11 [go calm mittan down]

Kim Myungsoo is a Cat?!


You gave Myungsoo a quick apologetic expression and then grabbed Taemin's hand. 

"Let's go, bring me to her," you firmly told him, bowing quickly to Myungsoo and Sandara. *Sorry Myungsoo-ah!*  As you ran with Taemin as fast as your legs could carry you, you couldn't help but notice how Sandara's face seemed to form an expression of obvious truimph. *Nevermind ... I'm pretty sure I'm just thinking too much*

"Not far ... Just a few more turns," Taemin puffed, his grip tightening. You wondered how he could even remember where the exit and entrance was in this freaking jungle. Well, it was the school's 'ideal' garden, but still - it did seem like a jungle with the towering trees and leaves. And was Taemin really going the right way? It had alraedy been a few minutes and you couldn't see any sign of the exit. Maybe he was just playing around? But he looked so serious about Mittan ... and what would he really be playing around with you for, in this kind of situation? Then a thought hit you. Maybe he didn't want you to join Myungsoo. He probably went back and told the others and you having lunch with him and they must've disapproved. Guiltily, you glanced to your left where Taemin was busy concentrating. A palm sized crystal-blue butterfly gently brushed by his cheek and you could see his eyes flickering to look at it, the longing in his eyes made your guilt worse. Of course your best-friend wouldn't play you off your lunch with another person. He wouldn't just give up butterfly-fishing for that. 

A few more turns was shorter than you thought and the faint sound of wailing touched your ears. *Mittan* There were some yells breaking through the thick door, and from the sounds, you could hear the frightening slaps they were throwing onto the poor child. Taemin yanked the door open and hustled me inside. All the one-stars was crowded around the scene, trying soothe the small toddler from a distance, their eyes reflecting either dark murderous looks or worried orbs. In the middle of the crowd were about four tall three-stars, one yelling out insults, two holding the screaming and kicking girl, the last person slapping her. 

"YAH! Shut up, what did we tell you?" the one yelling shot out his leg to rib her with his foot. In response, Mittan gave out an even louder wail and kicked harder, trying to bite the ones holding her back. 

"I DON'T WANNA!" despite being horribly abused, the tiny girl stuck out her bottom lip and glared through her streaming tears. 


Rolling up your sleeves to make it easier to swing your arms around, you advanced towards the group with a determined face. 

"Stop it!" you exclaimed, pulling back the tall one yelling. You faltered a little as you recognized him as Lee Sungyeol, Myungsoo's good friend. Quickly covering up your shock, you kept your hand on his shoulder blade, ready to yank him down to hell if the moment came. 

"What do you know about this?" he leered, straightening up to his totaled height. Staring up at him, you gulped. *D-damn, he's tall* 

"I don't know, but you better stop it right now! She's just a kid!" you angrily snapped at him. 

"Hah, she's your kid?" he nudged the other guys, snickering. "Oh the genes show alright - big b*tch and small mutt" 

Opening your mouth for a quick come back, you glared. And ... had nothing to say. *D-daarrn. What should I say?* In your mind, you had imagined a long string of swearwords combined, separated and joined together again, in a long angry train of insults. But that would be too much to say in one go. Mittan caught sight of you then and took the moment to bite down on the hands restricting her - hard. With a shriek, they let go and she quickly scampered off to her place behind my right leg, sticking out her tongue. You could almost see them ready to pound her into tomorrow. Defensively, you tucked her behind your back gently and steadied your glare. Now all four were facing you. Which was a problem since you couldn't glare at them all at the same time. And glaring at them all at the same time was something you wanted to do. Badly. 

Sungyeol's pretty face morphed into a scowl. "You should know by now that playing hero is no use ... counting all the dramas we've all watched," 

With one big advanced step, he pushed his palm to jerk you back from the shoulder. You let go of him and huffed, stumbling backwards. Mittan then scurried off to Taemin's side and you steeled yourself, stepping right back up to his chest. *I shall seduce you with my awkwardness! ... ok, maybe that's not a good idea ... * you re-thought and then shrugged, returning to your old strategy, his chest with your knuckle. The smal blow sent him and his long legs backwards, into his lackeys, who also scowled but made no attempt to hit back. 

"And you should know by now that I'm not one of those characters in a drama. I'm the real deal," you smirked, completely making that line up, hoping they'd fall for it. And they did. 

"YOU ALL DESERVE TO ROT IN HELL, STUPID ONE-STARS!" Sungyeol shouted as they retreated back oustide. The door closed with a slam and there was silence in the storeroom. 

"I can't believe they believed you were the 'real deal', for all we know, you couldn't even kill a flea, let alone a human," Kim Jonghyun yawned, stretching. 

"That's because she wouldn't be able to see the flea, you know how she is," Lee Minho chuckled, winking at you. "But she's got the fist of a buffalo"

Deciding that adding 'I can roll like one too' would rouse up an argument, you simply nodded and followed everyone to the small table where bowls of steamed noodles were already set out, still a little warm. As you devoured the savoury dish, smiling at the way Mittan curled her leg around yours, you thought about Myungsoo. 

*I hope he's ok ... I did leave a little abruptly* 

None of you noticed the click of a camera shutting, and the fading footsteps outside. 


Ok, so for those who originally began the 'right' path, I have something for you, read the foreword when I update again, later on ^^ Kekekeke, so you choose to calm Mittan down! Good on you :) 

I'll tell you a secret - each chapter will earn you a bad opinion and good opinion depending on what you choose ^^ That ish all *^* and I know in chapter ten I said 'staffroom' I will fix it to 'storeroom' u_u

-bunny66 loves you xinfinityandbeyondpluswoohyunandkey'sabs<3

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XD I love this story~~
Yeolliepop #2
Whoots go me!!! I'm awesome~ I rock!!! XD Hahas roll like a buffalo~ Author-nim I see what u did there... ;_;
Yeolliepop #3
Please update!!!!!!!!!! I really love this story!!!! <3
woah ! i lyke it i lyke it ^^ update sooooooonnnnn ^^
omg TROLOLOLOLOL....imma download teen top's crazy as soon as i get to australia!!!! i love it tooo!!!!! XDDDDD but so much hip-ing...but who cares???? THEY LOOK MOTHERING HOTTT!!!! XD
riikaLynn #7
UPDATE!!! please?
yeollie_hearts #8
Wow...myungsoo as a cat!!! Although I dont really like cats I still find this an interesting plot! XD I love it~ <3 update soon! (:
nabmyn-ssi #9
ayooo~ Myungsoo! Hurry up, help that poor girl!!!