Coincidences and Confusion

❝Coincidences and Confusion❞
Chapter 5

“Here Woozi,” Mingyu said tossing Woozi’s phone on the desk in his studio.
“Hey, careful! That wasn’t free!” Woozi snatched his phone and hugged it to his chest. “Where did you find it?”
“Some gir-“ He caught himself and side glanced at Woozi to see if he noticed. He was too preoccupied inspecting his phone for any damages. “Just somewhere.” Mingyu threw himself on the sofa against the wall and sighed.
That caught Woozi’s attention, Mingyu never sighs. “You okay?” he asked taking his eyes away from his phone for a few brief seconds.
“Yeah, just thinking,” Mingyu said.
“About?” Woozi carried on the conversation while unlocking his phone.
“Recent events,”  A smile was starting to grow on Mingyu’s face.
“Ugh! Why does she keep calling?! This is going to be the fifth time I change my phone number in the past two weeks!” Woozi furiously swiped his finger across the screen seeing two hundred missed calls from one number.
The smile disappearing, Mingyu frowned “The sasaeng again?”
“Yes! Why won’t she stop bothering me?!” Woozi vented, “If she’s my fan wouldn’t you think she would respect my space?!”
Mingyu sighed, “Yeah…”
“Anyways, where did you find it again?” Woozi asked locking his phone and ironically tossing it on the desk.
“Somewhere,” Mingyu pursed his lips.
“Where somewhere?” Woozi asked.
“Don’t worry about it hyung, the fact that I found it is enough isn’t it?” Mingyu pouted.
“What are you hiding from me?” Woozi raised an eyebrow.
“Nothing, if it was important don’t you think I would tell you? Don’t you trust me that much?” Mingyu responded.
“I guess you’re right,” Woozi said then turned around to fix up a song he was producing.
Mingyu sighed again, his smile returning. I wonder… if I bother her right now will she respond? He took out his phone and started texting her.

He waited for her to respond.

Woozi turned around and was about to ask Mingyu another question but stopped when he saw him staring at the screen with a huge grin plastered on his face,“Who are you texting?” He tried to grab Mingyu’s phone, but Mingyu locked it and put it in his pocket before Woozi could reach it.
“Someone…” Mingyu gulped.
“You’re getting pretty broad with your answers lately. Are you sure you aren’t hiding something from me?” Woozi asked, staring at him.
“Of course not,” Mingyu playfully scowled.
“It’s a girl isn’t it?” Woozi questioned him further, unbelieving of his answer.
“Why would I be texting a girl? We just debuted a few months ago, I wouldn’t want to mess it up for us,” Mingyu laughed at the improbability. Him dating her? Ha! That was highly unlikely.
“As long as you remember that, we’ll be good,” Woozi said turning back around and continued his work.
“I have a question though hyung…” Mingyu tried saying as casual as possible. He saw Woozi’s head nod and continued, “If I were to take an interest in a girl, is it really impossible to date her?”
Woozi turned back around a little saddened. He hesitated and then answered, “Yes, it is.”
“Why? I mean, wouldn’t our fans want us happy?” Mingyu asked puzzled.
Woozi sighed, “The thing is, it’s not that easy. Our fans want us happy, but their own version of happy. Don’t get me wrong, I love them and what they do for us, this also won’t apply to all of them but…” He paused unsure of how to tell him, “We’ve experienced being seen by the public for two to three years now and it only gets more intense. I’ve spoken to JR, Aron, Ren, Baekho, and Minhyun about being an idol before we debuted and they already explained to me what it’s going to be like for us in the years to come. Especially with the feedback we’ve been getting. The fans see us as their futures and if a girl steps in and dates one of us, that dream is shattered. We shouldn’t be forced to restrain our love, but sometimes we have to.”
Mingyu stared at the ground, thinking. If I really found a girl I wanted to date, I guess I’d have to restrain my feelings. And she’d have to restrain hers… Not wanting to think about it anymore he got up, “Thanks Woozi, I guess I should get ready to practice.”
“Yeah, that’d be a good idea. I guess I’ll go too.” Woozi got up, put his phone in his pocket, and walked out his studio with Mingyu.
They walked down the hall and chatted about their comeback when they ran into Jun and Joshua. “Hey, where are you guys going?” Woozi asked.
Laughing in his head when he saw Joshua, Mingyu casually smiled at them. Jun diverted his eyes out of remembering what happened minutes ago. Did I do something wrong?
“We’re just going to get some water before we practice. Want to join us?” Joshua said as he returned Mingyu’s smile.
“Yeah, I’m actually getting a little thirsty.”
“I’m good, thanks for asking. I actually have to talk to Wonwoo so I’ll head over to the practice room.” Mingyu gestured down the hall with his head.
“Alright, we’ll see you there,” Joshua nodded. The three boys turned and headed to the break room.
“Jun, are you okay?” Woozi laughed seeing Jun’s face. He was still a little shocked about the encounter with Mingyu.
“Y-yeah. I’m fine,” Jun swallowed and started walking faster trying to avoid eye contact with both of them.
“What’s up with him?” Woozi whispered to Joshua.
“Not too sure, he was fine before we ran into you guys. Did either of you have a fight with him?” Joshua asked.
Woozi shook his head, “I wonder what’s wrong.”
“Oh well. We can’t think about it now, we have to get ready for our comeback.” Joshua said as they walked into the break room.

