

Sunlight trying to get through the curtains in Irene's bed room. Morning has come and the sun is rising. While the two girls are still drown in their sleep. The night after Irene went to sleep, she need to wake up several times upon hearing Seulgi's crying in her dreams. It seems the monolid girl is having nightmares again. But Seulgi never wakes up. Her body is sweating and Irene have to wake up and wiped all her sweat. It pains her to see how fragile Seulgi is. This is her first time to see Seulgi having nightmares and it appears she still struggling with it in the time where she really hurting.

Irene couldn't do much but to hug Seulgi while the girl is sleeping and keep whispering that she's right here beside her. Hoping that somewhere inside her can hear Irene's voice. Even when Irene tries to wake her up the girl didn't wakes up. That's why she decided to hug the girl and it continues until the sun wakes up. Both of them facing each other while sleeping and Irene hand never leaves Seulgi's body. She keep on hugging the girl and not so long after that, the monolid girl wakes up.

She open her eyes trying to recognize the room she's in. She realized it wasn't her bed room nor the bed room she used when she's in Irene's house. The room is more cozy than the other one. The room was paint in white, the curtains are color in purple, the scent is so familiar, lavender to be specific. Then there's a small door beside the bed, Seulgi guessing it's a bathroom. Finally her eyes stop to the girl sleeping beside her peacefully.

Seulgi' couldn't help but to stare at the beautiful face beside her. Even when the older girl is sleeping, her face still remains beautiful like godness. She didn't understand how can such a beautiful person like her exist. She couldn't help but to touch her face and admiring her. Her heart beat so fast and Seulgi didn't mind it at all cause she finally realized she have fallen inlove with Irene.

How she wish she could always wakes up every morning besides her. Cuddling all day with her and just stay beside her forever like how Jisoo used to promise her that. Speaking of Jisoo, Seulgi realized she shouldn't be here. What happened last night?

Carefully she wakes up from bed not wanting to wake the older girl beside her. But Irene is a light sleeper and so she wakes up when she felt Seulgi's moving beside her. Seulgi couldn't help but to be freeze. She is surprise of course. Knowing that she's waking up beside Irene and she can't seems to remember what happened yesterday.

"You're awake" said Irene with a smile on her face. While Seulgi remain quiet, trying to remember what happened last night.

W-we didn't do anything right? I mean...What are you thinking Seul? She's straight!



"You okay?"

Seulgi a bit hesitate to ask but eventually she need to know what happened last night.

"W-what happened last night?"

Irene was thinking if it's right to tell Seulgi everything but even if she lie, sooner or later Seulgi will know. It's better to never lies even if the truth hurts.

"I was buying us hot chocolates when I felt water on my hands. I thought it will be raining soon so I went to the mini market nearby to buy an umbrella. But the moment I went out the mini market, it's raining cats and dogs. I saw you kneeling down on the floor crying. You called my names. I never meant to leave you Seul"

Ah...it happened again. I thought it had stopped. Thought Seulgi.

Seulgi nodded and didn't ask any further question. While Irene seems confused and worried for Seulgi. Being all quiet isn't Seulgi.


"I'm okay, Irene. It won't happen again"

I had proved to you that I'm always here. When will you open yourself for me, Seulgi?

Even though she's dissappointed, Irene let her go and nodded. She didn't want to push Seulgi if it the way for her to get Seulgi's trust then she'll do it. In the meantime, Irene couldn't help herself thinking of how cute Seulgi is. Wearing Joy's pajama which look a little big on her. She wish to see Seulgi every morning waking up besides her and just stay together in bed for the rest of the day.

But Irene knew she can't. She won't be able to get that unless Seulgi return her feeling. If only Seulgi love her too, maybe she'll be able to get what she had ever wanted since the day they met. Cuddling together in bed full of love not desire. She wish it could happen. Forever. She can give Seulgi forever like Jisoo had promised her before. Only now she can give it for real. She won't break the promise unlike her sister.

That could only happen if Seulgi trusted her...and fell inlove with her. But she knew it's impossible considering how Seulgi still stuck in the past and can't seem to have herself falling inlove with anyone. And Irene blames it to Jisoo. Even though she love Jisoo so much, she can't be objective when it comes to Seulgi. Her sister hurted Seulgi and Irene can't seems to forgive Jisoo unless she apoligize to the monolid girl.

