

"Thank you for the meeting today. That's all for today," said Irene announcing the meeting has finished.

Irene let out a sigh after a long meeting. Talking about several matters about their next project and talking about the expend for the project. Well after the long meeting, they finally finished with satisfied result and her staff will pursue the rest of it.

It's been 3 years after Irene and Seulgi tied the knot. Irene couldn't been more happier knowing now Kang Seulgi is hers. Forever hers. After the wedding was held and many people shed tears due to the beautiful ceremony, Irene and Seulgi went to Hawaii for honeymoon. They spent almost two month for their honeymoon. Going around Europe after spending a week in Hawaii.

Both of them are the happiest during that time. That is what they always wanted from the very beginning. Going around the world just the two of them together. During their honeymoon, Irene did new things together with Seulgi. Starting from paragliding, going around the city with bicycles, going to the Eiffel tower, spending their night time on bed watching movies and planning where they should go the next day, and just a typical vacation a new couple will do.

They never forget to spent their time together on bed too of course. That was kind of their routines during their honeymoon. Doing some rough and stuff. Just to make it short, they had a lot of funs-end of story.

Thinking about babies, both of them agreed to postpone it for awhile since they wanted to focus on their jobs for the mean time. Meanwhile, Irene is busy with the project and Seulgi is busy with her latest experiment with some of her juniors. So yeah. They kind of busy with their jobs. So they thought that it best to postpone having babies for awhile.

But they did agreed that Irene will carry they baby once they are ready enough to have baby. For awhile they decided to focus on their jobs first. 

For Jisoo and Jennie, after clearing the things between Jisoo and Seulgi, Jennie and Jisoo went back to the States and Jennie did propose to Jisoo while they're in the States. Irene was happy for Jisoo and they decided to held the ceremony after Irene and Seulgi's because it appears that Irene doesn't want to share her beautiful ceremony with her sister.

Jisoo can't believe how greedy her sister is but well that's her sister after all and she really get used to it since she was little. So neither Jisoo and Jennie are okay with it. Years after Seulgi and Irene's wedding, Jisoo and Jennie held the ceremony in the States. More specifically at the church near Jisoo and Irene's neighborhood. 

Seulgi, Irene, Wendy, and Joy was invited to the wedding but Seulgi and Irene went back to Korea because they have jobs to do after the wedding ceremony. It was sad though because it's been a long time since Irene went back to the states. Truthfully she really miss her old house and of course being together with her parent.

Meanwhile, Wendy and Joy are in a relationship. They decided not to rush things between them and Seulgi really proud of Wendy. Surely her best friend finally stop being the playgirl. She finally decided to settle down with Joy! The famous neurosurgeon in Korea. Irene and Seulgi had seen this coming though but they didn't want to talk about it since none of the new couple brought the topic though.

Everything seems going so well and Seulgi is very happy with her life. The heavy weight she has been carrying all those years finally gone with the help of her beloved wife, Bae Joohyun. It took her some time to get used to Irene's Korean name and at the end she love calling her wife with Hyun. It sounds cute. Irene on the other hand find it y when Seulgi call her Korean name and it really drive her crazy all the time. Well, what can you guys expect from these two love birds? 

"Irene-sshi, is there anything else you need to do after the meeting?" asked her secretary.

"No. I think I will go home now since everything has finished" said Irene while packing her stuff before leaving the room.

"Please let me know the progress for our project. I will have the reports by the end of the month but surely keep me update everytime"

"Yes, Irene-sshi" 

The girl walk towards the elevator and went down to the lobby only to see a beatiful girl who appears to resemble a bear, standing in the middle of the empty lobby while playing with her phone. Irene can't help but to smile. Since their wedding, Seulgi had insist to pick her up after work and even how many time the monolid girl had done it, Irene hasn't gotten used to it.

She always surprise to see Seulgi standing in the lobby looking all so beautiful, pretty, handsome at the same time. Irene really like this side of Seulgi. So protective, caring, and calm. She really married the right person and she make sure to never disappointed the girl ever again. 

"Ya Kang Seulgi. Is the phone more attractive than me?" Irene shout to get the bear attention and it did.

Seulgi let out a smile and put her phone in her pocket before she walk towards Irene and pull her into a hug. Irene always love the comfort Seulgi giving to her through her hug. It's really comfortable, safe, and warm. She always love it.

"How is work?" asked Seulgi.

"Quiet tough but I managed to get it done today. How about you?"

"Hmm the same. Everyone seems so eager to finish the experiment. But you know how it takes so long to get the result, right?" 

"Uri Seulgi is having a hard time, huh?" 

Seulgi chuckle seeing Irene being spoiled.

"How about we grab dinner?" 

"That's sound romantic" said Irene.


"The papers are already in progress and all you need to do right now is to get the inside you. We already check our blood pressure and the doctors had claimed that you are in healthy shape" said the girl name Nayeon.