“Hey, Wonwoo!” Mingyu smiled as he walked into the room. Wonwoo had been only been prepping for a few minutes before he walked in.
“Hey! What have you been up to today?” Wonwoo asked.
“Nothing much really…” Mingyu had the slightest hint of a smile at the corner of his mouth.
“That look doesn’t say ‘nothing,’” Wonwoo teased.
“Well… It’s nothing to be concerned about,” Mingyu confessed.
“Alright, I’ll take your word for it,” Wonwoo said not completely believing him.
“Where’s everyone else?” Mingyu asked looking around, seeing they were the only ones there.
“Seungcheol went to go round them up, but you know how that goes.”
“Oh. Anyways, how was the response to our version of LOTTO?” Mingyu asked shuffling his feet.
“They seem to really enjoy it,” Wonwoo smiled, “but they can’t take you seriously though.”
“Why not?” Mingyu crossed his arms and pouted.
“That’s why,” Wonwoo pointed to his face, “Mingyu, would you take yourself seriously?”
 “I guess you have a point,” Mingyu admitted.
“Is that what you really came to ask me about though? I’m pretty sure you have something else on your mind,” Wonwoo said.
“Not right now, maybe some other time if I’m completely sure about it,”
“Okay, suit yourself.” Wonwoo responded and went through the dance moves again, Mingyu joining him.
After a few minutes of not talking and thinking Mingyu came to the conclusion that he should probably tell Wonwoo about the incident. Mingyu stopped dancing, “Actually Wonwoo, something happened earlier today.”
Wonwoo stopped after he spoke, “What is it? It must be bothering you if you were thinking about it while practicing.” As trainees they learned they had to separate personal and professional matters entirely, even while practicing.
“Well-“ Mingyu started but stopped as soon as he saw S.Coups.
“Is everyone ready?” S.Coups asked as he walked in, everyone else filing in behind him.
“Yes sir,” They all said behind him, pretending to stand at attention.
He turned around and they all smiled at him holding in their laughter. He rubbed his temples and said, “Hoshi run us through the dance please.” He shook his head, turned around, and refused to look at them again knowing full well they were still teasing him.
“I’ll tell you after practice,” Mingyu whispered to Wonwoo as Hoshi began to explain their dance.

