
Chapter 3

“Are you guys ready to practice?” S.Coups asked, walking through the door and into the practice room. All the other members were sitting in a circle on the floor listening to Hoshi.

“Hold on, Hoshi is telling a story,” Jeonghan said.

“Guys, stories can wait. We need to prepare for our comeback.” S.Coups said trying to get them off the floor.

“This is really important though hyung, a girl was hiding in our practice room’s closet yesterday,” The8 said and they all turned to the door with the question whether they were being watched that very moment lingered among them.

“Are you sure she wasn’t a sasaeng? There’s no other explanation as to why an ugly girl would hide otherwise,” Seungkwan said returning everyone back to the conversation as well as peaking S.Coups interest.

“Actually, I thought she was pretty cute,” Jun said to no one in particular.

“Seriously?!” They all said in unison and stared daggers at him.

“Sorry,” he looked down at his feet, “In my defense only Hoshi, Dino, and The8 really know what she looks like so you can’t say anything about her.” He picked up his head and pointed to the rest of them.

“Anyways,” Hoshi said trying to get everyone’s attention again, “Yes, she wasn’t a sasaeng. She looked very familiar though, like I’ve seen her somewhere else before.”

“Well, Baekho did say that she was one of his friends so maybe we’ve seen her around, but we were too busy to notice,” Dino gave his theory.

“That could be but those other girls… I’ve never seen them before. One has to be his girlfriend so why would I have seen this girl but not his girlfriend more than once?”

“There were other girls?” Vernon asked.

“Yeah, one was definitely Korean. She was probably Baekho’s girlfriend. The other looked foreign, possibly American though it looked like she understood the situation so she probably knows Korean. Now that I think about it, the girl in the closet didn’t look Korean…” Hoshi was beyond confused with the situation but decided he could search her up later and see if he could find anything.

“That sounds shady,” Joshua said as everyone got quiet.

After a minute of silence S.Coups clapped his hands startling everyone, “Alright everyone time for practice!”


Mingyu caught up to Hoshi on their way out of the practice room hoping he would answer a question of his. “So…”

“I already answered everything I possibly could Mingyu,” Hoshi said.

“I wanted to ask a question about the American girl though,” Mingyu pouted.

“Don’t try to act cute, your looks are enough,” Hoshi said envying him.

“Aww, thanks hyung!” Mingyu smiled.

“What about her?” Hoshi asked.

“What did she look like?” he said sounding curious.

“American, what else?” Hoshi said sarcastically.

“I mean physical features. Like what was the color of her hair?” Mingyu said.

“Why do you want to know so much? She didn’t even speak the whole encounter we had.” Hoshi looked at him hoping something on his face would give away whatever he was thinking.

“I’m curious,” he shrugged, “I’ve never seen an American girl before.”

“Okay, fine. I’ll only tell you what her hair was like since that was actually the only thing I noticed about her,” Hoshi stopped walking making Mingyu stop as well, “She had brown, curly hair. Is that enough?”

“Wow, you said that so anticlimactically,” Mingyu gave him a glare and Hoshi started walking again. Mingyu followed though he already had his answer to an underlying question.

“How exciting is it supposed to be? She’s a girl, there are billions of them out there.” Hoshi turned to Mingyu since they already reached the intersection of the hall and were supposed to part ways.

“I guess you have a point… Thanks Hoshi.” Mingyu said.

“Sure, but I’ll find out what you're up to,” Hoshi said. He took a left and walked toward the performance team’s vocal practice.

Mingyu walked down the hall opposite of where Hoshi went toward Woozi’s studio and decided to occupy himself with his thoughts. So… she was Baekho’s friend. The encounter he had with the girl intrigued him, she wasn’t Korean and she definitely was not a staff, he knew that for sure. Yet, she was in Woozi’s production studio for no apparent reason. He played the card of her being a staff hoping for an explanation as to why she was there. If she had declined that position, she would have admitted the reason to being there but if she accepted it… that could only mean that she wasn’t supposed to be there. As to how she knew Baekho or what connection she had with the girl in the closet, he had no idea. She was cute, he had to admit but what was she up to? Oh yeah! I have her number, I could still play the staff card and call her.

He took out his phone and dialed her number as he walked into the room. “Hey Woozi! How are the songs coming along?”

“Great, I thought we could incorporate some different genres and stuff.” He replied and turned around, “Who are you calling?”

On the second dial tone, he heard a phone ringing, more like rapping, the hip-hop teams’ song. Mingyu walked up to the phone right next to Woozi, “Your phone’s ringing.”

“This isn’t my phone,” Woozi said, “Someone must’ve left it here, I still can’t find mine.”

“How did you know this wasn’t yours?” Mingyu asked picking it up.

“For starters, I don’t have your teams’ song as my ringtone,” Woozi said without any shame.

“Who’s song do you have?” Mingyu looked at him.

“I’m not going to tell you…” Woozi said refusing to give a real answer. “And second,” He motioned for Mingyu to give him the phone, “My phone has a scratch embedded right here.” Mingyu handed him the phone and Woozi pointed to the top right corner on the screen.

“Who’s is this then?” Mingyu asked. The dial tone on his phone stopped as well as the ringing on the phone. He had an idea whose it could be.

