Flashback-Jensoo [PART 3}



Morning has come and the two beautiful girl still remain in bed not wanting to wake up due to tiredness. But the sun lights up the small room and even thouhg they didn't want to wake up, one of them ended up awake. The heart shape lips girl open her eyes still trying to remember what happened last night. Once she lay her eyes beside her, she see an angel still sleeping peacefully. 

She can't hide her smile upon seeing the beautiful brunnette girl sleeping. Last night was amazing and she felt so happy. Like finally she found someone. Someone who can be so perfect only in a short time. All her focus last night was the brunnette girl and she couldn't deny, the older girl is really amazing. She didn't know Jennie could do such thing. 

She wish she can wake up like this everyday. Next to Jennie. But she knew it won't be long until the girl finally go back to Korea and she have to go through the same thing she did in the past. The world always cruel to her.

"Good morning" said Jennie who apparently had been watching Jisoo who seems to dazed off for the past few minutes. 

Jisoo can't help but to smile hearing those husky voice coming out from Jennie. She realize she had fallen for Jennie in every part of her. 


"Last night was amazing" 

"I agree"

"Had you done it before?" Jisoo shake her head.

"Oh? I thought you had done it. You were really wild last night"

"Said the girl who had done it before" Jennie open her eyes wide and shake her head.

"What? This is your first time too?" asked Jisoo shocked to hear the news.

"Yeah...I never had the chance though. I used to be in a long distance relationship and before that we never done it because we literally just confess when she about to leave. After I ended our relationship, I never been in a relationship again" said Jennie.

"Oh? You used to be in a long distance relationship?" Jennie nodded.

"And how it goes?"

"Not good actually. She told me we should try but I was hesitated in the first place and she managed to convinced me to try. But I can't take it. The time difference and I remember my ex is so busy catching up with school. I know she's an ambitious person. So almost 6 month we barely contacted each other. I got tired and decided to ignored her calls. Basically ignored her until two years past and she still tried to call me. That's when I decided I should end our relationship"

Even though Jennie story seems the same to her sister story, Jisoo said to herself it probably a coincedence. It makes her can relate to what Jennie felt since she knew the pain in a long distance relationship thanks to her sister also her own experience.



"After all of this...You know..." 

But Jennie never had the chance to finish her sentence because a man voice called her name. It's her father.

"Jennie? You're home? There is a pair of shoes and I know it wasn't yours"

Both Jennie and Jisoo look so surprise knowing that someone else is in the apartment. Not to mention, they both not wearing clothes at all. Only bikinis. Soon when they realize the situation, they quicly get dress and the situation it's completely chaos inside Jennie's bedroom. 

Jennie is the first one to finished, she went out from her room only to be so surprise to see her dad had come home. She remember her dad had told her he won't be coming home for a few days and he won't be able to see her get back home.


"Oh, Jennie. Is there someone else in the apartment besides you?" 


The timing is so perfect. Jisoo went out from Jennie's bedroom and all of them can sense the awkward feeling between them. Jennie dad couldn't hide his face. He is surprise of course but he didn't say anything. Meanwhile, Jennie is completely terrify because she hadn't told her dad about her uality.

Jennie is not ready for what her dad will say to her but at the end she introduce Jisoo to her dad.

"Umm...dad this is Jisoo. Kim Jisoo"

Jisoo who look completely stunned remain still until Jennie nudge her to introduce herself to her dad. She clear and give Jennie's dad a hand for shakehands.

"Hi, Mr Kim. My name is Kim Jisoo your..."

"My friend" said Jennie interrupting. 

While Jennie's dad still trying to read the situation until he nodded and smile. 

"Nice to meet you Jisoo. I bet Jennie had made friend while she's in New York" said him which made Jennie grin in awkward. 

Jennie clear before she glance at Jisoo who made unreadable expression on her face. She knew she had made a mistake for introducing her as her friend to her dad. But obviously, they hadn't talk anything about what their relationship are now. Without any further due, Jennie excuse themself to her dad and quickly dragged Jisoo out from her apartment. 


"What was that?"


"I'm your friend? Then kindly explain to me what was last night about?"

