Kang Seulgi



"It's been amazing, Seulgi. My high school life was amazing and complete because of you. I don't how to return all your kindness," said the black hair girl who standing right infront of Seulgi, holding her suitcase.

"Then stay. Stay here in Korea with me," said Seulgi desparately. 

Jisoo smile. She knew how sad Seulgi is seeing her leaving so soon. Jisoo and Seulgi is two different person but they managed to found similarity between each other. Both of them love making crazy jokes and just enjoy each other company. The become so close only two months after they met. They're unseparate. Every moment they done together was beyond amazing. Everyday after school, they would come over to Seulgi's place. Only to watch Netflix, doing homework, and sometimes doing night run together. They almost did everything. What Jisoo feel so sorry is, they never step foots in Neverland. Amusement Park Seulgi desprately wanted to go. School work kept them busy everyday. If only they went, maybe they will make great memories and cherish will cherish it everyday. 

If only Jisoo's father wasn't hospitalized because of a car crash accident, her family won't asked her to come to United States. She will be able to stay here with Seulgi. Her best friend...probably also her first love. She had discovered her feeling towards Seui ever since last year. When Seulgi catch her whe she was about to fall from a ladder. Jisoo wanted to take a history book on the higher level of the bookshelf. A stubborn girl she is, she climb the ladder without Seulgi notice. Gladly, Seulgi was there before Jisoo fell and that was when Jisoo realized how beautiful Seulgi's eyes was. She fell to those beautiful monolid eyes.

Even before that Jisoo always feel comfortable around Seulgi. Only she was late to realized how beautiful Seulgi is. But the letter seems didn't notice Jisoo's feeling. Or probably she's hiding from the fact that her best friend likes her. That time, liking the same gender was not acceptable and probably Seulgi think it was because she care so much about her best friend. But Jisoo is different. Jisoo realized how much she love Seulgi. How bad she doesn't want to leave South Korea and stay with this beautiful bear infront of her. She was devastated after her mom called her. There is a midst between staying here in South Korea or coming back to USA.

Jisoo love her father very much. She is a good daughter and she is very worried. The final decision was hard to make but we're talking about family. Jisoo didn't dare to abandoned her father only for her ego. She wouldn't dare to do so. Finally the hard decision was made and telling Seulgi was beyond than harder. It was her very first difficult decision and approach towards Seulgi. Her heart was broken upon seeing those monolid eyes, crying. Tears were running down endlessly. Not just Seulgi but Jisoo too. She couldn't contain her tears to stopped. But at the end, Seulgi must accepted it neither do Jisoo. It's about family. They are the very most important persons in the world for Jisoo, Seulgi and everyone else on this earth. And so, right now both of them are facing the most hardest goodbye. 

"Seulgi, we talked about this, okay?"

"I know. It just...you're my best friend"

"Are we, Seulgi-ah?" 


There she goes. Jisoo can't take it anymore. After three years of holding back her feeling, she can't hold it anymore. She hate this. She hate to confess in a situation like this. It makes look pathetic. But even if this whole confession thing will eventually broke their friendship, Jisoo doesn't care. She must admit how much she love Seulgi and her gut says, the monolid girl have the same feeling. It's only a matter of acceptence but it seems the girl is afraid. Afraid of people. Afraid of herself. Jisoo knew the consequences once she confess. This girl infront of her. She's so fragile. She knew. Even a small pinch would hurt her.

But this. This confession. A girl to a girl. It will broke her world. It seems Jisoo can't take it any longer. She love Seulgi very much and it hurts her to see that the one who love her is also the one who hurt her. This is the only way Jisoo can do. Because once she step her foot in the airplane, she won't keep in touch with the girl. Jisoo never like a long distance relationship. It was never in her list after she saw how broken her sister was. Her step sister who she love very much. Jisoo doesn't want it to happen to her and Seulgi. So, she wanted to make it clear before she leave. 

Jisoo look into Seulgi's eyes and she could feel her heart beat so fast. She knew she will miss this bear very much. A brave and reckless girl she is, Jisoo approach Seulgi. Deep down she hope that Seulgi will move on with her life and forget her. She hate to see Seulgi broken because she is the reason why Seulgi will cry everynight, alone in her room, daze off during classes, and eventually she'll probably lose friends. Seulgi is a type of person who keep everything to her until she found someone who understand her. That's why she so hard to get friends. Jisoo afraid of what Seulgi will be facing in the future.

But again. She just can't stand her feeling anymore. She love Seulgi so much that for her it doesn't matter much right now. What matters right now is her confession. Jisoo kiss her on the lips. Three years she had wait to kiss those lips. Those beautiful, sweet, and warm lips. The kiss may not be perfect because of this situation and Jisoo really hopes that her first kiss wasn't like this. This kiss shouldn't be done like this. This kiss feels so lonely, tragic, and sad. She never imagine this will be her first kiss. Her very first kiss that she will remember forever. Even when she was so deep with her sad emotion, something caught her guard. She feel Seulgi kiss her back.

