

Seulgi didn't planned to get back home after she took her food. She planning on going for a walk to ease her mind a bit after what happened today in the university. The girl she saw was the same theg irl she saw in the hospital. She really look a lot like Jisoo and Seulgi couldn't stop herself from wanting her to be Jisoo. She wanted her to be Jisoo. She miss her so bad. Chicken also Jisoo's favorite food. She remember Jisoo used to crave chicken so much that she begged Seulgi to bought her chicken on her birthday. Seulgi obeyed and bought Jisoo two bucket of chicken and the birthday girl was beyond happy. Like her life depends on chicken.

The sky had turned dark and the sky full of stars. Seulgi remember they used to admired the beautiful night sky of Seoul back in the old days. It's pathetic. Knowing it's been years since they last met yet Seulgi couldn't get Jisoo out of her mind. That girl is too precious for Seulgi. No one can forget their first love and that what's been bothering Seulgi since who knows when. Everyday she wish Jisoo would comeback but what happen is someone else come. Some resemble Jisoo almost 100%.

"If only you're here" said Seulgi while looking up to the sky.

Seulgi found herself walking to a park. A lot of people are there taking a walk. Some of them are couple. Being all lovely together, hand in hand. Seulgi wish it could be her and Jisoo. If only she didn't left, maybe she won't be so fragile right now. Maybe Seulgi won't have this mindset if Jisoo still here. She won't be afraid of what people are saying and possibly dating with Jisoo right now.

But even the world are changing, Seulgi is still stuck in the past. She's afraid even after Wendy told her it's okay right now. To be different . Eventually she held back her tears, her desire back to herself. Only so people won't be scared of her. But nowadays no one give a damn thing about it. Lesbian, gays, transgender, no one give a damn about them. It is their freedom and people are free to choose their ual preference.

Seulgi let out a sigh. She look around the park only to see occupied benches. Only she found one bench near the lake occupied by one person only. Lazily she went to the bench hoping no one sit there beside that one person.

"Sorry, is this seat taken?" ask Seulgi to the person who had her head low. Seulgi wasn't expecting more drama coming to her life. But like the world against her will, she is very shock right now to see who the person is.

Looks like she's not the only one to be surprise. The girl in the hospital. She's sitting on this bench with sadness hiding behind her shock expression. Seulgi wonder how small the world is because it seems she just met her this afternoon in the university and now she met her again at night.

"You" said both of them.

Seulgi clear awkwardly, goes the same with the girl. She really wanted to know how the world works. How can she met the least person she wanted to see right now? At the moment she really don't want to meet her. Seulgi stay where she is standing. Didn't even bother to take a sit beside the girl. She really wanted to run away but it will be rude of her. It seems the girl also didn't know what to do and she look so awkward right now. Seulgi was about to say something when the girl speak.

"You're the girl I bump to in the I right?"

"Y-yes" the girl nod.

"You asked if this is taken" this time Seulgi nod.

"No. It's not taken so you can sit here"

Seulgi bite her lips a little too hesitated to sit there. Afterall it so awkward. But the girl smile making sure it's okay for her to sit there even though Seulgi could see slidely awkward feeling from the girl.

Eventually, Seulgi take a sit beside the girl and her eyes see straight to the lake. Truthfully, Seulgi wanted to go home right now. She feel so awkward especially with her heart beating so fast. She feel uncomfortable in here and she really wish she didn't walk to this park. She should have walk straight back home.

"I'm Irene" said the girl making Seulgi shock.

Seulgi gulp. She is rather nervous nor awkward with this situation yet she find herself take the girl hand and shake it.

"Seulgi. N-nice to meet you" Irene nod.

"I think it's our third time meeting, right?" ask Irene.

"Oh? D-did you see me in the university?"

"Slightly, yes. But I was with my friend the other day so..." Seulgi nod.

Then the situation become silent. Neither both of them hesitate to open another conversation. Until a phone call come, breaking the silent. It's Irene phone.

"Sorry, I need to take this" Seulgi nod with a smile.


"Oh. Okay. I'm heading home" said Irene before ended the call.

Even when Seulgi wanted so bad to go home, there is a slight hope they stay like this a little longer. She wanted to talk a little longer with Irene. She didn't know, she just feel like she's with Jisoo. But she's just a coward. Also it's kind a weird considering they just open a simple conversation and it's not really a going to be friend conversation.

"Umm, I have to go"

"Yeah, yeah sure"

"It's nice to meet you Seulgi. Hope to see you again in the future" said Irene then she left, leaving Seulgi smiling to herself like a stupid girl.


