Flashback-Jensoo [PART 1]


Whispers and laugthers can be heard inside the big airport called JFK Airport. Several goodbyes and hellos can be seen in here. Some people will let go of their love one, some people is waiting for their love ones to come. But among those tears and happiness, a brunnette girl coming from South Korea had decided to come to New York for vacation. After her long studies in becoming an expert in biology, she surely need a vacation before start working as a Professor. She decided to come here to find her happiness and goodbyes is never in her list. 

The brunnette girl with her black sunglass, dragging her suitcase after going through the imigration station. A smile can be seen on her face because she misses this place. It's been years since the last time she step her foot on New York. She went to New York with her mom when she was still working in the entertainment world. Her occassion was for work. As a model she came here for a photoshoot which took three days and those three days had been the most unforgettable days for her.

She travel around New York with the staffs, eat fancy food, do shopping, and mostly just walk around New York. Admiring the citizens of New York who look so busy yet still fashionable as always. Now that she come here without any work occassion, she bet she will make another amazing 2 weeks of adventures. Before she going back to South Korea and will start her first day as a professor. 

Once she's in the entrance of arrival, a man in his mid 50s wave his hand excitedly upon seeing the brunnette girl. The girl smile and walk to the man then give him a warm hug. 

"Jennie! I miss you girl!"

"Miss you too, Dad. Mom miss you too"

"Yeah, I know. Your mom has been calling me lately telling me to go back to Korea. But you know I need to handle several things here before going back to Korea"

"I know, Dad"

"So, I see you had taken your degrees! Congratulation on being a professor"

"Thanks, Dad"

"Well? Aren't you coming here to treat me lunch? It's lunch time already"

"Oh my god. I think I landed in the wrong time" joked Jennie which made the older man laugh.

"Come on, punk. Let's get yourself something to eat. You must be starving!"


"How are you and dad's doing there?"

"We're okay. But it's getting to quiet since your sister left"

"Unnie will be back soon. She promised to get back before thanksgiving. I will comeback this holiday. Make sure to make my favorite fried chickens! In New York, it's not tasty as yours!" said the girl who currently walking through the university hallway wearing her lab coat with her name printed on the left side.

Kim Jisoo

"You will be a doctor, Jisoo! Don't you know eating lots of fried chickens is not healthy?" Jisoo laugh upon hearing her mom.

"Arasseo. I should get going now. Say hi to dad for me"

"Okay. Be careful and take care, okay?"

"You too, Mom"

Kim Jisoo went straight to the university canteen only to find the place is full of people. She thought to herself what time is it and her so dumb a** forget it's lunch time. It make senses lots of student came here to eat. Usually the canteen won't be so crowded like now. But maybe today's menu is special.

Since Jisoo doesn't like to be in crowded places, she decided to eat outside the campus. After all her next class will start about 4 hours from now and she need to eat soon before continuing her study in the library. She need to study in order to maintain her good scores. Jisoo is always in the first place in every classes and she is known as the best, kind student in medical studies. She also gains popularity because of her beauty. 

But more than that, everyone is amazed at her knowledge and how intelligent she is. Many professor told her she will be a great doctor soon after she graduated. Jisoo can't wait for her to get in the field and meet patients. It's only a matter of time for it to come. Jisoo just need to be patient and study hard for that to happen. She's in her second year and according to the curricullum, she will meet patients in the fourth year(I don't know if it's true but let's just say it's true).

She spent most of her days attending classes, going to the canteen, and went to the library for searching further information. Then attending another classes before going back home and rest. Before continuing the same rutines everyday. But today she decided to deviated from her rutines.

Some of her colleagues been talking about this cafe not far from the campus. Lots of her colleagues went there for lunch time and just come down there to study. It's a Co-working space slash cafe and it appears the place is very famous because of the minimalize design. Also the place is so cozy and comfortable for students to study. So, Jisoo decided to go there. 

While walking down the sidewalks, Jisoo took her time to look at the citizens of New York. Here in New York you can see lots of peole took their time walking down the streets wearing fancy clothes or just an ordinary clothes. Laughing all together under the beautiful weather of New York. 

