Two Broken People



"You look...amazing, Jennie"

"You too"

After being all surprise in the hallway, Jennie asked Irene to come to her office and have a little talk there. Irene wasn't expecting Jennie to be so welcomed. Considering how she sound so rude years ago when she ended their relationship, Irene doubted Jennie will act all nice to her. But her expection wasn't the same of what happen in the reality. Look at her. She's siiting inside Jennie's office room which full of bookshelft and two high window with beautiful university garden view.

Also, Irene can see lot of pictures were hanging on the wall. Most of it was Jennie's pictures with her family and her graduation day. Irene could see how happy she is through the pictures on the wall. She is so proud of Jennie.

"How are you, Joohyun?"

"Me? Hmm...great"

Awkward. Before Irene could barely remember when they can be so awkward like now. They used to have so much fun in the past. How can years really change everything in just a split second. Irene cough to ease the awkward situation.

"So...I see you have achieved your dream"

"Yes. I finally become a biology expert"

"I remember you used to talk a lot about biology that I couldn't bear to hear all of it"

"And then you will push me away and ran"

"But you will always catch me"

Both of them laguh completely aware they were completing each other sentence. But then it end with awkward silent. Irene miss the talkactive Jennie. Technically she miss everything that used to happened to them. But Irene had notice something different about Jennie since they met in the hallway. The warm smile Jennie used to gave her in the past made her eyes glowing when she saw Irene. But not today. There's nothing sparkling on her eyes and nothing special really shown through Jennie.

Her heart broke a little knowing that Jennie she used to know had changed and yet it's because of her. If only she coudl turn back time, Irene would do it. She will stay in South Korea despite the world are against them that time, she's willing to sacrifice everything for Jennie. But she's too late.



Both of them said at the same time but was interupt by someone on the door.

"Professor Jennie?"

"Oh, Professor Suho"

"Um...sorry I didn't know you have visitor" Jennie glance at Irene a bit hesitate to tell her to go but Irene knew what Jennie had in mind.

"No. It's okay. I'm about to leave. See you again," said Irene.

Irene was about to go but before she do, Jennie call her.

"Joohyun. Let's meet up...later"

Irene nodded and left the room, leaving Jennie with Professor Suho.

Irene wish she hadn't done that. She wish to stay in that room with Jennie but looking back at how awkward they were and the look on Jennie's face, Irene knew her presence made her a little uncomfortable. Irene hated it. Knowing that she used to be someone that Jennie love and adored so much. But everything has change now. Deep down she's hurting. Tears roaming down her cheeks. She must control it but she can't. Irene remembers back at the good days they used to have. How happy they were and it sad her to see everything are different now. If only she hadn't left, Jennie would probably by her side now and she wouldn't be crying over her.

She let her sadness drown her, making her body fall down to the hallway floor. Didn't even care of some students passing through her looking all confuse. Her heart is sank and hurt. It's like the world about to die because of volcano eruption. Burning all her body until her heart burn into ashes.


"Seulgi, are you going to keep avoiding the question?"

It's been half minutes since Wendy bombarding her with question of who was that they saw in the hallway and why Seulgi look all so intense. Obviously it's because that was the girl Seulgi met in the hospital. The girl who have been bothering her since that day. Again Seulgi found the girl stunning rather than cute. Her appearance look different since the last time Seulgi saw her. Rather than that, Seulgi was more suprise to meet her here in the university. Like the world is so small and feels like the world against her.

The world is acting against her will. She wanted to be far away from that girl as far as possible yet the world refuse to obey her will. But who was that girl meeting? The girl who was facing her back, who was it? Seulgi realize the intensity on the girl face which indicated something serious happened with whose infront of her. Seulgi wonder who could that be. What's more bothering her is that Seulgi couldn't stop being all curious about that girl. She wanted to know her and this seems to be not so right for her.

Seulgi just met her and it was an accident meeting. But why does she feel so attach to that girl? The feeling of wanting to know her better and what is on her mind. This whole think is bothering her so much. Or probably she just miss Jisoo that's all.

"She's the girl I met in the hospital I told you about"

"Oh, the girl who resemble Jisoo?" Seulgi nod.

"What a small world"

"Yeah, I think so too"



"Well? Aren't you going to ask her her phone number?"

"What?! Ya Son Seungwan!"

"What? Hey. It's about time to move on, okay?"

"It's not move on if I like the girl who resemble Jisoo's. It just make me look even more pity"

"Then when? When will you move on?"

"Seungwan-ah. I don't want to talk about this okay? Please"

Wendy was about to say something but deep down she knew she have to stop. At the end she just nod.

