Way Back Home


Waking up from heavy head, her vision is still blurry but she can still feel something heacy on her right arm. Trying to regain her concious she notice the smell of hospital which is not so much different to the place where she is working. For a few second later, the monolid girl finally regain her vision and she can see clearly her surrounding. Only to find the bunny girl resting her head on her right arm probably sleeping. 

Her heart sank seeing the girl she love sitting right next to her sleeping while resting her head on her hand. She might hurt her neck once she gets up later. Rather than waking up the bunny girl, Seulgi decided to let the girl rest. There reason why was because she isn't ready to face her. After their last encounter and she still isn't sure of what to do to the bunny girl, right now all she wanted is to let the bunny girl rest and if she wakes up Seulgi will pretend to be asleep.

Call her coward and stuff but don't you guys think this is the way of how people react to the person who has hurt you very much? Even if the person hurted you so much yet you still love her but at the same time you didn't want to see the person. That's how Seulgi feels right now. She love Irene so much but at the same time she doesn't want to see her. She still care for the girl but the pain is too much for her to take. 

So for another hour, Seulgi spend her time watching the girl sleeping and sometimes the girl hair carefully not wanting the bunny girl to wake up. Eventually Seulgi went to sleep again and before she wakes up, Irene wake herself for the deep sleep.

She stretching her body to the limit and then sigh. She look at Seulgi who is still asleep. Irene look at the wristwatch on her hand and it's 8 in the morning. Means she has wake up in a new day but Seulgi haven't wake up. She was about to call Jisoo to come over but then someone appear from the closing curtain. 

"Morning" said Wendy.

"Morning. Did you just came?"

"Yeah. I take a day off for today since Seulgi will discard today. Oh and Joy told me she will come here any seconds now" Irene nodded.

"Seulgi haven't wake up yet. Is this normal? I mean..."

"She's lack of sleeping for the past few days. It's okay Irene" Irene bite her lips feeling unsure because Seulgi haven't wake up yet and she really worried.

Wendy notice the nervousness on Irene's face and overall the older girl look so messed up. Well Irene didn't go home last night and she hasn't taking any bath yet. Surely Irene is worried for Seulgi. Hurting Seulgi probably wasn't a coincedence. Irene might have a reason behind her act. Seulgi had told her about Irene and even though she's her best friend, Wendy never pick a side. She always be the neutral person. 

She believe that every act the person do always have a reasons and she won't ever judge a person base on that. Every person have the right to do what they think is right and most of the time it never go as they planned and that is okay. What more important is how they solve the mess they had made. The way Irene came here the moment she called her, she knows deep down Irene never meant to hurt Seulgi and that she still care also still love Seulgi very much. But it seems what she did to Seulgi really hurt the monolid girl. Which made space between the two love bird.

"Go home Irene-ah. You have been here all night. I will take care of Seulgi once she discard later" Irene was about to deny the offer when Wendy say,

"I know what happened to both of you. Seulgi being here is just one of her dumbest act she ever did. Notice that none of this happened because of you, Irene. Seulgi need time and I'm sure she doesn't want to see you the moment she wokes up. I don't want to be mean to you I'm just saying the possibility" 

Irene knows Wendy is right. But at some point her heart sank knowing that the person who always happy to see her once she wokes up every morning, right now have become the person who hates to see her once she open her eyes. It hurt her heart to stay away from Seulgi for another day. But what Wendy says is right. She needs to go for Seulgi. After all the monolid girl had asked her to stay away from her. Give her time to think.

Even though she really wanted to stay beside Seulgi, she must take the risk of leaving her. For the sake of Seulgi. At the end Irene let out a heavy sigh before she nodded and her face says it all. Hurt and sad. Wendy give her a reassuring smile and pat her shoulder to give her strength. 

"Hey, sorry I just got here. You girlfriend haven't wake up yet?" said Joy which earn a hard nudge on her stomach from Wendy. Irene on the other hand just sigh seeing her best friend being the smartest doctors in her divison which also happen to be the dumbest person in the world.

"Can you give me a ride? Jisoo took my car yesterday" 

"Sure. Will you be okay alone?" ask Joy to Wendy.

"Yeah I can take care of Seulgi. Go. Irene need to rest" Joy nod.

