

Waking up to where Seulgi used to slept during their first encounter reminds her of those beautiful time she had with Seulgi. The time where they went to the Amusement Park and she literally had a heart attack due to the ride they went to. Then when Irene brought her here after what happened in Namsan Tower. Minho lies Seulgi gently on the bed and all Irene can saw was how peaceful Seulgi look when she was asleep.

Just by staring at Seulgi face her heart never stop beating so fast for that girl. Never realize such a secret would make them come to this state. She hate to be the reason they ended up like this. And by waking up in this room trigger her memories and feeling. Before going out, she make sure to clean herself up since probably yesterday she was drowned in sadness and cried herself out didn't even realized where she ended up in. 

After got herself cleaned up, she went downstair and smell something delicious being cook in the kitchen. She hasn't see Jisoo after she was brought home. Probably still sleeping in her room. Jisoo rarely wakes up at this hour when she's in a holiday. That girl always lazy. By the time she went to the kitchen, she saw Jennie getting herself busy with the kimchi fried rice she is cooking. Irene let out a faint smile before open the fridge and surprise Jennie because of that.

"You surprised me"

"Sorry. I didn't want to disturb you" Jennie chuckle.

Irene grab herself box of milk and pour it in the glass she took from the cabinet above. 

"So how is my sister doing?"

"I talk to her"


"Well you know her. She still hesitate but I know she will do it" 

Irene nodded and took a sit on the mini bar facing Jennie who is busy cooking. She took a sip of the milk while staring at Jennie and smile a little. 

"I didn't know you can cook"

"It's because we prefered delivery back in the days"


The brunnette girl finally finished cooking and she put the dish right infront of Irene and she sit across Irene. Both of them recalls back to the days they were having so much fun together as two best friends. Smiling together everyday and doing homeworks together until dark. They were happy back then and things got complicated when they were introduced with the word love. 

"Sitting together like this makes me remember what we had back in the days" said Irene with a smirk on her face.

"Yeah it was fun back then" 

"It came up to my mind lately that...maybe we were destined to met each other but never was meant to be together"

"but never was meant to be together" they said the last line together and both of them stare at each other before laughing.

"Guess we had the same thought" said Jennie and Irene nodded.

"So how are you doing? How's Seulgi?" Irene let out a sigh.

"I suppose it didn't went well"

"What do you expect Jennie-ah? All of this start because of me and she's hurting because of me. None of this will end up well" 

"Hey, I know. If can't sort things out with Seulgi yet maybe starting with your sister will be a good start" said Jennie while pointing at the stairs where the younger girl stand.

Irene turn around and saw Jisoo with her pajama on with her sleepy face but still looking at her blankly. She sigh. Maybe Jennie's right. Dealing with Jisoo will be a good start to settle everything. Might as well talking about her sister relationship with Seulgi. But she will get through it later. What matters right now is the problem between sisters. 

Jennie knows the sisters need to settle this quickly. Besides Jennie doesn't want to live any longer under the same roof with both people living so close yet so far. She hates to see the sisters acting like strangers to each other. So maybe talking all the problem during breakfast will sort everything out. She pat Irene shoulder before going to Jisoo and give her a morning kiss then leaving the two sisters alone in the house. 

Both of them stare at each other before Irene ask her to sit with her in the kitchen together with the kimchi fried rice Jennie had made.


"Unnie you haven't eating breakfast since three days ago. Plus I think I never saw you eating dinner" said Yeri.

"I'm fine, Yeri. Just finish your breakfast. I will be going to the office now"


Seulgi didn't mind Yeri. She left the house imidietly and take a walk to her office. Last night she didn't get enough sleep. Guess why. Well she was crying last night. Can't help the pain she is feeling until now. The moment she left Irene she can hear Irene crying so bad and all she wanted to do was cameback and hugged her tight. 

The least thing she ever wanted to do to Irene was making her cry. Yet she did. But all this won't happened if only Irene trusted her and Irene had betray her trust. What's more painful is that even though she hate the girl so much her heart still love her. Even though how much she had told to herself she hate the girl and she wanted to move on, everything seem didn't work out. 

