Sick but Feeling Happy

Everytime the Sun Rises I Love You More

Hai!! The sad part about this chapter is I was writing it and suddenly my computer went crazy and deleted everything! I was like DIE COMPUTER! but i guess its my fault for not saving....sigh. I dont know if it is as good as it was before but I still hope you like it <3 Love you all!!!

Key's Pov

I woke up a bit earlier then usual that morning. I looked at my alarm clock. Five thirty...Great.  I slowly tried to get off my bed but a huge pain shot through my body.

"Ow.." I mumbled. I placed my head back on my pillow and sighed. I tried to breathe through my nose but it was too stuffed. Fantastic, Just what I needed. I heard my phone vibrate on my nightstand and I reached up to grab it, ignoring all the pain running through my body. I opened my phone and quickly felt a smile appear on my face. Of course.

From: Dino

Good morning my Yeabo <3 Miss me?

I blushed and quickly clicked the reply button.

To: Dino

Maybe a little.... but I feel really sick. Want to make me feel better?

I smiled immediatly after I clicked send. Why do you have to be so amazing Jjong?

From: Dino

How do you want me to make you feel better hmmm? *dirty mind* 

What a ert....

To: Dino

Surprise me.

If this had been a real conversation, we would probably be speaking in the most flirtatious tones.

From: Dino

Maybe I will.

I smiled and decided not to respond. I placed my phone back on my nightstand and stared at the roof. Since I'm sick I suppose I have a reason to go back to bed.. As fast as it takes to blink your eye, I fell into another deep sleep. 

"Wake up Umma!!" I slowly opened my eyes, my vision still blurry. I looked to where the sound was coming from and I saw a small boy looking at me. I let out a small scream before I realized it was Taemin. I let out a relieved sigh and patted his head.

"What are you doing here?" I said. He smiled even wider.

"When hyung told me you got sick.. I immediatly rushed over here to see you!" I chuckled and focused my thinking to Jjong. These two boys really need to learn to act their own age. I looked to Taemin and a thought ran through my head.

"Hey Taemin?"


"Where is Jonghyun?" He smiled and put a finger over his lips.

"I can't tell you...tis a secret." He said giggling as he jumped of the bed. "You stay here and close your eyes and relax." I nodded and watched him leave the

room. What a strange kid Taemin is... I closed my eyes like Taemin told me to do and relaxed. After what seemed to be a few minutes I heard the door open

and felt someone sit on the bed. I smelled a strong scent of food. I my lips hungrily. I can't believe I didn't realize how hungry I have been. I opened my eyes and saw Jjong smiling at me with a large tray of food in his hands.

"I thought you would be hungry, so I prepared some food for you."I smiled and felt a blush staining my cheeks. I sware this boy is going to make me have a permanent blush on my cheeks.

"Maybe I am a little hungry.." I said as I tried to get up into a seated position. I winced as a pain shot up my body. I noticed Jjongs eyes widen.

"No! Do NOT move, It will only hurt you more. I am going to feed you so you don't have to move." I felt tears well up in my eyes.

"No one has ever done this for me before, thank you." I said truthfully. He smiled and grabbed some food and put his hand under the fork making sure none of the food fell.

"There is a first time for everything!" He said while stuffing some of the food in my mouth. My eyes widened as I tasted the food.  He's good...

"It's delicious Jjong!!" I exclaimed. "Maybe one day you will be as good as me!" I said cockily. He smirked.

"Maybe I will." He retorted and grabbed more food. What did I do to deserve this?  I placed my hand on his face and moved the stray hairs out of his eyes.

"Want to put the food down and lay with me?" He tilted his head. "Not like that you idiot." I patted the place next to me and he smiled. He placed the tray on the ground and kicked off his shoes. He snuggled into next to me and I felt the warm breathe on my skin.

"Key?" I looked towards him.


"Your warm and comfy. You know that?" I smirked.

"Am I now?"  He nodded and moved his head onto my chest.

"Hey aren't I the sick one here?" He chuckled and looked up at me.

"Maybe but you are more comfortable than me."

"I will be the judge of that now wont I." I motioned for him to move so I could use him as a pillow instead. He pouted but then obliged.

"Fineeee..." he ran his fingers through my hair. I felt his heartbeat and it calmed me down a bit.

"And you say you arent comfortable... Lies." I mumble.

"Well how should I know if i am comfortable or not?" I looked at him and stuck my tongue out.

"Then why did you say you werent comfortable?"

"I dont know, I didnt want to move positions."

"Baby..." He chuckled.

"Maybe I am, but you love me anyway." My eyes widened but I quickly felt drowsiness overcome me as I fell into a deep sleep.


I was half awake and half asleep when the question  I had been wondering for a while came to my head.

"Hey Jjong?" He looked at me, his eyes were droopy from me recently waking him up.

"Whats wrong Key?"

"Do you love me?" He eyes widened but then quickly relaxed as he pulled me closer.

"I do, but for how much, thats Impossible to say. For you see, each day I love you more. Today more than yesterday and less than tomorrow.
A hundred hearts would be too few
To carry all my love for you."


I thought it was longer than it was but it wasnt :( I tried atleast hehe. The first quote was by ~Rosemonde Gerard  i have no clue who he is but i found it and i liked it. and the second one is by anonymous! GIVE IT UP FOR ANONYMOUS!!!Oh and by the way does anyone else feel like the pic at the top matches this chap perfectly. I did not plan it out that way...

Well i hoped you like it and I love you all! <3

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moocow152 #1
I Suggest you tell you viewers that you will no longer be writing on here
moocow152 #2
Seriously, Claudia, WTF????
JongKey545 #3
yes they brighten my dad.....
moocow152 #4
They brighten your dad? WTF?
JongKey545 #5
hahaha I love your guys comments they brighten my dad XD
kolmilyo #6
jjongie!<br />
my heart goes to you.
moocow152 #7
moocow152 #8
No! The girl who beat you up, you derp!
kolmilyo #9
where'd he go?<br />
JongKey545 #10
I wish i could tell you all what happend but I shant and I cant