Before they left, Irene make sure to glance at Seulgi for the last time since she don't know when will she see her again. Irene sigh heavily then nod to Wendy and left with Joy who wrap her arm around Irene shoulder. Just a habit of an old friend. Watching Irene and Joy from far, Wendy can only faintly smile before she heard sobbing from the bed.

Seulgi has awake and she is crying now. Her hand cover her face and she cry...hard. Wendy knew Seulgi must heard everything. She move herself to the side of the bed. Wendy knows deep down Seulgi still love Irene but the pain the older had caused and at the same time she doesn't want to see the older go. It hurt her.


"I-It's h-hurt, Seungwan-ah"

"I know I know. You need to be strong. Just know that I'm here, okay?" 


On the way back to Irene's house, none of the girls talk in the car. Joy notice how the older girl seems to daze off and sad. She feel wrong and sorry for Irene. She knows how Seulgi meant for Irene. That girl is basically everything for the older girl. But things got complicated and wrong causing the two girls hurting each other. 

Decided to break the silence, Joy pretend to cough awkwardly before she speaks,

"You can cry. I'm here you know." But Irene remain silent. 

The last time Joy seens Irene like this was when her dad involved in a car accident. Irene didn't talk to her and give her a silence treatment for the whole week. She was trying to find strength inside her but ended up crying all night, all day. Joy was the only person there since Jisoo was still in Korea back then. She had always been there for Irene. Even though she didn't talk to her, Joy knew Irene wanted someone to stay beside her. 

Right now, what happened to Seulgi seems to hit her hard. She's been dazing off the moment they left the hospital. Didn't even bother to ask Joy what happen between her and Wendy. Well that thing doesn't matter now. What matter is Irene. The other day Wendy had talked to her about Seulgi and Irene. They both knew Seulgi and Irene is hurting each other.

But this is the only way for Seulgi to heal herself. Meanwhile Irene is waiting patiently for the younger girl to comeback to her embrace. The 'waiting' thing is eating Irene hard and that's what make her crazy since the pass few days. Giving them space is the only way for Seulgi to finally find her way back home. Whether it be Irene's embrace or her ownself. Seeing them hurting each other is too hard for Joy and Wendy to witness. 

It's Seulgi decision and Irene understand her. It's their call and all they can do as their best friend is to be there for them. Support them. 

Once Joy's car stop infront of Irene's house, the latter didn't step out from the car. Her gaze look straight to the front. Dazing off. From the driver seat, Joy can see tears starting to come down from the corner of Irene's eyes. It breaks her heart to see Irene like this. She knows how much Irene love Seulgi and the problem between them is just too hard to watch. Irene did what she had to do in the name of love. To protect Seulgi even though she notice she will hurt the younger girl. But she didn't notice it will hurt her too. 

What Irene care is Seulgi happiness and she didn't care of herself. She knows she is strong but she also wrong. Joy know Irene is not that kind of person. She may look strong on the outside but inside she keep everything to herself. It's okay for her to hurt herself if the person she love is happy. She is okay. But Joy find it stupid yet amaze at the older girl. She had put everything on her shoulder. The struggle, the hurt, everything. Joy didn't know how Irene able to hold it only for herself.


Before Joy continues, Irene phone ring. 


Hey, just wanna inform you that Seulgi will discard in an hour and she make sure that I'll tell you this. For the mean time, she doesn't want to see you. I'm sorry Irene


It's okay. Take care of her for me Wendy-ah. I trust you


I will. Take care of yourself too, Irene. I will take care of Seulgi

After she type the message, Irene couldn't help but to burst herself into tears. She can't take the pain in her heart anymore. It's too painful and she can't take it anymore. Joy on the other hand sigh before pulll Irene to her embrace and pat the older girl back. Joy knows it will take a lot of time for Irene to heal and she promise herself she will always be there for Irene anytime she needs her. 

"I'm here Irene-ah. I'm here"


1 month had pass(I'm sorry to fast forward this)

"Please hold the next meeting. I need to see something before heading to the meeting" 

"Yes Miss Bae"

The girl wearing her white blazer with sleeves slide up to her elbows, she walk towards her desk and quickly take a look to the drafts her emplyees had sent her. It's the topics for her next meeting and she need to read it again before going to the meeting later. 