Tears were roaming down her cheeks. Not only Jisoo but Seulgi too. It was rather a happy and sad tears. She just didn't know. 

"I love you, Kang Seulgi," said Jisoo after they pulled away. Jisoo is heartbroken. Seulgi eyes were red and look so sad. She knew she had already broke Seulgi. That girl is so fragile and even when she knew, she keep hurting her. 

"I love you too," she said back.

"I never thought my first kiss will be like this," said Jisoo trying to brigthen up the mood.

"Neither do I"



She have to do this. This is the only way to keep both of them from hurting even more. 

"I don't want a long distance relationship" 

Rather than receving a question, Seulgi stay quiet. This is her first time confessing and also indirectly rejected by her first love. It goes the same for Jisoo. This is will be her first time confessing and rejecting at the same time. Both of them thought to themself how can this happen to them. They just couldn't understand. Isn't being separate ways not enough? The fact that Seulgi will stay here in Korea and Jisoo will be in the USA, it already broke both of their souls. Now this. 

"I don't want you to be sad. Long distance relationship is really a hard thing to do. It won't work for both of us," said Jisoo.

"Why can't you try?"

"I don't want to hurt you, Seulgi. One day we will loosing each other. The time difference make us hard to stay in touch. We can't get through it, trust me"


"I know. We're too late to realized this but rather than stay in sadness and loneliness, try to move on. I will try too, Seulgi"

"Where is your spirit, Jisoo? I'm willing to try"

"I can't Seulgi! Please understand," said Jisoo. 

Jisoo was about to leave, dragging her suitcase with her. But Seulgi stop her by holding her hand. Her tears roaming down her cheek and her heart cry for Jisoo. Jisoo's heart also broken. She doesn't want to see Seulgi crying. Especially because of her. 

"If you can't then please. At least say a proper goodbye before you leave," pleaded Seulgi. 

Jisoo wanted to do that. But she feels like if she glance back at Seulgi, she thought she won't be able to leave. She can't stare at those monolid eyes. It just keep broking her heart and there is nothing she can do. Without looking back at Seulgi, she push her hand away and run towards the entrance. She could hear Seulgi calling her name desparately. But for once in her life, she wanted to be deaf so she won't be able to hear her voice. 

The only thing Seulgi could do was crying. The girl she love just left without saying proper goodbye and this is all her fault. If only she realized her feeling sooner, this whole thing won't happen. If only she knew sooner, they will make a lots of moment together as a couple. But even though she did realized it sooner, she doesn't have the guts to confess. In this time, lesbian are consider as a crime, diseases, probably virus. Seulgi isn't that kind of person who bold enough to admit it straight to everyone face. Unlike Jisoo. She knew that girl will be bold enough to do that. But Seulgi also know the reason why Jisoo hiding her feeling. It's because she's afraid of ruining their friendship. Seulgi must admit. Both of them are stupid. Seulgi is a coward person while Jisoo trying to keep their friendship by hiding her feeling. 

It was a tragic day for Seulgi and Jisoo. In fact it still is for Seulgi. Because after that, Jisoo never contacted her. She sent several emails every week but none of them got replied by Jisoo. It's like Jisoo never existed in her life and gone like dust. That's not the only problem Seulgi had. Her friends knew her secret as a lesbian. One of her friend saw them in the airport kissing and their picture were sent to the whole school. Seulgi was exiled by everyone. She becomes lonely and no one dare to approach her. Even after graduate, no one asked for picture with her. Seulgi was left alone and if only Jisoo was there with her, that girl will defend her will all her life. But she wasn't there and that made Seulgi cried every night thinking of the only girl she love. 

Seulgi just didn't know that Jisoo read every of her emails. But she didn't dare to replied them. She doesn't want to give Seulgi high hope. She wanted Seulgi to move on and it seems very hard. She read Seulgi emails telling her how lonely she is and how everyone are afraid of her since someone caught them in the airport kissing. Seulgi didn't know how desparate Jisoo was. She wanted to go back to Korea, find Seulgi, hug her, and take her with her to the US. But she can't. When she be able to do so, it was too late. Someone else came and took her heart. Right now, when liberty leave us freedom, Jisoo found someone. Someone who love her like Seulgi was. Her company reminds her of Seulgi but at the same time, that girl could also make her forget about Seulgi. The most teriffying thing Jisoo had predicted before she went back to US has finally become true.

