One Step, Two Step

By Yours Truly

Kangin leaned over, pushing himself against Leeteuk's shoulder, as he watched Kyuhyun standing alone in the kitchen with a frown. "You think he'll really forgive us in the end?" He asked, easily crossing his arms over his torso. Leeteuk shrugged.

"I just enjoy seeing him frustrated," Heechul chuckled to himself, "He's the maknae but he always forgets to respect us elders!"

Donghae laughed, "I just hope everything ends nicely. Poor Kyuhyunnie, I can't imagine if he has to go through all of this just to end up being rejected and thrown away."

"I have faith in Rainie-sshi," Leeteuk nodded, yawning and stretching before getting to his feet and returning to his room for a little nap.

Kyuhyun turned to glare at the three still remaining at the table.

"What?" Heechul asked, raising an eyebrow at him.

Kyuhyun pouted, "You guys aren't being fair."

"How?" Kangin sneered, "We only want the best for you, dear maknae."

"Then you would support me and my decisions," Kyuhyun grounded out, drinking out of his cranberry juice heatedly.

Donghae shook his head, "Look at you. You've changed so much ever since you met Rainie-sshi, is it really worth it? It wouldn't be cool at all if she hurt you in the end."

"I-I don't know," Kyuhyun admitted, dropping his head.

Eunhyuk entered the dorm with several bags in hand, "What's up?"

"You went shopping?" Donghae asked, helping Eunhyuk with the bags. Eunhyuk nodded. "Wow, you seriously bought a lot of junk," Donghae sighed, peeking into each bag briefly.

Placing all the items on the counter of the kitchen island, Eunhyuk let out a long sigh of discomfort. "Well, I got so used to not having to do the grocery shopping, since Rainie-sshi did it for us, that I forgot what I should and should not buy." He looked over at all the purchased items and pinched the bridge of his nose, "This really is all just junk."

Kangin laughed, "We've all become useless ever since Rainie-sshi appeared. She was so good at doing all our chores."

"You guys banned her from even coming to the dorm?" Kyuhyun asked, his eyebrows furrowed in disbelief. "That's not very gentlemanly of you guys."

Heechul scoffed, "We didn't ban her from anything, she just thought it would be awkward between you two if she continued showing up here in the dorms."

Kyuhyun glared at Heechul one last time before picking up the nearest bag of chips and his bottle of juice and stomping into his room. Eunhyuk glanced at Kyuhyun's retreating figure and the three men before him, "Did I interrupt something?" He asked innocently.

Kangin shook his head. "You sure can act," Kangin clapped his hands at Heechul.

Heechul grinned and bowed slightly, "Of course, I am an actor, after all."


"That's a bit cruel, isn't it?"

Raini tilted her head in thought before shrugging at Mike and Joanne, "I just want to mess with him a little bit."

"What if it backfires?" Joanne asked.

Rainie grimaced at the thought, "Then he'll miss out."

"Well, let's just hope his feelings towards you are strong enough for him to over see this whole prank you're pulling." Mike laughed.

Joanne shoved him lightly, "I'm on your side, just remember that," she reminded Rainie.

Rainie smiled at Joanne shortly before running over the script, "Where did you think there was a problem?"

"Here," Joanne took the papers and flipped through them. She stopped at a certain point and handed it back to Rainie, "The highlighted section. If my character is deaf, then I don't understand why she could hear the male leads voice calling out to her at that very moment when she was going to board the train."

"Ahh," Rainie nodded, "She didn't."

Joanne cocked her head at Rainie, "She didn't?"

"No," Rainie laughed, petting Joanne on the head, "She felt him, consider it a sixth sense maybe. This story is more or less about the heart, the heart that can recognize things beyond our normal senses."

Mike shook his head, "Cliche."

"Cliche is what makes the big bucks," Rainie retorted, "But don't you think it's true?"

Joanne nodded, "Sometimes, girls just have a scary sixth sense."

"Guys do, too," Mike countered.

Kyuhyun joined them at the meeting table, "Why haven't you been to the dorms lately?" He immediately asked Rainie, forgetting to greet his co-actors.

"I didn't think it would be appropriate," Rainie replied simply, avoiding any chance of meeting gazes with him. "I don't exactly feel welcome anymore," she added, a hint of bitterness in her tone.

Kyuhyun forcefully turned her to face him, "You're always welcome wherever I'm at."

"That's not how things work," Rainie sighed, removing his hands from her arms, "Oh, let me see your cell phone."

Obediently following her request, Kyuhyun pulled his cell phone out of his jacket pocket and handed it over to her. "Why?" He asked, watching as she opened it and clicked through buttons hurriedly. Rainie kicked Joanne under the table and Joanne immediately got the hint.