Never forgets how beautiful the building in New York which look very amazing. Jisoo never stop herself being amazed by the beautiful city of New York and it's been her dream to come here and study. But her dream was to come here with her love. The girl she who used to be her best friend in the past and her first love. 

It pains her everytime she remembers the monolid girl. She wonder how the girl doing right now since she had stopped sending her emails after her graduation. Telling her that it's time for her to moved on and forget everything. But Jisoo knew better. Kang Seulgi is not that kind of girl who forgets something easily. Especially love. Not to mention this is her first time loving someone and it'll be hard for her.

Morever, Seulgi had been struggling on surviving her high school life after a picture of them kissing in the airport were spreaded. It gets even more harder for Seulgi to probably move on from Jisoo. Kim Jisoo is not that different. She keep on thinking of the monolid girl. She wanted to go back to South Korea so much but she can't let go the opportunity she got during high school. She got full scholarship for medical studies in the most popular campus in New York. 

Her family also encouraged her to study med school since it's been her dream since childhood. Also her sister supported her so much and she still remembers how proud her sister was when she announced the hot news to her family during dinner time. That time, she knew she can't left for South Korea and so she decided to move on. At least try even though she still remembers the monolid girl all the time. But her profile slowly fading after several years. Sometimes, she still thinking of Seulgi and how is she doing there. 

Is she still having trouble sleeping? Is she still struggling with people opinions meanwhile the world had changed? Has she moved on? Jisoo wonder. But she can't ask that to her. She reply to any of her emails because she doens't want to give Seulgi false hope. She had told the monolid girl she doesn't like long distance relationship after what happened to her sister. After her sister told her she broke up with her first love due to long distance relationship, she always remain herself to not have a long distance relationship. 

That day, she had told Seulgi and the girl couldn't seem to accept it. But Jisoo had made her decision and it is final. She can't deny she was devastated during 6 months after leaving Korea. She gets into several fights with her sister and she couldn't focus on her study. What more devastating was that the monolid girl kept on sending her emails meanwhile all she can do was read it without replying to any of it because she doens't want to give false hope to the monolid girl. All she can do was read and cry. She knew deep inside this is all her fault. If only she was carefull that day they won't get caught and Seulgi will be just fine. But it's in the past and you can't change the past.

All you can do is change the future and that's what Jisoo been doing to Seulgi. By ignoring the monolid girl, she hopes that one day Seulgi will move on from her and so is she. 

Back to the reality, Jisoo arrived in the cafe and she can see long lines waiting to get to the cashier. Well, she didn't really mind waiting. After all this place looks good and not many people sits inside. Probably they prefer to take out and get back to works. Citizens of New York always busy and diligent.

After waiting for awhile, Jisoo finally get herself to the cashier and order. The hospitality sure is friendly and Jisoo knew why her colleagues love to be here. Most of the employees are handsomes and pretty. Not to mention, they also very friendly to the customers. Jisoo chuckled. Her colleagues probably really stress and this is how they relieves their stress. By going to a Co-working space only to admire the employees. 

Jisoo was about to walk to the chair in the corner of the cafe. But she didn't kept her eyes open to the sign infront of her, saying 'Wet Floor'. She still busy with her mind, thinking how childish her friends is. She walk through the sign didn't bother to move around it to avoid the wet floor. That's when she slipped herself and she's ready to fall down and probably get trauma injured around her head and possibility of dying due to the hard collision her head gets.

But she can't feel anything beside a warm hand wrapping around her waist and she can feel someone is breathing above her. Her eyes was close until when she realized she still alive and okay, she open herself only to meet a beautiful girl with her mandu cheeks. For awhile, Jisoo can't stop herself from admiring the beautiful girl infront of her. Her cute chipmunk cheeks made Jisoo can't hide her smile.

