A War is Raging Inside My Head

Everytime the Sun Rises I Love You More

Jonghyuns POV

The day I have been dreading is finally here. It's Monday and time to go back to school. As I got up off my bed and recalled the events of the other day when I confessed to Key, I sighed. I know I shouldn't care what other people say  but still I just have this feeling of nevousness in my stomach.

What if people dont except me anymore? What if I become an outcast, a person no one wants to be friends with anymore?

I have to put all these thoughts behind me. I wont leave Key for some lame selfishness. I love him so I will stick with him no matter what.

I wont be a chicken, running away from all my fears. I looked at a picture of me and Key in our sophmore year. Good times. What am I saying, right now is perfect and I wouldnt change it for anything.

As i was changing into my clothes, there was an inner war inside my head. One side telling me to keep my relationship with Key a secret, and the other side telling me to stop being a baby and except myself for who I am. I dont know if I would consider myself gay. I mean I have liked girls and I have dated many before.

Only now have I started feeling something for guys, mainly Key, I guess that makes me bi. Either way, I am not ashamed of who I am anymore. Right?

As I walked outside of  my house, the feeling of being sick came back. I thought I had finally overcome this DAMMIT! I saw Key walk out of his house and with his fancy bag and designe clothes. How like him. As he walked over to me, the feelings in my stomach got worse.

"Jjong, are you OK? You look kinda pale." He said, a noticable expression of worry on his face. I looked at him and a small smile appeared on my face.

"Im fine, don't worry." He grabbed my hand and started to walk. I looked at his face, it was calm and beautiful. The feeling I had previously vanished instantly. How could I have been thinking that way back in my room. He is perfect, I love him, and thats the truth. If people don't except me, I dont care. I have the most amazing person by my side and I wouldn't trade it for anything.

Key''s POV

As we walked into the school, I felt thousands of eyes on my and Jjong. I have to admit, I feel a bit nervous especially for Jjong. I wonder how hes taking this. I looked uup at him and he was smiling. Smiling? I saw girls glare at me angrily. I felt Jjongs arm snake around my waist protectively.

"I'll protect you." He whispered into my ear. I smiled and hugged him.

"We should hurry, the bell will ring soon and we dont even have our stuff." As if on cue the bell ring and our eyes widened. . We sprinted to our lockers. Damn why do our lockers have to be so far away from our first period class? The moment we walked inside the class, 10 minutes had already passed.

"Sorry Mr.Lee, we were a bit late to school." He waved it off and sent us to our seats.

"Your lucky its the first day of school, and I am in a good mood." He mumbled. Me and Jjong sighed in relief. Detention on the first day of school would not have been good. Me and Jjong looked at each other and smiled. He made a peace sign with his fingers and retuned his attention back to the board.

Ugh its times like these wear I would much rather go out and laugh with my friends then listen to a dumb teacher talk about non important stuff.

The bell rang signaling that it was lunch hour. I got up off of my chair and headed to my usual spot on the field.

"Why hello my beautiful friend." I turned to see Jjong staring at me.

"You scared the hell out of me." I said while I pecked him on the lips. I heard gasps around us, but neither of us cared. We continued with our normal lunch routine the entire time, not caring what anyone thought. I was used to the gasps since everyone already knew I was gay, but Jonghyun didn't.

It was somewhat of a school scandal. No one ever imagined Jonghyun dating a guy, especially not me.

They all imagined him dating the most popular girl in the school, also known as Shin se Kyung. Shin se Kyung is probably the biggest in the entire school. She has been after Jjong for about his entire life. I know i have only known Jjong for about 3 years, but he told me about how when they were 5 she tried to kiss him in the school playground.

I don't exactly know how she is taking the whole 'he is dating me' thing, but its definitley not good. It's gonna be a long year. Speaking ofthe devil...

"Hi Jonghyun!!" It said. Of course she ignores me. To her, I am like a fashion designer gone wrong. That statement is wrong by the way, I shop at only the best stores! I notice her sit next to Jjong. She bats her eyelashes while putting her face super close to his.

It's as if shes having an eye seizure. I snort at the image and they both stare at me weirdly I smile an Jjong and role my eyes at it. She doesnt even deserve to be called human. She glares at me an continues to  shamely flirt with Jjong.

He smiles but I easily sense his uncomfort. I know I should not be jealous and annoyed by it's attempts to make him kiss her, but I am. I know I should just eat my lunch and ignore it, but I cant. I glare at the scene.

Jjong was trying to eat his lunch while it was his cheek. He looked at me, his eyes showed he was sorry but was to nice to do anything.

"Um can you get off of my boyfriend, please?" I said as nicely as I possibly could. She raised her eyebrow. She grabbed his face and moved it to face her. She puckered up her lips and grabbed his neck to push him foward. He put his hand on he shoulders. Is he going to kiss her?

He made one swift motion with his hand and pushed her back. Her eyes widened.

"Thats it," He said calmly but quickly his eyes turned dark "get the off of me and go away." His tone had definiately changed.

"Bu..but Jjong." He glared at her and she stopped.

"Only my friends call me that, and you are not." She understood the message and got up. I smiled at him and I noticed him calm down. He smiled back and layed down on the grass.

"You know the bell is gonna ring soon and you have barely even touched you lunch." He pouted and looked at me.

"Do I have to go to class?"

"What kind of question is that? Of couse you have to!" I said as I grabbed his arm and pulled him up. "Now eat!" He pouted but then started to eat.

"ehehhe I  guess I was kinda hungry" Jjong said when he finished.

"Well i thought so saying you finished in literally five seconds." He smiled

"What can I say, I am a fast eater." i rolled my eyes and slapped his head.

"Dork." He smirked.

"Hey but I am your dork." That comment made me blush. My dork, I liked the sound of that. I kissed him fully on the lips despite the stares.

"Yes you are, and do NOT forget that."

"Wouldn't dream of it."

The moment the bell rang for the end of school, I bolted outside. Fresh air. I looked around to find Jjong,but he wasn't anywhere. Now that I am thinking about it, he missed last period. I wonder why.. I grabbed my backpack and started to head home. Where is he, we always walk home together...?

I am almost out of school property, and no sign of him.

I am almost home and he is nowhere to be found.

I reach his house, parents answer, no Jjong.

I call his phone, no answer.

I sit and wait, he never returns.

I wipe the tears I had not realized shed.

Where are you? Its 12 and you are no where to be found.

"Key, it's time to go inside." I slowly get up and weakily go inside.

Where could you have gone? I sware when I see you, im gonna kill you. I looked outside once more.

Nothing absolutely Nothing.

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moocow152 #1
I Suggest you tell you viewers that you will no longer be writing on here
moocow152 #2
Seriously, Claudia, WTF????
JongKey545 #3
yes they brighten my dad.....
moocow152 #4
They brighten your dad? WTF?
JongKey545 #5
hahaha I love your guys comments they brighten my dad XD
kolmilyo #6
jjongie!<br />
my heart goes to you.
moocow152 #7
moocow152 #8
No! The girl who beat you up, you derp!
kolmilyo #9
where'd he go?<br />
JongKey545 #10
I wish i could tell you all what happend but I shant and I cant