"Kyuhyun oppa," She smiled awkwardly, trying her hardest to catch Kyuhyun's attention. "Ah... Uhm.." she stuttered, trying to collect all the Korean words she had learned over the two weeks she had spent in South Korea, "Are you busy this evening?" Mike laughed at her sad attempt.

Kyuhyun shook his head, "Why?"

"Would you join us for dinner then?" Joanne attempted again, almost positive she said one of the words wrong. Kyuhyun laughed and glanced over at Rainie, Joanne immediately snapped. "Of course, Rainie jiejie will be there, too!"

Mike nearly roared in laughter, "You're best at everything when you're in a panic," He teased.

"Well, you're not helping," Joanne countered.

Mike shrugged, "I'm not on anyone's side, so I'm just going to stay out of it. If I help, it might backfire." Kyuhyun watched them argue in amusement.

"Here you go," Rainie smiled, handing Kyuhyun's cell phone back to him. "What happened?"

"We invited him to dinner," Joanne grinned.

Rainie smirked, "Really? That's perfect." She turned to Kyuhyun, "I'll text you the restaurant later, make sure to dress nicely and formally for dinner." Before Kyuhyun could respond, Rainie motioned for Joanne to follow her and the two quickly exited the room.

"What do you have in mind?" Joanne asked as they made their way down the hall, arms linked together.

Rainie's eyes danced about excitedly, "Umm... let's just call it a not so blind, blind date."


Rainie and Joanne hid in the corner of the restaurant at a table booth. When she realized Kyuhyun would arrive in less than a half hour, she pulled out her cell phone and sent a text message out. Not long after, she received a reply and saw a beautiful young lady step into the lounge and elegantly made her way to the table Rainie designated for her.

"Wow," Joanne exclaimed in awe, "She's so cute!"

Rainie laughed, "Isn't she?"

"How do you know her?" Joanne asked.

"I don't really know her," Rainie admitted, "I only met her once, but I've heard about how she's helped Kyuhyun out quite a bit and decided she would be the perfect person for this occasion."

Joanne narrowed her eyes, "Won't it be awkward for Kyuhyun then?"

"Maybe," Rainie shrugged, "But it's not as if he saved me any awkwardness when he... well..." she trailed off, her voice softening, "confessed to me."

Joanne shook her head lightly, "You're too into this," she laughed, "You're acting so immature, it's not like you at all."

"I know," Rainie sighed, "I think Kyuhyun rubbed off on me a bit too much."

"Excuses," Joane teased. "Oh, look! He's here!"

Kyuhyun covered himself in a black suit, nicely ironed, that sized perfectly on his lanky body. It accentuated his long legs and curved his hip and shoulders nicely. When he walked up to the table and realized who was waiting for him - since it took him a while to recognize the female under the clothes and make up - he gasped and held a hand over his mouth.

"I'm sorry if I'm being extremely impolite," He apologized, "But is that you, Tuuli?"

Tuuli laughed, "Yeah, it's me."

"What are you doing here?" He asked, taking a seat beside her.

Tuuli shrugged, "I was invited by Rainie-sshi."

"How did she-" he was about to ask when the answer struck him, "So that's what she wanted to see my cell phone for." He glanced at Tulli awkwardly. Although she looked amazing in the night gown and the light make up, he couldn't quite decide how he should treat this situation.

Tuuli smiled to herself, "Will you be sending her away?"

"Sending her away?" Kyuhyun asked.

Tuuli nodded, "She said she was returning to Taiwan soon."

"What?!" Kyuhyun scowled, "Why doesn't she ever tell me anything? Don't I matter to her at all?"

Rainie felt a stab of guilt strike her, but shook it off immediately. It was just a prank. A game, if you will.

"Look what you've done," Joanne lightly, "You hurt the poor man."

Rainie lifted a brow at the younger girl, "Do you even understand what they're saying?" She asked.

Joanne nodded, "This is when dialogue from scripts come in handy. I learn a thing or two when we exchange our acting skills during filming."

"I'm sure she didn't mean to-"

Kyuhyun slammed his hand on the table, "She did. She always means it when she does stuff like this. She's trying to make me give up, trying to make me stop. Well, god help me if I'll ever give up, 'cause I won't. I won't let her get the best of me."

"Maybe she'll tell you later-"

Kyuhyun shook his head, "She always runs away, she never faces her problems. She can't confront me because she's afraid to. Every time she looks me in the eyes, she can't deny me or the words I say." He lifted his gaze to meet with Tuuli's, realizing her discomfort, and apologized. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't be taking this out on you."

