Writing Meme, feat. YoonHyun

Hands Like Magnet

Writing Meme, Part II (feat. YoonHyun)
(Part Two out of Four or Five)

Writer's Meme:
1. Pick a character, fandom, pairing, friendship, whatever.
2. Put on your music program on shuffle/random and start playing songs.
3. For each song, write something inspired by the song related to the theme you chose earlier. You only have the song length. No pre-planning and no writing after the song is over. No skipping songs either.
4. Do 10 songs and post. Make sure to include the song name/artist.  I am disregarding this for you guys :))



01.  Missing You Like Crazy – Taeyeon

Two years. Yoona had been waiting for Seohyun for two years. The latter had been forced by her parents to move to England to further her studies.

They’d promised to write to each other as often as they possibly could. Innocently, they believed their love would survive the cold, harsh world.

Innocently, they let go of each other, not knowing what was going to be thrown at them by reality.

Her heart was taken through and through by Seohyun, but she didn’t mind.

Innocently, she was going crazy over the girl.



02. In Love with a Girl – Gavin DeGraw

Most people find it weird that a girl could fall in love, romantically, with another girl.

Once, Yoona thought that way too. And then came Seohyun into her life, only to turn it upside down like it was the most normal thing to do.

She’d comment on Yoona in the most hurtful of ways (‘unnie you’ll die if you eat that’), but that was what intrigued her about the girl.

She’s in love with a girl.



03. Beautiful Monster – Ne-Yo

Seohyun was always careful.

But how, out of seven billion people on earth, did she come to meet Im Yoona, the beautiful monster?

It hurt her that Yoona was never there when she needed her... but she didn’t mind. Was that wrong?

Her eyes were poisonous, fiery. They burned into Seohyun’s skin and it hurt, but she didn’t mind.

There was definitely something wrong with her. She was falling for a monster.



04. Insane – BTOB

Seohyun had many secrets, but there was especially many tonight.

Yoona’d gone out of her way to follow her girlfriend that day, and almost fell to her knees when she saw the girl enter an unknown man’s house.

That’s it, she thought. I won’t be back again.

She wouldn’t have any regrets sending Seohyun away.

She wouldn’t miss the girl.

She’d be better than the girl.

She’d given Yoona so much pain, and wasn’t going to let her win.



05. Falling – John Park

Yoona only saw a blinding whiteness in her eyes. She didn’t know what was happening to her. She tried to look somewhere else but she couldn’t.

She tried to walk away, but she couldn’t. She’d come back crawling to Seohyun.

It wasn’t right. She knew that.

But she was falling for Seohyun, even though the girl couldn’t, wouldn’t embrace her.



06. Stupid Liar – BIGBANG

Yoona felt stupid. She’d been lied to by Seohyun countless times that week alone.

She said she was busy. She said she was meeting her friends. She said she was caught up in revision, barely making time to even call her.

“I’m not stupid, Seohyunnie,” she cooed into the receiver.

But beyond that, she couldn’t bring herself to hate Seohyun.



07. Baby – John Park

They’d just met a few weeks back, and much to Yoona’s pleasant surprise, there they were, on the couch, making out like it was the end of the world.

Yoona had wondered if they were taking it too quickly, but no one would reject a kiss from a beautiful girl, wouldn’t they?

Closer and closer, the gap that parted their lips was now closed. Skin against skin, they enjoyed each other’s warmth on that couch the whole night, waiting for reality to seep in the next day.



08. Pretty Enough (feat. Sanchez) – Verbal Jint

Seohyun was crying again. Yoona knew that.

Seohyun was hurt. Yoona knew that.

Seohyun couldn’t leave. Yoona knew that.

Seohyun was pretty. Yoona knew that.

Seohyun was nice. Yoona knew that.

Seohyun was the epitome of everything she ever needed. Yoona knew that.

Seohyun wouldn’t look at her. Yoona knew that.

Yoona could, would treat her right. Seohyun didn’t know that.



09. Beautiful Stranger – Girls’ Generation

Yoona walks in to the studio, only to be stopped short in her tracks by a beauty sitting in a chair that had her name on it.

“Excuse me,” she said, trying not to sound rude.


The girl looked up and smiled.

“Oh, sorry.”

Yoona looked at the girl. She wondered how being more beautiful than her was ever possible.



10. 1973 – James Blunt

Parties, parties, parties.

, , .


That was how superstar Im Yoona spent her years in the 1970s.

But among the sea of waiting at her doorstep every morning, she liked to hang out with a certain girl the most.