Wendy being so kind and care for her best friend, deep down she surely worried for Seulgi. For years, that girl haven't find the time to settle down from her past. Especially after being exhiled by the whole school, it probably hurt her very much. Her pride. What more important is, the past had hurt herself. The past had changed Seulgi. Someone who used to be so cheerful could changed only a split second. The past is surely hard considering the old paradigma about ual preference and that paradigma stick together with Seulgi the whole time.

She's afraid that the same thing will happen to her even though time had changed everything. From the outside she could lie to everyone looking all okay. But Wendy knew deep inside her, she's hurting. She's hurting like hell. She wanted to open herself but she's still afraid even though many people had opened up about their preference. Even made youtube channel about their couple life. Sharing their experience of being homoual couple. It seems that Seulgi still stuck with her past and it make her so fragile.

It will take a lot of time for Seulgi to finally ease her mind and settle down. But Wendy didn't know when. She just hope for the best and will always by her best friend side unlike her friends in high school. She wanted what best for her best friend and that's by standing beside her everytime she need comfort.

After having lunch, Seulgi and Wendy decided to went back home since they don't have any other classes in the evening. Also, Seulgi need to take care of Yeri at home. Wendy drove Seulgi home and by the time she open her house door, Yeri is seen in the living room watching tv.

"Hey, unnie. You came home early"

"Yeah, don't have any classes. Did you eat yet?"

"Not yet. Will you buy us dinner?"

"You really are a burden"

"I know you love me, unnie!"

Seulgi roll her eyes before going to her bedroom and change to more comfortable clothes. She's wearing black sweater and a white jogging pants. After that she went out from her house to buy dinner since it's about to get dark and she better get something before she starve herself and Yeri. Since both of them can't cook, they always bought outside food. Sometimes, Wendy would come by and brought them home cook meal she cooked. Seulgi really appreciated Wendy's kindness. More like she's glad to meet her. Ever since they met, Seulgi found herself getting better.

She couldn't deny that she's still heart broken. But it heals a little upon Wendy's arrival. That girl helps her to ease her mind a little. Seulgi couldn't imagine her unversity life would be like if Wendy didn't came. She might be very lonely and feel so left out. Ever since she graduated from high school she didn't have friends anymore. After the truth went out, she was exhiled from her friends making her have no friends at all. She was damn worried upon coming to the university. She's afraid of people but when she first met Wendy that girl kind a click with her. Wendy have this positive vibes that she's caring. It give Seulgi peace and she knew that day they will be a good best friend. Well, look at them now. They both support each other in hard times and good times. Mostly it looks like Wendy trying to help her more by encouraging every action of her and telling her that her past is the past. The present and the future has now changing. But Seulgi refuse to realize the truth.

Her heart still broken and her soul too. The past had broke her. More like destroyed her soul. She become so vulnerable and fragile. She never dated anyone even boys. She just stuck with her past. While Wendy being all playgirl, she's been dating a lot of people but at the end it won't work. Well, Wendy isn't that kind of girl who like serious relationship. It just her things. Telling Seulgi she need to date a lot of people until you find someone who perfectly fit for you and that's when the time you will decide to finally settle down after several fights life has given to you. What a good quotes from Wendy.

Seulgi open the restaurant door and order some fried chickens for her and Yeri at home.


It's been half hour Jennie and Irene sits facing each other in a cafe near the university. After the whole crying thing, Irene decided to stay in her car waiting for Jennie's call. Irene isn't that type of girl who change phone number easily and Jennie knew Irene must still having the same phone number. And so, Jennie decided to meet Irene in the cafe she always went.

For the past half hour, no one dare to talk. Irene just stay in silent drowning in sadness. She really wanted to go. She doesn't want to be here because she's afraid of what Jennie might say next. But again her heart wanted to see Jennie and Irene couldn't control the feeling of wanting to see the love of her life. Even though it will hurt her she seems doesn't care at that time. Now she regret to agreed meeting Jennie again.

"I-it's good to see you, Hyun"

"S-same to me" Jennie smile.

"Hyun, I'm going to be honest with you"

"Please. Please don't say that" said Irene trying to prevent her worst nightmare.

"I had moved on. I know it's hard for you but you know both of us can't be together"


"I'm sorry if I ended our relationship so sudden and through phone call. I know it's rude but I can't take it anymore. The time difference, the patient, the feeling of wanting to hug you so bad. I missed you everyday but you never cameback"

Irene stay quiet. She's been in Jennie's position. The feeling of missing her hug, her presence, those warm lips, Irene felt that too. But she tried so hard to hold it only to make it up later. She hold it so hard so that once she return to South Korea, all those feeling will pay off. She hold her ego. She hold it very hard until it feels like the end of the world. Long distance relationship was never easy. Irene knew. But it seems Jennie can't hold it like her. She thought they were together in this but it was never been them. It was only Irene who wanted to tried. But Jennie never wanted it.