"Kim Jisoo we hadn't talk about it. Why are you being so sensitive like this?"

"There is nothing to talk about if you felt something last night"

"I did, Jisoo"

"Then why?"

"My dad doens't know about my uality. I haven't told him yet"

"Then was it necessary? To lie about it? You could have told him when I was there. I can protect you"


"Opening up to someone is not easy I know that. I've been through it but I would never lie even to my parent if I happen to be in your position right now" 

"Jisoo please le-"

"I'm done, Jen" 

Just like that Jisoo left Jennie with her car leaving the older girl confuse and angry. Jennie sigh. She never thought this will end up like this. She really didn't meant to hurt Jisoo. It just she need time to open up to her father. But apparently both of them have different methods in dealing with this problem. 

With dissapointed on herself, Jennie get back in to her apartment only to see her dad watching tv in the living room. She really didn't want to talk about what just happened and so she decided to walk to her room when she stop because her dad called her.


"I don't want to talk about it dad" said Jennie didn't even stop.

"You know I never disagree with everything you did and what you want. I'm okay, Jen. You don't need to lie" said her dad with an assuring smile.

The brunnette girl bite her lips. She knew that moment she had made a mistake. This is her chance to start everything over but she just ruined it...again. Like how she ruined her relationship with Joohyun yet she can't believe she just done it again to someone else. 

But seriously, no one knows her dad will respond like that. Maybe it just her being such a coward like she always do even when she's with Joohyun. 


Driving back to her apartment never been the hardest. Jisoo can't hide the tears that keep dropping ever since she stepped in to her car. It hurts. It pained her. Maybe it sound so easy and light but for her it's a big problem. She want Jennie to address her as her girlfriend the moment she introduce her to her father.

Isn't that what people do when they had a one night stand with people whom they had fallen inlove and met several times? Just like how they did. Jisoo may the same like Jennie but she would never lie to her parent about her uality. She had told her sister, days after she went back to United States after she left Korea.

Before she went to Korea, she wasn't sure about her uality and after she went back, she got into several fights with her sister. Considering how she act so rude and reckless for almost a week. Her sister was beyond mad at her and she ended up telling the older girl the truth. The truth that she likes a girl just like her sister. That she had to leave the girl behind in Korea just like how her sister did.

That day she can't stop crying. It was one of the hardest day for her because she still heart broken. Leaving Seulgi behind was the most painful feeling she ever had and it's been a rough week for her. For two weeks she didn't talk to her sister but then they managed to apologized to each other and promised each other to never hide anything.

She had been through it. It was hard yes. But you don't need to lie because of it. Seeing Jennie lying to her dad, it hurt her. She surely had fallen to the wrong person yet she doesn't want to believe that. Even though loving Jennie is wrong yet she still found it so beautiful. 

Going inside her apartment, all she can feel is lonely. 

When suddenly a phone call came in and she didn't bother to look whose the caller is.

"Who is this?"

"Jisoo" Jisoo sigh. 

"What do you want Jennie?" 

"I made a mistake and I'm sorry. I'm infront of your apartment. Can you come down?" 

Jisoo wanted to follow her ego by not coming down and probably closed the phone. Ignoring the older girl who standing outside her apartment. But she found herself can't. Even though she hate the girl very much, she can't deny she still love her. And love always win.

At the end she decided to come down only to see Jennie standing infront of her apartment look so guilty. Her face shows it. The moment they facing each other, Jisoo didn't bother to start a conversation and Jennie knew she have to start it first.

"You're right. It's unethical for me to lied to my dad because I haven't told him my uality. Yet you were there and I should have known you will protect me there. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you really and I want you to know that what we had last night, was amazing. Really amazing" 

"I love you, Kim Jisoo" 

Just like that, Jisoo's heart melted. 

"I know we just know each other not so long for almost about two week but I love you. I really really love you" said Jennie desperately.

"Wanna come in?" asked Jisoo.


The moment they got into Jisoo's apartment, Jennie can't hold it anymore. Just a moment away from Jisoo made her crazy. It took her sometime before she realized she doesn't want to be the same Jennie in the past anymore. She doesn't to be a coward anymore and right now she must fix everything.

