With You


"Please don't forget to submit the essay next week. Class dismiss" said Professor Suho. 

Wendy and Seulgi grab their belongings and was about to head out before Professor Suho called Seulgi. 

"Seulgi, do you have a minute?"

"Yes, professor" 

Seulgi told Wendy to leave first and she'll be out in a minute. She wonder what made Professor Suho called her. Rarely for her to be called by Professor Suho considering she did very well in his class. 

"Don't worry Seulgi. I'm not here to talk about your grades considering you did very well in my class" she nodded in relieve and still wondering what Professor Suho wanted to talk about.

"First, I didn't stalk you really. I found you this morning with this girl. She's close with Professor Jennie. I was wondering if you are close with her" 

"You mean Irene?" 

"That's her name?" Seulgi nod in confuse. 

"Beautiful" said Professor Suho whispering but Seulgi could here it. 

"I was thinking if you can introduce me to her" 

What's wrong with Professor Suho? Is he having a crush with Irene? Thought Seulgi.

She bite her lips feeling a little anxious knowing Professor Suho being all curious about Irene. But why she had this feeling? It's not like Seulgi is her girlfriend or what. Then why she feel annoyed? Despite the feeling Seulgi had, she decided to stay positive by saying that probably Professor Suho wanted to be friend with Irene. Like who doesn't want to? Irene is so beautiful her face is like godness. No one can't deny it. 

"I will ask her" 

"Great. That's all Seulgi and please keep it a secret between us" Seulgi nod in understand. 


Seulgi went out from the classroom and find Wendy leaning on the wall while reading a novel. They both had planned to work on the essay together. So after Wendy saw Seulgi, they headed out to their favorite cafe near the campus. Even when Professor Suho told Seulgi not to tell anyone, best friend couldn't hide their secrets. 

"I really need to meet this Irene girl. Like seriously. Even Professor Suho had fallen for her beauty. I'm really curious about her" 

Seulgi let out a laugh. 


"Minho, can you drive me to the university?" 

"Are you going to pick the girl this morning again, Joohyun-sshi?" 

"Mind your own business Minho" said Irene in joking terms. 

Minho chuckled and do what his boss told him. 

Irene had finished working. Joy left as soon she got a emergency call from the hospital. Irene finished around four in the evening. She wonder if Seulgi still in the university. Irene found herself couldn't stop thinking of Seulgi. She wonder if she's doing well in campus. No one bothering her. She wanted to make sure that. 

She can't stop herself from wanting to check on Seulgi. That's why she finished all her work very quick so she can pick Seulgi up. Well right now Irene depends herself on luck. If she's lucky enough, she could meet Seulgi. If not, then she must try again tomorrow. Silly of her, she didn't ask for Seulgi's number. If she's luck enough to find her in campus, she will ask for her phone number. 

Soon, Irene arrive in campus and she went out from the car. Today she's wearing a long black coat aling with white shirt that tucked inside her black jeans. Looking all elegant in black, she walk herself to the campus looking for the monolid girl. 

Looking around the campus garden then the science building only to get zero result. Of course Irene is dissapointed but what can she do? No luck for her today. She was about to walk back to her car when someone called her name. Someone she doesn't know nor meet...maybe.


She turn around only to meet a man wearing blue shirt with long sleeve that was rolled until his elbows. Irene wonder if she ever met this guy. 

"I'm Professor Suho. We met twice here in campus. You were meeting Professor Jennie before she left"

Oh...that guy. Thought Irene.

Being all kind and not wanting to be rude even when she hates the person, Irene let out a smile. Small smile. 

"Yes umm Professor Suho. I'm sorry I'm not really good at remembering people's name"

"No. It's okay. What made you come here at this hour? The campus was about to close in an hour"

"Ah... I was looking for my friend actually but it seems she had went home" 

Professor Seuho nod in understand. 

"Would you like to grab a cup of tea, Irene-sshi? If you have time" 

"No thank you, Professor Suho. Maybe next time" 

What a jerk. Thought Irene.

Soon she left without saying goodbye to Professor Suho. Irene had met several man just like Professor Suho. Wanting to get close to her and probably date her. Sorry to say but Irene had no interest in man. She just hate them. 

She's walking to the campus entrance with dissapointment. Irene wanted to see Seulgi as much as she wanted to go home and sleep. But it seems her luck isn't with her today. But like the world is with her, the voice she wanted to hear somehow called her name from far.


Only to her surprise, Seulgi is the one who called her and she's with someone. 

"Seulgi!" Irene couldn't help but to smile very wide. The girl she's been wanting to meet is here and she beyond happy.

"W-what are you doing here?" 

"I wanted to pick you up. Since you owe me dinner" 

"Ahh" said Seulgi and nod.

Seulgi seems to notice Irene taking glance at Wendy probably wondering who she is and also Wendy she's been nudging her ever since she called Irene. She roll her eyes before she introduce Wendy.