After her encounter with Seulgi in the hospital, Irene was never been herself lately. She have herself busy with work and didn't get herself enough rest. But she had make sure to eat and consume lots of vitamins to maintain her health. But everyone knew it won't ever enough. Even Jisoo had told Irene several times to give her body rest but Irene is stubborn just like Jisoo. 

Irene didn't listen and a few days ago she was found collapsed in her office. Eventually her secretary took her to the hospital and she received IV injection. The doctor had told her to take a rest. Bed rest to be specific. But the girl won't listen. Jisoo and Jennie decided to continue their vacation until the end of the month. In two days they both will go back to the States. Meanwhile they are here, they went to several places they never went to. 

Being the stubborn girl, Irene went straight back to work the next day and Jisoo can't believe her sister acted like that. Jisoo and Jennie notice how Irene have been acting weird lately. The older girl barely talk in the house and most of the time she spent when there is no work is dazing off. Joy always manage to visit Irene after she finish her work and she said to Jisoo and Jennie this is how Irene deal with herself.

She is trying to accept things for what she did to herself and mostly to the person she love. She is trying to endure the pain she feeling by working her a** off. Joy told them to just let Irene be like that. What the older girl wants right now is just her time alone to think and endure the feeling. 

Meanwhile, Jisoo had told Jennie that she will finish everything between her and Seulgi. But everytime she wanted to do that Seulgi always runs away. She called the girl several times to meet up but it seems the girl is afraid if it was a trick for Irene to meet Seulgi. Jisoo almost burst into anger seeing how coward Seulgi is but Jennie told her Seulgi might need time and Jennie told Jisoo that she is also a coward, literally right on her face. Yet Jisoo can't denied it though because yeah she is a coward too.

So days went by acting as normal as they could even though when you look deep, you will notice Irene and Seulgi is never going to be fine. They endure all the pain by acting normal. Doing their normal daily routines just to make themself believe that everything is okay. Seulgi went to her office everyday acting like nothing happened and then went back home at five in the evening only to jump to her bed and cried all night before fallen asleep. Not much different happen to Irene though. She came home late at night only to spent most of her time in her office. Dazing off and sometimes reading the reports her employees had sent.

And then went straight home only to lying down on the bed didn't bother to cleaned herself then fell asleep after cried herself out. 

Today is not much diffence than the other days. Irene went straight to her office and push her a** off during meetings. Knock on the door waking her up after focusing herself with today's meeting and happened to be her secretary.

"Miss Bae, it's time for the meeting"

"Yes, I finished reading it. Let's go" 


After the long day and busy day in the lab, Seulgi stretch her body and yawn. Today has been tough since the time she came to the office. A lot of experiment she need to handle today also she attended a seminar for high school students before she went back to the lab and continues her new experiment.

Her body surely feel numb and tired due to the hectic schedule she had today. She look at the watch on the wall and it says half pass five. Well she is half minutes late than her usual time to go home. She look at her surrounding and notice there is no more person in the lab. 

Then it's her call to go home. She gets up and go straight to her office then take her belongings. 1 month had pass after she met Irene in the hospital. Since then she never saw the older girl anymore. According to Wendy, Irene have been pushing her a** of at work. She heard she was hospitalized due to over work just like she used to be. Irene didn't know how much Seulgi wanted to go to the emergency room so bad after she heard the news from Wendy. 

But her feet won't collaborate with her. At the end she cried alone in her office for being sucha coward. It was one of the hardest day Seulgi had to go through. She wanted to go to Irene's office only to shout at her for being so reckless. Seulgi heard Irene went straight to the office the next day after she was discard. Irene didn't know how much strength Seulgi had to hold her desire to not come to Irene's office.

Now after 1 month had pass and Irene presence always absence, Seulgi never felt more horrible than before. She feel so useless, tired, and sad. Knowing that everytime she went to bed no one will be there sleeping beside her. Then no one will prepare breakfast for her in the morning. She feel so horrible and so messed up. This is so hard for her. Even 1 month had pass, she hasn't get used to going home alone. Walking by herself. While usually Irene will always pick her up and then they will have dinner together. Either in a restaurant or cook dinner together at home.