The time where she finally moved on from Seulgi and found someone else to replace that monolid girl. It's teriffying yet beautiful at the same time. While Jisoo had finally moved on, Seulgi seems can't forget her. She is stuck with herself because that day, when Jisoo finally leave her, it was the day that broke herself until now. 

Present day


Seulgi scream after waking up from that dream again. It's been two time this week and Seulgi didn't know what to do. That dream of her letting go of Jisoo's hand. The moment she regret so much. The day where she lose herself. Her body is sweating and she look at the clock on her nightstand. 7 am. That mean she need to come to the university in two more hours. 

She take a deep breath trying to control her breathing. Even after several years had past, she couldn't get herself move on from Jisoo. That girl who once was her happiness now she become her nightmare. Her worst nightmare. Seulgi went to her kitchen, making coffee, checking her phone only to see several notification from her friend, Seungwan a.k.a Wendy. She used to live in Canada for a few years until she decided to go back to Korea and she met Seulgi during their first year in university. When Wendy told Seulgi she used to live in Canada and went back to Korea for good, she wish Jisoo will be the same. That one day that girl will stop by her home and surprise her. But again it's only a false hope. 

Seungwan a.k.a squirrel

Ya! Wake up! I will pick you up at eight! 

Seungwan a.k.a squirrel

Ya you idiot, Kang Seulgi! Wake up! I don't want to wait for you later!

Seulgi roll her eyes before she text back

Idiot Seulgi Bear

Chill, Seungwan. I'm awake now. Are you satisfied? By the way, what's with the rush?

ten minutes later

Seungwan a.k.a squirrel

You surely an idiot. We're having a ing quiz today! You don't want to be late for Professor Suho class aren't you? 

Idiot Seulgi Bear

Sh*t. Okay. I'll be ready right away!

Seulgi rush to the bathroom to clean herself before taking breakfast. This day will be just the same like the other day as always. So... welcome to Kang Seulgi life. 


Somewhere else in South Korea~~~

The sound of a suitcase being drag clearly was because someone is dragging it. A short little girl with long wavy black hair and see through bangs hiding her forehead and wearing a sunglasses just went through the imigration gate. Her black coat with black crop top and jeans with black running shoes appeared infront of the arrival gate. She look at her watch and her eyes searching for someone. 


The girl look at her right only to find a tall young man complete with formal black suit on. The girl name Joohyun pull her sunglasses away and show to the world her beautiful white pale skin. 

"Are you..."

"Choi Minho at your service. I'm your butler and also your driver. I heard alot about you Joohyun-sshi" 

"My mom must be a talkactive person," the letter make the butler smile.

"Please let me take your suitcae"

Joohyun let Minho take her suitcase and she follow him to the car. Minho open the car door and let Joohyun sit on the passenger seats on the back while after that he put Joohyun suitcase on the luggage and soon he drive away from the airport. 

The beautiful blue sky greet Joohyun as soon as she landed here in her hometown. It's been awhile ever since she step her foot in here. She guessing her hometown miss her so bad and wanted to give her a proper welcome greetings. Joohyun let out a smile and look outside the car window. 

"It's beautiful isn't i?" Joohyun ask.

"Yes it is, Joohyun-sshi"

She wish it will last longer. 




Hi everyone! So here it is the Pilot! I know it's quiet short but I'll make sure to make it longer for the next chapter. Before I wanted to make the first chapter about Seulgi ONLY. But then I found it very empty and so I decided to give a little sneak peak of Irene arriving to Korea. Next I will talk about Irene's life more and a little sneak peak to their first meeting. So yeah...hope you guys like it! Please leave a comment and probably some advice of what you guys have in mind for my story! I'm so open for it! Have a nice day and keep safe everyone!


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Chapter 23: Seulgi is a coward just like me
Chapter 9: Jisoo is the main character in their minds
Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #3
Chapter 28: ❤❤❤❤❤
Kavabeann #4
feel like i have read this before
Chapter 28: AHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH i can't seulgi, you're so hilarious XD
thank you for this, i really love it <3

hwaiting for your new story!
i'll be waiting tho :D
zjkdlin0121 #7
Chapter 27: Another epilogue hehehe
Chapter 27: wowowoooooo i looooove it :****
big YES for another epilogue <3
just make seulgi suffer with joohyun pregnancy, i'd love to see her trying LOL
whipped kang is always good XD
Chapter 26: a pregnant joohyun and a silly seulgi would be nice LOL
ahhahahahahah don't mind me i just like that idea so much
but whatever you want to write it will be great tho <3
over all your plot is good because there's no third party i don't know why i hate that kind of thing
as you can see they always put seulrene stories with someone and then make them back to each other arms and i hate it so much
but you prove me wrong and i appreciate it a lot, thank you <3
