Amusement Park


"Unnie, do you know where Seulgi unnie is? She's been acting werd these days"

"Oh Yerim-ah. She's okay, you don't have to worry" 

"Where is she anyway? I'm all alone in the house!"

"You're Seulgi unnie is seeing someone. Shtt. Don't tell her"

"WHAT?! It's been years! Finally"

"I don't know yet, Yeri. Let's hope what I'm thinking is right" 


Even it's her second time sleeping in Irene's house, Seulgi found herself feeling so comfortable. Here she is. Awake on the comfort bed in the same room she had the night before. Last night she remember how Irene wrapped her arms around her waist and just tapped her back giving her comfort and support. She love how her body fit Irene hugs perfectly. She love how Irene give her so much comfort through her hug. 

Even Jisoo weren't able to give her such comfort. They used to fight a lot in the past and sometimes hug doesn't solve everything. Being with Irene and hugging her is the most memorable thing she ever done. Being in her embrace. She feel so safe being with Irene. But Seulgi think maybe she just miss Jisoo and being with Irene loses those feeling. She knew this is wrong but she can't help for wanting more and more. 


Waking up every morning hearing her name being called by that beautiful voice, she can't help but wanting it to happen everyday. Hearing her name being called by Irene is much more convenience than hearing Yeri's voice. Much rather comfortable.

"Good morning. How are you feeling today?" 

"Good. Thank you for letting me sleep here"

"My house is always open for you. Don't worry"

Seulgi smile. Irene's house is her second place ever for her to sleep over. She used to crash over to Wendy's place but lately she hadn't done it. Now she had found a new one. 

"Do you have class today?" 

"No. I'm free for today" Irene nod. 

"Let's go grab breakfast shall we?" 

Seulgi follow Irene downstairs. She walk downstairs and she saw a picture. Something she hadn't seen the last time she was here. Well she hadn't observe the whole house in details so it make sense why she hadn't seen the picture. It's a picture of two siblings walking in Amusement park hand in hand.

She always wanted a sibling and went to the amusement park together. But she had always been a single child ever since she was a child. Her parent is focusing themself with work and Seulgi understand that. She grew up in a diligent family. Her parent used to come home late because of their jobs and so did Seulgi. She love studying and being the most nerdy girl during school, she went home late to attend several classes after school. Sometimes went to the nearest library to study again. 

Seulgi had always been alone and she use to it. But ever since Jisoo come to her life, she felt something incomplete and that is someone company. She wanted someone to be there for her giving comfort and always there when she need shoulder to cry on. Jisoo had always been there for her even when they fought each other, they always found ways to get back together. To forgive each other. They always do. But when Jisoo left, Seulgi felt like she lost her soul. She couldn't stop feeling so lonely and anxious everytime, everyday. 

Seeing the picture infront of her triggered her feeling. The feeling of loneliness also the feeling of wanting to meet Jisoo so bad. After all she still owes her a trip to Amusement Park which she probably had forgotten it since she abandoned her. 

Irene notice Seulgi is looking at her and Jisoo's picture when they were kids. She remember how happy Jisoo was when her parent decided to take them to the amusement park. Irene couldn't stop smiling seeing her sister being so happy.  She walk over to Seulgi only to see Seulgi's eyes were watery. In a mean time she will be crying. She wonders why.

"Are you okay Seulgi?" 

"Y-yeah. I'm okay. J-just, you look happy with your sibling" 

"Yeah. She so happy when our parent brought us to the amusement park" Seulgi nod.

"Have you ever gone to amusement park before?" 

"No. Apparently the person I wanted to go with had left me before she fullfil her promise" said Seulgi with a smile Irene knows she's being hypocrite. 

So Jisoo had planned but they never go. Thought Irene. 

Without thinking anymore, Irene take out her phone calling her assistant only to tell her she can't come to the office. After that she walk back to Seulgi who is sitting in the dining room waiting for Irene before she eats.

"I'll take you back to your house and grab some clothes. We're going to the amusement park" said Irene.