While both of them seems drown into their own minds, Irene decided to break the silent.

"I'll make us breakfast. Come" said Irene and then walk out from her bed room.

Seulgi on the other hand still remain sitted in the bed. She still trying to figure out what's wrong with her. Her eyes looking around and found out that she had changed clothes. Irene told her she didn't wokes up yesterday even several times she tried to woke her up. Did Irene changed her clothes? That's when Seulgi realized the band-aid on her left arm.

Irene knows.

What confused Seulgi the most is that Irene didn't ask her anything of why she did it. She didn't even bother to ask what is wrong with her. Why? Why she do it? Seulgi knows how care Irene is for her. She can see how she acted the past one month but never once Irene ask her what is bothering her.

Damn Seulgi didn't know how curious Irene is. But what Irene care the most is Seulgi's trust. She wanted Seulgi to know that she can be trusted and that she's not pushing anything. Everything gets back to Seulgi. If she's willing to open herself to Irene and trust her, Irene knows sooner or later Seulgi will open herself up.

That's why she never ask anything to Seulgi because she respect what's called as privacy.

Seulgi gets up from the bed and went down to the dining room only to find Irene bsuy preparing for breakfast. She wanted to ask Irene why she never ask anything but she's scared of what the older girl will answer. Damn it! I'm being a coward again.

Seulgi stood behind the dining table and keep her eyes at Irene. Watching her every single move which she found it cute. How Irene look so small while doing the kitchen work.


"Oh. You're here already"

"I want to ask you something" said Seulgi which earn a hummed from Irene.

"Aren't you curious?" 

Irene doesn't have to ask any further. She knows what Seulgi refering to. Like she wasn't bother by the question, Irene keep on preparing the breakfast, leaving Seulgi without answer. While Seulgi is confuse at how Irene respond and she continues to speak.

"You put this band-aid on me right? Why aren't you asking anything?" 

Irene puts the dishes she made on the dining table and after that she stare at Seulgi. 

"Do you trust me, Seulgi?"

That question hit Seulgi hard. Trust Irene? Yes she do trust her.

"I do" 

"Then I don't need to ask you where do you get that scars from or why did you do it. If you trust me enough then all I could do is waiting. Waiting for you to finally talk about it"

And again. It hit Seulgi hard on her face. There's nothing she could say anymore. If she trust Irene enough to tell everything what's in her mind then she should have told her long time ago. She shouldn't be standing here asking Irene this question. 

Then why she didn't say it? Why she didn't have the guts to tell Irene everything? Seulgi knows Irene is here. She never leave her side. Never. She know that. Then why? Even when she told her she trusted her then why she didn't tell her? 

Irene who notice how intese Seulgi is let out a sigh. She didn't mean to get Seulgi so nervous and frighten by it. Deep down Seulgi didn't realize she is afraid. Even though she had said she trust Irene, deep down Seulgi still have this trust issue. She knows Irene is here. Beside her. But Irene knew better. 

Seulgi still afraid. Afraid if she open herself up, someday Irene will leave. Leaving her alone just like Jisoo. What about Wendy? The have been friends since years. Meanwhile Seulgi known Irene only for a month past a week. It's not enough to gain trust. 

That's why even though how many times Seulgi wanted to scream what's in her mind to Irene, she never be able to do it. Besides she doesn't want Irene to worried, she still have that trust issue. 

"For what I see, you're still afraid. Afraid if you open yourself up, the person will leave you at the end. Like what happened in your past. I know you trust me. But to fully trust me, you haven't gone there yet. It takes time and I'm willing to wait until the time you finally fully trust me"

Seulgi remain silent. She stood right where she is didn't let go of eyes from Irene. Deep down she's asking if what Irene said was right. Is she that weak? For being such a coward while the person infront of her had showed her she never leave. She always by her side. More importantly that girl trust Seulgi more than Seulgi trust herself. 

"You can take your time, Seulgi. I will wait" 

Rather than waiting for Seulgi to respond, Irene invites her to eat the breakfast and then drive her to the university. 


During Professor Suho class, Wendy notice how Seulgi wasn't focusing on the lesson which really concern her. Seulgi been like this since yesterday. Wendy wasn't used to this version of Seulgi. Usually it only took one day for Seulgi to recover but it's different today. She wonder what happened to her and Irene since she knew the moment she dropped Seulgi at her house, she went away with Irene again. Didn't know where they go.