Deep down Seulgi miss it so much. Especially the presence of Irene. But so far she isn't ready to face the older girl. Her heart still hurt with the pain the older caused and at the same time she also hurt because of the decision she had made to stay away from Irene. Just thinking how their relationship had gone down like this give Seulgi a headache.

Right now she wishes to just go home and give her body rest but her plan should be postpone for a little while when she see someone standing right infront of her office building. Standing alone there with her long coat and long sleeve sweater underneath the coat. Her hair went straight down looking all beautiful like how Seulgi always remember her from the past. Beside Irene, she also has been ignoring Jisoo. She has been calling her a few times asking her to meet with her. But Seulgi always refuse to meet her remembering the pain Jisoo had caused in the past. But right now she can't seems to ignore the girl though.

Jisoo was looking to the sky and then she realize the girl she has been waiting for one hour is standing not far from her. Both of them exchanging stare before Seulgi walk towards her. As always, Seulgi always look beautiful and adorable in Jisoo eyes. With her cute bangs and her hair is tied in bun style, Seulgi always look cute with that hair style. Especially with her round glass on her face. She look like a baby bear. But right now her heart didn't beat harder for Seulgi. She find it weird but at the same time she realize how she had forgotten her feeling for Seulgi and the one in her heart right now is only Jennie. The girl she love the most and possibly will be her fiance soon after she finish what she had between Seulgi. That is what she want to do right now. 

"Hi, Seulgi" the bear nod.

"I know you don't want to see me nor talk to me but I think it's best for us to finish everything right now" 

"I agree" Jisoo smirk.

"I guess you can't run away from me since I came here and waited you for one hour" 

"Yeah...sorry for being a coward. I guess you're very tired now. I know a cafe around here. If you like to talk, let's talk there" 

"Sure. Please lead the way"


Sitting on her usual desk office inside her own office, looking at the beautiful scenery of Seoul at night after a long meeting didn't make her feel better. It's 7 pm and no more work waiting for her yet she didn't want to go home. Even after long meeting and lots of paper work she did awhile ago, her mind still wandering around to Seulgi. It's been one month and she never got herself near the girl.

She didn't even spying on the girl anymore and it's eating her alive. Her heart cryiing to see her and wanting to hug the girl so bad. But she knows she can't do that. Right now all she can do is thinking of what the monolid girl could possibly be doing right now. Probably she has arrived at home and having dinner together with Yeri. In the middle of her day dreaming, a phone call wake her up. It's Joy.

"Hey" say Joy.

"Hey. You finished your surgery?" 

"Yeah. Sorry to call you at this time. Are you busy?"

"No. Just finished the meeting half minutes ago"

"Oh. Just checking on you. Want me to pick you up?"

"No thanks. I still have Minho waiting for me at the basement" 

"Alright then. Don't forget to eat dinner"

"Mm. I will"

"Okay. Take a rest, unnie"

"You too"

Irene hang up the phone and look straight to the window infront of her. Before she go home, she want to visit a place. A place with lots of memories together with the monolid girl. Also a place where she find peace for her mind.


Hangang river always welcome lots of couples to date there. Sometimes they sitted on the grass and admiring the beautiful view infront of them or just hanging around the river. Irene take her time walking around the Hangang river while squeezing herself with the coat she's wearing. The night wind is cold considering it will be winter next month. 

Irene always remember how Seulgi used to hug her when the Air Con in her house is too cold. Whether than changing the temperature, Seulgi prefer to make Irene warm with her hug. It's cheesy yet romantic. Irene always told Seulgi to change the temperature but Seulgi always refuse then she will come up to Irene and wrap her arms around the older girl body and squeeze her gently.

Irene always find comfort and warm when she's around Seulgi. Being here with the cold weather, she can't rely herself to the monolid girl and what she can do right now to warm her body by herself. Squeezing her body tightly with the coat she's wearing and sometimes blow her hands.

Once she reach the bench she used to sit with Seulgi, she let out a sigh. Everytime she came here she always hope Seulgi will be here sitting alone. But Irene knew Seulgi won't ever come here since she knows this is the place where Irene always be when she is sad. So this place will be the last place Seulgi ever be. 