She still find herself dazing off, recalls back to their memories together, and the most painful feeling is that she miss her so bad yet she can't see her. It was the most painful feeling she ever had. Last night she cried on her bed pleading for the pain to go but it never go. Like it's stuck in her heart. But eventually she went to sleep only to woke up half minutes later due to the sunlight coming through her bedroom.

Then she realize it's morning and she should get ready for a new day. She feel so miserable and messed up but she knew she have to act normal. Act strong and tell everyone she's okay. But deep down she's not. Seulgi let out a heavy sigh before going inside her office. Since this morning she realize Irene didn't call her. It only mean the girl understand the message she sent yesterday.

Is she should be happy and glad? No. She felt alot worse knowing Irene won't lies her hands again on her and won't give her calls indicating she still care for her...she never felt worse than this one.  

*knock knock

"Come in" said Seulgi still bus putting her belongings.

"Professor Seulgi. I was ordered to send you this file. This is the file referring to the latest experiment you have" said her junior whose is known as Park Chaeyoung but she prefer to be call Rose.

"Thank you Rose. Just put it on my desk and you can go" 

"Yes professor" Rose do as what she told to but before she leave, she stand right where she stood and Seulgi seems to notice her.

"What is it Rose?"

"I-I'm sorry if I cross the line Professor. But you've been acting odd lately. I was wondering if anything happened to you" 

Seulgi didn't know if she can answer it or not because all she can feel and remember right now is the pain Irene had caused. Her heart hurt and sank the moment Irene's face pop up on her mind. She thought office will be the place where she can let things that happened in her private life go for awhile. But it seems the pain will always be there no matter where she goes. 

Seeing the professor didn't say anything and just daze off behind her desk, Rose decided its best if she go out. She really felt bad for asking that question. She realized her professor must be having a serious problem with her private life. She regret asking her that because it seems her question triggered Seulgi.  

Once Rose left the room, Seulgi can't help but to heavily sigh and try herself to not cry. She's at work she have to act professional and what she can do right now is working. Yeah. She need to push away the thought about Irene and get herself busy with the paper works. 

Seulgi never left her office room. She push herself to her limit didn't even care with the risk of over working.


"Why did you do it, unnie?" 

The two sisters sit across each other in the kitchen not even touchiing the kimchi fried rice Jennie had cooked. Situation between them is not good at all. Not even comfortable for them to eat. It's very intense feeling and both of them just wanted to finish all of this real fast. But there is a pause before Jisoo started talking. They both have a lot going on in their minds that they didn't know where to start.

"It's true the purpose is to bring Seulgi to you. But then I found out how she was doing back then and her condition was worst than I thought. I decided before I bring her to you, I will try to at least lessen the pain she had. But during that time I found myself falling inlove with Seulgi and I knew she won't lies her eyes on me because she still love you" 

"I know that. I know she is that kind of person"

"Then I found out you're dating Jennie. That's when I thought I really did the wrong thing and I was thinking I should probably go back. But Seulgi and I grew really close to each other and I knew how fragile she was that I couldn't leave her. I need to stay....for her" 

"And that's when Seulgi finally grew close to you and fall inlove with you" Jisoo added her sentence and Irene nodded. 

"My plan was to bring Seulgi back to you but that plan has ruined the moment you told me you are dating Jennie. Years after that I got myself dating with Seulgi and help her get through all the pain she had. This problem just trigger her pain in the past and I know it must be alot more painful knowing that I'm the one who hurted her"

Jisoo sigh heavily. At some point her heart hurt hearing Seulgi condition back then. All of it happened because of her. 

"She must be hurting so much" Jisoo whisper. 

