A Sticky Situation

❝A Sticky Situation❞
Chapter 1

“Angie? You’re going to help me right?” Jasmine asked the girl on the line. 

“Of course! What are friends for?! But-“ Angie said through the phone. 

“Ugh! There’s a but?” Jasmine wined. 

“There’s always a but.” She could already hear Angie plotting her demise. The things she asked for often got Jasmine in trouble on more than one occasion. 

“Okay, sure! Whatever it is, I’ll do it! This is too exclusive to pass up.”  She was already jittery with excitement. 

“Really?” Angie asked, skeptical if Jasmine would really do it. She had done tasks for her before, but they were all less risky compared to this one. She also vowed “never to do another favor for her again” last time but clearly whatever history there was, it didn’t matter in this case. 

“Yes!” Jasmine shouted feeling her thoughts waver. No, they were worth whatever she asked for, she told herself.  “Just- just don’t tell me till tomorrow, I don’t want to think about it.” 

“Okay. See you tomorrow,” Angie said before she hung up. 

Jasmine took a deep breath, this wasn’t a mistake right? Aish! Why do I do these things to myself?! 


“You want me to do what?!” the taller of the two girls asked. 

“Would you keep your voice down?!” Angie dragged her to the side and whispered, “I want you to sneak into the van and see if you can get pictures from Hoshi’s phone. At one interview he said he took bizarre photos of the other members. Find some, send them to me, then delete the evidence. Any member will do really.” She made it sound easy. 

“No,” Jasmine said 

“What?” Angie asked, she couldn’t believe she was really backing out of this chance. They had already come so far. 

“N. O. No.” Jasmine crossed her arms and vowed not to do it. 

“You’re going to pass up meeting Seventeen? Meeting Joshua?” Angie tried to explain exactly what Jasmine was going to miss out on. For a moment it looked like she was going to waver but resolved she had a lot more to lose from this situation than gain. 

“Come on Jasmine! He is your favorite person in the world!” Angie grabbed one of her arms and shook her. 

“What are you planning to do with it?” Jasmine asked. 

“Don’t worry, it’s not like I’m going to sell them or flaunt them all over the world.” Angie laughed while withdrawing her hands from Jasmine’s arm and rubbing her wrist. 

“You always do that when you lie,” Jasmine said staring at the other girls face annoyed. 

“Do what?” Angie asked innocently. 

“Rubbing your wrist. You did the exact same thing last time and the next thing I knew you were boasting about the shirt Joy ‘gave’ you.” 

“Heh. Those were good times.” She smiled. “But it’s been a year already, I could’ve changed.” 

“Whatever.” Jasmine rolled her eyes. “Fine, I’ll do it, but for Joshua.” 

“Yes! Thank you!” Angie cheered and hugged her tightly. 

“Alright! Let go of me, you’re making a scene!” Jasmine forced Angie off of her and threatened the bystanders that stared with a glare of her own. She turned around and Angie handed her a walkie-talkie. 

“Here. If anything goes wrong, there’s a way we can communicate.” Angie turned hers on. 

“You realize we could have used our phones right?” Jasmine stared at the monstrous device in her hand. 

“It’s more fun this way.” Angie tested hers then realized Jasmine’s wasn’t on, “Aren’t you going to turn yours on?” 

She turned it on. “They’re also going to give us away,” she mumbled low enough that Angie wouldn’t hear. 

“What?” She asked. 

“Nothing.” Jasmine flashed a fake smile. 

“Test. Test.” Angie tested her mic, “Okay it works! Now try yours!” 

“T-test. Test. How do you work this thing?” She hit it with her other hand. 

“No! Press the button right here,” Angie demonstrated. 

Following her instructions Jasmine pressed the button. “Hello?” she said and it came out through the other walkie-talkie. “Do I really have to use this?!” She asked Angie with pleading eyes. 

“Do you want to meet Joshua?” Angie asked her. Jasmine pouted. “That’s what I thought. Now Go! I’ll wait in line.” Angie shooed her off and walked to the line with her walkie-talkie in hand. 

“Ugh. I can’t believe she’s making me do this for her!” Jasmine complained. They got to the Pledis Entertainment building before the fan signing had started, but it was obvious that Seventeen was already there. Sneaking to the back of the building, she tried to figure out which van was Seventeen’s. Why do all of their artists have to have the same color vehicle? She asked herself. Looking through the windshield she saw the Seventeen logo hanging from the rearview mirror. Great, now she has me breaking and entering. 

The car unlocked and she jumped at the noise. Where did that come from? She looked around for the source but couldn’t find anyone. Surprisingly it was deserted. 

Slowly she pulled the handle and slid the door. CLICK. She closed her eyes and flinched, no one heard that right? Seeing as no one came up to arrest her, she entered closing the door behind her. Okay, now where is his phone? She searched through the first two rows realizing it wouldn’t be found. “Are we seriously this stupid?” She whispered and mentally slapped herself, of course, he has his phone. I guess it won’t hurt to check the last row just in case he left it here. 

Crossing over to the third row she noticed someone coming out the side door. Panicking, she fell to the floor. Great. Pulling out her walkie-talkie she told Angie the news, “Did you ever care to think that maybe he has his phone with him?” 

Waiting for a response, she looked under the seats. “I feel really stupid right now,” Angie answered after a minute. 

“You should,” Jasmine said more to herself, resenting what she put herself through. “Are they there yet? It’s about time they came out.” 

“No, they were supposed to come out ten minutes ago.  Were they near the van when you entered?” she asked. 

“No, they-“ Jasmine stopped mid-sentence. Sitting up, she looked out the tinted windows and saw Woozi walking toward the van. 

