-”

She was interrupted by Kyuhyun, “she's my irresponsible assistant, who abandoned me in the middle of the plaza disregarding the possibilities of me being discovered by the thousands of people surrounding us, placing me in danger.”

“There's hardly a thousand people in this plaza, you're over exaggerating,” Rainie answered, ignoring the rest of his comment. “Nice to meet you, what's your name?”

“You can call me Tuuli,” she replied, shaking hands with Rainie.

“This is Show, Show Luo,” Rainie introduced, pushing the guy behind her forward. He held his hand out towards Tuuli, but Kyuhyun instantly reached for it.

“Nice to meet you, Show,” he said provokingly, locking eyes with him. Show simply nodded his head and smiled kindly.

Rainie watched them stare at each other for a while before finally breaking the awkward silence between the four of them, “well, I assume you aren't finished with your friend just yet, so we'll be heading to the lounge.” She joined arms with Show and waved goodbye to Kyuhyun and Tuuli before turning away.

“Don't ignore my message this time!” Kyuhyun shouted at her.

Kyuhyun let out a quiet 'tch' before turning back to Tuuli, who had a large grin on her face. He had a bad feeling about it but ignored it as he led Tuuli back to the game shop.


He couldn't erase this name from his mind.

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please update
I never thought I would get to read a story between these two characters, but it was amazing! Great job, author-nim!! LOVED IT!!!!
This was the first story I read in AFF. :) Glad I found it again! ^^ REALLY SWEET!
dimskie #4
Chapter 17: gdfjiasog loving it!
way sweet ^^
sightsounds #6
awww I loved it!!! it was beyond sweet...I'm going to miss the banter between Rainie and Kyu but great job indeed!
PikaKyu #7
O<br />
sightsounds #8
hahaha....Kyu is soo freakin adorable...I love seeing his reaction to Mike being there...another great chapter!
sightsounds #9
opps I meant oblivious...sorry!..but great new chapter...I love how aggressive Kyu is!
rssj1314 #10
@sightsounds lol. thanks! I try not to make it too obvious that they're jealous, but in the end it just turns out that way. XD<br />
<br />
@lowblue thanks for reading! :)