Let's Love


The beautiful sun rays its light through the white curtain. Making the room look bright after the darkness went down a few hour ago. It's Saturday morning and the road seems crowded with cars. Eventually making loud sound from its roaring machine. For people who are sensitive with sound while they were sleeping, they will end waking up due to the noise. Same goes to the beautiful white pale skin looking like porcelain. She wakes up from her deep sleep after hearing the noisy sound from outside the building. 

She stretch her body with her eyes shut closed then let out a sigh. She woke up smelling the familiar fragrance in a unfamiliar place. Her brain starting to remember what happened last night and when she does remember, she can't help to form a wide smile on her face. Finally after few days in hell not having the chance to wake up beside her lover, today she can finally wake up next to her love. Realizing that, she quickly turn her body to the right only to see the monolid girl still sleeping soundly. 

Watching the girl sleeping peacefully will always be the best view. She adore it very much and like always, she gently remove some hair on her face to the back of her head. Irene can watch the girl sleeping forever because that is the only thing she want for the rest of her life. Waking up next to the beautiful monolid girl can lift up her mood of the day. Not only that, waking up next to Seulgi means that the monolid girl belongs to her and only for herself.

Irene decided to stay in her position until Seulgi's wake up and not long after that, the monolid girl starts to open her eyes. Seulgi can't help but to faintly smile knowing that the first thing she see in the  morning is Irene. Not the empty space she never get used to for the past one month. Both of them stare at each other with a smile on their face. Just like what Irene did awhile ago, Seulgi remove some hair on Irene side face and tangle them to the back of Irene's ear.

"Good morning" Irene say.


"Did you sleep well last night?" ask Irene which earn a nod from Seulgi.

"I dreamt of kissing you" Irene open her eyes wide and chuckle.

"You're being cheesy" 

"No I'm not. I'm saying the truth"

"Okay let's stop here" said Irene not wanting to blushing even harder. 

Seulgi on the other hand find Irene look so cute. A bunny who blush because of she had said. How cute. Thought Seulgi.

After that none of them talk. Even in silent they always feel comfortable. It was never an awkward silent. They enjoy it just the same when spend time talking to each other. All they do is staring at each other eyes like they talking through their eyes. 

Seulgi realize staring at Irene everyday and waking up with her next to her is her only wish until her death. She want to stay with Irene. The past one month waking up in her old bedroom with nobody beside her and no familiar fragrance of Irene has been the worst experience she ever did. Even with the pain Irene had given to her, she realize she can't stay away from Irene. Pain will always come. What matter is how will you deal with the pain. 

Being the most coward person in the whole world, Seulgi just realize it yesterday. Jisoo made her realized that. As a grown up person, pain will always come in your ways and it is the temptation God gave to every human being. The way to get out from the temtation is to deal with it. Face it and end it by talking face to face. After she talked with Jisoo, Seulgi didn't want to go home. She need fresh air and she let herself ended up at the place where she first introduce herself to Irene.

It didn't shocked her when she found Irene there because this will always be the place where Irene find her peace. But unlike the other days, that day she doesn't want to avoid nor ignore the girl. Seeing the older girl standing not far from the bench they always sit, she realize how much she miss the girl. Even with the pain the older girl gave to her, she still love her. Call her stupid or dumb but her love to Irene is stronger than anything. Staring at the older girl back yesterday, she realize how she want to hug the girl so much and that makes her anxious. 

When she finally got Irene into her embrace, she can felt the air coming in to her lungs. Feeling so relieved and happy at the same time. All this time she had a hard time breathing and that is because she left her oxygen. Her home. Yes. Irene is her home where she able to breath normally. Irene is not just a lover she is everything to Seulgi. She's the reason she can be the person right now. Stronger than she used to be. Irene had changed her into a better person and how can she be so dumb? Letting the pain blind her to see those facts. 

Now that she finally came home, Seulgi doesn't want to leave anymore. She wanted to stay beside Irene. Everyday, everyhour, everyminute, everysecond. She willing to stay by Irene side forever. Holding her hand forever. Protecting her like she use to protect her in the past. Everything. She wanted to be Irene's shield. Her hero, her 'trash bin' if she need someone to let out her stress. She wanted to be there when Irene needs her. More importantly, she wanted to wake up everyday next to the older girl. 



"I'm sorry" 

"Seulgi. I'm the one who suppose to say sorry. I'm sorry for hurting you when I thought I was protecting you" the monolid girl rub Irene's face gently with her lovely eyes staring right through Irene's eyes.