"So? She just said sorry and that's it?"

Currently, Joy crash to Irene's house after several surgeries in the hospital. Irene knew Joy was curious about her meeting with Jennie today. Honestly, Irene didn't want to talk about it especially after what happened in the cafe. She wanted to forget about it. Probably it's time for her to move on. What's with the sudden decision? Well, Irene isn't the same anymore.

She grew stronger every year and after what happened today with Jennie, she had decided it's time for her to move on. Even though it's still sad her to know that Jennie doesn't belong to her anymore, she must move on. She have to.

"It already happened, Joy"

"Seriously, I'm expecting more than just a sorry"

"What do you expect Joy? Did you really expected her to slap me on the face?" Joy nod.


Joy let out a laugh. Both of them sitting on the couch in Irene's living room with two glasses of red wine. It's Joy first time in Irene's house. She never been to Irene's house in Korea and to her it look amazing. With a big front garden and two floor home with modern design inside, the house look elegant inside and outside. It's pretty big actually for Irene to live here alone. But since it's her family old house it only make sense why it so big.

"What is your next plan?"

"Move on. She want me to move on and seeing how she had moved on long time ago, I probably should had done that too"

"Well, I'm always here unnie. Just to let you know"

Irene smile.

For the next hour, Joy keep talking about her surgeries. She talk about her patient and what will be her schedule for tomorrow morning. Also, Irene shared her plan for tomorrow. She will start working tomorrow. Probably heading to her new office and start handling some business in Korea. According to her secretary, she will be having a meeting with the staff for a introduction to the new chief.

But for Irene, they didn't really have to do that. She's only in Korea for awhile. After the company condition getting better, Irene will be back to the United State where she belong. Afterall she didn't really have plan to stay in Korea for long. Especially after she met Jennie.

Speaking of Jennie...



Come to the university tomorrow. I have something to give you

The moment Irene read the massage, she wanted to ignore it and leave it be. But she need to finish everything with Jennie. Everything. She doesn't want to move on if she haven't clear everything with her. Maybe after that she can move on peacefully. She didn't bother to tell Joy because that girl already know.

Irene is just like a book for Jennie and Joy. Only by seeing her face, everyone can know something happen. Joy just guess who sent massage to Irene because she rarely got one. Since she doesn't really have much friends also her clients doesn't really send massage to her, Joy notice imidietly it was Jennie who sent the massage.

"I can go with you if you want"

"No. I will deal with her. I think I can't move on if I haven't settle everything with her"

"I know. Just make sure you had everything finish with her"

Irene nod.


Irene decided to go to the university before going to her office. She walk confidently through the science building. She headed towards the hallway to Jennie's office. Even though she kind of nervous and lazy to meet Jennie, she knew she must do this. In order to move on and leave everything in the past.

Finally she stood infront of Jennie's office door only to meet a tall man with his lab coat. He let out a smile and Irene smile too. She didn't know who he is and didn't really care. She was about to open Jennie's office door when the man speak,

"Hi. I think we met before in Professor Jennie's office. My name is Suho. Professor Suho"

"Ah...we met yesterday"


Irene didn't bother to introduce herself since she doesn't really have interest with man. So she just open Jennie's office door and left Suho hanging his hand.


"Let's make this fast, shall we?" 

"Please take a sit"

Irene sit infront of Jennie while waiting for Jennie who is looking into something in her bookshelf. She realize something different about Jennie's office. Some boxes are found there and some of her bookshelfs are empty. It's like she's moving. 

"Are you going somewhere?" ask Irene as she can't hold herself being curious of Jennie.

"Yes. I'm going to America"

"So suddenly?" 

Jennie take a sit with a book she handed it to Irene. She stare at Irene trying to think of a good explanation of her sudden departure. It may look like she move to avoid Irene but no. She had planned all this long before Irene's arrival. 

"I didn't go because of you. I had planned this before you came. Don't get suspicious too much"

"I didn't. I just asked" 

Jennie sigh. Her relationship with Irene won't get any better soon and she knew it's her fault. 

"Here. It's our yearbook back in high school. I thought you might want it since you didn't attended"

Irene take the book and stare it. She could have just send it. 

"I know. I can just send it to your house but I want to see you before my departure"

"You're leaving today?"

"No. Tomorrow and I guess you'll be busy, Miss Chief" Irene chuckled.

Guess Jennie took a little peak on what Irene's been doing for the past few years. 

"I'm sorry Joohyun. I really do"

"Hmm" Irene mumbled. 

"Guess we're okay now?" ask Jennie.

"Let's see after we meet again. Hopefully there will be no drama between us" Jennie nod and smile. 

