Careful Heart

Wish Ur My Love

“Hi guys. I’m Joshua.”

“Yeah. I’m Hansol. And here’s Seungkwan and Mingyu.”

Another day of English lesson time has just begun. They introduced themselves and start translating some korean words.

“So, let me see what are we gonna teach you all for today.”


Mingyu POV

What should I do... what should I do...’, Mingyu asked himself that question for almost thousand times in his head, after the day when Jisoo ignored him. So many thoughts and assumptions running on his head.

Should I still try to get closer to him? Or not? But hey! One of my motto is to harmonize with everyone I know in this company. And since we’ll debut together, I should get closer to Jisoo hyung too. Yeah! I must to be careful to approach him. I can’t make him even further from me. But... still... if he ignores me like this... ARRRGGHH!’, he shouted in his thoughts as he watches Jisoo focusing on his laptop to search for today’s topic.

His hair looks so nice. I’m Mingyu the hairstylist can’t hold myself when it comes to beautiful hair. Should I try to play with his hair and see his reaction?’, without thinking twice, Mingyu then playing with Jisoo’s hair. Because he was kinda worry about what his hyung gonna do, he watches him carefully. No response.

His hair is so soft, so easy to organized... ah.. it’s my favorite so far!’, as he focused on his own thoughts, Jisoo makes some aegyo which startled Mingyu. Because of that, Mingyu stopped playing with Jisoo’s hair.

Huft... I’m glad that Jisoo hyung is fine with me playing with his hair. Anyway, why his aegyo is so cute... It’s awkward when he does that, but that’s what made it cute. That aegyo makes my stomach feeling weird. Like, really weird. It’s often happens when I’m around Jisoo hyung. Weird...

The lesson continue and Jihoon join the group. Sometimes, Jisoo doing his signature aegyo and that makes Mingyu can’t stand the weird feeling in his stomach anymore.

“Don’t do that please~”, Mingyu blurted out and imitated the aegyo.

“I’m sorry...”, Jisoo bowed to Mingyu yet looks apologetic which made Mingyu regretted what he said.

Another NICE move, Mingyu. Nice. Just nice

“Jisol is the best couple. I like that”, Jisoo suddenly said that while embracing Hansol.

Wait. What!? Did he said ‘Jisol’? It’s Jisoo+Hansol right? Jisoo hyung said Jisol is the best couple? The names made by fans though, but why must them together? Not me~

“Please include my name too!”, Mingyu then asked to the camera sincerely.

“Oh how about Jiji? Our name combined together will be Jiji.”, Jihoon joined.

“What is this, oh my God. Jiji, Jisol, I like that!”, Jisoo gives a thumb up.

It can’t be. Even Jihoon hyung have a couple name with Jisoo hyung. I want one too...’, Mingyu feeling all sad just because there’s no mention of him in the couple name with Jisoo.

“Mingyu hyung, what is ‘Eoje’ means?”, Seungkwan patted Mingyu’s back.

“Mmm... ‘eoje’... is...”, Mingyu about to answer Seungkwan’s question, but then...

“Jiji couple. Jisol.”

Why Jisoo hyung bringing it up again... I feel... sad. But why am I sad though? It just a couple name made by fans!’, Mingyu cheered himself up.

“I think, Jiji couple is a better name.”

Please Jisoo hyung... I want my name to be combined with you too! We can make a better name for us. ... WHAT!? WHAT JUST I THINK ABOUT!?


Jisoo POV

“Hyung, how about my name?”, Mingyu whispered to Jisoo.

This boy wants his name to be combined together with me too? But why? He already has Meanie though. While me, I don’t have any couple name yet. So it’s not wrong to have a couple name right? Haha. But I feel weird if our fans put my name together with him. It feels... not right. It’s almost impossible for us to be together, even only as a close friends. Ah Hong Jisoo! Just focus to today English lesson! Seems that it’s better if I’ll just ignore him for now.’, Jisoo thought as he still try to ignores Mingyu.