But since Seulgi went out with Irene, Wendy know Seulgi will be safe with Irene. But it seems something happened to them and Wendy wonder what. After Professor Suho ended his class, Seulgi went out from the classroom didn't even bother to wait for Wendy. Which is really odd.

Wendy quickly grabbed her belongings and ran towards Seulgi. When she finally reach her, she tapped Seulgi's shoulder and the monolid girl stop.

"Ya, Kang Seulgi. What's wrong with you?" 

Seulgi remain quiet and her head hang down. Wendy know that sign and she was certain Seulgi is crying after she hear a soft sobs coming out from Seulgi. 

Wendy drag Seulgi for a hug and stay in that position for the remaining time until Seulgi finally calm down. 


Under the blazing sunlight in the afternoon, Seulgi and Wendy sits under the tree they usually sit on during lunch break nor waiting for the next class. After what happened in the hallway, Seulgi remain quiet. She didn't talk anything and Wendy keeps waiting for her to finally talk. 

Two cans of cola remain untouch. Seulgi is busy with her mind while Wendy is wondering what happened to her yesterday. She knows Irene wouldn't hurt Seulgi and what could possibly go wrong is Seulgi herself. For years they had known each other, Wendy knew Seulgi very well. 

Wendy was there when Seulgi needed comfort so much. She always there by her side, patiently calming the monolid girl down. She knows when the time Seulgi struggling with the demons inside her. But she thought Seulgi was okay but it appears Seulgi just hiding it. The most crucial question is, did Wendy knew Seulgi likes doing cutting?

The Canadian girl knew it will happen one day. It appears Seulgi just did it. From the way the band-aid was sticked, it wasn't too long. Probably she done it lately. She can't hide her feeling of guilt. She shouldn't have asked Seulgi that. It triggers her the most. Wendy didn't know. She thought Seulgi had enough with Jisoo and her past that it's okay to talk about Irene as her present and future. But she's wrong. 

As her best friend, Wendy is beyond worried for Seulgi. They also never hide any secrets from each other. That's what makes Wendy brave enough to ask Seulgi about the band-aid straight point.

"Did you cut yourself?" Which earn a nod from Seulgi. Wendy sigh. She's dissapppointed. Not to Seulgi. To herself for not being sensitive to her best friend. 

"Seulgi I'm so-"

"No. You don't have to Seungwan-ah. I-It's just me. I need to deal with myself for awhile that I don't want you to know it" 

"But still"

"I know. I'm sorry"

"So, why did you do it?" 

Seulgi chuckled at how straight Wendy could be. She knows Wendy is refering to the band-aid. Wendy have always been so sensitive and she still being all so humble telling her that she's not sensitive enough. There is nothing wrong with Wendy. She's sensitive enough as a person and she have been good to Seulgi all this years. The problem is Seulgi herself. 

"You know. I've been asking myself the same question you asked me the other day at Irene's house" 

"Really?" Seulgi nodded.

"Then? Is that why you cried?" Seulgi shook her head.

"Remember when I told you about how devastated I was when Jisoo left? I hated myself for being such a coward. Afraid of what I'm feeling for her and then I never had the chance to be with her...as a couple. I've been thinking lately. That the problem was never about Jisoo. It's about me. I'm the one who can't accept things. The world has changed but I don't. I'm stick with the past by believing that I still love Jisoo. But really it's not. I'm afraid to open myself to people because I'm afraid they will leave...just like how Jisoo did to me. And I being the ultimate coward, can't seems to open myself to Irene. Who apparently has always been there for me. Taking care of me. What's more shocking is that I think deeply she change me. This morning she told me herself she's been waiting for me. Waiting for me to open myself to her. Weirdly, even though I saw how she really curious about me through her eyes, she didn't asked anything. Her eyes pleaded me to open myself for her. But what I did was remain silent"


"Seungwan-ah. If you're asking do I love Irene...I do. I just realized it lately"

Wendy sigh. 

"I hate myself" 


The monolid girl turn her head facing Wendy directly to her eyes only to see Wendy's warm stare. She know that stare. The stare that shows how much Wendy care for her. The stare Wendy always use everytime she's like this. 

