
Chapter 7


She walked in through the front door of the Pledis building. Why does coming through the front door of this building feel weird now?

The receptionist greeted her, “Hello, how may I help you?”

“I’m here to interview Seventeen for the magazine Scandalous. I believe one of my higher ups called you before I got here.” Angie said walking toward the desk.

Angie leaned on the surface of the desk, the receptionist looked down and checked her sticky notes. Skimming through them, she took one out and exclaimed, “Yes! It’s right here.”

She crumbled the sticky note up and threw it in the trash and then motioned to the security guard, “He’ll show you the way to the conference room.”

Angie walked toward the guard and he led her down a hall the had so many twists and turns she wondered how anyone could find their way through it. She entered the empty room and asked the guard, “Do you know when they’ll be showing.”

He shrugged, “Not sure, I’m just a guard.”

“Thanks for the help,” she grimaced and sat in one of the chairs as the guard closed the door behind her.

She waited in the empty room for what seemed like forever, listening to the ticking of the clock in the back of the room. She took out her phone from her purse and thought about whether she should tell Jasmine that she was covering Seventeen. I’ll tell her, just not today. She locked it then put it back in her bag, as someone opened the door.

“Hello!” One of the members said with a smile as he walked in. It disappeared as soon as he saw the interviewer, “What are you doing here?”

“Wow, thanks for the welcoming greeting,” she said sarcastically.

He smirked, “I know who you are, and what you are. Why did you return as a reporter? Are you ready for everyone to see you as you are?”

“What?” She asked confused.

“I highly doubt you’re actually Baekho’s friend,” A sly smile crossed his face.

She laughed, realizing what he was saying, “Oh, you’re Hoshi, the one from the fan meeting. I actually have your ringtone if you remember when you signed my friends album.”

“My ringtone? You don’t even know who I am, how would you have it or even know that it’s mine?” He asked.

“My friend put it on my phone the day we went to your fan meeting, she thought it would make me seem more… fan-like,” she said.

He stared at her, “So you aren’t our fan?”

“No, I’m a reporter doing my job despite who my friends are. Which, by the way, Baekho is one.” She lied, her hand moving to her wrist but she suppressed her urged to rub it by scratching.

He huffed, unwilling to be defeated.

“Anyways, moving on to business. Where are the rest of your members?” She questioned.

He started messing around with his fingers, “It’s only me, I’m acting as their representative for today. The rest will be able to some other day, they’re supposed to schedule it.”

“Oh, well then. Why don’t we try to be friends?” She asked.

“I have trust issues with people outside of this company,” He returned to his normal self, “It comes with being an idol.”

She sighed and clicked her pen, readying herself to write on her notepad, “Let’s get started then shall we?”


Wonwoo threw his head back in frustration, all he could think of for two and a half days was the situation going on with Mingyu and the girl. What does he think he’s doing? Does he even realize how this is going to affect the group? Wonwoo got up from his seat in frustration and started pacing when S.Coups walked in.

“You okay?” He asked, walking over to the fridge in the break room.

“Huh?” Wonwoo looked at him unaware that he had come in.

“Something must be going on for you to be this distracted,” S.Coups to the cap off of his water bottle and took a sip.

“It’s nothing, just something that’s taking up more of my time than it’s worth,” Wonwoo said sitting back in his seat and putting his head on the table in defeat.

“A girl?” S.Coups asked.

Wonwoo’s head shot up. “What?” He asked startled. Did he already know what was going on?

“I was just joking,” S.Coups laughed, “but that reaction makes me assume I hit the target.”

“Closer than you think,” Wonwoo nodded and S.Coups’ face grew grim. “What would you do if one of us fell in love?” Wonwoo asked, searching S.Coups’ face for a reaction.

He sighed, “Well it’s not like I can tell you guys what to feel, believe me, sometimes I wish I could.”

“So?” Wonwoo questioned looking for a real answer.

