Falling For You


"You will come with me to the hospital tomorrow right?!"

"You don't need to shout Kim Yerim! I will! Now I need to focus for my test. Stop calling me!"

"Don't forget to bring me food!"

"Like I care!"



Seulgi ended the call and sighed. She never imagined having Yeri as her cousin would be so tiring. But despite Yeri being a spoiled kid, Seulgi can't imagine herself without Yeri. She's smart, young, cheerful, annoying and kind. Everything about Yeri completes Seulgi's life. Her life used to be monotonous. Nothing special.

But ever since Yeri moved to Seoul, she needs to take care of Yeri everyday. Sometimes when she had time, she will send Yeri to her school before attending classes and then she needs to prepare her breakfast and dinner for both of them. But since Yeri is in her last year, Seulgi never done that anymore. 

Yeri went to school herself and prepared her breakfast. Sometimes, she prepares for herself and for Seulgi. If she had the time, she usually doesn't because she always wakes up late. Shortly, Seulgi is happy to have Yeri because of her, she has a lot of things to do. Not just studying, eating, and sleeping. 

Currently, Seulgi and Wendy sits under the tree in the campus garden. They were preparing for their next test before Yeri called Seulgi. Wendy is busy memorizing some of the materials that will be tested. Meanwhile, Seulgi looking all sad to her phone. Wondering what her best friend is thinking, Wendy nudge Seulgi. Waking her up from staring at her phone, like she's waiting for someone to massage.

"Ya, what are you doing?" asked Wendy.

"Oh? Nothing"

"You've been staring at your phone since you ended the call. What is it?" 

"Seungwan-ah, really it's nothing"

"Don't lie. You can't lie. Are you perhaps waiting for Irene?" 

"What? No! Why should I be waiting for her?"

"Because you haven't met her since last week? It's been a week" 

Seulgi bite her lips. What Wendy said was true. She hasn't seen Irene ever since they went to the amusement park. Also the older girl didn't reply to any of her messages. Seulgi couldn't stop worrying. Even though she can just check her out by coming to her house, Seulgi doesn't have the courage. She thought maybe Irene is busy with her work since she literally abandoned her work just to go with her to the amusement park.

But never she thought will take this long for the older girl to be so busy. Seulgi wondering if something happened to her or something she said the other day made her feel uncomfortable. She didn't know any possible reasons that can make the older girl pissed off.

Seeing Seulgi looking so sad, Wendy tried to cheer her up.

"How about we go to the arcade after the test? Let's play. It's been awhile you know"

Seulgi was about to reject the offer but then she changed her mind and nodded. She needs to have fun for awhile just to ease her mind. 

"Come on. We have tests to do" said Wendy.


"Do you really think my father paid you to have this as the result?"

"I-I'm sorry Miss Irene. I-I will check again"

"You better check it right or I'll fire you. Now everyone listen to me. This guy over here is an example of all the employees that work here. Everyone lacks discipline. If you guys won't listen to my words, I bet you won't get your salary for this month! Get everything on the line please! Work harder and please always be careful with the numbers. This is what makes us fall behind from the other company. Now meeting dismiss" 

Everyone in the room went out as soon Irene said. She take a sit and massage her temple. It's been a week ever since Irene struggled to control her company. The company she have in Korea it's in chaos situation. For her, the employees lack discipline and they move so slow. It's detain the company improvement and income.

Whoever leads the company before are a horrible person. That person must be unintelect and lack discipline. Probably been doing corruption to the company. Irene never imagine this will be worst. It's more than worst. Chaos to be said. Since last week she's been busy controlling the company and also she's trying to escape from the reality by keeping herself busy with work. 

The reality of Jisoo's relationship with her ex girlfriend and the fact that her sister abandoned Seulgi. Didn't even wanna try a long distance relationship. Leaving Seulgi in the most fragile state. Irene still can't believe her sister dares to do such a thing. Ever since Jisoo told her about that, Irene couldn't face Seulgi.

She was embarrassed by her own sister. Not to mention she also didn't know what to do to Seulgi. She is one of the reasons why Irene came back to Korea. But now, since her sister found someone else, she didn't know what to do anymore. Fixing Seulgi for Jisoo is her plan. But since her sister didn't need Seulgi anymore, Irene is confused. What she have to do with Seulgi since now they have grown closer.

Irene has been keeping herself busy and she didn't accept any of Seulgi's calls nor replying to her messages. She didn't know what to do. But she's been questioning herself if this is the right thing to do. If she's ignoring Seulgi what makes her different from Jisoo? She's just the same as her sister.

Not to mention, she also misses Seulgi. She wanted to see her so bad. Seeing her smile, her laugh, and she wanted to feel her hug again. She misses being with Seulgi. But it seems she is still embarrassed. She didn't know how to face Seulgi and it's been bothering her since last week until now. Nonetheless, Seulgi keep on sending her massages. Asking how is she, what is she been up to, is she busy, and lately she's been asking if she's ignoring her. Which is true but Irene didn't dare to reply. She's still thinking of what she have to say when she met her.

Most of the time she spend her free time with Joy. Mostly she came visit to Joy's office. 