"There is no rush. You love Irene and I know deep down you trust her. It's not because you're not ready. From what I see, you don't want her to know the pain you had been dealing with. You want to be perfect for her. That's why you keep blaming yourself for being a coward. But really. You're not a coward. You just protect Irene from your past. Meanwhile you don't realize that the person you should protect from your past is yourself. Seulgi. You're in pain because you can't accept your past. In order to do that you need to let Irene come in. She can help you. Moreover, you need to tell her you love her. That's the only way you won't be stuck with your past. You need to forget it before it's get too late"

"I-I can't" 

"Don't you realize? Professor Suho is head over heals for Irene. Aren't you afraid he will get her?" asked Wendy. 

Seulgi knows that better than anyone. She knows how Professor Suho is keen to get Irene for him. It just a matter of time until Irene belongs to him. Eventually Seulgi realize her place. She can't. She's still afraid. She still traumatize by what happened to her in the past. How the world is so cruel to her for not being able to accept her uality. It pains her. But moreover, she didn't want Irene to be in pain like she did. 

She still see the world like the past. Where people see people like her as a virus. A virus that need to be destroy.

"Seungwan-ah. People like me...they don't like it. Liking the same gender is like a virus to them. Being different is not easy and I don't think Irene can take it. Afterall she's straight. It's better if she's with Professor Suho. People will accept her for liking a guy. Unlike me. People will hate me for the rest of their life" 

"What? Seulgi-ah. Open your eyes. We don't live under a rock. No. We don't live in Sodom! People accepted people like you. Jesus won't throw gun fire to you just because you like the same gender!"


"I don't deserve Irene, Seungwan-ah. I'm broken. Girls like Irene doesn't belong in my arms. It's a matter of time until Professor Suho gets Irene. Let him take her. I'm okay. Irene deserve him. She deserve to be love by people around her because she is straight. Unlike me. A broken human, a broken soul, who needs to be fix. Probably dead" 

"Seulgi. Love doesn't see gender! You free to love anyone! Even the same gender!"

"I can't"


By the time they heard that scream, both Wendy and Seulgi turn around only to meet the girl they had been talking for that few minutes. Seulgi never expect the girl to eavedropping a conversation. Moreover, she didn't expect the girl to be in the campus at this hour. Shouldn't she be at the office? 

Despite being surprise with the sudden visit from the older girl, Seulgi couldn't stop letting go her eyes from the older girl. She look so mad and her eyes is teary with tears. Irene is crying. Her eyes were red, her face look puffy. Her body is shaking and sweating. She looks like she just running here while crying. Overall she doesn't look like she's crying because she's sad. More like scared. 

Both Wendy and Seulgi are wondering what made the older girl look so frightened.

"I-I-I can't believe you" said Irene. Her voice is shaking. 


Then the girl ran. She ran away as fast as she could. Far away from Seulgi. It pains her to hear those words from Seulgi. How can she let her being taken by that filthy professor. 

Seulgi didn't realized she had just made the biggest mistakes in her life. 


It's past lunch break and Irene had been dealing with the board member since this morning. She really need to get some rest. For the next few hours she have free time. Sitting on her chair, she watch the beautiful scenery from her office. 

Today, Joy is busy with surgeries and she need to attend a seminar. It seems both of them are busy for today. Only have a few hours to take a rest. 

Since this morning she can't help but to busy her mind with Seulgi. Even though she's having a meeting with the board member, she can't help but to be disturb by the monolid girl. She saw how devastated Seulgi was this morning. She look really hurt, fragile, and sad. Irene didn't know how to describe her anymore. It's too painful to just remember it. 

Seulgi wasn't in her best condition today. Seeing how the monolid girl hasn't reply to any of her message really making her worried. During the meeting she take time to look at her phone and there is no sign of Seulgi. The girl didn't reply to any of her message since she dropped her off at the university.

She knew Seulgi's condition today. That's why because she had promised that she won't do the same mistake again, she went out from her office making her secretary confuse. 

As soon as Irene got into her car, she command Minho to take her to the campus. She need to see Seulgi right now. After all she still have time until Seulgi's last class. So this time she won't miss the girl like the other day. 

After she had arrived at the campus, she went straight to the science building. Searching for the monolid girl and Wendy. But to her dissappointed, Professor Suho class had ended. She accidently eavedropping a conversation of two student who seems to be in Professor Suho class too. But Irene is sure, Wendy and Seulgi are still around campus. She just need to search for them.

When she's about to leave the building, someone grab her hand from behind making her so startled and she scream but was block by the guy hand. The guy pull her to an empty room right beside her. Irene can know she was taken to a classroom. Looking by lots of chairs inside the room and a chalkboard.