“I wouldn’t do anything, but the company might… Just be careful in what you get yourself into, okay?” S.Coups asked about to leave but waited for a confirmation.

Wonwoo laughed at the question, S.Coups thinks that I'm the one in love.

“What? Why are you laughing?” S.Coups face turned into one of worry.

“It’s not me. I’m not the one falling in love or at least in danger of it,” Wonwoo stated, “I know it would sink us and I don’t want that.”

“Then who?” S.Coups asked.

“It’s someone in the group, they didn’t tell me but I can tell by their body language,” Wonwoo confessed.

“Name?” S.Coups interrogated.

“Hey, how would I look if I told you some else’s secret that they didn’t even tell me? It could cause so many arguments and I really don’t want us all to be enemies.” Wonwoo reasoned to not give his best friend away.

“You got a point,” S.Coups relented, “Well I better head back, see you later at practice.”

Wonwoo let out a silent sigh of relief and nodded as S.Coups walked out.

Seungkwan came in with a wide grin on his face after S.Coups’ exit.

Wonwoo jumped out of his seat at his sudden appearance, “Could you not do that? It’s creepy!” He started pacing again, this time, to calm his racing heart.

Seungkwan slammed his hands down on the table and stared at Wonwoo with the same grin on his face.

“What?” Wonwoo asked nervously.

Seungkwan raised an eyebrow, “It’s Mingyu, isn’t it?”

“What?” Wonwoo half laughed trying to make his accusation seem unreasonable and sat down again.

“I’ve seen how preoccupied you’ve been since talking with him yesterday, it has to be him,” Seungkwan stated.

Wonwoo swallowed, he’d been too careless. While he was observing Mingyu yesterday, Seungkwan was observing him the whole time. I should have known that eavesdropper would figure it out by now.

He leaned forward and looked Seungkwan in the eyes. Lifting his right hand, he flicked Seungkwan on the forehead.

“Ow!” Seungkwan covered his forehead with both his hands, “What was that for?”

“To wipe that grin off your face,” Wonwoo smiled.

“Does he know you're a bully?” Seungkwan asked.

Wonwoo nodded and laughed, “He’s well aware.”

Seungkwan smiled again, remembering the topic of their earlier conversation, “So, what’s her name?

“You never give up, do you?” Wonwoo asked.

“Nope!” Seungkwan shook his head and stood proudly.

He sighed preparing to lie, “I don’t know.”

“You’re joking, right? How could you not know the name of Mingyu’s crush?” Seungkwan looked at him skeptically.

“I’m giving him space, he doesn’t even know he likes her,” Wonwoo admitted.

“How do you know he likes her then?” Seungkwan asked.

“How do you?” Wonwoo fired back.

Seungkwan started scratching the back of his head, “I might’ve heard you two talking about a girl…”

“When will you stop ease dropping?” Wonwoo complained.

“When it’s stops being fun,” Seungkwan replied.

Wonwoo took a deep breath trying to calm himself down. He was trying to stop chasing Seungkwan since their last incident.

“I can’t believe you know nothing. At this rate, Mingyu will be married and we’ll all know it except you.” Seungkwan bit on his lip, thinking about ways he could find out more information.

Wonwoo turned his head and glared at him.

“What?” He asked.

Wonwoo smiled, “I’ll give you to the count of three.

Seungkwan’s eyes went wide.


“Wait! Was it something I said?” Seungkwan asked.

“Two,” Wonwoo got up.

“Don’t do this! You know you don’t want to!” Seungkwan shouted backing up.

“I do actually,” Wonwoo said still grinning, “Three.”

Seungkwan turned and ran out of the room into the hall with Wonwoo right behind him.


“How can one person be so annoying?” Wonwoo asked himself standing outside of the restaurant. Normally, Seungkwan and he were on good terms but lately he’s been getting more daring in challenging the older members.

