
Chapter 4

Jasmine stared at the door wondering if she should get up and get it. KNOCK. KNOCK. The person banged on the door again. “Ugh! Coming!” lazily, she got up from the couch. It was currently eight in the morning and she could still feel the lack of energy in her eyes. She got home late last night from a study group and feel asleep on the sofa near the entrance upon arriving although her room was only a few feet away.

Unlocking the door, she pulled it open and saw Angie. “Is there a reason you came this early in the morning?” she said softly, unable to muster any energy into her words.

“It’s eight a.m not five,” Angie remarked and walked in, “You look horrible, did you stay up all night?”

“Gee thanks. Please come in,” Jasmine said as sarcastically as she possibly could for just waking up and closed the door behind Angie.

“I tried calling you almost a hundred times and you wouldn’t pick up,” Angie said, sitting on the couch Jasmine was just sleeping on.

“I was asleep so I didn’t hear anything,” Jasmine shrugged.

“I also called you last night because I wanted to ask you a question, but when you didn’t answer this morning I thought maybe you got kidnapped or something. That’s why I came.” Angie said.

“Aw, you do care. I’m touched.” Jasmine gave her a sleepy smile.

“Shut up,” Angie picked up a pillow from the couch and threw it at her face. The pillow fell to the floor after hitting her face exposing her glare at Angie. Angie pursed her lips, “Anyways, I had a question.”

“Okay, but can’t this wait till I’m completely awake and not half asleep?” Jasmine asked her glare still on Angie.

“No, I need to know,” Angie asserted.

“Don’t you have a job to go to?”

“It’s Saturday, I don’t work on Saturdays,” Angie stated.

“Fine, what is it?” Jasmine sighed and sat on the spot next to her. Grabbing the remote, she pressed the power button causing the T.V. to turn on.

“Did you really not know about Noemi and Baekho?” 

“This is what was so important to ask me?” Jasmine turned to look at Angie.

“Yes, I’m a gossip reporter twenty-four seven. It’s my job.” Angie said.

Jasmine lifted an eyebrow at her, “I thought you said you didn’t work on Saturdays.”

“Okay, you caught me. I’m just looking into a few things,” Angie admitted. 

Jasmine turned back to the T.V and started flipping through the channels. Her voice strained, “No, I had no idea they knew each other.”

“Oh,” Angie’s apologetic gaze could be seen through the corner of Jasmine’s eye.

“I thought we were close, I thought she trusted me. Honestly, when we went to go bail you out, I was speechless. I never thought she would keep something like that from me, but then again I can see why.” Jasmine’s thoughts drifted away from whatever was happening on the T.V.

“Sorry for asking. I really appreciate what she and Baekho did for me though.” Angie nodded and thought about telling her that there are some rumors going around that he may be dating someone. Truth was, she was trying to dig up some dirt to cover her tracks for the Seventeen situation, but it didn’t look like she was going to gain any information regarding a possible relationship between Noemi and Baekho. Neomi definitely had to be special somehow in his eyes since it didn’t seem like Baekho would help just anyone, but could she be his girlfriend?

“It’s alright, I’m just sad we aren’t as close as I thought we were,” Jasmine said trying to perk herself up, “Anyways, let me go take a shower and we can go shopping or something.” She stood up from the sofa and turned seeing her phone on the counter. She walked over and picked it up.  Unlocking it, she didn’t see any missed calls from Angie, just a random number. “Weird…” she muttered. “Hey Angie, I didn’t get any calls from you unless you called from this one.” She called over to Angie.

Angie walked to the counter and looked at the number over her shoulder, “No, I called you on my cell. You do have that number saved right?” she looked at Jasmine.

“Yeah, but who called from this number? I have a million calls from them.” Jasmine said, now scrolling through all the missed calls.

“I don’t know. Do you owe any loans?” Angie shrugged.


“Try calling it,” Angie suggested then sat on the stool in front of the counter next to Jasmine.

As she was about to call the number, it started ringing. Jasmine looked at Angie, “Should I answer it?”

“Yeah, find out who it is.” Angie nodded.

Jasmine hovered over the answer button. She took a deep breath and then pressed it, “Hello?”

“Who are you?” A female voice answered.

“Um… who are you?” Jasmine asked back.

“Woozi’s biggest fan. Why do you have Woozi oppa’s phone?” The girl sounded like she was getting ideas.

“What are you talking about? This isn’t Wo-“ Jasmine instantly stopped talking and her stomach got a sinking feeling.

“You better watch your step, Woozi and seventeen’s fandom is not to be trifled with. If we find out you are his girlfriend, we will get you,” The girl threatened Jasmine.

“I’m sorry, but you have the wro-“ The girl hung up on her. Jasmine took the phone away from her ear and stared at the phone. This isn’t good.

“So, what happened?” Angie asked.