"I also hurt you. I shouldn't have let the pain blind me from seeing the facts that all this time you had always been there for me. Protecting me"

"I know. But I was wrong too. I lied to you about the reasons I came here also that I'm Jisoo step sister" 

"It's okay"

"Seulgi-ah. I promise I won't ever lie to you again. No more secrets between us" Seulgi faintly smile and kiss Irene's forehead. 

"It's in the past now. What matters right now is you staying by my side" 

Irene nodded and move herself closer to Seulgi only to hug her with her head on Seulgi's chest. She rest her head there and close her eyes for awhile. It's been awhile since the last time Irene cuddle like this with Seulgi and she love it so much. Irene resting her head and Seulgi caress Irene's hair. They stay in that position for awhile until Seulgi broke the silent.

"It's nice like this" Irene open her eyes and thinking about what should she say. She thought that she doesn't want to wait any longer. This is the right time to drop the bomb. She doesn't want to waste the chance right now. 



"Marry me" Irene blurt it out without thinking again. 

It took awhile for Seulgi to answer and so Irene pull herself to sit on the bed facing Seulgi who look so shock hearing the sudden proposealfrom irene.


Still no answer from Seulgi. Irene never felt this nervous before. She really scared if Seulgi say no to her proposal.  do I too late to ask this? Thought Irene. But what Seulgi do next completely caught Irene's guard. Seulgi kiss her. She gently put her hands around Irene's waist and pull the older girl closer to her. It didn't took a second for Irene to respon to Seulgi kiss. Irene cup Seulgi face and gently kiss the monolid girl. She had been craving those lips since yesterday but she hold herself not wanting to scares Seulgi. 

They both drown into the passionate kiss and the room suddenly feel so hot. Next thing they knew, Irene is already above Seulgi and they can't stop making out even though it's already 12 in the afternoon. They don't care at all. This is what they have been craving. Seulgi's hands already playing underneath Irene's shirt. But once they need to catch their breath, they take a rest for awhile didn't even let go of their stares. 

"So?" ask Irene.

"This is my answer, Irene-ah" said Seulgi with a smirk on her face which make Irene drive herself crazy. Gosh I don't know she can be so seductive. Thought Irene. 

Then they continue what they were doing, don't even care if it's already afternoon.


The music is the only thing that keeps the atmosphere comfortable even though they are slight awkwardness between the two girls who sit face to face to each other. The two girl has been sitting in silent. None of them dare to start a conversation and Jisoo curse herself for being a coward while she was the one who came up to Seulgi. Yet she's being a statue right now.

Seulgi on the other hand is busy with her feelings. She can't stop feeling anxious and angry at the same time. Because the girl infront of her is the one who had hurted her and even years had pass, the pain didn't go away. Seulgi just gotten used to the pain. Also she's the one who came up to her yet she didn't dare to start a conversation since they arrived in this cafe. 

"I'm sorry" Jisoo finally say after having a fight with her inner feelings.

"I'm sorry for what I did in the past. I guess I did the wrong move to let you go"

Jisoo look straight into Seulgi's eyes and Seulgi can see the sincerity. Seulgi didn't know what to do because it's been a very long time. Maybe if Jisoo came a year later after she left Seulgi, the monolid girl will defitnetly throw all the anger right infront of Jisoo. But right now, since it's been years and she had learnt to accept things, she didn't know what to do to Jisoo.

Yes there is still slight anger when she saw Jisoo the first time in Irene's entrance door, but after that she didn't think about the pain Jisoo had caused. She was thinking about Irene.


"I didn't know what to say actually" finally Seulgi said it.

"I know I hurted you and I came here to apologize. I'm sorry for leaving you like that and I'm still disappointed with myself for what I did to you"

"You should be" Jisoo nodded.

"It's your right for mad at me. You can throw your anger to me right now. I deserve all this"

Jisoo prepare herself for what Seulgi might do next. But Seulgi remain sit on her chair looking at Jisoo with sadness on her face. This whole apologize thing...Seulgi realized all this time she had forgive Jisoo. Irene helped her with that. The beautiful girl who look like godness greace had been there for her. Helping her to accept things between her and Jisoo. She just realized it now.