“I don’t know maybe we should see if there’s any identification on it.” Woozi was about to unlock the phone, but Mingyu caught him before he pressed any buttons.

“I’ll take care of it, you just worry about the music,” Mingyu smiled, he had no idea why he was protecting her.

“Thanks. You’ve been getting a lot more thoughtful lately Mingyu.” Woozi said handing Mingyu the phone.

“I try,” Mingyu received the phone and walked out of the room. He unlocked her phone to make sure it was, in fact, her phone. He laughed a little too loudly upon seeing that Joshua was her lock screen. Looking around to see if anyone saw his outburst, he tried unlocking it. The first thing that came to his mind was her birthday but then seeing as he didn’t know it, he tried Joshua’s. It worked perfectly. She must be really into him, I wonder if Baekho knows about this. He scrolled through her contacts not finding Baekho at all which made her seem all the more suspicious. They were either acquaintances or complete strangers which made no sense as to why he would back her up. Who is this girl? Thinking it would be too intrusive to delve any further into her phone, he locked it and put it in his pocket. She’d look for it eventually and when she did, he could ask her all about this.


“Baekho, please?” Hoshi pleaded.

“Why do you want to know her name? Are you interested in her?” Baekho laughed.

“No! Ew!” Hoshi said offended.

“I don’t know why you’re offended, she’s pretty.” Baekho shrugged.

“She isn’t my type.”

“And what exactly is your type?” Minhyun asked, walking into the room.

“Minhyun, what are you doing here?” Hoshi turned to him.

“Preparing for a comeback maybe,” Minhyun said sarcastically causing Baekho to laugh.

“You guys are having a comeback?” Hoshi asked, shocked.

“Thanks for the compliment dongsaeng,” Minhyun walked to the mini fridge at the far end of the room.

“You know that’s not what I meant,” Hoshi blushed.

“So the answer to my question?” Minhyun grabbed a water bottle, closed the fridge and turned to him.

“What question?” Hoshi asked.

“Your type.” Minhyun gestured toward him before lifting the bottle to his lips.

“Oh… well, I don’t really have an exact type,” Hoshi admitted.

“Then why strike her out of the game before she even comes up to bat?” Baekho asked.

“Stop bringing your baseball metaphors into this! I just wanted to know her name,” Hoshi was on the verge of pulling out his hair.

Baekho and Minhyun both started laughed at his frustration.

“Guys!” Hoshi wined.

“Fine, her name is Angie,” Baekho said.

“Angie?” Hoshi asked.

“Yes, are you happy now?” Baekho rolled his eyes.

“That felt very unsatisfying…” Hoshi confessed.

“What did you expect?” Baekho looked at him.

“Something completely unexpected. The reveal seemed very bland,” Hoshi said.

“How exciting is it supposed to be? She’s a girl, there are billions of them out there.” Baekho asked.

“I… I see you’re point. Thanks, I guess.” Hoshi walked off. I guess I know how Mingyu feels now.


That night Hoshi decided to do some research on Angie before going to bed. He typed her name in the Naver search bar and a couple articles came up which she was the author of. The interesting thing about them though was that they were about celebrities. They were celebrity gossip articles.

“Whatcha doin'?” Jun asked looking at Hoshi’s screen.

“Nothing!” Hoshi closed the laptop.

The lights were off so when he closed it, the whole room went dark.

“Sorry,” Hoshi apologized, opening his laptop again so they could see. Thankfully it was locked.

“Is there something that you don’t want me to see?” Jun asked hurt.

“No, I was just doing some research, it was going to be a surprise.” Hoshi partially lied.

“Oh, then finish what you were doing. Sorry for interrupting.” Jun said walking to one of the beds.

Hoshi continued his search when he knew for sure no one was looking over his shoulder. The girl was all over gossip columns including groups like Red Velvet, BtoB, and Vixx. She wasn’t someone you’d like to be involved with if you were a celebrity so why does Baekho know her?

He thought about anywhere he had seen her and then suddenly it clicked, she was at one of the interviews Nu’est had trying to dig up dirt. She was very dangerous to Baekho’s reputation at this point since he was in fact dating someone. But if she’s friends with his girlfriend, why hasn’t she reported anything yet? Unless... she doesn’t know.

“Hoshi?” Jun asked from the bunk above.

“Yes?” Hoshi responded.

“Do you really think the girl in the closet was ugly? I mean I can’t be the only one that thought she was pretty can I?” Jun said sincerely.

“No, she wasn’t ugly. She was actually quite pretty.” Hoshi admitted.

“You think so?” Jun asked, thankful he wasn’t the only one.

“Yeah, but she seems dangerous to be involved with,” Hoshi said still scrolling through the articles.

“How do you know?” Jun became curious.

“I just have that feeling. If you ever see her again, keep your guard up.” Hoshi instructed Jun.

“Okay, I’ll trust you. Good night.” Jun said.

“Night!” Hoshi returned and soon after Jun fell asleep.


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I'm returning to continue this fic, thank you for waiting patiently ^^ New chapters will be updated in February, I am currently working on them right now.


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Misufitto #1
Can you please update? T_T PLEASE! I'm dying waiting for new chapters!!!! <3
Chapter 5: this story is too cute omg