"Irene this is Wendy, my best friend. Wendy this is Irene. The one I told you about" 

With excitement Wendy offer Irene her hand and Irene take it. Both of them shook hand with a smile and Seulgi could see how Wendy eyes look so amazed by Irene. That probably the same expression Seulgi had when she first met Irene.

"Nice to meet you Wendy-sshi"

"Nice to meet you too. Please call me Wendy"

"Then you can call me Irene too"

They both chuckled. 

"I guess I will leave you both. Please take care of Seulgi for me Irene. Sometimes she can be so...you know" 

"Aish! Just go Seungwan-ah!" 

Irene laugh upon seeing the best friend fighting. They both look cute with the fighting. It makes her remember about her friendship with Joy. So many disagreement and fight everyday. But that's what makes their friendship so strong. 

"Sorry about my friend. Sometimes she could be too exaggerate" 

"It's okay" 

"So...dinner?" Irene nod in excitement before she walk to her car followed by smiling Seulgi. 


"I couldn't believe you're here in New York! What made you come here?" 

"You won't believe me if I told you" 

"Try me" said Jisoo.

"Well, I was offered to teach here in your university" 

Jisoo look shock upon hearing the truth about Jennie's arrival to New York. It's been years since they met. They met accidently. Jennie were in New York taking a little break after graduated when she met Jisoo in a cafe. She thought that Jisoo look very much like Joohyun and bravely she approached Jisoo only to her surprise that girl almost tripped herself on the wet floor when she catched her. Holding her very tight on her waist and that's when Jennie got herself enchanted by Jisoo's beautiful eyes and her unique lips shape.

After that approached, Jisoo and Jennie are friends. They spent almost everyday walking around the city and somehow Jisoo got herself so attached to Jennie. That's when she realized she love Jennie. But she knew she can't just blurt it out like that. Especially when she knew Jennie wouldn't be that long in New York. What happened to them, kind of remember Jisoo of Seulgi. 

How she abandoned that girl in Korea and never replied to her emails at all because she doens't want to give false hope to Seulgi. What she did was reckless and she realized it. But times flies and she felt sorry for Seulgi. She wished she hadn't done that and at least she should have tried. By the time Jennie leave New York, they stayed in touch. Jisoo doesn't want what happened in the past happen again. The difference is they stay as a friend. Neither both of them didn't talk much about their feeling. They stayed silent until now. 

It's only a matter of time Jisoo will confess to Jennie. The girl who probably will be her professor in campus. 

"Wait! Does that mean...you'll be teaching me?"

"Well I was majored in Biology and you're a medical student. So yeah" 

"Wah!!! I'm so excited!"

Jennie chuckled. Both of them sit on the grass while looking at the beautiful campus garden. Jisoo always sit here during her lunch time because of the beautiful view. Somehow she found comfort here and this is the place where she finished some of her homework.

Now being with Jennie just made her day. She can't deny she miss Jennie so much and neither do Jennie. For awhile both of them stare at each other and smile. Like they speaking through their eyes. Jennie miss those beautiful eyes and Jisoo miss Jennie's presence. She miss being with Jennie and so do Jennie. 


Laughter fill the dining room. The dining table is full with foods that Irene cooked. Seulgi was thinking they should probably order food since it's already late for Irene to cooked. She scared if the girl gets too tired. But Irene insisted so there is nothing Seulgi couldn't do.

Seulgi learn that Irene could be so hard headed and she found herself obey for everything she said. Like she had a charm that make her couldn't deny her order. Once Irene had said Seulgi must obey. She couldn't deny at some point Seulgi love that side of Irene. Being control by someone else. It's been years since she had felt that. Jisoo used to control her back in the past. But Seulgi still found herself denying her orders. At the end they got into fight but settle everything very quick.

Irene makes her remember Jisoo sometime. Like there's a slight resemblence from both of them. Being with Irene somehow make her feel peace and her mind at ease. At some point she love being with Irene. Even though they just met but it seems Seulgi had grew attached to Irene. It just she didn't realized it though. 

"I love your food. Thank you"

"Well I should be the one who thank you. I thought you will deny my offer but you didn't"

"How can I? I owed you a promise though"

Irene smile. 

"Seriously, Irene. Thank you. You made my days"

"My pleasure, Seulgi" 

After they finished eating dinner, Seulgi found herself looking around Irene's house. Looking at the painting on the walls and then found herself sitting in the living room. It's weird how Seulgi feel so peace only by being in Irene's house. Like somehow she finally found her home even though she already had one. With the interior design looking all fancy and modern also the presence of Irene it just make her feel so comfortable being here. 

Also not forgeting the lavender scent that filled the house. It makes her feel so cozy. 

Meanwhile, from the kitchen, Irene is watching Seulgi. Looking at the monolid girl being amazed by her house. Irene couldn't help but smile seeing Seulgi looking so comfortable inside her house. That is just her plan. Making Seulgi being so comfortable inside her house only to make her open herself once Irene blurt the que. She wanted to make Seulgi open herself and by that way she will understand her more and try to fix her. 