Jisoo can feel her heart is beating so fast and she can her cheeks getting hot. Even though she's very thankful to the girl who saved her life, she still reminded that the position they are right now is really awkward. Isn't it awkward knowing that you are sure you will fall because you slipped yourself but then ended up being saved by a stranger in this kind of position. 

The girl who saved her life, clear and she gets Jisoo to stand up. Meanwhile Jisoo still processing the beauty infront of her even though it's really awkward right now.

"S-sorry. I-I didn't mean to cross the line but you almost hit the floor" said the girl which wakes Jisoo up.

"A-ah! It's okay really. If it's not because of you I will probably be dead right now" said Jisoo which made the girl laugh. 

Jisoo clench her lips. Being all nervous infront of the new girl. Thinking if she should introduce herself. 

"My name is Jennie"

"Ah. Jisoo. Kim Jisoo" said Jisoo and the girl seems to be surprise.

"Oh? I'm a Kim too! You're Korean?" said Jennie speaking in Korean and Jisoo can't hide herself from being so excited and happy. It's not easy to find a Korean in new York. Mostly they are mixed-race and can't speak Korean. While for Jisoo, it's more comfortable for her to speak in Korean since she speak in that languange since she was born and she always speak in Korean everytime she's at home. Didn't forget she also went to Korea at her first year of high school.

"Yes, I'm Korean too! Wah It's so exciting to meet a Korean here"

"Why so?"

"Well, I rarely found a pure Korean here in New York. Most of them are mixed-race and can't speak Korean at all" Jennie nodded.

Jisoo can't stop herself from being mesmerized by those chubby cheeks and the kid smile on the girl face looks very cute on her. Then she snapped back to the reality when the girl is about to go.

"It's really nice meeting you, Kim Jisoo-sshi"

"Ah, wait!" 

"Please. Since you saved my life, let me repay your kindness" 

"It's okay, Jisoo-sshi. You don't have to go there"

"Please. I insist" said Jisoo.

Jennie seems to think about it. Only that Jisoo didn't know, Jennie been thinking about how the girl infront her is very look like Joohyun. Her ex girlfriend. Also Jisoo being hard headed and how she insisted on repaying her kindness seens just like Joohyun. The girl she love and will always. Jisoo make Jennie remembers Joohyun. After all that's why Jennie approached Jisoo at the first place. She thought she was Joohyung but it appears only a person who look like her. Maybe hanging out with Jisoo won't be bad at all. 

"Sure. But I'm with my dad right now. I just arrived here so I would like some time with my dad, if that's okay with you"

"Sure, sure. I also have class to attend in two hours"

"Ah, you're a student?" Jisoo nodded.

"Well, umm can I get your number so I will contact you soon when I'm available" said Jennie.


Both of them exchanging phone number before Jisoo left the cafe. Neither of them can't hide their smile after their short encounter. That moment, when both of them still believe they still love the girls in their past it will change after they continue to meet even after Jisoo finaly repay Jennie's kindness. 

When Jisoo insisted that she still love Seulgi, not long after her second meeting with Jennie, she come to realize she had moved on...to the mandu girl. While Jennie who still belive her heart still belongs to Joohyun even though she had cut their relationship recklessly in the past, she found herself loving Jisoo more than she loved Joohyun after several meeting with the younger girl. Both of them realize they had grew attach to each other.

When Jennie is sure that she came to New York to find happiness and never listed goodbyes on her list, by the time she should go back to Korea, she realize she have to say goodbye to Jisoo. The second most painful and hardest goodbyes she must get through even after she done it with Joohyun in the past. And it goes the same to Jisoo. She thought she will get over this whole goodbye thing in the airport but it appears she have to do it once again...to the girl who have stole her heart the first day they met in the cafe. 



"Moonbyul was checking the CCTV because it appears someone stoled equipments from the biology lab and she accidently saw the CCTV recording in the class where Irene was dragged by Professor Suho. She contacted me when she saw it. I'm his favorite student and we often contacted each other. It make sense Moonbyul contacted me because I used to visited them in the past. Moonbyul probably wanted to make sure if what she saw was true. But believe me, I couldn't belive it myself. Seeing the professor I put respect so much, is in fact a et and a . I couldn't believe that" said Joy. 