“They what? Jasmine did something hap-” She turned off the walkie-talkie and lowered herself back to the floor. No. No. No. This is not happening. 


“Hello? Jasmine?” Angie asked through her walkie-talkie. Coming to the conclusion that Jasmine turned hers off, she threw hers in her bag. I hope she’s okay. 

Suddenly, all the fans in front of her started screaming. Okay, it can’t be that bad. They came out, which means no one is in the van. She’ll be fine. She started counting the members. Two, four, six, eight, ten, twelve… twelve? Where’s the thirteenth? Oh no. She rapidly searched for her phone in her bag. Come on, where is it? Ah, here it is. Pulling it out she texted Jasmine. 


Just keep you’re cool, I’m sure he just left something in the front seat. He won’t even look in the back. The door to the back opened, “Hmm, I’m sure I left it in here,” she heard him say. 

Closing her eyes, she hugged herself tightly. I’m not here. I am just a figment of your imagination. She practiced what to tell him if he found her but realized it was ridiculous to even try. 

U Hoo~ Her phone chirped Woozi’s voice. In a panic, she took her phone out of her pocket and quickly removed the battery. Am I found out?  The silence seemed to drag on for hours until he finally spoke. 

“That was a Kakao Talk notification, so it has to be here somewhere,” he continued his search. 

Phew. That was a close one. Now with her eyes on wide alert, she saw something shiny at the back of the third row. She pulled it from under the seat and saw a phone. Thinking it may be Hoshi’s she stuck it in her pocket. 

Opening the door, Woozi said, “Maybe I’ll find it later.” The door shut with a loud clang. Hesitantly lifting herself to the back window, she saw Woozi walk back into the building. 

She instantly stood up, hitting her head on the roof of the car, “Ow!” Forcing herself not to think about the pain she climbed over the seats and waited for him to enter the building before exiting the car. 


“What’s your name?” Hoshi asked Angie. 

“Oh, I’m not your fan. This is for a friend.” She smiled. 

Naega hosh~! Her phone sang. 

“Uh… that wasn’t me.” Her face turned red. 

“Angie! I got it!” Jasmine shouted running toward the other girl. 

“Got what?” Angie asked, motioning toward the person in front of her. 

“Oh… the pack of gum you asked for. It’s here in my pocket,” She lied. Smiling she said, “Nice to meet you Hoshi.” Woozi walked out of the building and sat next to the other members. 

“Quickly Jasmine,” Angie smiled too forcefully. “Get your autograph and move on.” She whispered in her ear. 

Taking the album out of Angie’s bag, she hands it to Hoshi. “Name?” He asked her with a smile. 

Dying a little inside, she answered “Jasmine.” After he signed it, they went to the back of Woozi’s line seeing that it was shorter than the others. 

“Okay, what happened in there?” Angie asked her. 

“Woozi was looking for something and he walked in while I was doing my search on the third row. He almost caught me but decided to find whatever he looking for later. ” 

“What was he looking for?” She asked. 

“I don’t know, I didn’t really hear what he said because there was too much going through my mind at the time,” Jasmine admitted. 

Angie sighed, “Well at least you’re safe. You said you had it though so does that mean you sent the photos because I did get a notification.” 

“No,” Jasmine whispered. She motioned with her hand for Angie to come closer so others wouldn’t hear, “I have his phone.” 

“You what?!” Angie shouted looking frightened. 

“Shh!” Jasmine urgently shushed her. Taking it out, she unlocked the phone, “He should really have a passcode on this thing.” 

While looking through his phone, Angie looked around to make sure no one was suspicious. She noticed Woozi whisper in Jeonghan’s ear as he took his phone out of his pocket. He was dialing a number. After putting the phone to his ear, the phone in Jasmine’s hand started ringing. 

Jasmine and Angie looked at each other unsure of what to do. 

Tossing the phone to Angie she said, “You answer it.” 

“I’m not answering it, you answer it!” she threw it back to her. 

“No, you got me into this mess, you answer it.” Jasmine gave it back to her. 

“I didn’t say to grab the phone, I only said the photos.” As they argued the phone eventually went quiet. Looking to Jeonghan, he put his phone back in his pocket and continued the fan signing. 

Jasmine returned to looking through his phone seeing there was no other threat, “Why would Hoshi’s wallpaper be Hugh Jackman?” 

“You said Woozi was looking for something right?” Angie asked urgently. 

“Yeah, why do you ask?” She looked up. 

Angie grew quiet. After a few minutes she connected the dots together but they were already at the front of the line and Woozi was waiting for his next fan. Putting the phone in her pocket Jasmine walked up to him. 

“What’s your name?” He gave her a genuine smile and she giggled. 

Angie looked at Jeonghan next to him as he took out his phone again. He started tapping the screen. Too long to be a phone call, we’re covered there but if it’s a message… Oh no. 

Jeonghan sent the message and the phone in Jasmine’s pocket vibrated with a cheerful U Hoo~! 

“You have the same notification tone as me.” He told Jasmine. 

Jeonghan looked at her but thought it impossible and returned to the fan in front of him. 

“Yeah,” She laughed nervously, I turned off my phone how is it still- Uh oh. “Thank you Woozi!” She smiled and walked to the back of Joshua’s line not feeling up to meeting him anymore. Jasmine looked at Angie seeing the same expression in each other’s eyes. It wasn’t Hoshi’s phone, It was Woozi’s.


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I'm returning to continue this fic, thank you for waiting patiently ^^ New chapters will be updated in February, I am currently working on them right now.


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Misufitto #1
Can you please update? T_T PLEASE! I'm dying waiting for new chapters!!!! <3
Chapter 5: this story is too cute omg