Most of her fans didn’t know her name, but they respected her position as Yoona’s most important friend.

Every Sunday night, while everyone else was partying, Yoona would break into the girl’s house.

Not that her parents minded; they were the very best of friends since adolescence.

Forever and always.

Seohyun and Yoona.



11. Pretty Girl – f(x)

There were many pretty girls in the world, but Seohyun stood out the most among them.

Yoona was awestruck the moment she met Seohyun, more so when the latter said, “Your face is typical.”

Oh, the nerve of that girl!

Oh, how Yoona would love to kill her!

And yet, she found herself inexplicably attracted to Seohyun.

She’d like to find out why, though.



12. Don’t Act Foolish (feat. Junhyung) – ALi

The end of a relationship wasn’t a valid excuse to kill oneself, Seohyun said.

The end of a relationship wasn’t a valid excuse to cut off one’s ties with the world, Seohyun said.

The end of a relationship wasn’t a valid excuse to fork one’s eyes out, Seohyun said.

The end of a relationship wasn’t a valid excuse to give up on life, Seohyun said.

The end of a relationship wasn’t a valid excuse to act foolish, Seohyun said.

If only you understood, Yoona said.



13. You – BEAST

Yoona couldn’t tell Seohyun exactly how she felt, but she was certain her actions would demonstrate perfectly.

But unfortunately for her, the younger one was about as aware of her actions as a door.

Why couldn’t she see it—how she’d changed Yoona a lot?

The things she texted the maknae, all the cheese in all the wrong places, with a tsunami of emoticons blanketing her messages—it was all because of her.



14. Fuwa Fuwa Time – Aki Toyosaki

“I like you,” Yoona confessed.

At that moment, she couldn’t tell if her heart had stopped or if it was going too fast.

She prayed that the moments she had with Seohyun wouldn’t run out.

Because every single moment was precious.

She didn’t want them to end.



15. Girlfriend – Girls’ Generation

Yoona often talked about love in the dorm, but little did she know someone’s eyes were on her.

Tonight the both of them were alone.

As they were closer to each other than anyone else, they were glad.

“Unnie...” Seohyun said in the most endearing way. Only for Yoona.

“Yes Hyunnie?”

Yoona smiled. She liked it when the maknae turned from the independent person she was to an affectionate little girl.



16. No More – John Park

Words of love, words that say “I’m not going to change,” are easy to say. But everyone knows how the human heart works. It is constantly changing.

Yoona knew how Seohyun actually felt.

Even though she didn’t say it, she knew the latter was hurt.

“We can stop now, you know,” Yoona said.

She knew of the lies that came out of Seohyun’s lips: that she wanted to stay only by Yoona’s side; that she only stole Yoona’s lips.

They could stop, they could erase everything.

But no one forgets their first love.



17. #PeepShow – Jaurim + Aziatix + Idiotape

“Get ready for the peep show,” Yoona said to herself, her dry lips wet.

She looked forward to it every night: her own personal peep show no one else knew of, not even the subject, the star of the peep show.

She positioned herself in front of a door and cracked a small gap. It was three in the morning so Hyoyeon would definitely be asleep, rendering her peep show that much more riskless.

A smile crept onto her face.

This was going to be fun.



18. Who’d Have Known – Lily Allen

Yoona’d kept Seohyun in her house for a few months now. Even though she had a girlfriend. And no one knew why.

Seohyun always waited for the older one to come back before slipping into the room together.

At first it was awkward...

Seohyun didn’t know what to do when Yoona kissed her.

Seohyun didn’t know what to do when Yoona called her baby.

Seohyun didn’t know what to do when Yoona said to her friends that they existed.

Seohyun didn’t know what to do when Yoona’s girlfriend called.

Seohyun didn’t know what to do when Yoona finally said “I love you”.



19. Bad Girl – BEAST

Seohyun’s heart had been stolen by Yoona. Not that she minded, no, not at all.

The only thing that bothered her was how reckless Yoona was when handling her heart.

One day she’d have her kiss, her love would be reciprocated.

Until then, Seohyun would regard Yoona as the bad girl who took her heart away without warning, and played with it so recklessly she’d regret letting her heart get stolen again.



20. That’s Amore – Dean Martin

The moon was a lot more beautiful the last few nights.

But Yoona liked it more when the moonlight was reflected off of Seohyun’s eyes.

She couldn’t understand the feelings she was experiencing, but she liked it.

Everywhere she went, everything went fine. She could hear overly-romantic music ringing in her ears.