"Wait what? Irene you really don't have to do that. Y-you probably busy. I know you are"

"Stop blabbering Seulgi. Just do what I say" 

Just like that, Seulgi shut even if she wanted to reject. Honestly she feel so happy and she couldn't stop smiling over breakfast and Irene chuckled upon seeing how Seulgi could be so childish sometimes. 


The amusement park is not full of people because it's weekday. Seulgi was hiding her excitement doesn't want to be seen so childish infront of Irene. But Irene knows how Seulgi had been stuggling with it ever since she got in to Irene's car. Irene find her cute being all excited just like a kindergarten kid. 

Going to the entrance, Seulgi wonder what kind of games will be inside and she couldn't hide her emotion anymore. She's jumping like a kid and Irene couldn't stop herself from smiling at how cute Seulgi is. 

"What do you want to do first, Seulgi-ah?"

She look like thinking for an idea before she open her eyes widely just like how kids would do if they got an idea.

"Roller coaster and then cable car! Sound exciting right?"

Sounds scary for me. Thought Irene. But Irene hide her feeling for Seulgi. She couldn't help but she have to since she can't see Seulgi sad. She wanted her to be happy and this is just the beginning to fixing Seulgi. 

So, Irene obey. She nod in excitement and she could see how happy Seulgi is. How can she deny her offer when it's the only thing make her happy? 

They went straight to the roller coaster ride and patiently waiting in line for their turn. Seulgi couldn't stop herself from talking. Irene knew how happy she is and it just make her feel happy too. Seeing how Seulgi finally going to fullfil her wish. She wonder if Seulgi thinking about Jisoo. She felt jealous slightly but quickly shrug it off. She's doing this for her sister. Why she felt jealous? It's okay for Seulgi to think of Jisoo after all she love her. 

By the time it's their turn to ride on, Seulgi couldn't hold her excitement. She scream in happy. While Irene trying to control her emotion. She doesn't want to be afraid. She need to hold it but apparently she can't. When the roller coaster finally reach the top and soon it went down really fasat, Irene couldn't hold it anymore. She scream in high notes which make Seulgi glancing at her wondering why she look so scared. 

Seulgi thought Irene wasn't afraid at all but seeing her right now in the roller coaster screaming till the end of , Seulgi couldn't do anything better to keep her calm. She just keep looking at Irene thinking if she should hold her hand or not. But apparently Irene did it by herself. Out of consciousness. More like reflexes. The unexpected feeling run through her vein. Like an electricity. Irene keep holding her hand until the end of the ride and that's when she realized she just hold Seulgi's hand.

"S-sorry. I-I didn't know"

"Why don't you tell me you're scared? We can play something else" 

Irene didn't bother to answer. She just left Seulgi and went out from the roller coaster ride. Leaving Seulgi all confuse. Irene doesn't want Seulgi to be sad. That's why she doesn't tell Seulgi and apparently that girl notice how scared she was during the ride. 

When Seulgi finally catch up with Irene, Irene look at Seulgi like nothing happened. 


"Come on! The cable car is right there!" said Irene while pointing at the cable car. 

Seulgi was about to say something when Irene run, leaving her behind. She wanted to say if she's scared, she doesn't have to go if she's scared. Seulgi is more than happy just by coming here. Irene doesn't have to exaggerate anything just to make her happy.

But it seems the girl insisted and Seulgi couldn't stop her. At the end, Seulgi run towards the cable car ride catching up with Irene. The line wasn't too long and they get inside pretty quick. That's when Irene look so intense and quiet. But Seulgi hadn't notice it until several times she called Irene's name, that girl seems didn't hear her.

Once Seulgi took a glance at Irene, she saw Irene looking so intense and she stare straight to the front. Not wanting to look down nor her side. That's when Seulgi had the chance to look at Irene intensely. Her eyes looking so beautiful, her white pale skin, her tiny body. She look so cute. Despite her age she look so young and probably no one will notice she already in her 30. Seulgi was shocked too when Irene told her about her age. She thought Irene was joking but apparently she's not. 