Irene know that voice better than anyone. What did he want to do to her this time? 

"I never want to do this to you. But you really tested my patient" said Suho in Irene's ear.

"You should have been a nice girl when I'm being nice. I have lots of girls running after me. Meanwhile you. You seemed didn't bother by my charms"

Because you don't have one, a**h*le.

"Now that I have you. I may try to taste you. Just a little bit" 

Before Suho could even reach for the syringe which had been inserted with drug that will make Irene paralyze for awhile, Irene kick his and he groan in pain. If it's not enough for her, she kick his face before she ran away from the classroom.

Her body is shaking from shock and she can't help but to cry. She was about to get by that professor. How can a professor acted like that? ert. All Irene can think is Seulgi. She have to see that girl. Her mind took her to the campus garden and that's when she felt so relieved.

She saw Seulgi and Wendy sitting under the tree. Seems both of them are talking. Their back are facing Irene. She ran towards them only to stop when she heard her name being called in their conversation. Irene never meant to eavedropping a conversation. But it seems both of them are talking a very serious topics. It seems Irene's name being involved in it.

"I don't deserve Irene, Seungwan-ah. I'm broken. Girls like Irene doesn't belong in my arms. It's a matter of time until Professor Suho gets Irene. Let him take her. I'm okay. Irene deserve him. She deserve to be love by people around her because she is straight. Unlike me. A broken human, a broken soul, who needs to be fix. Probably dead"

"Seulgi. Love doesn't see gender! You free to love anyone! Even the same gender!"

Irene couldn't believe what she just heard. She can't believe Seulgi actually believe that Suho deserve her. She can't believe her ears. How can Seulgi be so...cruel? How can Seulgi be so pathetic? She's being stupid. How can she tell Wendy that Professor Suho is the best for her? Meanwhile that filthy professor tried to her awhile ago.

What Irene can't believe even more, the fact that Seulgi doesn't deserve her. For the past one month, Irene always believe that Seulgi deserve her. That she's the only one Irene ever wanted. But hearing those words directly from the person she thought deserve, really hurt her. Like several cuts is cutting her soul. She can't believe Seulgi actually letting her being with Suho. 

Like she couldn't hold it anymore, she scream Seulgi name. Yes. She's mad. Really mad. Moreover, she's dissappointed with the monolid girl. She never thought Seulgi can be like this. For the last time, she look at Seulgi's eyes. More like glaring at her with tears roaming down her cheeks. She can't believe that this is the girl she helped for the past one month. A really stupid girl.

So...Irene left. Leaving Seulgi and Wendy with questions. 

Meanwhile the monolid girl still can't understand what happened to the older. What she knows, she had made a big mistake. She don't know if she will be brave enough to handle it.



Hi! You guys probably surprise with the sudden evil character refering to Suho! Hehe...I will explain in the next chapter. Hope you guys like it with the idea of Irene being by Suho and how Seulgi believe Suho deserve Irene more than herself. Please leave comments and share your thought about the story! Stay tune for the next next chapter because it's going to be a roller coaster ride for Seulrene! Oh, and don't worry. I didn't forget about Jensoo. I just need to finish this Suho and Seulrene problem first and then will continue to Jensoo and Seulrene matters! 


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Chapter 23: Seulgi is a coward just like me
Chapter 9: Jisoo is the main character in their minds
Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #3
Chapter 28: ❤❤❤❤❤
Kavabeann #4
feel like i have read this before
Chapter 28: AHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH i can't seulgi, you're so hilarious XD
thank you for this, i really love it <3

hwaiting for your new story!
i'll be waiting tho :D
zjkdlin0121 #7
Chapter 27: Another epilogue hehehe
Chapter 27: wowowoooooo i looooove it :****
big YES for another epilogue <3
just make seulgi suffer with joohyun pregnancy, i'd love to see her trying LOL
whipped kang is always good XD
Chapter 26: a pregnant joohyun and a silly seulgi would be nice LOL
ahhahahahahah don't mind me i just like that idea so much
but whatever you want to write it will be great tho <3
over all your plot is good because there's no third party i don't know why i hate that kind of thing
as you can see they always put seulrene stories with someone and then make them back to each other arms and i hate it so much
but you prove me wrong and i appreciate it a lot, thank you <3
