016 || YulSic || BTS: Magnificent

Hands Like Magnet




“We are streaming live from behind the scenes of Jessica Jung’s music video for her latest single featuring Kwon Yul, ‘Magnificent’!” the reporter exclaimed as she smiled at the camera.

“Hey!” A (rather feminine) man exclaimed as the reporter saw Kwon Yul running away from the guy. “Come back here Kwon Yul or your Jessica will be mad at you!”

Yul immediately stopped in his tracks and pouted. “But I don’t want to wear makeup!” he whined ridiculously.

The reporter, along with the camera (and of course, the cameraman – duh), followed the two men to Jessica’s trailer, where she was applying some last minute makeup.

“SICA~” Kwon Yul stormed into the trailer in all his babyish glory. “I don’t want to wear makeup!”

Jessica narrowed her eyes at the two men that were in front of him. One had a childish, albeit cute expression on his face; the other had a rather troubled one.

“Then why are you screaming at me, Kwon Yul? Go tell the director,” she said, followed by an adorable pout.

“But-but Byunghee hyung is busy watching –” Yul was interrupted by Jessica’s death glare that, he thought, could kill him if only it was possible for looks to take life.

Yul pouted at her and put on his best puppy-dog eyes, obviously trying to fish for her sympathy. “It’s your music video anyway… so that’s why I’m yelling at you, Sica…”

Jessica groaned in frustration. “Sure, whatever you want babo.”

The feminine-like man grunted as well. He strode out of the trailer, mumbling a colourful array of words that were almost inaudible to the people inside the trailer.

“So, Yul-sshi, how are you doing?” the reporter asked, finally getting the duo’s attention.

Yul walked towards said reporter, a bright smile cracking on his face. “I’m fine, how are you doing?”

The reporter giggled and barely mumbled a reply.

Jessica, still at her seat applying her last-minute touches, moaned to get his attention. “Reporter-sshi, you don’t want to fall for him; he breaks people’s hearts,” she warned firmly.

Yul smirked at his “friend”. “And may I ask how you got that piece of information?”

The blonde woman let out a rather sarcastic laugh, one hand clutching her stomach to emphasize her point. “No, Kwon Yul, you may not ask how I got that information.”

The reporter and the cameraman smiled at the duo’s childish antics. Seeing that Jessica had finished with her makeup, the reporter proceeded to interview the blonde next.

“So, Jessica-sshi, I heard that you wrote the song, is that true?”

 “Actually, I wrote it with my little bro Jung Jinyoung,” she clarified with a bright grin.

“What about the rap part? Did you write it too?”

“That part,” she cleared , “I wrote it with the help of Kwon babo over there.”

Yul looked at Jessica with a seemingly mad face, walking towards her with a stride that would’ve caused the trailer to collapse should he had put in a little more force into it.

The latter laughed when the man stuck out his tongue to her in a childish manner. “Who’re you calling babo, huh, Sica?”

The man stepped closer and closer to her, and when he reached her he tickled the sides of her tummy, which, needless to say, made her laugh uncontrollably – to the point of tears forming in her eyes.

“Y-yah, Kwon Y-Yul, I’m so-sorry!” Jessica apologized between series of chortles.

“I swear to God, you two make the cutest couple ever!” Tiffany Hwang, who was responsible for the wardrobe that day, commented as she flashed her breathtaking eye-smile (at least, that was how her husband Kim Taeyeon had described her eye-smiles), which made the duo stop their actions and averted their attention to the brunette.

“I second your opinion, Tiffany-sshi,” the cameraman said, rising up his hand.

“Looks like the fans agree as well,” the reporter remarked, browsing through the entertainment company’s website, which was flooded by the fans’ comments of Jessica and Yul. “One even said ‘YulSic couple is so cute’. What is YulSic?”

Tiffany looked at the reporter with a baffled look across her face. “What kind of question is that? Everyone knows that it’s K-POP’s royal couple, after TVXQ’s YunJae… of course.

Yul, as you can see, is derived from Yul’s name and Sic is from Jessica’s name. They have shown so much skinship since the ‘Hands like Magnet’ red carpet and people ship them, including me. Every couple, like YunJae, needs a couple name… hence the YulSic nickname,” Tiffany explained, a serious, “professor-like” look smeared across her features.

The reporter clapped, an “ah” escaping her lips.

“Okay Professor Tiffany may I now please have my clothes? I don’t think Byunghee oppa will be happy if I’m late,” Jessica said in an annoyed tone, extending her arm to get her clothes.

“Ehh,” Yul mocked, ushering the reporter along with the cameraman out of the trailer, leaving Tiffany to help Jessica with her clothes.

The man took a brief glance at Jessica before shutting the door to converse with the crew.