A long time ago she would’ve hated everything in her life.

But she had Seohyun now.

And that was everything she wanted.



21. Body Language (feat. T-Pain) – Jesse McCartney

Yoona could not ever understand the Japanese that Seohyun could speak so fluently. Nor could she understand the Mandarin spewing from .

One thing was sure, though, when they were performing their Japanese songs live, Yoona liked it.

She couldn’t understand anything without being presented with a dictionary, but at least she could read the younger one’s body language.

She liked it when Seohyun performed.

She was innocent, and yet her body language screamed all over.

Or was it Yoona’s raging hormones that had interpreted Seohyun’s body language incorrectly?



22. What Can I Do – Seungri

Seohyun always pushed Yoona away whenever the latter wanted some alone time together.

Yoona was breaking down.

She didn’t like it when she got pushed away.

She didn’t like it when she got rejected.

Even more so lately when Seohyun has been colder than usual.

“What can I do to save us both?”



23. Mirotic – TVXQ

Seohyun’s got Yoona under her skin.

Yoona is wrapped around her little finger, but Seohyun doesn’t like it.

Yoona constantly pesters her in the dorm, asking useless questions that didn’t even make sense.

‘Seohyun how is your pillow?’, ‘Seohyun how is the water?’, ‘Seohyun will you love me back?’



24. Honey – L’Arc en Ciel

Yoona couldn’t explain the feelings she went through the first time she met Seohyun.

Yoona couldn’t explain the feelings she went through the first time she confessed to Seohyun.

Yoona couldn’t explain the feelings she went through the first time she’d noticed Seohyun’s cuteness.

Yoona couldn’t explain the feelings she went through the first time she’d realized she’d fallen in love with Seohyun.

Yoona couldn’t comprehend why the feeling was sweet.

Yoona could tell it was sweet.

Yoona knew honey was sweet; so was sugar.

But the feelings she went through was different.



25. Amigo – SHINee

Cold eyes with the heart of a robot: that was how Yoona described her girlfriend whenever she was asked to do so.

Seohyun drove the girl mad, but that made her love all the stronger.

Because Seohyun was perfect in her eyes.

After all, everyone likes the thrill of the chase.



26. Romeo + Juliette – SHINee

Everyone knows how the story goes: they’re supposed to hate each other; inexplicably they fall in love and... death. Death to everyone.

But how could they hate each other when they’re meant to be?

That was how Yoona viewed her relationship with Seohyun.

They were both from two prominent, rival families, and they were both supposed to hate each other right down to the tiniest particles that made up their existence.

But they were in love with each other right down to the tiniest particles that made up their existence.

The only thing that worried Yoona was the death.



27. Baby, Don’t Cry – EXO-K

Yoona was leaving for a shoot in New York in a few hours. She didn’t like at all the idea of leaving Seohyun alone with the others in the dorm.

So she’d devised a brilliant plan...

That afternoon, she asked a favour from her pretty juniors, a few members of EXO-K.

She’d brought them to the dorm and asked them to sing for her girlfriend.

Baby don’t cry tonight



My love will protect you...



28. My Love – B1A4

Yoona had spent so many lonely nights looking for the right one, the one she could spend the remainder of her days with.

Just as she’d given up, she noticed a girl entering her cafe, ordering her usual brew from one of the baristas.

What caught her attention was the book the girl was holding onto: Our Notebook, it read.

She’d vaguely remembered her childhood sweetheart bringing that notebook everywhere: she’d given it to her sweetheart when she moved away to the city, and promised to find her love one day.

And she just did.



29. How Do You Sleep (feat. Ludacris) – Jesse McCartney

A year has passed since they’d last seen each other.

Yoona had tried her best to move on, but she had yet to find a girl like Seohyun.

She found one of the letters they wrote to each other; the ones soaked in their perfume. It still smelt like Seohyun.

Yoona smiled.



30. Beautiful Soul – Jesse McCartney

So many beautiful girls in the world, but Yoona’s heart wouldn’t get stolen so easily.

Because her eyes followed a certain someone already.

A certain special someone she would always stay faithful to.

A certain special someone who she liked to chase.

A certain special someone she wanted to hold.

A certain special someone she didn’t mind wasting her time on.

A certain special someone whose soul is beautiful.

A certain special someone who goes by the name of Seohyun.



31. Butterfly – Jessica & Krystal

Yoona found Seohyun cute, everyone knew that.

What no one knew was how Yoona felt about the girl.