"I never meant any of this to happened Jisoo-ah. I was protecting you both. I knew how much Seulgi was in pain in the past and bringing you in our topics, I scared it will triger her even though years had pass. Also not telling you that Jennie is my ex is just another thing I need to do to protect you. I didn't want to ruin your relationship with Jennie. I know how much you love her and I also know how much you put hatred to the girl who hurted me in the past. But please do know that me and Jennie had finished everything in the past. She apologized to me and I forgive her" 

Now Jisoo knew the reason behind Irene's action, Jisoo didn't know what to do. But she do realize all this long both of them have been trying to protect each other. To make both of them happy in their own ways. She went to Korea to find the girl who hurted her sister. Leaving what she had in LA and came to the place she never had memories of. Meanwhile Irene went to Korea to bring back Seulgi because she thought Jisoo still inlove with her and she still hurting because she left the monolid girl in Korea. 

Both sister are trying their best to make each other happy but ended up making a mess. Sure they have a really strong bond to each other. Maybe it's time for them to start opening up to each other. 

"I'm sorry Jisoo-ah. For lying to you. For messing up. I failed to become a good sister for you" 

"Unnie. I agreed. You really mess things up but don't you ever say you are not a good sister for me. You will always be the best sister for me. Despite the things you had messed up, you're still my sister no matter what and I will always look up to you" 

It was one of the best compliment Jisoo ever told her. Irene is touched. She almost shed tears because this is her first time hearing such a beautiful compliment from Jisoo. She realized they both rarely talk like this. Talking heart to heart. Well both of them was away from each other for too long that they didn't really have time to be together like this. Sitting across each other and compliment each other.

Jisoo seems to notice Irene's face. Her eyes is getting teary but the older girl try her best to hold the tears. She grab the back of her neck acting so awkward since she find the situation kind a awkward. It's their first time in awhile sitting together in the kitchen talking a serious topic. Seeing her sister almost cry, she just didn't know what to do.

"U-unnie. Don't cry. I really don't know what to do in this kind of situation" Irene chuckle and it make her don't want to cry and laugh.

"Weird isn't it. It's been awhile though. Sitting together like this" Jisoo nodded.

"At least everything seems clear now" Irene nodded. 

"I forgive you unnie. We both wanted to do what best for each other but everything was messed up then at the end we found our way back" 

"Thank you Jisoo-ah. I really appreciate it" 

Both girls smile at each other and everything seems to be okay. They handle it pretty well.

"Let's dig in. I don't want Jennie to be mad at me the moment she comes in and still see her dish haven't been touch yet" said Jisoo and Irene laugh at it. But before they could eat, Irene speaks up.

"You promise me you will settle everything with Seulgi...right?" 

"You have my word" 


It pass 6pm yet Seulgi is still in her office. Dealing with some paper works didn't realize it's already dark. She didn't go out from her office ever since she got in. Didn't even go out to get lunch with her colleague. She push herself and didn't realize she make herself exhausted due to over work. 

When the final paper work is done, she finally get to rest her body and close her eyes for a moment. She didn't get enough sleep last night and she feel her head is going to explode any time. She check the time on her phone and is ready to go out, take her belongings when suddenly she feel something in her nose. She touch her nose hole only to see bloods. Not long after that she feel her head spinning and her head feel so heavy. Moments later she got herself lying unconcious on the floor with bloods still running from her nose.


Irene was taking a rest in her bedroom while Jennie and Jisoo spent most of their time in the living room. Trying to catching up to some movies in the netflix. Irene can hear they're giggles out there and she shook her head everytime she heard that. Meanwhile her mind is still occupied with Seulgi. 

Thinking of what the monolid girl is doing right now and seeing the time, she probably heading home right now. How she miss it. Picking the monolid girl and then drive them to the nearest restaurant and have dinner together. It's her temptation for lying to Seulgi and she must deal with the pain she having right now. 

Staring at the empty ceiling of her bedroom, she keep remembering their time together in here. Lots of things had been going inside this bedroom. Without Seulgi the room feel so empty and quiet. Oh how she misses the girl so much. The warm hug she always give her before they go to bed. Always manage to cuddle before going to sleep. But now she's alone inside the empty and cold room. She wish Seulgi is here to warm her. 

In the middle of her day dreaming, her phone ringing and it's Wendy who happened to be the caller.