She's been thinking about this so long. Thinking it's been 3 years since her marriage, the house feel empty sometimes. Also sometimes, the topic of having a baby brought up during their dinner time. But for her, she wasn't ready enough to do it. 

After having a lot of thought about it and the big,big,big day is coming, she had decided to do it. Without telling the love of her life. She had been taking research about the donors and selectively pick the donors until it came down to one person only. He happened to be a professor in medicine studies, handsome, and really healthy. No medical history runs down in his family.

So it's really save for her to take the donor from him and the doctors also claimed that she had made the best decision to pick him as the donor. She take a deep breath. This is her only chances if she wanted to stop and turn down the offer. But thinking about her beloved wife, she finally regain the courage. This is for you. I had promise not to disappointed you again.

She knows once she say the word, she won't be able to go back. This is her final decision.

"Today. I will take it today"


"Ya, Park Sooyoung. Are you going to lying there for the rest of the day?" 

"Unnie. I'm on home call. Let me rest for awhile. I've been going to the hospital for a week. Doctors need to rest too!" 

Irene chuckled.

She took a day off for awhile and Joy happened to crash to her place. Since two days ago, Irene isn't feeling well. Sometimes she had a headache and doesn't have the apetite to eat. Seulgi is concern but Irene told her she over work. But truthfully she's hiding something from Seulgi. Joy knows since the tall girl happened to be ther with Irene.

It's really great to have a friend who is also a doctor. You can rely much to her about your health. Joy have been telling Irene to test her pregnancy but the girl is so stubborn. She said she's going to take the test a day before Seulgi's birthday. Irene wanted to surprise Seulgi. 

But seriously, Irene is just a scaredy cat. She's not ready for this really. But she knows she can't turn back anymore. So for the mean time she keep telling herself she's not feeling so well due to over work. Ever since Irene told Joy she wasn't feeling so well, Joy always took her time to go see her after work.

Just to make sure she is okay. She took her blood pressure and make sure Irene's body temperature and everything seems normal. So it only mean the girl is pregnant. But it appears that Irene still freaks out for the decision she had just made. Joy just laugh it all loud seeing the girl freaking out.

While Joy is having fun playing with her phone, Irene decided to make herself breakfast. Seulgi went to work early in the morning but she left with worried towards Irene. It's been three days and the girl seems not getting any better. But Joy make sure that Irene is fine. Well she's lying to Seulgi for the sake of Irene. Since the girl really insist to tell the bear right on her birthday.

When Irene is making herself breakfast with bread and sausage, she feel weird in her stomach. Like this weird feeling of not wanting to eat and seeing food right iinfront of her make her wanted to vomit. Also the headache hurting her head. She hold her stomach and run to the bathroom.

"Ya, unnie. You okay?"

Once Irene in the bathroom, she can't help but to vomit right in the toilet. She feel so ed up right now and a complete mess. Joy who followed Irene imidietly, stand right at the back watching the girl struggling with her pregnancy.


"I'm okay, Joy" Joy sigh.

Irene flash the toilet and sigh. If it's not because she is pregnant then what else? She's just scared to admit that, is the reason why she denied it everytime Joy is telling the truth right on her face. 


Joy gave Irene a test pack and Irene knows she can't run away from this. She need to make sure if what they thought are real or not. More importantly she need to face the reality. A little bit unsure, she take the test pack and Joy went out from the bathroom. 


Seulgi rush to her car that she bought years ago after she heard Irene vomitted at home. She can't help to feel anxious and worried for Irene. Good thing Joy's at home. She can take care of Irene for awhile. It didn't take too long for Seulgi to finally arrive at her house. Actually they still live in Irene's house since her parent told them that this house is their wedding present.

It's a relieve though. But they have been thinking of buying new house for both of them. A new and fresh start. But they haven't talked about that since they have been busy with their jobs. 

Once she arrived, she run to the house and found Irene and Joy sitting in the living room across each other. Seulgi imidietly run towards Irene with a concern look on her face. Irene on the other hand surprise to see Seulgi since she suppose to get home at five. 

Seeing the situation, Irene knew Joy who called Seulgi. She didn't know what to do. Should she get mad at Joy or be thankful to her since right now all she really wanted to do is cuddle with Seulgi. She miss the girl so much even though she went out for work.

"Hyun, are you okay? Joy did you check her up?" asked Seulgi really worried.

"She's fine actually. But I think she have something to say to you" 

Irene was really gonna curse at Joy for blurting out just like that. 

"What? What is it, Joohyun?" 

There is no way she can get away from this. She really wanted to tell Seulgi on her birthday which is three days away. But because of Joy, her plan completely ruin. Irene wasn't mad at Joy. Maybe she really need to tell Seulgi since her morning sickness is getting more severe. Also the bear seems to realize her stomach a little bloated since yesterday.

Irene gulp. She really nervous to say this since she didn't know what will Seulgi react. All she can do is hoping that the girl won't freak out after she tell her this.

