Music Festival

Thunder And Lightning

MiNam and MiNyu made their way through the crowds and then were allowed backstage, where many groups were gathered. Jeremy hugged MiNyu first, and then ShinWoo, before TaeKyung hugged her tightly, not letting her go for a while. MiNam looked around, checking out the others before he froze and asked, “Were there international guests for today?”

ShinWoo and Jeremy followed his gaze to a group of differently dressed international rockers preparing to get on the stage. Jeremy replied first, “Those are the headliners of this festival. I hear they are from all around the world.”

ShinWoo crossed his arms and added, “The core of the team is a Korean American lady, though. She was a pretty well known singer-songwriter back in the day. I think,” he frowned, his eyes catching sight of a girl for a moment, “her name is Lee SoLin?”

To this, TaeKyung let go of MiNyu and echoed, “Lee SoLin?”

ShinWoo nodded and everyone turned to TaeKyung, “Why? Do you know her?” he asked.

TaeKyung looked around them and then grabbed MiNyu’s hand, “This isn’t the time nor the place to talk about it. Let’s go watch them, though. They must be the headliners for a reason,” he added, pulling MiNyu away from the others, who followed hurriedly.

On stage, as the band prepped, the crowds grew denser. The MCs started naming awards and shows each member of the band had won until they reached TaeJin, who took her microphone and yelled, “Oooooookay! Is everybody ready?” effectively cutting off the MCs, who didn’t mind. It wasn’t that she didn’t want people to know of her achievements, but she preferred to show off before having them read off.

MiNyu smiled, standing between MiNam and TaeKyung as they watched from the shaded special viewing area. “Jeremy, she speaks English!” MiNyu exclaimed.

“Without an accent,” Jeremy added, cocking his head to the right. “Who is she?” he wondered aloud.

TaeKyung thought about it and noticed SoLin standing just off stage but looking very excited. He turned to see his own mother still wandering the crowds with her bodyguard, looking for her old friend, so it seemed. He wondered if MiNyu would be alright in her company. Both women seemed to know something more and yet, he wasn’t sure he trusted his mother enough to allow her time alone with MiNyu.

Without a warning, a loud and ominous electric guitar line ripped through the air and the crowds erupted all at once. The experienced and inexperienced all had their eyes glued to the stage as TaeJin stepped forward, not singing, but playing a melody that was both mesmerizing and jarring. And then she let the note hang there, as she looked to each of her band members. The bassist, a young woman with short fiery red hair nodded her appreciation and then TaeJin turned to her pianist, a young White man with several piercings on his ear, donning no T-shirt just jeans, a belt with studs, and a black vest. He nodded and adjusted his settings before giving her a thumbs-up signal. Then, TaeJin walked over to the drummer and shook her guitar at her. The drummer, comfortably in jeans and a flashy top, played a beat, testing the drums before she twirled the drumsticks in her hands and nodded.

Finally ready, TaeJin stepped up to the microphone and stated, “Thanks for having us. We love Korean dramas so,” TaeJin giggled into the mic, which made the crowds of males hoot in delight, “hope you enjoy our set,” she added and then the drums kicked off ‘It’s Alright’ by the Yang HwaJin Band that everyone knew because of the Korean Drama, ‘City Hunter’. From that song, the band followed TaeJin through a few other popular songs before switching over to popular American rock music. It was seamless and yet, TaeKyung couldn’t remember the last time he’d been to such a concert.

And then his gaze drifted over to see Lee SoLin jumping up and down, rocking out to the music. He’d never seen his mother react the same to his songs, and yet, he knew it was unlikely for any Asian parent to do so, unless they had a bit of the American in them. He also noticed when her eyes seemed to see him and then look to his right, at MiNyu and MiNam. Her expression changed and she covered in recognition.

TaeKyung looked from SoLin to MiNyu and then there was a sudden burst of notes that drew his attention back to the stage. As the band rocked on and the drummer drove a fast beat, the lead guitarist, the girl all dressed up in the Gothic rocker dress ran a most difficult line that he didn’t think even ShinWoo could run. He did peek over to check and ShinWoo also had his eyes glued to the lead guitarist, his mouth open with surprise. And as she finished her the crowds moshed and shouted for more. She smiled and laughed into the microphone, “Let me introduce ourselves again. We are the Smooth Edges!” She took off her electric and the audience hooted and cheered, knowing what was to come next.

TaeKyung scoffed, “It’s like they know.”