Every night she would talk to the blowing wind about her feelings.

“I love her,” she’d whisper.

She didn’t like how the girl didn’t know her feelings, but it was best no one knew. At least for the time being.



32. G.O.O.D. Luv – MBLAQ

Yoona couldn’t stop the love pumped out of her heart into her bloodstream.

She couldn’t stop the loving stares that bore holes into Seohyun’s pureness of an existence.

She couldn’t stop the anxiety she felt when she’d first met the girl.

She couldn’t stop her heart from exploding, spraying her love all over the place.

She couldn’t stop Seohyun from leaving her.

She couldn’t stop Seohyun from not loving her.

She couldn’t stop her heart from aching.



33. Try Sleeping with a Broken Heart – Alicia Keys

“Have you even tried sleeping with a broken ing heart, unnie?” Yoona asked, still bawling.

“Umm, no, but how bad can it be?”

“Have you ever been stabbed with a syringe? Think of the biggest syringe you possibly can, and double—no, triple that! And that’s only the tip of the ing iceberg, UNNIE. The ing tip of the ing iceberg.”

“But you surely can make it tonight, right?”

“I don’t know, unnie... being without Seohyun is hard.”

“But it’s just one night, Yoona...”


“Seohyun will be back from Japan tomorrow, dear.”

ing lovebirds and their stupid problems.



34. NOW – Super Junior

Seohyun was always scared.

Yoona respected that, but she never understood it.

So she smiled, took Seohyun’s hand in hers, and brought her out of the dorm.

“This is our time, Hyunnie!”



35. Bye U (feat. G.O.) – Outsider (a.k.a. the fastest rapper in Korea) (Listen to this ing song) (It’s amazing)

It was the end for them.

Seohyun trusted Yoona.

Seohyun gave all of her heart to Yoona.

Seohyun gave everything to Yoona.

But she was one of the people who cursed at her.

But she was going to forget about her doe eyes.

She was going to forget her hazelnut shampoo scent.

She was going to forget her through and through.

“Goodbye, Yoona.”



36. The Other Side of the Door – Taylor Swift

Seohyun stormed out of living room in the heat of the fight with Yoona.

She locked her door, trying to block out the words of apology spewing out of Yoona’s mouth.

She kept on going back over the things they’d said to each other.

So if Yoona knew everything, why couldn’t she see that when Seohyun left she wanted to former to chase after her?

Why hadn’t Yoona realized that everything Seohyun needed was at the other side of the door, trying to make everything alright?



37. Goodbye, Hello – Girls’ Generation-TTS

Seohyun never liked to say “goodbye”. Because she once read that goodbye meant going away and going away meant forgetting.

She never liked to let go of Yoona’s hand, because she was extremely insecure.

She never liked those goodbye kisses Yoona gave her.

She never liked those going-away gifts Yoona gave her.

She never liked those goodbyes.



38. In the Rain – Andrew Choi

Walking in the rain with a broken heart was nothing short of normal whenever Yoona felt down.

Her love story with Seohyun had just ended, and she didn’t like that.

She thought about the girl all day long.

Who would wipe away these tears?

Who would wipe away these hot tears?

Among all the people in the world, who would stay by her side?



39. Monday to Sunday – BTOB

“Am I doing a good job being your girlfriend?” Seohyun would ask every week, in an attempt to be the perfect girlfriend for Yoona.

“You’re doing well,” was Yoona’s answer every time.

Because it was Yoona who thought of herself as the lacking one.

“I’ll protect you, Seohyun.”



40. Sweet Delight – SNSD Jessica

Yoona liked sweet things.

She liked ice cream; she liked candy; she liked honey; she liked anything artery-clogging in general.

And Seohyun would always reprimand her for that.

“You know, unnie, sweets things are bad for your health.”

“Are you saying I should stop getting kisses from you?”



41. Wanna be Your Love – F.Cuz

They were the best of friends ever since they could sit down; Yoona had been in love with Seohyun ever since she could remember.

At first it was completely platonic, but over time it had changed into something else.

She wasn’t supposed to be romantically attracted with someone of the same gender, but she just did. She fell, hard, on her , in love with Seohyun.

And she wasn’t complaining.



42. Shadow – f(x)

Yoona followed Seohyun everywhere like a shadow.

And because she was a shadow, most of the time Seohyun didn’t notice.

Step by step, Yoona followed her.

She was happy that way; she was happy she could look at Seohyun as much as she wanted to.

Her days, which were once boring, were now filled with colour.