She doesn't want to make the same mistake anymore and that's how she went out from her room didn't even mind her dad looking all confuse at her. She took a cab to Jisoo's apartment which the girl used to told her where she live. Soon when she arrived there, she knew she had made the best decision ever.

Right the moment Jisoo close the door behind them, Jennie turn around only to pull Jisoo in for a hug which the younger girl didn't seems mind of it. Jennie cry on Jisoo's shoulder and the younger girl patted her back. 

"I'm sorry Jisoo. I'm sorry"

"I'm sorry too, Jennie. I shouldn't have pushed you like that"

Jisoo came to realized she had hurt the girl really hard. She shouldn't have done that. But she just can't control her emotion back there. 

"The way you came here only to apologized and said how much you are sorry and that you really love me, had showed me that you really are sorry and your love to me is unbreakable" said Jisoo.

"I don't want to make the same mistake I did in the past. I don't want to lose someone I love beause of me again"

"I'm here Jennie. I'm here" 

If only they could stay like this forever. Jennie wish they can stay like this forever but she knew this wasn't just the problem they had. In just one day, she will be in Joohyun position. Leaving the younger girl behind and will say the hardest goodbye just like how Joohyun did in the past.

While Jisoo knew one day she will ended up being in Seulgi position. Saying goodbye to the girl she love the most and repeats the same pain she used to have in the past because of leaving someone. Only the difference now is that she's the one who being left by the older girl. Now she gets the chance to feel what Seulgi felt in the past when she left her in Korea. But she didn't realized saying goodbye to Jennie will be this fast.


The girls stay in Jisoo's apartment until night comes. They sitting in the living room watching several movies. Buying delivery foods since both of the are too lazy to cook. Since the encountered this morning, they decided to cuddle on the sofa while watching movies. 

Jennie had decided that she must say this to Jisoo since she was cut this morning because of her dad. She wanted to told the younger girl about her departure tomorrow and the reason why she hadn't yet clear their relationship status so far. She want to tell the girl that she will be back and she will stay here in United State. But for awhile she need to pursue her dream to become a professor. The only way to do that is to let her go.

In the middle of watching movie, Jennie who wrapped herself in Jisoo's hug try to get up and Jisoo can feel that the older girl want to say something. That's when Jennie speak and say,

"I need to tell you something" 

Jisoo knew this won't be good base on the tone of Jennie's voice. But she had prepared herself for this moment to come. 

"I love you so much but you know I have to go back" said Jennie.

The younger girl stare at Jennie try so hard not to cry. 

"I know" Jisoo said.

"You know...even though I want this to work I-"

"I'll wait"

Jennie is surprise to hear that. She thought the girl will end their relationship right this instant due to long distance relationship. But her answer was never expected by Jennie.

"I told you my sister story. Because of her I never wanted to be in a long distance relationship. I will be straight to you even though years had pass, I won't change my mind. I don't want to be in a long distance relationship but what difference is I'm willing to wait. I will wait for you to come back because I think now I had finally found someone for me to settle down in the future" 

The brunnette girl smile upon hearing those words from Jisoo. That's what she had done in the past. Waiting for Joohyun to comeback but the girl never given the exact time when she will be back and she want to make sure that it won't happen to her and Jisoo. 

"5 years. Give me 5 years and I'll be back"

"Just the right time for me to finally graduate"

Jennie chuckled.

"You sure you're okay?"

"I'm Jisoo I'm okay"

"Wait what?"

Both of them laugh. 

For Jennie she sure she had made a good decision on their relationship. She make sure she will fullfil her promise to Jisoo. She won't dissapointed the younger girl. 

Meanwhile for Jisoo she never been this sure before. Even when she left Seulgi she still have this slight unsureness inside her. But today, the way Jennie made her promise and the look on her face, Jisoo knew she can put her life on the girl. Waiting for the girl will be worth it when the time has come. 