And that's what she's going to do now.

"Hey, you're free?"

"Yes. Come. I bought dinner for us"

"It feels like coming to your house"

"Well hospital is been my house lately"

"Be there in a minute"

Soon Irene when to the hospital with Minho driving her car. She doesn't feel to drive today. All she wanted to is coming to Joy's office and take a nap for awhile. But she know she never can't do that when Joy is around. That girl will bombarding her with many question. Especially about Seulgi. Maybe it's not the right time to talk about Seulgi but talking about her with Joy somehow ease her mind. Sometimes Joy could give her the best advice for her problem. That's why how many times Joy asked her about Seulgi, Irene never refused to talk about it.

Like she own the hospital, Irene walk to Joy's office without further question from the front office and the nurses. They saw her everyday and was making gossip that she's doctor Joy's girlfriend. But then when Joy found out she completely denied it and scolded them...hard.

Despite her innocence, cute look, doctor Joy is known as the most diligent and scary professor in her department. She is so strict with surgery procedures and time. She hates when some of her resident and fellow come late for surgery. Also she's known as the best professor. Her surgeries has been known for the best and everyone acknowledge her talent and passion. 

"I got tteoboki"

"Good cause I really need it"

"What? Do you still thinking of Seulgi-sshi?" 

Irene sigh.

"How can I stop, Joy?"

"I thought it will be easy since she is just your friend. You tell me you're doing this for Jisoo. But it seems you didn't"

Irene bite her lips. She's been thinking about her feeling lately. She's been asking herself if all this time she had been hiding her true feeling about Seulgi. Joy is the first person who made her realized. 

"I feel like betraying my sister, Joy"

"You are free to love someone. Even if it's your sister ex crush. It also apply to your sister, Irene. She's free to love someone and if her true love is Jennie then you have to accept it. Afterall what will Jisoo feel if she know that Jennie is your ex girlfriend? What makes it different?" 

Joy got her point. It triggers Irene. 

It's about time for Irene to change her mind. 

"You said you wanted to move on from Jennie? Then this is the right time" said Joy.

Again Joy hit her hard. 

Maybe falling in love with you isn't wrong. Maybe I have fallen inlove with you the first time we met but I just keep on lying to myself. Kang Seulgi...may I fall inlove with you? 


The next day


"Next time if I see you riding that old bike again, I will make sure you won't get to eat"

"Ya! That's not fair!"

"Well I don't want to see you being hospitalized again!" 

"Arasseo, arasseo"

Seulgi and Yeri came to the hospital to open Yeri's bandage and it appears Yeri can walk again like a normal person. But she still need to walk slowly. Step by step. Wendy came along with them and currently are waiting for them at the waiting room.

While Seulgi is taking care of the hospital bill, Yeri and Wendy sit together patiently. 

"Joy, bring food on your way to my house. I don't want to cook today"

"Why?! Unnie! Your food is one of the best!" 

"Oh my god stop giving me that eyes! Go away!" 


Joy and Irene were walking to the hospital canteen for lunch break. When Seulgi about to go back, she heard this voice. The voice she could never forget. She wonder what she's doing here in the hospital and with a doctor. Irene look surprise to see Seulgi and so was Seulgi. It appears neither both of them never expect them to meet each other again in this hospital. Also apparently Irene wasn't ready to meet Seulgi. 

"Seulgi? What are you doing here?" 

"My cousin come to open her bandage. You?" asked Seulgi while looking at Joy curiously.

"Oh, I'm visiting my friend. Joy this is Seulgi. Seulgi this is Joy. We known each other when we were in the United States" said Irene literally giving Seulgi every information she needs. It's not necessary actually but Irene found herself didn't want Seulgi to misunderstand her relationship with Joy. Hearing how Irene blabbering like that Joy nudged her off before shaking Seulgi's hand.

"Hi I'm Joy. It's good to finally meet you Seulgi-sshi. I hear alot about of you"


"Ya! Just go!" 

"Wait! Unnie did you just"

"BYE JOY!" said Irene while pushing Joy's off. 

"I-I'm sorry. She can be out of control sometimes" said Irene.

"I-it's okay"

Then they become silent. It wasn't supposed to be like that. They never felt this awkward before. They used to have so much time when they were around and Irene didn't like this at all. She hates it.

"Ya Kang Seulgi what took you so long?" 

"Oh Wendy"

"Oh? Irene? What a coincedence to meet you here. Are you sick?"

"No. I just visiting my friend. She's a doctor here" Wendy nod. 

"I will take Yeri home. I think you both need to catch up" said Wendy.

"No re-"

"Yes we re-"

Both Irene and Seulgi said in the same time. Wendy raised one of her eyesbrow and smile. She knew something happened between them and it's best if they talk about it. After all she saw how Irene face looks like. The feeling of guilt and wanting to explain. She glare at Seulgi being all coward and Seulgi know Wendy is mad at her for being a coward. 

So she lowered her head down feeling guilty at some point. Meanwhile Irene saw how Wendy scold Seulgi and she saw how Seulgi look guilty and somehow sad. Irene feel guilty for ignoring Seulgi. She was supposed to fix her, be there for her. She supposed to change her into a stronger person. That was her plan and she should never stop doing that.