She couldn't help but being enchanted by Irene's beauty also her personality. Despite being so scared of the ride, Irene still hard headed. Didn't want to dissapointed Seulgi and Seulgi couldn't help but being thankful to Irene. Seulgi always being a coward but today she decided she have to make the first move. So she brave herself to wrap her arms around Irene's shoulder and Irene flinch a little.

"It's okay. I'm here" Seulgi didn't realized she's doing the same thing Irene had been doing to her at the time she most fragile. 

Irene on the other hand found herself getting better upon Seulgi wrapped her arms around her. Feeling safe inside her embrace. She wasn't that scared anymore knowing that she have Seulgi beside her. Whe she feel like the time pass slowly it felt fast when they finally finish the ride. She found herself wanting to stay a little longer only to be in Seulgi's embrace. 

Soon after they finish the ride, they went out to search for food. After that they take a sit to rest after the long ride. They happily eat hot dogs, french fries, and two hot chocolate since the weather a bit windy. While they were eating, the exchange small talk and that's when Seulgi had the courage to tell Irene.

"You know. You don't have to pretend, Irene. It's okay if you are scared with roller coaster and cable car. We can find other ride to play"

"It's okay, Seulgi. I want to see you happy. Don't worry about me. I'm okay"

"But you don't have to push yourself for me"

"I have to. It's the only way to fix you" said Irene didn't realized what she had just said.

"Fix me?" 

When Irene realized it, she pretend to look around not wanting to stare at Seulgi's eyes. 

"Come on! It's going to get dark. Let me take you home" said Irene.


Today, Irene asked Minho to stay at home. She's the one driving and Seulgi sat beside her. Under the night sky they exchange jokes and Irene couldn't stop herself from laughing. Seulgi is not only beautiful but she's also charming and funny. Irene make sure to cherish what they have today. She couldn't deny despite the scary rides they ride, Irene had alot of fun today.

She's making a right decision not coming to the office today. She had a lot of fun being with Seulgi and she's glad she spend the day with her. It's just felt like the best thing she ever done in her life. When they arrive infront of Seulgi's house, none of them want to leave. 

Seulgi is having fun being with Irene. Staying beside her, exchange small talk, joking around with her, and just seeing her smile. She love everything when she's around Irene. She hope she can do this everyday. But again. She can't. She can't have Irene. She's not worthy of her. She's broken and Irene no. There must be a lot of guys out there wanting to be her boyfriend and Irene just need to pick one out of them. Talking about guys, Seulgi remember Professor Suho. That guy wanted her to introduce Irene to him. Seulgi decided to ask her.

"Um...I have someone that wanted to meet you"

"Oh really?"

"Yeah, h-he's one of my professor in campus. Would you like to meet him?" 

Irene chuckled. Must be that Professor Suho again. Thought Irene.

"No thanks. I'm not interested" 

"Ah. Alright" 

Irene stare at Seulgi. She can't help herself to be amazed by Seulgi's beauty. The desire to protect her begins to rise. She couldn't control it. She wanted Seulgi. She wanted everything of her. But again. This is wrong. Seulgi belong to Jisoo's and she's here to fix Seulgi. Maybe Irene just miss loving someone so bad. 

Both of them stay quiet. Not wanting to say a word and just enjoy each other presence. Sometimes Irene would glance at Seulgi and so was Seulgi. Until a phone call disturb them. It was Irene's phone and when she saw who the caller is, she decline.

"Who was it?" ask Seulgi.

"Nothing. Just my sister" Seulgi nod.

"Well you should probably go home. It's already late" said Seulgi. But before she leave, Irene hold her hand and give Seulgi a smile.

"Thank you for today. I enjoyed it"

"I should be the one who thank you. You had spare your time to play with me and I love being with you today. Thank you because of you I had experience coming to the Amusement Park"

"Anytime, Seulgi. Anytime" 

Seulgi nodded and left. 