"Wendy? What's wrong?"

"Hey. Seulgi collapse. I brought her to the hospital as soon as I got a phone call from one of her colleagues"

Irene get off from her bed looking so alert of what Wendy had said.

"Text me the location. I'm coming over" 

Irene quickly got herself change and went straight downstairs only to get the two people who were having so much fun in the living room look confuse at her. 

"Irene what's going on?" ask Jennie.

"Seulgi collapsed. She's in the hospital right now" Irene said and didn't bother to wait for Jennie and Jisoo.

The two lovebird imidietly follow Irene. Good thing they didn't get change to pajama because they plan to have a date outside but then Jisoo was too lazy to go so they decided to stay in the house. Luckily they didn't changed so they followed Irene to her car and went straight to the hospital Wendy had texted Irene. 

Irene feel her adrenaline rushing so fast. She isn't patient. She is very worried and anxious if anything happen to Seulgi she will blame herself for everything. She is the reason for the things that happening to Seulgi right now and she hates herself for it. She clearly had promised to stay with her and will always be there for her. But now everything is ruin because of her. 

Jisoo who sit right next to her looks really worried. Not only for Irene but for Seulgi too. She just hope for the best for Seulgi hoping that it's nothing serious.

The moment they arrived at the hospital, Irene rush to the emergency room and imidietly spot Wendy in the fron of the ward where Seulgi is sleeping with injection in her hand. Her face look pale but still she always look at peace everytime she asleep. Still feeling the adrenaline in her body, Wendy hug Irene to help the older girl relax for a little bit. 

"She's fine nothing serious. She push herself over work and Yeri also told me she didn't eat anything and the girl is lack of sleeping"

"She's a mess Wendy. She lying there because of me. Because of what I had done to her" 

"Don't blame yourself"

Before Irene could say anything, Jisoo and Jennie arrived. It seems Jisoo had asked what happened to Seulgi since she is a doctor she understand Seulgi condition and know what she have to do once Seulgi is okay to go home.

"Hey.I asked the doctor and he said Seulgi is alright. She pushing herself to hard on working and she need bed rest for several days. She will discard tomorrow after she received the IV. Meanwhile let her rest" Jisoo explain and Irene exhale in relieve. 


I'm sorry Seulgi-ah. For being the reason you're lying here. I'm sorry for lying to you I know it's not right and please. Please forgive me for what I had done. I never meant to hurt you. Once you wake up, I promise you I won't hurt you again. No more secrets between us. Seulgi-ah. I'm sorry. I'm really sorry. - Irene

That night, Irene didn't went home. She stays right beside Seulgi didn't even care if the monolid girl push her away once she wakes up. All she wanted right now is stay right beside Seulgi and take good care of her. She feel indebt towards the monolid girl that she couldn't stop crying beside her. Meanwhile Jennie, Jisoo, and Wendy made sure they will come again tomorrow morning before Seulgi discard from the hospital. For now, they went back home and let the two girls alone. 

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Chapter 23: Seulgi is a coward just like me
Chapter 9: Jisoo is the main character in their minds
Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #3
Chapter 28: ❤❤❤❤❤
Kavabeann #4
feel like i have read this before
Chapter 28: AHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH i can't seulgi, you're so hilarious XD
thank you for this, i really love it <3

hwaiting for your new story!
i'll be waiting tho :D
zjkdlin0121 #7
Chapter 27: Another epilogue hehehe
Chapter 27: wowowoooooo i looooove it :****
big YES for another epilogue <3
just make seulgi suffer with joohyun pregnancy, i'd love to see her trying LOL
whipped kang is always good XD
Chapter 26: a pregnant joohyun and a silly seulgi would be nice LOL
ahhahahahahah don't mind me i just like that idea so much
but whatever you want to write it will be great tho <3
over all your plot is good because there's no third party i don't know why i hate that kind of thing
as you can see they always put seulrene stories with someone and then make them back to each other arms and i hate it so much
but you prove me wrong and i appreciate it a lot, thank you <3