Irene gulp. She never been this nervous before. Even when she leads a meeting, she never been this nervous before. 

"D-do you want to grab dinner? At my place?" 

Seulgi look hesitate but she know she couldn't deny. She love Irene's food and she misses the girl so much. Maybe she shouldn't be a coward. She should never think anything bad about Irene. 

"Y-yeah. I would love to" 

Irene smile and soon both of them headed out from the hospital and went to Irene's house. 


"I'm sorry for ignoring you. I've been busy with work that's all"

"I-it's okay. I'm sorry for thinking bad about you. I-I'm just scared" 

Irene sigh. She should have known better how her act effected Seulgi so much. Seulgi is still traumatic for what happened in the past. She's afraid of goodbyes. She's afraid someone who is close to her will leave her. Irene should havae known better. 

After all her sister is the one who made Seulgi like this. She's here to fix it not to be just like her sister. Not this time.

"So how is your studies doing?" asked Irene changing the topic also the atmosphere which felt a little too intense. 

"Good. I just had tests today. Wasn't too hard" said Seulgi.

"That's great. If you're number in your class, you should buy me dinner" 

"Deal" said Seulgi with her beautiful eyes smile which make Irene flutter. 

I'm sorry for ignoring you Seulgi. I shouldn't have done that.

During dinner time, they exchange small talk trying to catch up what they had been doing the past one week. After that, Irene wash the dishes with Seulgi's help. Seulgi insisted on helping Irene and Irene obey. But the moment they stand too close, Irene realized how her heart beat so fast and she feel shy being so close to Seulgi.

She could feel Seulgi's breath on her skin because she's taller than her. She can see Seulgi's face on the corner of her eyes. Irene bites her lips hoping that Seulgi wouldn't notice her burning cheeks. But it seems not only Irene to be so nervous like that. 

Seulgi on the other she felt wrong. She shouldn't help Irene. The moment their body standing too close, she felther heartbeat beating so fast. Her cheeks was burning. She could feel the lavender scent on Irene's clothes and it give her shiver. Hiding behind Irene's hair hoping that Irene wouldn't notice her being weird. 

After the washing the dish, Seulgi went to the living room followed by Irene. She thinking of going back home since she's so tired. But apparently she also didn't want to leave. The scent, the warm everything inside Irene's house just pull her to stay here. To just sleep here. Irene notice it and she also doesn't want to see Seulgi leaving her house yet. She wanted the monolid girl to stay. She misses her so much. Just having Seulgi in her house make her so happy and she wanted to see the monolid girl when she wakes up in the morning. 

"You know you're always welcome to sleep here, Seulgi" 

"I know" said Seulgi. 

They both sit in the living room side by side looking at the dead television. Currently busy with their own minds. Both of them taking glance at each other before Irene finally speaks up.

"Do you wanna sleep here?" 

Seulgi nod with that bear smile of her looking all cute. Stop torturing me with that smile of yours Kang Seulgi. You're making me crazy.

"O-okay" said Irene stuttering.


Never have I thought I would fall inlove with you Seulgi. Maybe I was just lying to myself because the moment we first met I have fallen inlove with you. It's love at first sight for me. But for you I might be just a friend. It's okay because I'm not here to make you fall inlove with me. I'm here to heal your broken heart and your broken soul. With the time I'm helping you, is it okay for you if I fall inlove with you? -Bae Irene


What am I feeling? Am I falling for you Irene? Isn't my heart is still stuck with Jisoo? How can this happen? Even if I fall inlove with you, I shouldn't be. You're too perfect for me and I don't deserve you. I'm broken. Inside and out. I shouldn't fall in love with you but it appears it just happen. But why? Why from all the people on earth I shoudl fall inlove with you? The most beautiful and precious girl like you? Why should I fall inlove with a normal girl like you? Why?-Kang Seulgi



Okay!!! That is the longest chapter I had ever written. So tell me what do you think about the story so far. Please leave a comment and I will read it. See you in the next chapter.


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Chapter 23: Seulgi is a coward just like me
Chapter 9: Jisoo is the main character in their minds
Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #3
Chapter 28: ❤❤❤❤❤
Kavabeann #4
feel like i have read this before
Chapter 28: AHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH i can't seulgi, you're so hilarious XD
thank you for this, i really love it <3

hwaiting for your new story!
i'll be waiting tho :D
zjkdlin0121 #7
Chapter 27: Another epilogue hehehe
Chapter 27: wowowoooooo i looooove it :****
big YES for another epilogue <3
just make seulgi suffer with joohyun pregnancy, i'd love to see her trying LOL
whipped kang is always good XD
Chapter 26: a pregnant joohyun and a silly seulgi would be nice LOL
ahhahahahahah don't mind me i just like that idea so much
but whatever you want to write it will be great tho <3
over all your plot is good because there's no third party i don't know why i hate that kind of thing
as you can see they always put seulrene stories with someone and then make them back to each other arms and i hate it so much
but you prove me wrong and i appreciate it a lot, thank you <3
