The Truth Unfold


"Unnie...what's going on? W-why is Seulgi in our house?" 

"And why is Jisoo here? D-did you guys know each other?" 

The intense aura of both young girls infront of Irene is so strong. Irene can feel it. Both girls didn't dare to look at each other eyes and Irene can see how both of them look so nervous and intense. She never thought the day she will reveal the truth to Seulgi will be today. The day she should be having so much fun with the monolid girl before proposing to marry her. 

Irene found herself keep opening and closing like a goldfish. She's never and scared at the same time. But she knew she won't get herself free from both girls if she don't tell the truth. Irene knew the riskk but she never imagine herself will be ready to face it. With the last courage inside her, she brave herself to blurt out the truth. The truth that will hurt two beloved girls infront of her.

"She's my sister" said Irene.

Once Irene said that, Seulgi couldn't say anything. Her face is unreadable and it make Irene scared to death. All the memroies inside Seulgi's mind keeps recalling back to the her and Irene's first meeting. Then going backwards to the time where Jisoo left her. She tries to put the pieces together. starting from the obvious look on both girls infront of her. She had this feeling the moment she met Irene. She thought Irene have the same look as Jisoo and she thought it was only a coincedence meanwhile it's true that both girl share the same blood.

Only by now she knew the truth. Back in the days she never thought about it because Jisoo never told her anything about her having siblings. Meanwhile Irene always keep secret about her sister everytime they were together and she happened to received calls from her sister who happened to be Jisoo. She always curious why Irene never told her about her sister. It's a normal thing to share when you're in a relationship. Now since she knows the truth, she knows why Irene kept it a secret. 

"W-what? Wait...Irene..."

"Did you came here because of Seulgi? Because of what you read in my diaries?" Jisoo asked which make Seulgi think even harder. She try to put the missing pieces of the reason why Irene kept the secret from her.

If Irene knew all this long and literally read what Jisoo wrote in her diaries which is the place where you put every inch of what you feel, the grudge, the hatred, everything. Then Irene knew that Jisoo abandoned her. All along Irene had knew and if what Jisoo asked Irene is true then what is she to Irene? An experiment? A game? Did she really play a game with her? With her feeling? Feeling betray and mad it's what Seulgi feels right now. All this time Irene knew what her sister did to her but she never dare to at least told her about all this. Irene had betrays her trust. 

Seulgi really curious the reasons why Irene came to Korea. If it's true that she came here because of her then all this time, the meeting, the date, everything...was it fake?

Irene heavily sigh. She knows it will be useless if she lie right now because eventually the truth will be unfold and she knows both girls won't stop until they get the answer. 

"Yes. I saw an opportunity to come to Korea that day and I remember whaat you wrote in your diaries. I came to Korea to bring Seulgi back to you. So yes. Seulgi is one of the reasons why I came here besides work"

Even how much Seulgi wanted to block her earing and say all of this is just a dream, she can't. Everything is real and hearing the truth is really painful. Especially coming from the person you love the most. The person who you trust so much and depend so much for the pass few years.

"So...everything is-" Seulgi hadn't a chance to finish her sentence because Irene went to her and hug her so tight. 

"Believe me. None of this are fake. I love you" Irene said desperately.

Deep down Seulgi knew Irene doesn't lie about it but the pain and feeling betray dominating her heart. All she can feel right now is hatred towards Irene but she can't find herself being arrogant and rude towards the older girl. She gently push Irene away and with the pain and tears she have, she pull herself together. Pushing Irene away from her was never on her list. She believe she is destine to be together with Irene but after what happen today she didn't know what to believe anymore. Her heart is hurt....very much. 

"I-I n-need to leave"

"N-no Seulgi-ah" 

But Seulgi didn't listen. She left Irene who is crying so bad that she forget she have something else to deal with. Irene really want to smack her head to something because everything that happen now give her a headache. Seeing Seulgi leaving is the most painful thing she ever felt. Seulgi used to leave Irene with smile and kiss but now the monolid girl leave with heavy heart. Irene is the reason why and she hate it. She hates to be the reason why the monolid girl cry because she had promised she will always protect and make her happy all the time. But it seems now she had broke the promised.

Meanwhile, Jennie and Jisoo who saw what happened to Irene and Seulgi, both girls remain silent. Jisoo have everything in one place. But she didn't get it why her sister did this to her and Seulgi. 