"Well you have to believe it since it's the truth! She almost Irene and thank god she used to learnt Taekwondo in the past!" said Wendy.

"Yeah thank god. Hey! How come I didn't know you used to learnt Taekwondo? I'm your best friend!" said Joy being all jealous and grumpy like always.

"It never came as a topic so why bother talking about it?" said Irene cooly.

After the police took Irene statement refering to the attempted on her, the four of them sitted in Irene's living room. Joy sitted beside Wendy and Irene sitted beside Seulgi who currently busy with her mind. More like blaming herself for giving up Irene for Professor Suho who apparently is a and a ert. 

She can't believe herself her most respected professor is that kind of person. Moreover, she can't believe she actually letting herself believe that Professor Suho is the best for Irene. He deserve her. Wow Seulgi. You really are stupid

Meanwhile Seulgi is busy with her mind, Irene have been watching her since they sitted. She knew the younger girl is blaming herself. But really none of this her fault. She didn't know anything about the professor and it's okay if she misjudge the Professor and believe that he deserve Irene more than herself.

"Seulgi" Irene called and Seulgi didn't bother to look at her. Her eyes is teary and she can't help herself to cry after that.

"I-I'm sorry, Irene. I-I-I"

Irene took Seulgi for a hug and patted Seulgi's back. 

"Shtt...it's okay. You don't know him until that far. It's okay if you're mistaken. None of this your fault"

"Irene. I-I was letting y-you g-go for h-him. Thinking that h-he de-deserve you more than I-I do"

"Seulgi-ah. You're not wrong. We all were fooled by him and it's okay. You don't have to blame yourself for that" said Wendy trying to comfort her best friend. Meanwhile, Joy beside her nodded means she agree with what Wendy had said. 

"I-I'm sorry, Irene"

"Stop apologizing and stop blaming yourself" command Irene and Seulgi just continue to cry. 

"Can I have a moment?" asked Irene to Wendy and Joy which earn nods from the two girls.

Wendy and Joy left the two of them in the living room. That's when Seulgi finally burst into tears even harder. She sobbing so hard and Irene couldn't help but to tighten her hug and patted Seulgi's back. It hurts Irene to see Seulgi like this. That's why she doesn't want to told Seulgi about Professor Suho because she knew the girl will blame herself.

But really it's okay. Seulgi didn't know her professor is capable to do that. All of his students are blinded by his degree and was fooled to give respect to him as a professor. The perfection he gave was surely very convincing and everyone fall for that including Seulgi. But it's all fake. It's all to cover up who he really is and that is a and a ert. 

No wonder if Seulgi is sure that Professor Suho deserve Irene. After all he looks really a boyfriend material yet everything about him is fake. For your information, Professor Suho has been several students since a year ago. After one of his student had with him and then left him broken. The girl left the campus after her parent asked her to go to New Zealand for more assuring studies. 

So Professor Suho was left broken and the way he relieve his broken heart is targeting random people on the streets. He injected his target with liquid that could make them paralyze for several hours, enough for him to do his action. Not only targeting random people, he also targeting students who have shown interest on him. For students, he will ask them to come to a hotel and that's when he injected them with the liquid and them for several hours before leaving them alone in the hotel.

None of the students dare to report this because of Professor Suho. If they report this to the police, their secret of having a crush to the professor will be exposed and it will only cause chaos for them. Being exhiled, being bullied. There is lots of possibility for that and that's why they remain silent. Also Professor Suho also gave them threat. After lesson, he will call the student to talk to him and that's when he gave threat. Not to report to the police or they will fail in his class and make sure they will never graduate in Biology major.

Now since Professor Suho had been caught up after Joy and Moonbyul report the CCTV records to the police, now everyone is safe.

"It's not your fault Seulgi-ah. You didn't know him"

"I-I-I'm s-sorry, I-Irene. I-I r-really s-s-stupid"

"Shtt...stop it. I hate it when you keep blaming yourself for something that is not your fault!"