Tuuli shook her head, "She wanted me to have a nice dinner with you, she wanted me to comfort you."

Kyuhyun lowered his eyes when her gaze became imploring, almost pleading for him to accept whatever it was she was going to offer. "I'm sorry," he apologized one last time before leaving, "I have to go."

Tuuli watched as he left the lounge and crossed her arms over her chest, "So predictable," She laughed. A grin slowly crept onto her lips and she turned to search for Rainie, finding her and another younger female hiding in a booth. They came out of hiding and walked over to her.

"Thanks," Rainie smiled at her.

Tuuli shook her head, "Anytime." She tilted her head at Joanne, politely smiling at her.

"Oh! My mistake, I forgot to introduce," Rainie laughed, "This is my good friend, also Kyuhyun's current co-actor, Joanne Zeng. She's from Taiwan, like me."

Tuuli shook Joanne's hand and turned back to Rainie. "I did some research on you," She admitted, "You're an author, responsible for many very popular idol dramas and series all over Asia. You keep a low profile, so it wasn't easy looking up your information, but I spent some time and effort on it." Rainie's eyes widened but eventually softened into a small smile. "Are you hiding that from him, too?"

Rainie nodded, "Don't worry about it, though. I have it all planned out."

"Alright," Tuuli nodded.

Rainie grinned at her, "By the way, have you ever thought about becoming an actor? You've got more than just the skills," Rainie teased.

Tuuli shook her head and laughed it off. "No, never. If it was any other day I might think about it, but right now I'm starving!"

Rainie and Joanne laughed, "Let's start ordering then, my treat!"


"Have you seen Rainie?" Kyuhyun asked as Jungkyu quickly ran some errands. Jungkyu shook his head. "Where could she have gone? She couldn't already have flown back to Taiwan, could she?"

"Taiwan?" Jungkyu uttered under his breath, "Why would she go back to Taiwan?"

Kyuhyun shrugged.

"If he's asking about Rainie jiejie, she left yesterday night," Joanne added, taking the script out of her back pack. Mike rolled his eyes. Jungkyu blinked at her several times before nodding at Kyuhyun.

Kyuhyun groaned, "I knew it."

"Why didn't you do anything about it then?" Jungkyu asked, handing him several documents from his folders. "Those are contracts, by the way."

Kyuhyun sighed, "I didn't know she would leave so soon. Contracts for what?"

"Advertisements," Jungkyu replied, "Also, one of them is dedicated to the promise of you singing for the original soundtrack of this series." He paused for a moment, "How did you even know she would leave at all?"

"The OST? Sounds good to me," Kyuhyun nodded, signing the papers half-heartedly, "I heard from a friend."

"Good, then I'll quickly hand these in to the label," Jungkyu sighed, "Your friend didn't tell you when Rainie-sshi was going to leave?"

Kyuhyun shook his head, "I don't think she knew that much."

"She?" Jungkyu lifted a brow, "Well, what are you going to do about it?"

Kyuhyun shrugged, "I'll just wait until she comes back, I guess."

"If she comes back," Jungkyu corrected.

Kyuhyun glared at him, "She WILL come back."

Jungkyu laughed and took a couple of steps back, "Of course."

Mike turned to Joanne, who watched the two converse with a small smirk. "Very mature," He teased.

"It wasn't my idea," Joanne shrugged, "I'm just playing along with it."

Mike rolled his eyes, "Sure."

"Ah!" Jungkyu exclaimed, stopping in his tracks and turning to face Kyuhyun, "I forgot, you have a ball to attend tomorrow evening."

Kyuhyun narrowed his eyes, "I'm not in the mood for this-"

"You've got no choice," Jungkyu frowned, "Board meeting, all actors are required to attend. You've got to socialize with the sponsors, build some relationships with people that matter in the society."

"People with money," Kyuhyun rolled his eyes.

Jungkyu laughed, "Whatever suits you best."


"I'm not doubting your professionalism," Heechul assured, fixing Kyuhyun's bow tie, "But it would be amazing if your smile could shine just a tiny bit more."

Kyuhyun glared at the older man, "You try being left behind in a restaurant after realizing the person you really lo-," He swallowed his words, "the person you really like is trying to hook you up with someone they once thought you were exceptionally close with."

Heechul rolled his eyes, "We warned you, didn't we?"

"Don't pull that on me!" Kyuhyun scowled, "It isn't over yet."

"It isn't?" Heechul raised his eyebrows, "Well, I hope you're right then."

They entered the ball, over crowded with elderly men and women, and searched around for Jungkyu and the Head Chairman that they were most familiar with. After spotting them somewhere across the room, the quickly paced towards the duo with much effort.