"Why did you do this? You realize you're not just hurting Seulgi, you hurt me too, unnie. You know both of us had unfinish business and I didn't plan to fix it"

With her red and puffy eyes, Irene glare at Jisoo. She can't believe her family raised Jisoo to become this coward. 

"Kim Jisoo. I never taught you to be a coward! Our parent should be a shame of you! For years! Seulgi had kept the pain to herself for what you did to her. You didn't even reply to any of her emails! You knew she was bullied in high school but you weren't there. You hurt her! And now you're telling me you aren't going to fix it?! Do you even have a heart?!" 

"I did what I have to do! Being in a long distance relationship won't work for both of us"

"You didn't even tried it! How do you know that?!"

"I don't want to end up LIKE YOU!"

Jisoo literally shout at Irene which make the older girl shut . She's trying to understand what Jisoo meant. But then she got some hint. A hint of why Jisoo came to Korea few years ago.

"D-did you came here few years get my revenge?" 

"It doesn't matter what I did"


Now it's Jisoo turn to shut . It's rare for her to see her sister yelling at her. She knew her sister is really mad at her because never in her life saw her sister yelled at her like that. It only mean one thing. Irene really frustrated about everything that happen right now. 

Jennie on the other hand remain quiet. She didn't know what to say but to think. Her head is full of what Jisoo said earlier and she tries to bring the pieces together with what Irene just said. Jennie remembers how Jisoo had told her the story about her sister relationship back in the days. Now everything seems clear...

So Jisoo went to Korea when she was in high school and was coming here to take revenge of what she did to Irene who she address as Joohyun. Then she happened to met Seulgi and they fall inlove but then at some reasons, Jisoo have to go back and never cameback. For what happened to her and Joohyun back in the days, Jisoo didn't want what happened to her sister happen to her too. That's why she never in any kind of relationship with Seulgi. Because she's afraid what happened to Joohyun happen to her too. 

What's more cliche after all this truth, the girl who Jisoo despise and hate so much is the person who happen to be the reason she smile everyday and for the few years. Even more cliche, Jennie is the girl who Jisoo hate so much but at the same time she love her too. But Jisoo didn't know that and now Jennie knew the reason why Irene never told Jisoo the truth even though she knew they were in a relationship. Because she knew how much Jisoo despise her for what she did in the past. 

Irene take a glance at Jennie and she knows Jennie had knew everything just now. Irene knew how smart Jennie is and the girl is so fast at reading situation and putting puzzle together. It only mean Jennie knew the risk. If any of them tell Jisoo the truth right now, it only mean ruining their relationship. But Irene knew Jennie isn't the person Jisoo should blame. They had everything finished in the past and now the person Jisoo should blame to is her own sister. Jennie done nothing wrong. Hiding the truth from her is Irene's fault. Jennie only knew the truth just now.

True that Jennie knew the risk and with the power of love, she hate to lie to Jisoo. Everything will gotten a lot worse if she do that. Both Jennie and Irene stare at each other and like they knows what inside their minds, Irene shake her head. Pleading Jennie not to tell Jisoo. But Jennie didn't listen.


"No Jennie" Irene cut which make Jisoo curious. At the beginning, she heard Jennie calling Joohyun's name. But it sound different. Like she was surprised to see Joohyun. It sounded like they've known each other. What happened just now trigger her.

"Wait. What's going on? H-h-"

"Joohyun and I-"

"Kim Jennie stop what you-"

"I'm Joohyun ex girlfriend" Jennie blurt out the truth.

Jisoo can't believe her ears. She thought Jennie was only joking but the seriousness on her face have herself shut up. It only mean what she said is true and everything seems mind blowing to her.

"The girl you despise and hate so much. It's me the reasons of your grudge and hatred" 

Jisoo feel the world is spinning. She can't seems to hold her body because her feet feel weak. There is too much lies and information at once. Her head can't seems to take it. Her heart sank and hurt. Like hundreds, millions knifes stab her heart repeatedly. She didn't know if she can hold it any longer. 

All this time she's been searching and holding grudge to the girl who hurted her sister in the past happen to be the girl she's dating right now. She can't believe that the person she hates so much and despise so much happen to be the girl she love the most. Even willing to have life together with her forever. 