"I won't lie what we had was great. But it's in the past now, Hyun"

"Have you even thought about my feeling, Jen? Have you ever thought that it will hurt me so much?"


"I tried very hard to keep this relationship. I hold my desire to hug you, to kiss you, to hold you. I tried so hard to do so but it seems you never tried"

"I tried"

"Then why?! Why Jennie?! Why did you ended our relationship like that? What makes you so reckless, rude, and cold?!"

Jennie is suprise to see Irene being so mad. She knew Irene as a very calm person and she is so suprise to see Irene looking all mad right now. Her eyes are red and tears roaming down her cheeks. Her body look so intense and it brokes Jennie's heart. Deep down she still care for Irene but only as a friend. She realized she had hurt the older bad.

"I-I'm sorry, Joohyun"

"W-why can't you jsut told me what was bothering you that time and we settled together! Y-your action was reckless!"

Both of them couldn't stop their tears anymore. Irene on the other hand wanted to scream so loud but she can't. She hold it in her troat not wanting to scare Jennie. All of her rage and anger had finally came out. She thought she will be able to control it but seeing Jennie so selfish make her so angry. She wanted to let out all her rage and anger she had been keeping for the past few years. Irene couldn't seem to control it and Jennie deserve it. Jennie knew she deserve all the anger that was pass down to her from Irene. That's why she cry. She cry because she knew it's her fault. But no one can turn back time and it's too late now. Jennie have someone else in her heart. Someone she miss so much more than she misses Irene.

"I-it's late. I'm going" said Irene didn't even bother to say goodbye.

Irene didn't bother to look back because she feel so hurt. She's hurting to see how selfish Jennie is. She didn't even care with her feeling and it hurt her. It hurt her how Jennie had changed so much. More like she didn't know if that is the same Jennie she used to know or not.

At the end, she just let her feet took her to whatever place come up to their mind. Her tears keep roaming down her cheeks didn't want stop. The cold night breeze making her tighten her black coat trying to find warm. She walk around the city with heavy heart. Even her steps felt so heavy.

She needed hug so bad. She need comfort so much. She wanted it to be Jennie. She wanted to be in that mandu girl comfortable hug. Such a ironic. You wanted comfort from the person who hurt you so much. The world is being up side down. Irene hated it the fact that she still love that girl even though she had hurt her several times. It was never her planned to find Jennie upon her arrival to Korea. But her desire just can't cooperate well with her.

At the end the wall Irene had built for few years is destroy by the time she met the mandu girl. She couldn't believe that Jennie had a lot of effect on her and it's not healthy. She knew it but she blinded herself.

After a long walk, Irene find herself sitting on a bench in a garden. Lots of couples are seen there. Walking all together while holding hand and share funny story. Looking at each other with loving stares and sometimes kiss each other. Irene wanted it to be her and Jennie. But it's too late. The mandu girl had changed and somewhere in her heart say that it wasn't her anymore in Jennie's heart. Someone else had stole her heart the moment Jennie ended their relationship. But Irene wanted to blind for it. She doesn't want to admit that someone else had stoled Jennie's heart. She doesn't want to.

"Excuse me, is this sit taken?"

Irene look up to see the person infront of her only to be surprise of who is it. The beautiful eyes girl she met in the hospital. Both of them looked at each other with surprise and Irene seems to notice it too.

They stare at each other that they didn't know, starting from that day, their adventure is about to start. Two broken people coming together. One had built walls up and stronger than before, one still struggling the past and seems can't find strength and meaning in her life.

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Chapter 23: Seulgi is a coward just like me
Chapter 9: Jisoo is the main character in their minds
Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #3
Chapter 28: ❤❤❤❤❤
Kavabeann #4
feel like i have read this before
Chapter 28: AHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH i can't seulgi, you're so hilarious XD
thank you for this, i really love it <3

hwaiting for your new story!
i'll be waiting tho :D
zjkdlin0121 #7
Chapter 27: Another epilogue hehehe
Chapter 27: wowowoooooo i looooove it :****
big YES for another epilogue <3
just make seulgi suffer with joohyun pregnancy, i'd love to see her trying LOL
whipped kang is always good XD
Chapter 26: a pregnant joohyun and a silly seulgi would be nice LOL
ahhahahahahah don't mind me i just like that idea so much
but whatever you want to write it will be great tho <3
over all your plot is good because there's no third party i don't know why i hate that kind of thing
as you can see they always put seulrene stories with someone and then make them back to each other arms and i hate it so much
but you prove me wrong and i appreciate it a lot, thank you <3