He walked in when he remembered that Jasmine, the girl Mingyu was currently infatuated with, recently got a job here. This is my chance to talk to her, make her see reason and not get involved with him. The only problem is I don’t know what she looks like. I'll ask, it wouldn't seem to weird right?

Making his way to the counter with his cap low, he observed there weren’t many people. “I came to pick up an order,” he told the girl at the counter. Is this her?

“For who?” She asked.

“Wonwoo.” he stated.

“Sorry, it’ll be a few more minutes,” she responded.

“It’s no problem I understand,” He smiled.

She seemed to blush from the friendliness he displayed.

“Is there a Jasmine that works here?” He asked.

The girl nodded, “Yeah, she’s right behind me.” She turned around, “Jasmine! Someone’s looking for you!”

The girl behind her turned around, “Who is?”

“He is,” The girl at the counter motioned her head toward Wonwoo.

Well, she is definitely different. She has curly brown hair and you can definitely tell she is foreign, her Korean was decent enough though.

She walked over. “How may I-“ she stopped seeing who he was and became nervous.

“Can I talk to you?” He asked.

She nodded, looking pale.

“Let's go in the ally so no one can hear us,” He pointed to the door in the back of the building. “Can you call me once my order’s ready?” He asked the girl that was at the counter.

“Ok,” she accepted his request.

Jasmine followed Wonwoo outside.

“I’m sorry!” she shouted as soon as they were out of earshot from anyone.

“What?” He asked. She already knew? Has she been playing him this whole time?

She reached for his hand begging. “I didn’t want to do it, it was an accident and then things escalated quickly and got out of control. Then Mingyu had my phone and other odd things happened,” Her face turned red when she mentioned Mingyu. “I should have never had taken Woozi’s phone! I’m so sorry!”

He pulled his hand away clutching it to his chest, “I’m not here about Woozi’s phone.”

“Oh,” she looked down embarrassed, “What are you here for?”

“Mingyu,” He said.

She coughed, choking on what he said, “Mingyu? Why Mingyu? I thought we were becoming friends.”

He looked at her, “That’s the problem.”

“What?” She asked and felt a pang in her chest, “Why is that a problem?”

“Let me ask you a question,” He stated.

She nodded.

“Do you like Mingyu?” He asked.

“Yeah of course, why would I hate him? I mean he is extremely tiresome sometimes but it’s nothing too drastic,” she shrugged.

“I mean, do you like Mingyu?” He asked once again putting emphasis on the word ‘like.’

Her eyes went wide, “Oh! Oh- you mean that kind of like…” She looked around like she was searching for the answer in the walls around her, “I don’t think I do.”

“Thinking isn’t enough,” He stated.

She gulped, “Okay, fine. I don’t like him. My bias is Joshua anyway so you really don’t have to worry about it.”
“Is it really Joshua?” He questioned.

“Yeah, you can even ask Mingyu. He knows.” Jasmine revealed.

Wonwoo sighed, “Okay, can you give me your number?”

“What?” she asked shocked.

“Just in case I need to reach you,” He handed her his phone.

She entered it then called herself, “Both of you have a habit of doing things the same way. I guess that’s why your best friends.”

“He did this too?” Wonwoo asked.

She nodded and handed him the phone, “The same exact way, except last time I made the mistake of not calling my cell phone.”

“Thanks, I’m sorry if this seemed rude. It’s just that I’m trying to protect our group,” He confessed.

“No, I understand. Dating for idols can’t be easy that's if you're even allowed to,” She pursed her lips.

He looked at the ground this time, hating to admit it, “Yeah, we should probably go inside now.”

She nodded and walked in as he held the door open for her.


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I'm returning to continue this fic, thank you for waiting patiently ^^ New chapters will be updated in February, I am currently working on them right now.


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Misufitto #1
Can you please update? T_T PLEASE! I'm dying waiting for new chapters!!!! <3
Chapter 5: this story is too cute omg