2 [Ignore that Cat]

Kim Myungsoo is a Cat?!

*Nah...* you thought as you got up, leaving your half empty hot chocolate on the table. You knew your mum would go all spastic if she found out that you brought a black cat home...especially one that was all dirty and from the city. As if trying to change your mind, it 'mewed' again. You hesitated for a fraction of a second and then ran out of the shop as if it was going to chase after you.


You remembered what your mum said once. 


'If it's right, it'll feel right. If it's wrong, it'll feel wrong'


Right now, you felt it was wrong that you ran away. Leaving such a poor cat in that condition. But then again, it wasn't worth your mum's anger. Was it? Or not?


It's hazel eyes flashed in your mind again. You couldn't seem to get rid of the image no matter how much you tried to, it's pleading eyes haunting your thoughts. *GAH. Maybe I shouldn't have left it...all alone...?*


As if by a great coincidence, you spotted something curled up under a park bench, quietly mewling in pain. You couldn't see it's eyes because they were so tightly shut in pain, it's tail twitching uncontrollably and a open wound from it's side bleeding. *Oh crap...really?*


Then suddenly...


[Flash Back]


"Aren't cats sweet, ~~~-ah? Especially black cats" 


"I thought black cats were bad luck?" your five year old self questioned the older boy.


"Nah, they're just superstition, black cats are pretty and they're nicer than normal cats" he swatted a fly away from his handsome face. 


"How so?"


"Well, they're quiet, but you can talk to them"


"I prefer talking to dogs...at least they talk to me" you pouted, thinking about all those proud dogs that used to greet you with a wag and short happy bark. 


"Yes, but cats are nice to keep you company, they listen and they're smart" 


"Wah..." you watched in wonder as he scratched it's furry head between the ears, fascinated as it let out a mewl of relief. 


[Flash Back End]


Well...it did seem to be in great pain...

(click to choose option)


Ignore it again and walk home 

Pick it up and take it back home 

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XD I love this story~~
Yeolliepop #2
Whoots go me!!! I'm awesome~ I rock!!! XD Hahas roll like a buffalo~ Author-nim I see what u did there... ;_;
Yeolliepop #3
Please update!!!!!!!!!! I really love this story!!!! <3
woah ! i lyke it i lyke it ^^ update sooooooonnnnn ^^
omg TROLOLOLOLOL....imma download teen top's crazy as soon as i get to australia!!!! i love it tooo!!!!! XDDDDD but so much hip-ing...but who cares???? THEY LOOK MOTHERING HOTTT!!!! XD
riikaLynn #7
UPDATE!!! please?
yeollie_hearts #8
Wow...myungsoo as a cat!!! Although I dont really like cats I still find this an interesting plot! XD I love it~ <3 update soon! (:
nabmyn-ssi #9
ayooo~ Myungsoo! Hurry up, help that poor girl!!!