I Need Some Help

Everytime the Sun Rises I Love You More

Jonghyuns Pov

"Jjong....Jjong..KIM JONGHYUN DAMMIT WAKE UP!" I bolted immediatly out of my chair and fell face flat on the ground.

"Ow...Ow....Ow" I said rubbing my now sore nose. "who ever did this i sware I'LL..." I looked up to see Key. My heart started to pound at the sight of his amused face.

"Excuse me? What will you do?" He said smirking. I hate when he gets all cocky. I pouted and rubbed my nose some more.

"Can you help me up now Key?" He seemed to be taking what I just said into consideration.

"I dont knowwww.... should I?" I pouted some more and he looked at me and i noticed a small blush appear on his cheeks. I felt one on my face appearing

too. We both looked away hoping the other one wouldnt notice but we both knew that the other had noticed. Key was the first that looked back at me and he

smiled. He grabbed my hand and helped me up. My heart started to beat faIster as he kept holding my hand long after I was standing up. Neither one of us

was up for letting go. Its been weird the past few weeks. Everytime i see him my heart beats faster and faster. I find myself never wanting to leave. Im

straight or atleast i think i am. Whatever I am, i know there is something up with me. The first person other than Key that I go to for problems is Minho. I'll

make a reminder to myself to go talk to him after school. I looked at our intertwinned hands and smiled. I looked at Key to see he was doing the same. I gave him a hug and let go, much to my dismay.

"I gotta go now! Love ya Kibummie!" Its been a tradition since a month after we met that everytime one of us leaves it has to end in I love you or some form of

that. It dosnt have any meaning to it its just something we do for fun. Or well it used to be at least. Now i feel as if it has some sort of meaning to it that i can't

explain. Ok now i really need to go see Minho.


I have always trusted Minho since before I remember. He has been my longest and most trusted friend. I met him in kindergarden, he was in the same

class as me. I had been new so I hadn't really known anybody.  We had to choose partners for an art project. It was between Minho,whom i hadn't known at

all, or this other creepy dude that looked like a cow on steroids. I had thought that they were going to choose each other so i looked down at the empty seat

next me, well i thought it had been empty. The really tall boy (for his age of course) had been sitting next to me. He looked at me and gave me a small smile.

I smiled the biggest smile i had ever smiled in my life that day, and we had become best friends. When we got to high school we had continued to be good

friends, but he went to hang out with his ,now boyfriend, Taemin. I had continued to hang around with our old friend Onew, that is until he also went to hang

out with Minho and Taemin. I didn't get mad nor jealous because I was still friends with all 3 of them, well i had recently became friends with Taemin. I

somewhat hung around by myself in the feild or in the music room until I saw him. He was the new kid at school, he was the guy i have heard so many

rumors about. I hadn't seen him in person until now, and may i say hes gorgeous. Ya I know he is a boy and my parents always told me it was wrong to be

gay. I know that i should be doing everything to ignore this boy but I just can't. Before I knew it i was standing right next to him. He was bending down and

trying to find the combination of what he thought was his locker. He seemed a little bit frustrated. I looked down at him and put my best serious face on.

"hey," I  said with a low voice. I saw him look at me and i continued "that's my locker you know." He looked at me. His facial expression showed he was

petrified. I realized my fists were clenched into tight fists. I started to laugh. I noticed he looked up at me with a puzzled expression. I smiled a big smile and

bent down to his level on the floor.

"Hi, Im Kim Jonghyun but just call me Jjong."  I noticed he started to laugh and now it was my turn to be confused i tilted my head a bit.

"Hi, Im Kim Kibum, Key for short."  He stuck his hand out and i grabbed it and shook it. I helped him stand and I realized he was taller than me. Of course.
I helped him find his locker and since that day, we have become inseperable.    


All these flashbacks have been happening on my trip to Minho's house. And now here I am at his doorstep, with a need for serious advice.

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moocow152 #1
I Suggest you tell you viewers that you will no longer be writing on here
moocow152 #2
Seriously, Claudia, WTF????
JongKey545 #3
yes they brighten my dad.....
moocow152 #4
They brighten your dad? WTF?
JongKey545 #5
hahaha I love your guys comments they brighten my dad XD
kolmilyo #6
jjongie!<br />
my heart goes to you.
moocow152 #7
moocow152 #8
No! The girl who beat you up, you derp!
kolmilyo #9
where'd he go?<br />
JongKey545 #10
I wish i could tell you all what happend but I shant and I cant