So without waiting any longer, she take out the test pack in her pocket and give it to Seulgi which look really confuse. 

"W-what is this?" asked Seulgi who took the test pack from Irene.

"Seulgi-ah. I-I'm pregnant"

For a moment there is silent. This is the nerve wrecking time Irene is scared of. Seeing the straight face on Seulgi's face, she really scared that the girl will be mad at her for going to the donors together. But what really surprise Irene, Seulgi hug her and she seem to cry.


"You must be struggling. I'm sorry, Irene" 

Irene didn't understand. She let go of the hug and stare at Seulgi's face.

"I know I've been talking about us having a baby and I know you are not ready. But you did this without me knowing just showed me how much you really love me. I'm sorry for burden you with such big responsibility, Hyun-ah" 

Seulgi can't help but to cry due to happiness and touched because of Irene's act. She really touched on how Irene managed to get pregnant without her knowing. Yes. She didn't know Irene went to the donors all by herself. She is surprise to get the test pack from Irene and no. She's not mad at Irene. She just can't help but to be touched by the older girl act.

It really make her happy but sad because apparently the girl have been thinking a lot about this since she had brought this topic all the time during dinner. Irene must have been thinking a lot about this and she really went to the donors all by herself just to make her happy. But really. If Irene wasn't ready, Seulgi willing to wait. Even it takes a lot of time, she doesn't care at all.

"Thank you, Irene-ah. I love you so much" 


Irene pull Seulgi into a hug and broke into tears. She cannot belive this is how Seulgi react towards her. Rather than being surprised and hyped up, she chose to cry due to touched by her action. Surely she married a unique person and yes she love her so much.

"I will do anything to make you happy, Seulgi-ah. Even though I'm not ready yet, I always know you will be there for me all the time. That's why I took the donor" 

"Thank you, Irene-ah. I'm so happy. Thank you for making be the happiest girl in the world today" 

"Oh my god, guys. I'm really going to puke" 

"Ya! You ruin the moment. Park Sooyoung!" Irene really shout at Joy who is shock because apparently Irene's pregnancy makes her mood changes real quick.

"Irene-ah. Calm down. It's not good for the baby" said Seulgi calmly which make Irene smile.

"I know" 

Joy really want to puke that time but ended up smiling to the couple infront of her. She can see how much they love each other and she wish one day she and Wendy will be just like the both of them. 

"I'm just going back to the hospital. Seeing my patient" said Joy and Seulgi thank her for staying with Irene.

The moment Joy left the house, Seulgi and Irene take their time in the living room just cuddling with each other. Seulgi can't express her happiness due to the sudden news from Irene. She still surprise that soon she will be a mother. This whole adventure with Irene is just like a roller coaster and Seulgi willing to go again and again, everytime. 

Because the girl never stop surprise her and make her happy all the time. She knows she won't ever let go of her hands and will always be there for her. Her beautiful wife, Bae Joohyun. Seulgi can't help but to smile.

Irene on the other hand didn't know how to feel. She's happy but also feel weird. Cause how Seulgi react is just different than the others. Well she knows before she marry the bear, Seulgi is different. But maybe she was expecting too much from the bear. Just like always.

But this. Everything is enough for Irene. Knowing that her wife is happy with the sudden news and she willing to always be there for her is enough. She's happy to be with her and knowing that she will carry this child with Seulgi by her side, is the best moment ever. 



"Thank you for not being mad at me"

"Hey. I know what you did is to make me happy and yes you did make me happy. I'm thankful for having you in my life" 

Irene can't help but smile. She kiss Seulgi passionately, running her hands on Seulgi's body and Seulgi gladly answer to Irene's kiss. 

"I love you, Kang Seulgi"

"I love you too, Bae Joohyun" 


Hehe...how about another epilogue? Any thoughts?

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Chapter 23: Seulgi is a coward just like me
Chapter 9: Jisoo is the main character in their minds
Oct_13_wen_03 #3
Chapter 28: ❤❤❤❤❤
Kavabeann #4
feel like i have read this before
Chapter 28: AHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH i can't seulgi, you're so hilarious XD
thank you for this, i really love it <3

hwaiting for your new story!
i'll be waiting tho :D
zjkdlin0121 #7
Chapter 27: Another epilogue hehehe
Chapter 27: wowowoooooo i looooove it :****
big YES for another epilogue <3
just make seulgi suffer with joohyun pregnancy, i'd love to see her trying LOL
whipped kang is always good XD
Chapter 26: a pregnant joohyun and a silly seulgi would be nice LOL
ahhahahahahah don't mind me i just like that idea so much
but whatever you want to write it will be great tho <3
over all your plot is good because there's no third party i don't know why i hate that kind of thing
as you can see they always put seulrene stories with someone and then make them back to each other arms and i hate it so much
but you prove me wrong and i appreciate it a lot, thank you <3