Angie walked in and was shocked to see that the place was full. This place must be pretty good if it’s packed.
Jasmine had just gotten a job at the restaurant and Angie decided to support her by dropping by and ordering some lunch before she got back to work on her article. Scanning the faces she saw Jasmine surrounded by people urging her to take their order or bring them something. Angie continued looking around to see if any other workers were helping her out, but it appeared she was the only one working the shift besides the cashier and the cook who also looked more than rushed. Tch, either they need more employees or some aren’t doing their job.
Angie walked up to Jasmine a she was putting a plate down and tapped on her shoulder. Jasmine jumped and looked behind her, “Angie! You’re here!” She turned around to give her a hug but accidentally spilled a glass of water on a customer instead.
The customer jumped up as the water splashed all over his shirt, “Aish! Watch what you're doing!”
“Sorry sir,” Jasmine bowed an apology and quickly moved to help him clean it up. She handed him some napkins and he snatched them from her hand, sneering at her.  She lowered her eyes as he sat back down. “If you need anything else don’t hesitate to call me,” she said miserably, her head hanging.
She turned around and walked into Angie forgetting that she was there.
“You okay?” Angie asked trying to cheer her up, “That guy was a jerk don’t worry too much about it.”
“I know it’s just… All of these people are here and no one else showed up to this shift so I’m all alone. It’s stressing me out,” Jasmine ran a hand through her hair in frustration.
“Ah. Well, can I order?” Angie asked grinning at Jasmine.
Jasmine glared at her.
“Sorry,” Angie threw her hands in the air surrendering, “I was just trying to help you out with your new job.”
“Help me out by sitting over there and waiting till things calm down,” Jasmine pointed to the table and shoved her over to it.
“Fine,” she said, reluctantly walking over to the table. She pulled out a chair and sat with her back faced toward the door.
She got lost in her thoughts until she saw a familiar figure she had been seeing a lot more of lately, not that she was complaining. Wonder what he’s doing here.
Her eyes followed him to the cash register as he paid and then quickly diverted them as he sat in front of her, afraid he would see. She looked up and he was swiping at the screen of his phone endlessly, probably looking for something to do as he waited.
She scoffed, he hadn’t noticed her. Well, I’ll give him something to notice.

“Why am I always the one to get the food?” Seventeen had decided the wanted dinner from a restaurant nearby and designated with Jun with the task of getting it and bringing it back to them.
He walked up to the cashier, paid and asked if their order was ready. “Sorry, your meal was quite large so it will take a little more time than usual for it to be ready. If you could take a seat, your order will be out shortly,” The girl at the cash register said.
Jun nodded and took a seat at the table closest to him not noticing the person sitting in front of him. He sat there for five minutes, searching for something to do on his phone while he waited.
“Whatcha’ up to?” Suddenly, a face appeared in front of him causing him to jump back and fall out of the chair and onto the floor.
“Oh my gosh! I’m so sorry!” The person rushed over to him and helped him up.
He quickly brushed off anything he could have gotten on his clothes could feel all eyes in the restaurant on him. He blushed then looked at the person that caused him to fall, “It’s oka-“ He stopped mid-sentence seeing it was the girl that he seemed to run into on more than one occasion.
“Sorry, I really didn’t mean to scare you.” Angie apologized.
“No, it’s okay. I’m not hurt so it’s fine,” Jun said and everyone in the restaurant went back to what they were previously doing.
“That’s a relief, she would’ve killed me if I had hurt you…” Angie said under her breath.
“Who?” Jun asked.
“No one, it’s not important,” Angie shook her head.
“Anyways, what are you doing here and how are you always where I’m at? Are you a stalker?” He backed away from her slightly.
“No!” She shouted a little louder than she meant. Making her voice softer she said, “I’m not a stalker. I’m here to see a friend, she just got a job here.
“Really?” Jun asked skeptically, Hoshi’s warning was always at the forefront of his mind when it came to her.
“Yeah, do you guys eat here often?”
“Usually it’s just take out, but sometimes we’ll come as a group. We haven’t come together since our debut though, we’ve been too busy practicing and preparing for our comeback.” He said.
“Oh, well I wish you guys luck with your comeback.” she smiled and sat back down.
“It’s pretty soon actually,” Jun admitted.
“Already?” Angie asked.
“Yeah,” Jun blushed.
“You guys must work pretty hard,” Angie said.
“We try,” He shrugged.
Angie looked at her watch and became shocked at the time, “Oh my gosh! I have to go!” She stood up, “It was nice seeing you again!” Turning around she made her way to the door.
“Wait!” Jun stopped her, “If you don’t mind me asking before you go, what’s your name?”
She turned around, “Angie.”
“Angie? That’s a nice name,” He complimented her.
“Thanks,” She smiled again. “Well I’ve got to go, there’s work to do.” She waved and headed out the door.
He sat back down on the chair thinking about how she always seemed to show up and make him look like a fool. Hoshi’s right, I really need to stay away from her.
After a while a girl's voice rang behind the counter, “Order for Jun!”
He got up and walked over to receive his order. “Thank you,” He smiled at her and saw that she looked like someone he had seen before. Curly brown hair… where have I seen that before?
She smiled back, “Is there something else I can help you with?”
“No, sorry just in thought,” he laughed coming back to his senses. “Thanks again,” He bowed and made his way out the door.