43. Just the Girl – The Click Five

Yoona had inexplicably fallen for the cold and cruel Seohyun who only had her eyes for the latest book by the latest ground-breaking physicist.

She’d fallen for Seohyun who knew how to ruin her day with just a word.

She’d fallen for Seohyun who ignored her all day long.

But she didn’t mind, because Seohyun was just the girl she was looking for.



44. No Rain, No Rainbow – Home Made Kazoku

Without rain, there wouldn’t be any rainbows.

That was how Yoona viewed the world.

That was how Yoona treated her problems.

It was the same with Seohyun.

Without any of the girl’s coldness, Yoona wouldn’t have gotten interested in her.

Without any of the girl’s emotional walls, Yoona wouldn’t have any motivation to protect her at all.

Finally she got to see the rainbow.

“I love you, too,” Seohyun said.



45. Leavin’ – Jesse McCartney (again)

Seohyun had a boyfriend, Yoona was well aware of that.

But she wanted the girl all to herself.

“So tell your boyfriend that you’re leaving...”

Because Yoona could treat her so much better.

Because Yoona could protect her.

Because Yoona would do anything for Seohyun.



46. When I Fall – After School

They didn’t need words whenever they were each other.

Because the rapid pounding of their hearts said enough.

When Yoona fell, Seohyun was there to catch her.

When Seohyun fell, Yoona was there waiting for her.

When Yoona gave her heart to Seohyun, her warm hands readily accepted.

When Seohyun gave her heart to Yoona, she took care of it with utmost care.

The days they spent together were always that much more precious, because they had each other.

And they couldn’t imagine being with someone else.



47. Irresistible Lips – BTOB

Seohyun’s lips were irresistible, Yoona knew that.

But stealing a peck on their first meeting was totally unacceptable, even by today’s social standards that say kissing is okay.

The sweet feeling when their lips danced together in a perfect rhythm, Yoona couldn’t get enough of it.

But Seohyun was someone else’s.

And Yoona couldn’t change that, even with a mind-blowing kiss, and that was the only one regret in her life...



48. Beautiful – BEAST

Seohyun always complained that she looked weird, and it amused Yoona to no end.

There was nothing better than her, and even if someone were to give the world to her in exchange for Seohyun, she wouldn’t do it.

Because she already had the world in her hands.

“You’re beautiful, do you know that?”



49. Goodbye Summer (feat. D.O.) – f(Amber+Luna+Krystal)

Beyond summer school, Yoona had fallen in love.

She’d fallen in love with her teacher, and she knew it was wrong.

She hated that it was socially unacceptable.

She hated that she had to keep her feelings secret.

She hated that she could only look at the love of her life.

Most of all, she hated that summer was coming to an end, and she wouldn’t be able to look at her teacher again.



50.  Library – Girls’ Generation-TTS

The SM library was a special place for Yoona.

Because that was where she’d met the love of her life: the mother to her children.

She had been looking for the latest volume of Sergeant Keroro when she saw what she wanted in Seohyun’s hand.

After weeks and weeks of waiting, she’d finally got hold of the book, but not without Seohyun’s contact information.

They hit it off, and that was how Yoona met her wife!




Word Count: ~3,820 words

Most of them are half-assed, so I’m sorry.

But I enjoyed writing this. I enjoyed writing YoonHyun. Probably should do more in the future.

Also, I’m working on something—aah, probably shouldn’t jinx .

Did you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it? :D



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Thank you!
ing hell y'all this was such an adventure. too bad life happened


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_A1233 #1
Author-nim, please enable this story’s Offline mode. Please please. Thank you.
I like your oneshots awesome
Apollo13 #3
Sorry for not commenting this story before, but your one-shots in here are just amazing. Wishing you'll continue this when you're not too busy with work/school. YulSic is love :))
i'll wait for your update author ssi... :)
feed us some fluffy moments of yulsic kkk
yul21sic22 #5
Oh god, it's been a long time since I read this.. My yulsic feels are coming back ㅠㅠ
Chapter 34: I kinda dont get how Taeyeon saw her future self but I enjoyed reading this~ Haha! A part two will be nice but then SooSun is okay too :)
Babyemma #7
Chapter 33: Thanks author-nim these two beautiful Soosun chapter :)
Hope you do more!
RunningTRussia #8
Chapter 33: i fell in love with YoonHyun even more here <3
still the rest of the couples are same as lovely and fascinating here.
thanks for this!!! *-*
hoping everything is going smoothly with that 'math girl' =)