“So…,” the reporter started, her eyes still glued to the iPad she was holding, “do you have any idea what just happened?”

Yul let out a chuckle. “No worries, Tiffany is always like that.”




“ACTION!” the Director, Jung Byunghee, yelled out as the camera rolled.

In front of the camera, Yul was holding Jessica by the waist as they stared at each other’s eyes. She put her hand against his chest, feeling its firmness.

Jessica smirked. “Why do you seem tense, hmm, Yul?” she asked in a silent whisper that was inaudible to the crew members.

She bit her lip as she tried to stifle a smile in the middle of a shooting.

Yul always knew what to say.

“Alright kids, now kiss!” Byunghee yelled, bringing the duo out of their little world of fluffy marshmallows, sweet candy and soft cotton candy.

The pair sighed, while Yul smiled. He leaned in closer, shifting his hand that was around her waist to cup her cheek. Once their lips were barely grazing against each other, Jessica got on the tip of her toes to deepen the kiss. Yul smirked into the kiss; certainly he was enjoying the sweetness of her plump, perfectly shaped lips.

His other hand s behind her neck and she tilted her head to taste each other’s lips. Jessica could feel Yul nibbling on her lips to ask for entrance to , and immediately, she granted the permission. They once again vanished into their world of fluff and sweetness as their tongues danced in a heated battle for dominance.

Their action of making out was, of course, unknown to the crew members since they assumed they were only kissing – as in lip-on-lip; not in a tongue battle.

“Okay, cut!”

They parted and opened their eyes. While Yul grinned like a fool, Jessica could only crack a small, otherwise bashful smile.

“Meet me in my trailer later,” she whispered, walking away to said place to change her clothes from her dress to a more casual outfit.

“Wow, Yul, that was one hell of a kiss,” Tiffany, who was walking towards him, fanning herself both from the heat of the kiss she just witnessed and the high temperature of the summer.

Kwon Yul smirked and walked away from the set, heading towards Jessica’s trailer without anyone’s consent.

“Hey,” Yul smiled, shutting the door behind him, careful not to alarm anyone outside. “That was a nice kiss. Whom did you learn from?”

What a tease, Jessica thought.

“A fool, whose surname is Kwon,” she played along, which earned her a cute pout from Yul.

“And may I ask who this Kwon is?”

He stepped closer to her and when he was just a few breaths apart from her he leaned his forehead against hers.

“No, Kwon Yul, you may not ask who this Kwon is,” she said, followed by a cute chortle.

Just as their lips were barely grazing against each other, a distinct voice ruined their moment.


Jessica let out an exasperated sigh. “YES BYUNGHEE OPPA I’LL BE THERE IN A FEW!”

She smiled at the man that was in front of her, and she stood on the tip of her toes to plant a soft kiss on his cheek.

“This is not over… let’s meet up at tomorrow’s shoot,” she said, not forgetting to wink at him as she bit her lip seductively, heading towards the exit. “Oh, and Yul babo, you owe me a bowl of noodles so get them ready tomorrow, okay?”

"Remind me again why you're going home with him?"

"He's my brother, you jealous babo."


HEEEEY GUYSSS HEEEEEY~ I'm back from the long hiatus~ :)) Now comment! I miss reading comments~ T.T

(I got 53% in my Additional Maths... T.T I'm such a failure T.T *cries like there's no tomorrow but... but... I'll add more subjects in my O-Levels so... ughhh I don't know...)


Ignore that crap I'M BAAAAAAACK PEOPLE~ Oh, and Jung Byunghee is MBLAQ's utterly hot G.O... and Jung Jinyoung... is the cute leader from B1A4.


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ing hell y'all this was such an adventure. too bad life happened


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_A1233 #1
Author-nim, please enable this story’s Offline mode. Please please. Thank you.
I like your oneshots awesome
Apollo13 #3
Sorry for not commenting this story before, but your one-shots in here are just amazing. Wishing you'll continue this when you're not too busy with work/school. YulSic is love :))
i'll wait for your update author ssi... :)
feed us some fluffy moments of yulsic kkk
yul21sic22 #5
Oh god, it's been a long time since I read this.. My yulsic feels are coming back ㅠㅠ
Chapter 34: I kinda dont get how Taeyeon saw her future self but I enjoyed reading this~ Haha! A part two will be nice but then SooSun is okay too :)
Babyemma #7
Chapter 33: Thanks author-nim these two beautiful Soosun chapter :)
Hope you do more!
RunningTRussia #8
Chapter 33: i fell in love with YoonHyun even more here <3
still the rest of the couples are same as lovely and fascinating here.
thanks for this!!! *-*
hoping everything is going smoothly with that 'math girl' =)