Irene let out a heavy sigh seeing the sit is empty. She turn around decided to go back home. But her steps stop the moment she saw her. The only girl in her heart and will always be until her death come. She's wearing the same coat Irene wear. Blue navy coat which they bought for their second anniversary. Irene can't deny the fact that Seulgi look so cute with her hair tied in bun and the usual round glass she sometimes wear. 

Both of them staring at each other and their eyes tels everything. The feeling of missing each other and just the love they have for each other. Irene can't help but to be happy seeing the monolid girl look fine and healthy. She still the same old Seulgi from the outside. But Irene don't know what have change inside the monolid girl.

The same feeling happen to Seulgi. The moment she walk towards the bench and saw the familiar figure standing not far from the bench, she knew imidietly who that is. If she always ignoring the older girl all this time, right now she decided not to. She brave herself walking towards the girl but imidietly stop her steps when the girl turn around. That moment when both of them exchanging stares, Seulgi realize how she miss the girl very much. Looking at the girl look so healthy yet there is still sadness that can be seen through her eyes, Seulgi heart sank. She must have hurted the older girl a lot. 

Also Seulgi notice the cold wind this night. Seeing Irene wearing the exact same coat just like her, she knows the girl is feeling too cold with the wind tonight. She also see how Irene squeezing herself with the coat. She realize how much she miss hugging the girl to just give her warm and comfort. 

"H-hey" say Irene trying to breaking the silent.

"Hi" Seulgi say.

"How are you?" It took seconds for Seulgi to answer because she's trying to think of what she should say. Irene who notice was about to say something when Seulgi cut her.

"You cold?" 

Irene is surprise to see Seulgi is still care for her in the time they need space. Knowing that really warms her heart.

"A little"

Again. It took seconds for Seulgi to speak. She realize how coward she is but after what happened to her today, she want to push herself to something she never did before. It's to speak up. Brave. Better late than never.

"May I hug you and give you warm?"

The time Seulgi said that, Irene knew Seulgi never change. The space between them is the time for Seulgi to think. She may lost her way due to the pain Irene had caused and she is trying to find way back home. Right noow Seulgi is close on her way back home and Irene just need to wait a little bit more for the monolid girl finally back home.

Irene nodded faintly answering the offer Seulgi asked. Then she took a small steps trying to make sure if it's okay for her to come closer. Once Irene is just an inch away from Seulgi, she look straight to the beautiful monolid eyes. Those eyes are beautiful and Irene will dedicated herself to stare and admire those eyes for the rest of her life. Slowly but consistent, she wrap her hands around the monolid girl gently and lies her head on the monolid girl chest. She's home. She finally felt at ease and peace inside Seulgi's hug.

The moment Irene hug her, all she can feel is comfort and just feel all the pain she felt gone. The weight she's been carrying all this time gone the moment Irene hug her. She can finally breath normally. All this time even coming back to her old house after work never made her felt at home. She realize all this time she lost her way and craving to find her way back home. Now with Irene besides her, hugging her like there is no tomorrow, she realize all this time she has been away from her home. And that is Irene. Irene is her home and right now she has find her way back home. Her home has always been Irene and will always be her. 

"I'm finally home, Irene. Thank you for waiting for me" Seulgi whispering. She hug Irene so tight but gently and caress the older girl hair. She miss the lavender smell and everything about Irene. She miss her home...very much.



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Chapter 23: Seulgi is a coward just like me
Chapter 9: Jisoo is the main character in their minds
Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #3
Chapter 28: ❤❤❤❤❤
Kavabeann #4
feel like i have read this before
Chapter 28: AHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH i can't seulgi, you're so hilarious XD
thank you for this, i really love it <3

hwaiting for your new story!
i'll be waiting tho :D
zjkdlin0121 #7
Chapter 27: Another epilogue hehehe
Chapter 27: wowowoooooo i looooove it :****
big YES for another epilogue <3
just make seulgi suffer with joohyun pregnancy, i'd love to see her trying LOL
whipped kang is always good XD
Chapter 26: a pregnant joohyun and a silly seulgi would be nice LOL
ahhahahahahah don't mind me i just like that idea so much
but whatever you want to write it will be great tho <3
over all your plot is good because there's no third party i don't know why i hate that kind of thing
as you can see they always put seulrene stories with someone and then make them back to each other arms and i hate it so much
but you prove me wrong and i appreciate it a lot, thank you <3