But it didn't make Seulgi stop crying. Irene sigh. She can't let the girl like this or not who knows what Seulgi will do to herself next. So she pull herself away while Seulgi hiding her face behind the hair. Still crying. Irene couldn't help but to stare at her before she speaks,

"Look at me" Irene ordered.

"Look at me, Seulgi" again and Seulgi obey.

Her eyes are red and her face is puffy due to crying. She have runny nose and red nose. Shortly, Seulgi look terrible and Irene's heart is hurt to see Seugli like this.

"Listen to me. None of this is your fault. It's okay. You were fooled by his perfection and before all this, you respected him as your professor. That's okay because you didn't know what he hide behind that perfection. Now that you know, you realized he is not the perfect guy. He is an a**h*l*s. Now please do me a favor Seulgi-ah"

She stare at those red eyes before continue,

"Stop blaming yourself for something that is not your fault. If you have trouble dealing with stuffs including yourself and your insecurity, I want you to know that I'm here. Your girlfriend is here to listen to you. I'm here to make you better, to heal you. While I'm being your girlfriend, I don't want you to cry over things that wasn't your fault. I want you to be strong and in order to do that you need to trust me, Seulgi-ah. Let me in" 


"I don't want to hear you say you can't. Yes you can. You have to believe in yourself that you can and will be strong. If you sure of yourself then it will be much more easier for yourself to accept things around you. For starter, believe that this matter, it's none of your fault and that you have to blame it to Professor Suho for being such an a**h*l*s" said Irene which made Seulgi chuckled a little.

Seeing Seulgi smile, Irene felt relieved. She is sure that Seulgi will be able to change. Becoming a better person and stronger person than before. It took awhile for Seulgi to finally made her decision. With a little sobbing, she pull her heads up, stare straight to Irene's eyes with those red eyes and her face look so red which Irene found it cute even in this kind of situation. 

Seulgi clench both of her hands and showed it to Irene before saying,

"I will be stronger" said Seulgi which made Irene smile. 

"G-Guide me through this, Irene. I-I want t-to be s-stronger" Irene nodded.

"That's why I'm your girlfriend. I'm here to guide you and...to love you" 

The monolid girl couldn't hide her smile even with that puffy face she have right now and it made Irene can't help to pinch Seulgi's cheeks. That night past with both of them hugged each other and went to sleep didn't forget to cuddle for awhile before going to sleep for real. 


A little final to Professor Suho! For the next chapter I will make Jensoo part fully! I don't know how much I will make Jensoo part yet. But it won't get to 10 chapters! Hehe...For Jensoo chapter I will slip in Jisoo and Irene scene to explain a little about their fight. Everything will be flashback until it'll ended with Jensoo present time. So...yeah for Seulrene fans please wait and enjoy this Jensoo parts! I promise you it will be just good as I make Seulrene parts on the previous chapters! Enjoy and don't forget to comments, subscrive, and upvote! Hihi...




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Chapter 23: Seulgi is a coward just like me
Chapter 9: Jisoo is the main character in their minds
Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #3
Chapter 28: ❤❤❤❤❤
Kavabeann #4
feel like i have read this before
Chapter 28: AHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH i can't seulgi, you're so hilarious XD
thank you for this, i really love it <3

hwaiting for your new story!
i'll be waiting tho :D
zjkdlin0121 #7
Chapter 27: Another epilogue hehehe
Chapter 27: wowowoooooo i looooove it :****
big YES for another epilogue <3
just make seulgi suffer with joohyun pregnancy, i'd love to see her trying LOL
whipped kang is always good XD
Chapter 26: a pregnant joohyun and a silly seulgi would be nice LOL
ahhahahahahah don't mind me i just like that idea so much
but whatever you want to write it will be great tho <3
over all your plot is good because there's no third party i don't know why i hate that kind of thing
as you can see they always put seulrene stories with someone and then make them back to each other arms and i hate it so much
but you prove me wrong and i appreciate it a lot, thank you <3