And then a Hyung next to him shouted, “DOUBLE STRING! DOUBLE STRING! DOUBLE STRING! DOUBLE STRING!” along with the rest of the crowds.

Even ShinWoo leaned forward when he watched her pull on a beautiful double-stringed electric guitar. The others in the band all readjusted as well. This time, when they started, the guitar started with a sound unusual to hear if one wasn’t accustomed to that of a double-stringed electric guitar.

And then she raised the level of difficulty by picking on 12 strings. The hard rockers screamed and jumped even more. But, strangely enough, she didn’t pick anything too out of the blue. Instead, she picked an older Korean song that several of the older generations enjoyed.

At that moment, TaeKyung looked at where he last so SoLin and couldn’t find her. He frowned and then looked backstage. When he was sure he couldn’t find her, he also noticed that he could no longer find his mother in the crowds. He felt troubled so he squeezed MiNyu’s hand and then stepped back, hurrying backstage.

MiNam frowned and, seeing MiNyu also worried, he slipped his hand in to hers and held on. Neither of them shared a lot of physical touch but sometimes, when she needed it, he was there for her. He found that it comforted him as well.

Backstage, TaeKyung looked around and then found SoLin drinking water with some men he recognized as music producers and agents. They laughed and chatted merrily as the music continued and the crowds cheered.

With a strange but powerful feeling, TaeKyung stood up straight and walked over. SoLin noticed him and then excused herself from them, hurrying towards the ramp that led to the stage. TaeKyung turned to follow her and then stopped, seeing his mother but in front of her. She looked like she had tears in her eyes. But SoLin turned from her and walked in the other direction, straight to him, or so he thought. Instead, she turned and walked up another ramp to the stage.

When HwaRan met him, she placed a hand on his arm and asked, “Did you say something to her?”

TaeKyung shook his head, “No, but I think she saw them.”

HwaRan nodded and then quickly stepped back. “I look forward to hearing your performance.” She backed away and turned before hurrying off.

TaeKyung turned and sighed as he saw MiNam walking over holding hands with MiNyu, Jeremy and ShinWoo with them. He walked over and joined them, MiNam released MiNyu immediately and TaeKyung took her hand in his.

MiNyu looked up at him and then to where Mo HwaRan had been. “Is everything okay?” she asked softly.

TaeKyung nodded and then the music stopped and the crowds roared for more. Jeremy shook his head, “I’ve never seen a crowd like this before. I wonder how she did all that with 12 strings. Hyung,” he turned to ShinWoo, “can you do that, too?”

ShinWoo was very stiff but before he spoke, the band came off the stage. The drummer cracked her neck as she passed them, shouting out, “That was a really good set! I want to do that again sometime soon,” she laughed, her high pitches causing guys nearby to wince a bit.

The bassist came next, carrying her beautiful red bass, “The energy was amazing! And you said Koreans didn’t know how to rock,” she saw MiNam and winked before walking on.

Then came the pianist, holding the green electric, smiling, “I didn’t say that! I didn’t disagree, but I think they’re getting better at it,” he paused in front of A.N.Jell and frowned, “What’s up?” he asked and then turned.

Last came Solin with her arm around TaeJin affectionately. She noticed TaeKyung and those with him but ignored him. “I’ll bet you guys are hungry, huh?” she laughed casually.

TaeJin didn’t even look at them as she passed. Instead, she nudged the pianist and replied easily, “Let’s get ready for the next gig.

TaeKyung watched them walk away as SoLin pat TaeJin’s head, “You are SO my child,” she laughed affectionately. TaeKyung couldn’t believe what he was hearing and seeing.

At that moment, however, Jeremy cocked his head to one side and asked, “They’re all fluently speaking English. They must be Americans,” he added.

ShinWoo was very still as he watched them go. He saw her face, noticed her smile, saw the light in her eyes, and then, when she turned away, he felt a bit of coldness. He’d never seen someone play the guitar as well as she did and yet, he searched for words to describe his feelings but they weren’t there. The only other time he’d been so conflicted was when he first discovered MiNyu was pretending to be Go MiNam. He didn’t like those feelings.

TaeKyung gave himself a mental shake and then stated, “We should get ready. Let’s go,” he added and turned towards their gear. MiNam and Jeremy followed and then ShinWoo did, after he found himself thinking of her music and not seeing anything anymore.

He also gave himself a mental shake and grumbled, “Is she really THAT good?”

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jeopardism #1
This looks beautiful. I will read this later. :)