"Your sister....she helped me through the pain you caused. She helped me accept things between us. I think I had forgive you long time before you came to me" 

Jisoo tilted her head a little confuse to what Seulgi had said. But at some point she did get it since Irene had told her the reasons why she came here and eventually ended up dating her first love. Jisoo saw how much Irene had changed Seulgi. Even though she still a coward, right now what Jisoo see is the whole new Seulgi.

Jisoo always thought Seulgi is that kind of person who take revenge to those who had hurted her once she meet them again. While waiting for them to finally come up to her, she deal with the pain by herself. Keeping it all to herself and didn't let anyone come in because what she had in her mind is darkness and she didn't want anyone to see it. But Irene, her sister had helped Seulgi going through the darkness she had. The darkness which caused by Jisoo action in the past.

Right now what Jisoo see infront of her is a different Seulgi. She is more mature, more alive, and more brave. Even though she can still see sadness in those beautiful monolid eyes she used to adore in the past, she knows Irene is the only person who can erase those sadness.

"I forgive you Jisoo. Long before you finally decided to face it and your sister helped through it" 

"She guided you" Jisoo added and Seulgi couldn't help but to nod a sign of agreement to what Jisoo had said. 

"I have my reasons for leaving you back in the days and everything I did to you was one of my most reckless action. I'm happy to know that my sister helped you went through all that"

The monolid girl could only smile faintly before take a sip of her drink. The weather outside is quiet cold since it's about to be winter and her mind wander to Irene. She knows how much the older girl hate this kind of weather. Irene always cuddle to her everynight asking for a hug to warm her body. Thinking of Irene, she realize how much she miss the girl and if only she can see her, she promise herself not to ignore or avoid the girl.

Jisoo on the other hand take a look at the watch of her wrist only to find it's already 7 and she had promised Jennie to get home for dinner. 

"So...are we good now?" ask Jisoo.

"Yeah. We're good" Jisoo smile and she take her belongings but before she go she need to say something to Seulgi.

"My sister...she might had hurted you like I did. But trust me, she willing to do anything just to get your forgiveness. Unlike me. That kind of person is worth to fight for. She never been herself for the pass one month thinking about you. Think again if you want to end your relationship with her. I'm still her sister even though she hurted me and disappointed me, I still care for her" 

"So are you going to kill me if I end my relationship with her?"

"Man I will chase you around the world if you ever do that" Seulgi laugh a little and Jisoo can't help but to chuckle. Guess she finally get her best friend back but it will take awhile for them to finally be comfortable with each other. 

"Good night Seulgi"

"Good night Jisoo"

And that's how Seulgi realize her endless love for Irene even though the older girl had hurted her. That night she went to the Hangang River since she didn't want to go home yet. She didn't know why she went there cause that place is the least place she wanted to go. But it's like a destiny for her. Going to Hangang River and met the love of her life standing not far from the bench they used to sit, was only planned by god. 

God said it's time to deal her matter with Irene and this is the perfect time for it. And yes, Seulgi did what God whispered to her through her heart. 


"I'll wash after you" Seulgi suggested.

"Sure. Since I woke up first"

Seulgi smile and continue eating. After they little make out in the bedroom which is a hotel bedroom, they decided to order foods for them. Yesterday after they met at the Hangang river, they decided to go to a hotel since none of them wanted to go home. 

There is Jisoo and Jennie staying in Irene's house meanwhile Seulgi have Yeri who will be completely noise if they go there. So they decided to go to a hotel room and sure they will have privacy time together. After Irene's proposal and a little make out after that, Irene put the ring to Seulgi's finger and surprisingly it fit perfectly. Irene thought it will be too big for Seulgi but it fit perfectly. 

"Do you want to go somewhere after this?" ask Seulgi.

"Do you mind if we go to my house?" Seulgi raise one of her eyes brow and tilted her head. Irene find it cute but at the same time worry of what Seulgi thinking.


"Do you really have to ask that question? I live there too!" said Seulgi which earn a laugh from Irene.

"I'm sorry. I haven't get used to us going back to normal"

"Stop apologizing Irene. I forgive you"

"I'm sor-"

Before Irene could finish her sentence, Seulgi throw herself to Irene's lips and kiss her. Irene who sit across Seulgi is completely surprise yet she can't hide the happiness in her stomach. Butterfly and maybe other kinds of animal live in the zoo is killing her stomach. She need to get use to this Kang Seulgi. One month had pass and Seulgi changed so quick. Usually Irene always the first who take action like this. Being all seductive and protective to Seulgi. But it seems everything will change now.

