7 [feed it]

Kim Myungsoo is a Cat?!


“Poor kitty…want something to drink and eat?”


You murmured, already feeling attached to it and rubbing your nose with it’s tiny one. It mewled and a soft red colour over took it’s small cheeks as if it was embarrassed.


“Let’s get you something,” you cooed, giving one final kiss on its forehead and letting it drop to the floor. To your surprise, it fell flat on its side. You panicked, *GAH. WHAT DO I DO NOW? IS IT DEAD? AM I A MURDERER?* Just as your thought ended and you were about to scream for help or throw it out the window, it jumped back on it’s feet, face completely red and let out a series of mewls your mum couldn’t possible miss hearing.


“SSHHH!” you hissed, pressing a finger to its lip and then patting around for your snack. “Here, eat this” you unwrapped the muesli bar and broke it into smaller pieces so it could fit in the cat’s petite mouth. It hesitated at first. It took two steps forward, the redness disappearing and it leaned over the bar.


“Go on, eat it” you encouraged kindly. It looked up once at you and nodded as if it understood and used its small tongue to roll the muesli bar pieces into its mouth and swallow.




*Crap* you shut your eyes tightly, not daring to turn around. “Yes Eomma?”


“Is…that a cat?” her voice grew high pitched at the end of the question.




“Why is it here?”


She didn’t wait for you to answer and strode forward, grabbing it by its tail. “I thought I heard something filthy” she screeched, opening the window.


“EOMMA!” you yelled, scrambling up onto your feet and trying to close the window. “Don’t throw it out the window! You’ll kill it!”


“It’s got four feet ~~~, I think it knows how to make an emergency landing” she snarled, hurling it out the window.


*Eep!* you screamed inside your head, watching horrified as it fell to the ground with a thud. *Oh crap…no way*


“Go and die in hell!” your mum screamed, slamming the window shut and stalking out the room.


You watched, not daring to breath until at least a muscle of the cat twitched. Finally, after staring at it for two minutes, it shakily got up to its feet, gave out one sad mew and looked up at you pleadingly. You shook your head apologetically and it looked down and trotted off.




And so…the morning begins…cat less…


You were trying not to stare at him, but you couldn’t help it. Beautiful dark hair that matched those hypnotizing dark hazel eyes and those perfect lips that were pulled back into a smile revealing his perfect teeth. Perfect nose, perfect figure, everything was bloody perfect. He was a boy, but some how you wished you could be like him, be pretty and perfect.


Pretty and perfect…like Kim Myungsoo.


You continued to look at him, giving up on trying not to stare. *It’s not as if I’m the only one looking at him* Just then, his head lifted up from his arms on the table and glanced over to you swiftly. His pretty smile flashed at you and you could’ve sworn your heart might have just stopped dead. Or maybe not since you could feel it beating.


Then his face reddened and you felt a wave of familiarity wash over you…something…like you had talked to him before even though you knew that you’ve never actually talked to him in person…


“~~~-ah” he reached over to you and touched your arm. “Good morning!”


*GAH. He told me Good Morning. He touched my arm. He called me ~~~-ah* not caring that you felt like one of those idiotic fan girls who got to touch their idol, you let a giddy smile over take your face, not knowing the real truth behind it all. 


say good morning back 


A/N: Sorry about these short choices ^_^" I keep trying to make them longer, but it seemed even harder to update then ^_^ Thank you for those who commented, your comments made me feel like I just got my head signed by Infinite XDDDDDDDDDDDDDD!!!!!!!!!!!! I was all: WWOOOOOOOOOHPPPPPPYYY~!!!!! I GOT 21 SUBBERS!!!!! XD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope to continue making chapters that you all enjoy ^_^ Kekeke, comments are loved especially by : MOI :DD

bunny66 luvs yew xinfinitypluswoohyunandkey'sabs<3

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XD I love this story~~
Yeolliepop #2
Whoots go me!!! I'm awesome~ I rock!!! XD Hahas roll like a buffalo~ Author-nim I see what u did there... ;_;
Yeolliepop #3
Please update!!!!!!!!!! I really love this story!!!! <3
woah ! i lyke it i lyke it ^^ update sooooooonnnnn ^^
omg TROLOLOLOLOL....imma download teen top's crazy as soon as i get to australia!!!! i love it tooo!!!!! XDDDDD but so much hip-ing...but who cares???? THEY LOOK MOTHERING HOTTT!!!! XD
riikaLynn #7
UPDATE!!! please?
yeollie_hearts #8
Wow...myungsoo as a cat!!! Although I dont really like cats I still find this an interesting plot! XD I love it~ <3 update soon! (:
nabmyn-ssi #9
ayooo~ Myungsoo! Hurry up, help that poor girl!!!