She willing to came to Korea when she was high school, leaving her high school life in States to find the girl who hurted her sister only to cameback with nothing but pain. Pain of leaving the girl she love. Coming to Korea was one of her reckless action. She never lie to her sister not even once! But seeing how her sister hurting so much back then occurs her. She need to find that girl and put revenge on her. Lying to her sister was never on her list and she would never do that. But she had to do that to make her sister happy.

After hearing what Jennie had said, Jisoo doesn't know what to do. She's hurting and sad at the same time. She feels weak and betray by her sister. Not to mention she also mad at Jennie for what she did to her sister even though right now she's not in a good terms with her sister. She slightly still care for Joohyun. 

"Unnie why? Why did you do this? Betraying and lying to people?" 

It scared Jennie to see Jisoo never lies her eyes on her. From her side profile, she can see the anger on Jisoo's eyes and she literally giving it all to Joohyun.

"I did this for you. I came to Korea because I want to make you happy. I thought coming here and bring Seulgi back to you will make you happy. I came here to fix everything"


"YOU SHOULD BE GRATEFUL KIM JISOO! I helped Seulgi going through her trauma for what you did to her! I was there for her all the time to fix what you had did to her! Basically I'm helping you cleaning up your mess!"

"At the end you also the one who hurt her" 

"Guess hurting people runs in our veins, Kim Jisoo" 

Jisoo doesn't have anything to say to her sister. She can't seem to say anything to the older girl anymore. She heavily sigh and was about to leave when Jennie grab her hand only to get push away by her. Even though it hurts her heart to did that to Jennie, she wanted space from all this sh*t that happening. Especially some space away from her sister. 

"Kim Jisoo!" Irene yell at Jisoo for pushing Jennie away roughly but Jennie didn't mind because she also hurt Jisoo. 

At the end Jisoo left, leaving Jennie and Irene alone in the entrance door. 

The situation gotten alot worse and Irene can't believe Jennie did that to their relationship. She knew she also at fault for ruining Jennie and Jisoo's relationship. 

"I'm sorry Je-"

"Don't. I made my decision, Joohyun" 

Irene stare at Jennie with her pleaded eyes fill with sadness. Looking like she doesn't want Jennie to told Jisoo the truth. 

"You could have lie"

"I love her Joohyun and the least thing I would do is lying to her. I can't do that to her and you should probably do the same thing to Seulgi" Irene sigh. She knows Jennie is telling the truth.

She should have been honest with Seulgi all this time. Telling her the truth about her and Jisoo also the reasons why she came to Korea. Keeping secrets to your love one will never end up good. Irene should have known that all a long. No. She should have the guts to tell Seulgi. But all this time she just scared. Scared that Seulgi will leave her like what she did to her awhile ago. Scared that the monolid girl won't look at her with those loving eyes like she always did. The she realized she just got karma. She and her sister is born a coward. Scared to deal with the worse. 

"You're right. Keeping secrets from Seulgi wasn't right" Jennie nodded agreed.

"Joohyun" Irene mumble.

"I'm sorry...for being together with Jisoo"  

Irene pat Jennie's shoulder. Even in this complicated situation, Jennie still find herself feeling sorry for being in a relationship with Jisoo. She shouldn't have sorry. 

"Hey. What we had in the past remains in the past. We had finished everything and you know people do change. So don't let what happened to us hold you to love someone. For what I know so far, Jisoo is so happy to be with you. You deserve her and she deserve you" 

Even though Jennie wanted to argue more, she decided to smile. 

"Thanks Joohyun. I didn't know hwere to put my face when I first saw you here" 

"You don't have to worry about my blessing. You have my blessing since the very beginning" 

Hearing what Irene said really put her nerves down. She's happy knowing that Irene agree with her relationship with Jisoo and what she should worry right now is Jisoo. She knows how stubborn and hard headed Jisoo is. 

"It's cold outside. I assume Jisoo wanted you to stay with us while you're in Korea. Well, let me escourt you to your room" said Irene.

"Aren't you suppose to go after Seulgi?" 

For a brief second, Irene remain still. All Seulgi wanted is space. She knows that girl so much and with this kind of situation, all she need is space. Space for her to think and Irene could only hope for the best. Meanwhile her mind keep on convincing all of this will end worse than she thought. Even thought she wanted to run for Seulgi so much, she knew it will useless. Seulgi will get hurt even more and she can't bear the thought that she's the reason of those tears Seulgi shed. 