So, after she finished, she approached Seulgi who is sitting in the living room looking all comfortable. 

"Is this what it calls make yourself at home?" joked Irene followed by laugh from Seulgi. 

"I'm sorry. I just found your house very cozy" 

"My friend told me that too" 

"It just...it's been awhile since I felt so comfortable in a place. Like...I finally found home" 

"You know...you can tell me if something is bothering you. I won't judge" said Irene and Seulgi probably knew what Irene are refering too.

Seulgi never planned to tell Irene. She never wanted too but somehow her guts ask her to do so. Like something inside her wanting to be heard and it yells for it. 

"I was bullied...back in high school. The girls you met, they used to be my friends. Until one day they found out I kissed a girl. My best friend. You know how people used to hate people like me back in the days?" Irene nod and wait for Seulgi to continue.

"They bullied me. I was exhiled by the whole school and it one of the traumatic experience I ever had. Sometimes when I remember those memories, it triggers me. Making myself so fragile just like how you saw the other day" 

"I'm broken, Irene. I'm a broken person. I-I'm not supposed to be born"

"Seulgi, no,no,no. Don't say that" 

Irene fell down on her knees infront of Seulgi. Seulgi is crying in fear of herself and Irene hates it. She hate to see Seulgi blaming herself for what she really is. Now she's trying to comfort the girl by kneeling infront of her and wipe the tears roaming down her cheeks. Irene found Seulgi looks cute when she cry. She will close her face with her hair so that no one could see her crying. But Irene know. 

"You...you are beautiful, Seulgi. No matter what are you, no matter who you love, it doesn't matter. Love doesn't choose gender. Love is the most beautiful thing on earth and everyone is free to love. You can't blame yourself for who you really are. I know it's hard to accept it but if you learn to try to accept it, you will see light. You won't feel heavy on your shoulder. Believe it will be beautiful" said Irene.

"I-I c-can't s-see the world like how you see it, Irene"

"You just need time, Seulgi. Now please don't cry" 

Irene took Seulgi in for a hug. That girl needs a hug to comfort her. Irene now realized how fragile Seulgi is. She is more than just fragile. She's broken inside and it really took time for her to heal. Especially she already had this mind set telling her she's a broken person. It's hard to heal it. It's like she's fighting with herself. She's denying for who she is and that is dangerous. Just a single memories could trigger her and someone needs to be there for her. 

"I'm here, Seulgi. Wendy is here for you. I'm here for you. You don't have to be scared anymore. I'm here" 

Even though they just met, Seulgi had this feeling. The feeling of being safe when she's around Irene. Being with her make her feel safe and she's been craving for that feeling for years. But she knew even if she felt that, Irene probably won't feel the same. Only that she didn't know, Irene felt the same. Being together like this make them stronger. Irene, the strong girl who comfort Seulgi. Seulgi, the girl who craving for comfort and she gets it when she's with Irene.

Both of them being together it just complete both of them. It only a matter of time before they realized a slight feeling of love have grow inside them. 

Being with you, somehow made me felt so comfortable yet I knew this is wrong. But I found myself keep craving for your comfort everyday-Kang Seulgi

You're one fragile person, Kang Seulgi. I wanted to be with you only to protect you from this cruel past of yours. I wanted to be with you to fix you, to stand by your side, to be the reason for you smiling everyday and to just being with you-Bae Irene.


Hi! I'm sorry for the short Jensoo encounter! It just I wanted to focus on Seulrene since that's the reason why I made this story. Just wait okay? I will think of a scene about Jensoo so everyone who ship Jensoo out there won't be feeling left! Just wait and be patient guys! Oh and please don't forget to upvote if you like the story and please leave a comment! BYE

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Chapter 23: Seulgi is a coward just like me
Chapter 9: Jisoo is the main character in their minds
Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #3
Chapter 28: ❤❤❤❤❤
Kavabeann #4
feel like i have read this before
Chapter 28: AHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH i can't seulgi, you're so hilarious XD
thank you for this, i really love it <3

hwaiting for your new story!
i'll be waiting tho :D
zjkdlin0121 #7
Chapter 27: Another epilogue hehehe
Chapter 27: wowowoooooo i looooove it :****
big YES for another epilogue <3
just make seulgi suffer with joohyun pregnancy, i'd love to see her trying LOL
whipped kang is always good XD
Chapter 26: a pregnant joohyun and a silly seulgi would be nice LOL
ahhahahahahah don't mind me i just like that idea so much
but whatever you want to write it will be great tho <3
over all your plot is good because there's no third party i don't know why i hate that kind of thing
as you can see they always put seulrene stories with someone and then make them back to each other arms and i hate it so much
but you prove me wrong and i appreciate it a lot, thank you <3