“Well… I just got threatened.” Jasmine said still looking at the phone.

“By who?” Angie questioned.

“She called herself ‘Woozi’s biggest fan.’”

“Oh, you’re in a Joshua versus Woozi fan war!” Angie said enthusiastically, “Good luck!” Angie hopped off the stool.

“Why would I be in a fanwar? They're from the same group," Jasmine questioned.

"I don't know... Sorry, I'm not a fangirl I don't know how to properly use that term," Angie said defensively. 

"Anyways," Jasmine stated, moving on, "I think she’s a sasaeng."

“Sasaeng? Just because she took her idol a minor bit seriously?” Angie asked.

“No. I’m saying she stalks him,” Jasmine clarified.

“How would you know?” Angie put her hands on her hips.

“Because, this is his phone and she called it,” Jasmine said making dramatic hand gestures.

Angie realized what that meant, “So the phone you left in Woozi’s studio-“

“Is mine,” Jasmine finished her sentence.

“Well, what are we going to do?” Angie asked.

“I’m going to get it back, you don’t have to worry about it. I’ll suffer any consequences,” Jasmine  put the phone down.

“What about Neomi? She can help can’t she?” Angie pointed her thumb towards Amy’s room.

“Not this time. I can’t make a habit of calling her when I need a way out of things.” Jasmine started walking toward her room.

“Where are you going?” Angie followed her with her eyes.

“To get my clothes and take a shower. If I’m going to jail, I at least have to be clean.”


She stood outside the Pledis Entertainment building and took a deep breath bracing for whatever would happen after it was over. Jail time was most likely. Although, they could be gracious and only fine her for whatever damages they think she caused. The one thing that was certain to happen was that she would be branded for life as the fan who was crazy enough to steal Woozi’s phone and spread rumors about ‘dating’ him. Whatever the outcome was she wouldn’t be ready and she knew it, so telling herself she would be fine was pointless. She looked at the phone in her right hand and stared at his lock screen. It was 11 in the morning and she knew Seventeen would be busy working for their comeback, but that would all change in a few seconds. Someone would find out and things would never be the same.

How this happened, she had no idea. I should have noticed when I left the building. Why did I call Amy through a payphone that day and not use my phone, I could’ve realized it then and none of this would’ve happened. She brushed back her hair with her left hand and almost pulled it in frustration. I really hope I won't be arrested, my new job starts in an hour and I really need money to keep the fansite up.

“Okay, let’s get this over with.” She lifted the phone and dialed her number. Surprisingly after the first ring it picked up.

“Hello?” the guy said on the other line.

“Hi!” she said trying to sound cheerful. It wasn’t working, “So funny thing is, you have my phone.”

“I’m sorry, who is this?” He asked sounding genuinely puzzled.

“Oh, sorry. I’m Jasmine.” She replied trying to get on his good side.

“Ah. So who’s phone are you calling from?” He questioned.

“Um… That’s kind of hard to explain.” She carefully said.

“It’s actually quite simple. You’re calling through Woozi’s phone aren’t you?” He commented. She could hear the smirk in his voice.

“No…” she looked down and stared at her shoes.

“Really? I know Woozi’s number and this is definitely it.”

“Okay, fine!” she shouted.

“Feisty aren’t we?” He half laughed.

“Sure, whatever. Where can we meet to exchange the phones? I’m tired of this thing and I swear if anything like this comes my way I will one hundred percent say no.” She promised hoping it would lighten whatever punishment she got.

“Like what? I don’t know what you’re referring to.” He said.

“Never mind about that! Just tell me where we can meet,” She demanded.

“You really have a temper,” He laughed again, “Meet me at the back of the building.” He hung up.

“Wa-“ she called out, trying to catch him before he hung up. Great, I didn’t get his name.

Rolling her eyes, she quickly walked over to the back of the building hoping it was her last time to ever see it.

She arrived at the back door not knowing what to expect when she saw that no one was out there. All she could think of was the worst and right when it came to her that she should run and save herself someone tapped on her shoulder.

“Looking for this?” He asked.

She turned around and came face to face, or rather, face to chest, with Mingyu holding her phone in his hand

She closed her eyes and took a deep breath hoping the nightmare in front of her would disappear. Upon opening them, she realized that was not so.

“Happy to see me?” He grinned.

“Not particularly, no,” She shook her head, “Let’s just get this over with.”

“You’re no fun,” He crossed his arms and pouted. The exact same look from one of Seventeen’s debut stages came to mind and her heart started racing.

Ignoring the quickening of her heart she said, “So I’ve been told.”  She handed him the phone and he put it in his pocket still holding hers in his hand.

“Well?” She asked, her hand outstretched and facing upward.

“What?” He shrugged.

“Are you going to give it to me?” She reached for it, but his reflexes were quicker. He raised his arm above his head, ceasing her from grabbing it.