"Ah," The Chairman grinned, "Our lead actors are finally here!"

Kyuhyun and Heechul bowed. "Leeteuk hyung and Shindong were busy with radio broadcasts and couldn't make it," Heechul explained. The Chairman nodded understandingly.

"There's someone I want to introduce you to," The Chairman laughed, a bit tipsy from the alcohol, "The script writer, you haven't been... well, formally introduced."

Heechul took a small step back, covering his grin with his hands.

"You two have been working and interacting quite well, I hear," The Chairman winked at Kyuhyun. He slipped his hands onto the young back of a petite young lady and led her before Kyuhyun.

Kyuhyun froze in place, gawking at the familiar beauty standing before him.

"Hi," She nodded, holding out her hand to the younger man.

Heechul nudged Kyuhyun forward.

"Surprise?" She laughed.

Kyuhyun immediately frowned, "You wrote the script?" He asked in disbelief.

Rainie retracted her hand; she didn't expect this meeting to go smoothly, but having him being so angry was the last expectation she had for the situation. She nodded.

Kyuhyun turned to Heechul, "You knew all along?"

Heechul shrugged and turned away, walking amidst the mass of bodies to stray away from the tense atmosphere. The Chairman furrowed his brows worriedly, hoping he didn't ruin any good feelings between the two.

Rainie smiled at the Chairman before pulling Kyuhyun onto the dance floor. She placed his left hand on the small of her back and held the other hand tightly, asking him to lead the dance in silent request.

"Was this all just a game to you?" He asked.

Rainie pouted her lips at him, "No."

"Don't act cute with me," He scowled, looking away. "I thought you were back in Taiwan."

"Who told you that?" Rainie laughed.

Kyuhyun frowned, "It's not funny."

"Actually, it is," She smiled, "It was amazing seeing you so frustrated at dinner."

Kyuhyun widened his eyes at her, "You were there?" Rainie nodded. "You saw everything?" Rainie nodded again. "Aish," he sighed, his cheeks pinking in embarrassment.

"That's what you get," Rainie huffed.


"That's what you get for always bringing up my past relationship with Mike, for always being so demanding and possessive, for always taking advantage of me." She replied, staring into his eyes.

He laughed as he peered into her round, watery, eyes and sighed. "Does this mean we're cool?"

"Cool?" Rainie laughed, "Far from it."

"That's right," Kyuhyun nodded. He pulled Rainie closer against him, his lips gliding across her cheek to her ear, "I do remember saying I would kill whoever wrote that damned script."

"It was interesting seeing you cry so much," Rainie admitted, pushing him away.

Kyuhyun pouted, "That's the last you'll see of it."

"Not unless I add more crying scenes," Rainie retorted.

Kyuhyun frowned, "You wouldn't dare."

"Wouldn't I?" Rainie laughed.

Holding Rainie's hand tightly in his own, Kyuhyun was about to lead Rainie off of the dance floor but she pulled him back, shaking her head lightly at him.

"You want to dance?" He asked with a lifted brow.

Rainie chuckled, "We have to take things step by step from now on." She forced him back into dancing position, tapping her finger against his chest - over his racing heart - lightly. "Just like this," She smiled at him seductively, "One step, two step-"

Rainie was silenced by Kyuhyun's gentle lips. The kiss they shared now was different from any of the kisses before; the ones before were rough, needy, long and fiery but this kiss was short, sweet, romantic and simple. No one saw the kiss, it went by too quickly for the human eye to process, but she felt it... she felt it from the bottom of her heart.

"You can't always play by the rules," Kyuhyun grinned, "I never do."


A/N: Come to think of it, this entire story is just pretty cliche, huh? lol. Thanks for reading!

Maknae - The youngest in a group of people. [Korean]

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please update
I never thought I would get to read a story between these two characters, but it was amazing! Great job, author-nim!! LOVED IT!!!!
This was the first story I read in AFF. :) Glad I found it again! ^^ REALLY SWEET!
dimskie #4
Chapter 17: gdfjiasog loving it!
way sweet ^^
sightsounds #6
awww I loved it!!! it was beyond sweet...I'm going to miss the banter between Rainie and Kyu but great job indeed!
PikaKyu #7
O<br />
sightsounds #8
hahaha....Kyu is soo freakin adorable...I love seeing his reaction to Mike being there...another great chapter!
sightsounds #9
opps I meant oblivious...sorry!..but great new chapter...I love how aggressive Kyu is!
rssj1314 #10
@sightsounds lol. thanks! I try not to make it too obvious that they're jealous, but in the end it just turns out that way. XD<br />
<br />
@lowblue thanks for reading! :)