As time passes, they’ve come to teaching parts of human body. Everyone explained it short but detail.

“Ear!”, Jisoo pointed to his ear, but he felt that there’s another finger rubbing on his ear.

Isn’t he loves skinship too much? But just ignore it.’

Jisoo scrolling to fans comments, until he spotted a funny comment.

Haha this is true. Yeah he is!’, Jisoo smiled to himself.

“So Mingyu has a big !”

“Me!?”, Mingyu looks surprised.

His reaction was funny!’, Jisoo thought.

“Oh yeah.”, Hansol laughed, while Mingyu still bewildered.

“Yes, very big . Big .”

But yeah. He’s a cute boy.


Mingyu POV

Sure it was Jisoo hyung who said it, but what is ‘’ means?’, Mingyu was so curious to know what it means, so he asked Hansol.

“Hansol, what is ‘’ means?”, Mingyu whispered.

“It’s your bottom, hyung.”

Mingyu blushed and feeling shy when he knows what it means.

So, Jisoo hyung just called me have a big ? Even though it’s a fans comment, but still he decided to say it loud. Is it a compliment though? Just by this comment, I feel like Jisoo hyung is finally gives me an attention. Oh my...’, Mingyu filled in happy thoughts.


After a long time of teaching many korean words, the English lesson comes to end. And one by one send their goodbye messages.

“So it’s time for us to say goodbye. I’ve to go to practice with Soonyoung hyung and MingMing hyung.”, Hansol said.

“And I’ve to practice with Seungkwan.”, Jisoo joined the goodbye message.

“See you later. Bye!”, Hansol waved his hands to camera as well as Seungkwan while they leave the room.


Jisoo POV

Sigh... the lesson is over, but I still have a little time to check fans comments. So, I think I’ll just read these now for a moment.

As everyone left already, Jisoo didn’t notice that Mingyu is still in the room. When he turned around, he saw Mingyu already sit on the chair while smiling to him sheepishly.

Seems that I’ve to sit too, right?’, Jisoo sit beside Mingyu.

When he tried to close the door, he accidentally brushed with Mingyu’s hand as he also tried to close the door.

Ah this is gonna be so awkward.’, Jisoo already focused on the laptop, but then he felt a weight on his shoulder.

“Ahmm...”, Mingyu yawned.

It’s already too much to be in one room ONLY with him. And now? He’s leaned on my shoulder like it’s nothing. Today, many things happened just in this English lesson between us, isn’t it Kim Mingyu?’

“So... just sleep tight.”

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Chapter 17: The longest minshua fic that ever exist in this universe and thank you so much!!!
Chapter 17: I really want to thank you for making this beautiful minshua chap fic cuz like you are the only one that make minshua fic till 17 chapters omg thanks and hope you make more someday ^^
Chapter 17: In the beginning I wanted to leave this fanfic, since I really don't like when the character panics in his mind all time. But then I decided to read it till the end, because I thought it could be cute. And it was! I loove when the character is jealous, but Mingyu did too much here :v When the action took part during recording 17TV and 17Project it really looked like a side story!
My favourite was when Mingyu thought that Wonwoo was the one who was making these boxes for him. Jisoo, who didn't parade that he made it, proved his love was true.
Chapter 17: I loved how you made Mingyu and Joshua read this fic. And I loved how sweet they are to each other!!
It's a nice way to end a story ♡
i cant believe jisoo is the top i cant believe jisoo is the top i cant belie- but hey!! jisoo is mine! anywany are u purpose it to be end on 17th chapt??
alsoo i want to laugh bcs they know this fiction did they read my comment too
I hope to see more minshua/jogyu from from you*_*
Chapter 17: So cute awww
I loved this
Gentleman Josh and cutie Mingyu is love❤_❤
Thank you ^_^
Chapter 17: Cuties i cri happy 300th day with seventeen