“Let’s see if you can reach it?” He dangled it above her.

“Min-“ She jumped attempting to reach it, “gyu.”

“Yes?” He smiled down at her.

“Does it look like I’m a giant?” she glared at him.

“Ok, fine you can have it,” He said still holding it above her, “If you answer my question first.”

“Ugh,” she grunted, “what is it?”

“Why do you have Joshua as your lock screen?” He started to laugh but stopped himself.

“Why does it matter?” she blushed at the thought of him looking at her lock screen.

“Because I want to know.” He looked into her eyes.

Her heart skipped a beat, but she pushed it away, “It’s none of your business.”

“Fine then. How do you know Baekho.” He asked.

“That was random, but I guess we’re friends.” She answered.

“You guess?” He raised an eyebrow.

“He a friend of a friend so yeah.” She stated.

“Okay, last question. Why did you have Woozi’s phone?”

“You said only one question, not two,” She glared at him again.

“I said no such thing,” He shook his head and lowered her phone back to her level.

Taking the chance she lunged for it but Mingyu also saw the movement and pulled his arm back. She collided with Mingyu’s chest as she reached for causing both her and Mingyu to slightly lose their balance. Mingyu wrapped his arms around her and steadied both of them.

She looked up at him and he looked down at her, the blood rising in his cheeks. Realizing how they looked at that very moment, Jasmine pushed him away turning a bright red.

“Uh… I guess your right,” He scratched the back of his head then handed the phone to her, “Here.”

“Thanks…” She said staring at the ground trying to hide her face.

He tried coughing the embarrassment away, “Don’t worry… I’ll keep this whole thing a secret.”

“Yeah, that would be a great idea.” She lifted her head up and started looking around but avoided seeing his face at all costs.

“Um… well I guess I should go then,” He said and walked in through the door leaving Jasmine to process her thoughts.


Angie sat there behind the bush with both her eyes and mouth wide open. She couldn’t believe what she’d just seen. Mingyu and Jasmine… just… OH MY GOD! She lowered herself to the ground and took in deep breaths to keep herself from freaking out. After she calmed enough she went back to spying seeing that Mingyu left and Jasmine was on her way to her car.

Through her peripheral vision, she saw a something move from the left side of the building. Curious, she ran over to see what it was and was surprised to see Jun sitting down and hyperventilating. He looked up at her and started freaking out more.

Angie panicked, thinking of a way to calm him down but nothing seemed to come up. Slowly and unsure she put a hand on his shoulder hoping it would help. Thankfully, it did in a matter of seconds.

“Are you okay?” She asked concerned.

He nodded, “Yes, thank you.”

“I’ve never seen you so… not yourself,” she said sympathetically.

“Sorry, I just saw something that I would never expect in a million years.” He admitted.

“I agree with you there,” She smiled.

“You saw it?” His eyes widened.

“Yup, but it would probably be best if we forgot it happened. For us and them both.” She gestured toward the area the incident happened with her head.

“Yeah… you’re right.” He took a deep breath, “Thank you again.”

“No problem,” She smiled, “You know, you’re not what I imagined you to be.”

“What did you imagine me to be?” He asked.

“A playboy of sorts. Not a huge one but a guy that just likes to flirt for fun,” She admitted, “But seeing you here I can see that even an accidental hug can put you in alert mode.”

He nervously laughed and scratched the back of his head, “Yeah, I’m not good with girls… or romance in any way. I genuinely meant that you were cute though, but Hoshi asked me to be careful around you so when I saw you come around the corner, it startled me even more.”

“I don’t know why Hoshi told you to be careful of me but I appreciate the compliment,” She said thankfully, “What were you doing over here spying on them anyways?”

“I was going to walk in through the back door but when I turned the corner I saw them hugging and… well, you know the rest.”

“Oh, well, I think it’s clear now.” She told him.

“Yeah, I guess I should go,” He stood up and started walking off. He turned around before disappearing behind the building and said, “Thank you and please don’t tell anyone about this.”

She nodded and waved to him as he left.


She got home, expecting to see Angie lying asleep on the couch waiting for the details on everything. Thankfully she left sometime between the time she was gone and she got back so should wouldn’t have to think about what happened with Mingyu.

She walked into her room decided to lay on her bed and look through her phone. Only one hundred calls from Angie, so nothing too important. She was about to lock her phone when she got a text message from Mingyu. Opening the text it read:

*Mingyu…* she scoffed. They continued texting.

Jasmine looked at the last message and smirked, he’s kind of cute in an annoying way. She turned off her phone and threw it in her desk drawer trying to forget about her new acquaintance.


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I'm returning to continue this fic, thank you for waiting patiently ^^ New chapters will be updated in February, I am currently working on them right now.


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Misufitto #1
Can you please update? T_T PLEASE! I'm dying waiting for new chapters!!!! <3
Chapter 5: this story is too cute omg