"You blabbering" 

"A-araseo! I won't do it" 

Seulgi let out a smile. 


It's 7 in the evening yet the house seems so quiet. No one is sitting in the dining room nor the living room. Everything is quiet if you don't climb up the stairs and went to Jisoo's bedroom. The innoncent wooden door is only a fake distraction from what happening inside the room. 

Two girls having fun on the bed with their clothes straggle on the floor. Kisses and moans can be heard in the room. Don't you guys think it's a bit early for a rough ? But you guys won't ever understand what's inside Jisoo and Jennie's mind before they ended up on the bed....

Jisoo on top of Jennie kissing the beautiful body of Jennie. Playing her hand with Jennie's sensitive part and the older couldn't help but to ask Jisoo for wanting more and more. Jisoo is teasing Jennie by making circle around her sensitive part of her body with her slender fingers. Jennie on the other hand couldn't hide herself from scratching Jisoo's back and let out lots of moan. 

"S-stop t-teasing me!" said Jennie which make Jisoo smirk playfully. 

The younger girl obey and slowly, gently get herself inside Jennie's sensitive part and there Jennie let out a moan which Jisoo quickly kiss the older girl lips to contain her moans running out. Jisoo finger gently going in one by one and it just make Jennie crazy with the tease which make her can't help but to scratch Jisoo's back harder. 


And the younger girl chuckle before entering inside Jennie a little harder this time. To be honest, when Irene wasn't around the house, is the time where the two girls did this. Because Jennie can't stop herself from and it sound so loud. Both of them scared if Irene will barge in to Jisoo's bedroom and caught them doing naughty things in her house. Well actually this is Jisoo and Irene's house but still Irene rulling the house.

So when Irene wasn't in the house, they take the chance to fully their lust and the pleasure they want. Jisoo was holding her desire since yesterday because she thought that Irene will come home. But it happened she didn't come home last night. Even though she is curious to where her sister went, but the desire of wanting to please Jennie is more crucial than anything. So since last night they have been doing the same thing and do it again after having early dinner. Not wanting to lose the chance.

"H-harder Jisoo. Harder" 

And Jisoo obey. She go harder inside the core of Jennie's sensitive part and just hearing Jennie moan is a music to her ears. But before Jennie finally gets what she wanted, someone barge in to the room and both of them who are completely , quickly cover themself with the bed sheet. Jisoo jump right next to Jennie lying on the comfortable bed while covering her body under the bed sheet. 

Jennie curse herself for not getting what she want didn't even bother to see who barged in. Meanwhile next to her Jisoo didn't just hide her body, she also hide her head feeling like a naughty kid who just caught up stealing a piece of cake. 

"Seriously? Isn't it too early for you guys to do this?" Both girls know whose voice is it and they take a peak to the girl who is standing by the door with a familiar girl at the back of the older girl.

"Put your clothes on and go downstairs ASAP!" order Irene.

Irene closed the door behind her and just shook her head while Seulgi looking at her with her innoncent face which make Irene confuse.


"We did it in the afternoon" said Seulgi carefully and Irene just shrugged before going downstairs with her hand holding Seulgi's.

Meanwhile inside Jisoo's room, the two girls catch their breath before staring at each other only to laugh together. Even though the situation kind a awkward but the found it funny. By the order of Queen Irene, they quickly put their clothes on and went downstairs acting like nothing happened. 



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Chapter 23: Seulgi is a coward just like me
Chapter 9: Jisoo is the main character in their minds
Oct_13_wen_03 #3
Chapter 28: ❤❤❤❤❤
Kavabeann #4
feel like i have read this before
Chapter 28: AHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH i can't seulgi, you're so hilarious XD
thank you for this, i really love it <3

hwaiting for your new story!
i'll be waiting tho :D
zjkdlin0121 #7
Chapter 27: Another epilogue hehehe
Chapter 27: wowowoooooo i looooove it :****
big YES for another epilogue <3
just make seulgi suffer with joohyun pregnancy, i'd love to see her trying LOL
whipped kang is always good XD
Chapter 26: a pregnant joohyun and a silly seulgi would be nice LOL
ahhahahahahah don't mind me i just like that idea so much
but whatever you want to write it will be great tho <3
over all your plot is good because there's no third party i don't know why i hate that kind of thing
as you can see they always put seulrene stories with someone and then make them back to each other arms and i hate it so much
but you prove me wrong and i appreciate it a lot, thank you <3