Irene on the other hand headed back home while calling Jisoo. It's morning in United State.

"I thought you had forgotten me"

"Is it a good time? I know it's night already there" said Jisoo.

"I'm on my way back home. It's okay. what do you want to talk about?"

For a minute, Jisoo stay quiet thinking if her sister will be okay with what she is abou to say.

"I haven't coming out to mom and dad. So I wanted you to be the first one to know" 

"Well what is it? Did you get yourself a girlfriend?" said Irene joking. 

"Yes, unnie"

Irene almost step the brake upon hearing the shocking news. No, no, no. Jisoo. I came to Korea for you. She gulp in nervous of what Jisoo might say next. 

"She's one of the amazing person, unnie. One day when you get back home, I wanted to introduce her to you" said Jisoo. Irene knew just from Jisoo's voice. Her sister is happy. She thought her sister still can't forget Seulgi. She thought that her sister still blaming herself like she did when she left Korea leaving Jennie behind.

But it appears Jisoo had been hiding behind Irene. Hiding lots of secret that Irene didn't know at all. Irene really wanted to know what happen to Jisoo and Seulgi. Why does Jisoo look so easy to forget Seulgi meanwhile it different with Seulgi. That girl struggle a lot. While Jisoo she had found someone. Someone new. Irene thought Jisoo still stuck with Seulgi and that's why she move to Korea. To bring Seulgi back to Jisoo. But it appears her plan is ruin.

"So who is this girl?" ask Irene even though she doesn't want to know at all. She had lost interest with Jisoo's life knowing she had abandoned Seulgi for another girl. While she never settled everything clearly with Seulgi. Irene hate how Jisoo treat Seulgi like nothing.

"Her name is Kim Jennie. She also my professor here"

That moment, Irene thought her whole world just vanish. Hearing that name came out from Jisoo's mouth doesn't seems right. How can this happen to them? When she thought the world are with her it appears everything had changed. Jisoo with Jennie. The girl she had love and will always. 

She never thought her sister will be together with her...ex. Ex-girlfriend. How can this happen? Her sister is in a relationship with her ex meanwhile she's here in Korea with her sister ex-crush. What is this weird approach? 

Irene is too shocked to say anything. She remain quiet while on the opposite side, Jisoo keep on telling her the story of how she met Jennie. Irene is not interested. She's too shocked with the whole truth she's facing right now. 

When the time she thought everything will be alright just like how today went well with Seulgi, just a name coming out from her sister triggered her. All the plan she had planned ruin the moment Jisoo told her she's in a relationship with Jennie. What really bother her mind is, Seulgi. She is confuse of what she have to do with Seulgi. 


Kang Seulgi. What should I do with you if you're still stuck with Jisoo? Meanwhile that little brat had moved on from you and currently in a relationship with my ex girlfriend who appears didn't know she's dating my little sister. Isn't it ironic? A very cliche love story of my family love life. - Bae Irene



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Chapter 23: Seulgi is a coward just like me
Chapter 9: Jisoo is the main character in their minds
Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #3
Chapter 28: ❤❤❤❤❤
Kavabeann #4
feel like i have read this before
Chapter 28: AHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH i can't seulgi, you're so hilarious XD
thank you for this, i really love it <3

hwaiting for your new story!
i'll be waiting tho :D
zjkdlin0121 #7
Chapter 27: Another epilogue hehehe
Chapter 27: wowowoooooo i looooove it :****
big YES for another epilogue <3
just make seulgi suffer with joohyun pregnancy, i'd love to see her trying LOL
whipped kang is always good XD
Chapter 26: a pregnant joohyun and a silly seulgi would be nice LOL
ahhahahahahah don't mind me i just like that idea so much
but whatever you want to write it will be great tho <3
over all your plot is good because there's no third party i don't know why i hate that kind of thing
as you can see they always put seulrene stories with someone and then make them back to each other arms and i hate it so much
but you prove me wrong and i appreciate it a lot, thank you <3