After dance practice, they all decided to sit and wait for Jun to get back with the food in the practice room. Wonwoo and Mingyu decided to sit off to the side so he could tell him about the incident that happened earlier that day.
“Okay, so what happened that’s so important to tell me?” Wonwoo asked.
“Well, you know how Woozi was looking for his phone and we couldn’t find it anywhere?” Mingyu reminded him.
“Yeah, what about it?” Wonwoo questioned.
Mingyu started whispering “Well a few days ago, when we had the fan signing and that girl was found in our practice room, I came across another girl in Woozi’s studio. She seemed suspicious so I asked a question as if she was part of the staff. I knew she wasn’t as you would too, but it would tell me whether she was supposed to be there or not,” Mingyu said.
“Okay, go on.” Wonwoo nodded.
Mingyu continued, “Well her answer was pretty sketchy so I came to the conclusion she wasn’t supposed to be there. However, I acquired her phone number before she left. So I called her three days ago to see if she would accidentally confess to anything but it was in Woozi’s studio so I couldn’t reach her. The weird thing was that it looked exactly like Woozi’s phone with a few minor differences.”
“So you think she stole his phone and replaced it with hers?” Wonwoo asked, “Doesn’t seem like a very smart move.”
“That’s not it,” Mingyu said, “I think she was trying to put Woozi’s phone back but accidentally left hers instead.”
“Okay, so now her phone is in Woozi’s studio?” Wonwoo tried to understand.
“No, she has it now.” Mingyu clarified.
Seungkwan was walking behind them on his way to get something but stopped in his tracks when he heard something mentioned about a girl. A girl huh… this will be interesting. He stopped and listened in on their conversation.
“How?” Wonwoo interrogated.
“She called her phone number earlier today and I answered it. She wanted her phone back and wanted to get as far away from Woozi’s as possible. So we exchanged them.”
“Just like that? You didn’t ask any questions?” Wonwoo questioned.
“I did but something I didn't mean to happen did…” Mingyu trailed off and started blushing.
“What? What happened?” Wonwoo leaned toward Mingyu about the closest they could get, desperate for an answer.
“It’s nothing serious,” Mingyu scratched the back of his head, “We were… well, I thought it would be a good idea to about not being able to grab the phone and we sort of hugged… and I mean really closely. Like the space we’re apart right now, well that didn’t exist when it happened.” Mingyu coughed, his cheeks still a bright red.
Seungkwan had heard enough to satisfy his eager ears and walked away. Mingyu’s in a relationship, ha. He laughed to himself, who would’ve expected that…
Wonwoo backed away a bit shocked at what he just told him. Silence began to envelope them. Wonwoo thought for a while and then brought it up, “You don’t like her, do you?”
“No! It’s not like that! I mean, my pulse may have quickened but I mean that could happen in that situation can’t it?” Mingyu tried to reassure not only Wonwoo, but himself.
“Yeah…” Wonwoo said knowing full well that that wasn’t usually the case.
“Please keep it a secret,” Mingyu said as Jun walked in with their food.
“Of course, what kind of best friend would I be if I didn’t?” Wonwoo laughed nervously.
“Thanks,” Mingyu said with a sigh, this was going to be a long night.


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I'm returning to continue this fic, thank you for waiting patiently ^^ New chapters will be updated in February, I am currently working on them right now.


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Misufitto #1
Can you please update? T_T PLEASE! I'm dying waiting for new chapters!!!! <3
Chapter 5: this story is too cute omg