The only person who can help her is someone who used to be there before she came to Korea. The girl she and Seulgi can always depend on everytime they needed her. 

"Don't worry. She need space. I will handle her"


Bae Irene

Hey, Wendy. I'm sorry to bother you at this night. Hope you read my message. But I know you always up at this hour working on something in your lab. Well here's a thing. I just did something bad to Seulgi and right now she's probably sitting on the bench in Hangang River near the convenience store there. Please come after her because you know how fragile she is. Please help her because right now I happen to be the reason why she's crying. 

Before you throw curse at me for broking my promise, you should know I did what I have to do to protect her and all I did for the good reasons. I will explain everything to you later but probably Seulgi will tell you everything. 

I depend on you Wendy-ah. Please take care of her and I'm sorry for hurting your best friend.

Running with her sneakers on, she took a taxi to Hangang River from the hospital after she received Irene's message. Luckily she is taking overtime at the lab because she need to examinate the drug she had just found a few days ago. She running a test in the lab. But most of the time she still up at this hour, scrolling to her phone to buy something online. 

When she received Irene's message, she knew it was something important. The moment she read that, she knew what she have to do. Seulgi being the most fragile person in the world who happen to be her best friend, right now Seulgi need her. Right now she is here running so fast didn't even bother with the people who staring at her weirdly. 

All she could think of right now is finding Seulgi and Irene was right. She found the monolid girl sitting on the bench near the convenience store crying. Wendy can hear the monolid girl sobbing from 5 feets away and it hurt her to see her best friend hurting like this. After several years, she always look so happy with Irene and the person who happen to be the reason behind the beautiful eyes smile of Seulgi is also the person she fell inlove with. How cliche of that. Just like a classic love story.

Wendy approach Seulgi and take the sit beside her only to see Seulgi crying with her head down. Good thing she brought her coat because Seulgi didn't have one with her and the wind is cold tonight. She take off her coat and wrap it around Seulgi's body. Seulgi didn't have to look who is sitting beside her because she knows by the smell of the coat. It will always be Wendy. The only person who use blossom scent as her perfume. She lays her head on Wendy's should and continue to cry.

"Shttt...I'm here, Seulgi. I'm here"

But Seulgi keeps on crying and both girls stays like that until Wendy decided it's time for both of them to go home. 


HI!!! First I am so sorry for deleting the previous version of chapter 20. Like I said, I wasn't satisfied with what I wrote so I deleted it and promised you guys to make a new one with the better one. Now I am satisfied with what I wrote and I hope you guys find it good. I don't want to lie guys I feel pressure everytime I posted a new chapter. It means I need to make even more exciting chapter for the next one. Because I found lots of people reading my story and it seems you guys really like it. So I have to do best all the time and I don't want to disappoint my readers. That's why sometimes it took days for me to finally posted new chapter because I need to think of a scene, reading some stories to gain new and fresh ideas. I did everything to satisfy my readers! So I'm back with a new chapter and I really hope you guys like it especially for people who had read the previous version of this chapter, I hope you guys find it a lot better than the previous! without any further it and let me know your thought down below!



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Chapter 23: Seulgi is a coward just like me
Chapter 9: Jisoo is the main character in their minds
Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #3
Chapter 28: ❤❤❤❤❤
Kavabeann #4
feel like i have read this before
Chapter 28: AHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH i can't seulgi, you're so hilarious XD
thank you for this, i really love it <3

hwaiting for your new story!
i'll be waiting tho :D
zjkdlin0121 #7
Chapter 27: Another epilogue hehehe
Chapter 27: wowowoooooo i looooove it :****
big YES for another epilogue <3
just make seulgi suffer with joohyun pregnancy, i'd love to see her trying LOL
whipped kang is always good XD
Chapter 26: a pregnant joohyun and a silly seulgi would be nice LOL
ahhahahahahah don't mind me i just like that idea so much
but whatever you want to write it will be great tho <3
over all your plot is good because there's no third party i don't know why i hate that kind of thing
as you can see they always put seulrene stories with someone and then make them back to each other arms and i hate it so much
but you prove me wrong and i appreciate it a lot, thank you <3