And so Irene left Jennie's office with her high school yearbook. She wonder if her picture is in there. Soon as she walk out from Jennie's office, she went straight to the parking lot. Walking her way through the hallway only to meet beautiful monolid girl. It's like destiny. They met yesterday and today in the university. Irene didn't expect to see her in the university since it's quiet big. 

Irene let out a smile seeing the monolid girl all alone and was so focus with her book. She's guessing it's a biology book according to the cover of the book. Irene decided to approach the girl and the girl look so surprise after she look up to the person who block her way. Irene found the girl look cute with her lab coat and that's when Irene get to see her full name that was written on the right side of her lab coat. 

Kang Seulgi

Kang Seulgi...wait...she's... Irene thought.

"I-Irene-sshi" Irene looked up only to see how surprise Seulgi face is.

"Y-you're Kang Seulgi" 

"Y-yes that's my name" 

How can Irene be so dumb? She didn't realize it yesterday and she wonder how small the world is only to find the girl she's looking so easily to be found. Irene smile before continue.

"You know it's our fourth time meeting"


"Are you heading somewhere?" 

"N-not really. My next class will start in three more hours" Irene nod.

"Well, will you accompany me? I haven't take breakfast yet" 

Seulgi look a bit hesitate since she still feel so awkward around Irene. Knowing that Irene could make her heart beat so fast and making her look so dumb, Seulgi really didn't want to be around Irene. She makes her feel uncomfortable. Even thought she said she wanted to stay beside Irene a little longer yesterday, but still. That girl really get her so nervous everytime they met.


"I won't take no as an answer" 

Seulgi gulp. Irene look even more intimidating with that deep voice of her. Eventually she found herself losing in this situation. The she nodded and Irene smile before taking her to the university canteen. Which Seulgi knew there is a lot of good food there and around this time not a lot of students are there. 


"So you're friend with Professor Jennie?" Irene nod. 

For about half hour, they've been exchanging conversation. Asking about how well Seulgi is with study and why she took biology as her major. Also talking about why Irene came to the university. Didn't take too much effort for them to make a new conversation. Irene even find Seulgi quiet a good company. Nevertheless, the girl did seem a bit nervous around Irene but she manage to calm after a few hours. 

Despite their awkward approach yesterday, today seems a bit different. Even Seulgi still feel a little intimidated around Irene, she also found Irene a really good company. But really she need to stay away from this girl. She really remind her about Jisoo. Her laugh, her smile, everything. She really need to control herself.

"Yes" Seulgi nod. Two beautiful faces. No wonder they are friend. 

"Thank you for accompany me today, Seulgi. It's really nice for having you as my company" 

"It's my pleasure, Irene-sshi"

"Please call me Irene. We're friends aren't we?" 

Seulgi is shock actually but she like the idea of being friend with Irene. Even she will having a hard time forgeting Jisoo because of how they look alike. Seulgi nod at the end and by that Seulgi knew her life won't be the same anymore. Looking back she thought Irene will see her weird but now Irene is more weird than her. Wanting to be friend with a weirdo also a nerd like her. Seulgi didn't know what it's Irene's mind but certainly she didn't think anything bad about her. 

Irene is a genuine and kind girl. Well, a very friend material. What could be so wrong about being friend with Irene? Only if Seulgi knew what's in Irene's mind, she probably won't agreed being friend with her. Irene have something in her mind. Something she knew will make her sister happy. Only a matter of time until Irene reveal herself to Seulgi and bring her back to girl who love Seulgi very much. 



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Chapter 23: Seulgi is a coward just like me
Chapter 9: Jisoo is the main character in their minds
Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #3
Chapter 28: ❤❤❤❤❤
Kavabeann #4
feel like i have read this before
Chapter 28: AHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH i can't seulgi, you're so hilarious XD
thank you for this, i really love it <3

hwaiting for your new story!
i'll be waiting tho :D
zjkdlin0121 #7
Chapter 27: Another epilogue hehehe
Chapter 27: wowowoooooo i looooove it :****
big YES for another epilogue <3
just make seulgi suffer with joohyun pregnancy, i'd love to see her trying LOL
whipped kang is always good XD
Chapter 26: a pregnant joohyun and a silly seulgi would be nice LOL
ahhahahahahah don't mind me i just like that idea so much
but whatever you want to write it will be great tho <3
over all your plot is good because there's no third party i don't know why i hate that kind of thing
as you can see they always put seulrene stories with someone and then make them back to each other arms and i hate it so much
but you prove me wrong and i appreciate it a lot, thank you <3
