Pictures of Us

Everytime the Sun Rises I Love You More

"What do you think?" I asked Minho. He burrowed his eyebrows in thought.

"Just give it some time, who knows, it may end up just being a phase." He looked at me with a  not-so convinced face. I had no choice but to belive him, I mean he

has gone through the whole finding out he was gay phase. I smiled at him and got off his bed. I told him I had some important homework due tomorrow in history.

He seemed unconvinced but he let me go. I waved goodbye to his parents as I closed the door. A sudden gust of cold wind hit my face. I looked down to see i

wasnt wearing very warm clothes. Great, just great. I started to head home when I realized home is exaclty where I didn't want to go. I started to head to the place I

know best other than Minho's house. 


Key didn't live in a very  fancy or big house, but his house was very, what you'd call, homey. I knocked on the door and started to fiddle with my shirt. I wasnt

nervous about Key or how i had thought i had felt about him. I was nervous about the fact that im still not sure if i think i feel that way or if i KNOW i feel that

way. I'll just do what Minho told me to do. Just give it some time. Yes, thats what i'll do.  I looked up to see Key had already opened to door. He had an amused

smile on his face. I pouted.

"Shut up." I said as I walked in.

"Ya, just let yourself in." Key said in a sarcastic tone. I stuck my tongue out at him. He gave me a quick hug and let go. I completely ignored the pounding in my chest and led the way to the kitchen.

"Of course, you go immediatly to the kitchen." I had to just smirk. He knew me so well. He followed me in and I went straight to the fridge. Have you tried Key's

cooking? It's amazing. I grabbed the homemade chicken. I looked up at him. Wheres Onew when you need him. I grabbed the second plate of chicken.

"Key," I said raising the 2 plates of chicken "has Onew been here?" He chuckled.

"How did you know? I grabbed the chicken leg, which is my favorite part of the chicken, and started to eat it. He sat next to me and smiled.

"You look so cu.. weird." He blushed madly and got up.

"Im gonna go bathroom." Was he about to call me cute.  I shrugged it off  and continued to eat. When I finished i placed my plate into the dishwasher. I noticed

the print on the plate. Pink, of course.  I chuckled and rinsed off the plate. Whats taking him so long?  As if right on cue, Key walked out of the bathroom.

"Sorry." he said. He took his normal place right next to me and we started to walk to his bedroom. His bedroom is covered with pictures from their first year of

high school till now (junior year/ 11th). I looked at the one next to Key's bed. It was a picture of our last day of freshman year (9th grade). I was wearing red scarf

with white skulls. Key was wearing a yellow vest over a blue shirt and necklace that i had given him. We looked so happy. I smiled and grabbed the picture. I sat

down on the bed still looking at it. Key looked at me and smiled.

"I miss those times." Key said sitting next to me "homework was easy." I chuckled. I layed down on the comfy soft sheets. A though occured to me. Everytime I come here, Key's mom comes running in to say hi.

"Key wheres your mom?" He looked at me.

"Shes in the States for some reason, i don't really remember." I looked at him. I was a bit unconvinced but I went along with it. 

"I have always wanted to go to the states." I suddenly blurted after a moment of silence. He looked at me.

"Maybe I can take you there one day." I looked at him. I remembered that he used to live there before he moved here. I smiled.

"Ya maybe when we graduate or something." He smiled and nodded.  I grabbed his hand and started to play with it. Hey what can I say, his hands are seriously soft. Please don't take that in a creepy way.  He looked at me and i looked at him. We just sat there for who knows how long. We fell asleep in that position, wanting no one to interrupt us.

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moocow152 #1
I Suggest you tell you viewers that you will no longer be writing on here
moocow152 #2
Seriously, Claudia, WTF????
JongKey545 #3
yes they brighten my dad.....
moocow152 #4
They brighten your dad? WTF?
JongKey545 #5
hahaha I love your guys comments they brighten my dad XD
kolmilyo #6
jjongie!<br />
my heart goes to you.
moocow152 #7
moocow152 #8
No! The girl who beat you up, you derp!
kolmilyo #9
where'd he go?<br />
JongKey545 #10
I wish i could tell you all what happend but I shant and I cant