Both girls has made their decision to wait for each other and when Jennie finally left for Korea, they don't have any regret. All they have is patient. Patiently waiting for the brunnette girl to finally come back. Five years later, the brunnette girl finally fullfil her promise. By sending her CV to where her soon to be girlfriend is waiting for her.

She will be teaching in the university where Jisoo studies and watch the younger graduate then they will finally live closely to each other. At the exact time Jennie had finally received a callback from the university saying that she can teach there, it was the same time where Irene told Jisoo she will be going back to Korea for work. That the older girl will stay there for few years to handle the office matter in Korea.

Which was also to fullfil Irene's plan on finding this girl name Kang Seulgi who happened to be written several times in Jisoo diary back then. Irene accidently saw Jisoo's diary when they were still iving together in LA and she remember how they got into big fight because Irene was caught up reading Jisoo's diary. That day her sister finally open up to her about her uality and told her that she had been through the exact same thing that happened to her. Where she had to leave the girl she love. But Jisoo never told Irene she abandoned the girl in Korea.

When Jennie finally back to New York, she called Jisoo. She misses the girl so much because for the pass few years they never been in contact and only a picture of them was the only thing that Jennie have to be her motivation. Motivation to become a good professor with good qualification. She can't hide her happiness when she finally received a callback from the university where Jisoo studies to become one of Biology Professor there. 

Jisoo can't stop checking her phone because she can't believe the name that showed in the screen of her phone. Then she thought to herself is this finally the time? When she answer the call she still can't belive the girl on the phone really is Jennie. When the older girl comfirm that it's her, Jisoo realized she's here in New York. Because the girl won't be able to call her if she's in Korea. 


Now that they finally together in New York, it goes the same to Seulgi and Irene. Both couples are doing just fine with their life. Going out every weekend not forgetting that several years had pass and finally Seulgi and Jisoo graduate. Meanwhile Jisoo got an offering job to become a general doctor in one of the big hospital in New York, Seulgi is working in a Goverment facilities as a scientist specialist in natural environment. Everything seems to go well until one day in the day of Jennie's and Jisoo's anniversary, the younger girl offered the older girl to visit Korea.

"This is the tickets I bought from my salary. We're going to Korea"


"Don't you miss Korea? Your parent is there" said Jisoo.

"I do" Jisoo smiled.

"Well, since you miss Korea, why don't we have some vacation there? Also don't you want to introduce me to your parent? My sister still lives there due to her work so I would like to introduce you to her" 

"Maybe that's a good idea" 


Only that they didn't know what will happen in the future and trouble is waiting for them the moment they arrive in Korea. Meanwhile, Seulgi and Irene is having so much fun together, Irene knew one day she have to tell Seulgi about Jisoo being her sister. But she seems never had the chance to tell her. The moment she will tell her, it will be all too late.


Hi...what do you think about this chapter? This will be the end for Jensoo flashback. I think this chapter is . Forgive me I don't have anymore idea for Jensoo. But maybe I wasn't being patient. I wanted Jensoo and Seulrene to meet fast! Because that will be the fun part! Hehe...sorry if this chapter is . Hope I will still see you guys in the next chapter! Bye 


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Chapter 23: Seulgi is a coward just like me
Chapter 9: Jisoo is the main character in their minds
Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #3
Chapter 28: ❤❤❤❤❤
Kavabeann #4
feel like i have read this before
Chapter 28: AHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH i can't seulgi, you're so hilarious XD
thank you for this, i really love it <3

hwaiting for your new story!
i'll be waiting tho :D
zjkdlin0121 #7
Chapter 27: Another epilogue hehehe
Chapter 27: wowowoooooo i looooove it :****
big YES for another epilogue <3
just make seulgi suffer with joohyun pregnancy, i'd love to see her trying LOL
whipped kang is always good XD
Chapter 26: a pregnant joohyun and a silly seulgi would be nice LOL
ahhahahahahah don't mind me i just like that idea so much
but whatever you want to write it will be great tho <3
over all your plot is good because there's no third party i don't know why i hate that kind of thing
as you can see they always put seulrene stories with someone and then make them back to each other arms and i hate it so much
but you prove me wrong and i appreciate it a lot, thank you <3
