How? Why?

Everytime the Sun Rises I Love You More

Bah sorry about the last chapter heheh I dont know what I was thinking when I wrote it.. It was so late at night and I was tired but I reallllyyy wanted to update.. now im in somewhat of a..wha to do now  writers block. Do not worry.. i will try to bring it back to the old happiness and cheesiness as soon as possible!

Key's POV

A week has passed since I last saw Jonghyun. I was still as worried as ever, and I came up with a conclusion to ask his parents if they knew anything.

"Um Mrs.Kim, what happend to Jjong?" She looked at me and sighed.

"He told me not to tell you, but I guess now I must." I tilted my head. He told her not to tell me?

"He is in California, visiting his father." My eyes widened.

"WHy would he be visiting his father, they never got along, and why wouldnt he tell me." SHe looked down.

"As you know, my husband was sent to California for buisness purpouses," I nodded "Jonghyun had never even cared that he was gone until-."

"Until what?"

"He started to date you." My eyes widened.

"My husband has never approved of gays, he thought they were disgusting." I looked at the ground. Disgusting.DIsgusting. Disgusting

"Thats why Jonghyun did everything in his power to get you as far as possible from him." I looked up at her and saw her depessed face.

"He went to California to tell his father that he was dating a boy, that he himself was gay." My eyes widened in shock.

"Wh...What!" She nodded.

"He told me that he would only mention himself, not you, to keep you out of harm." Jjong you idiot!

"When will he be coming home?" She looked at me sadly.


"Key, Key, Key!" I heard someone scream my name. I lasily lifted my head off my pillow and got off of my bed.

"Im coming!" I walked down the stairs to see a familiar face. I suddenly felt a surge of anger fill my body.

"Hi Key!" At that I ran up to him slapping and hitting him as hard as I could.


"I had some buisness that I needed to handle."

"I know you mom told me. Your mom." He sighed.

"Come on Key,please dont be mad, I didnt do it to make you mad." I looked at his face more closely. There were faded bruises.

"Your hurt." He stared at me but as he started to talk he couldnt look me in the eyes.

"No, im not." He said still not being able to stare at my face.

"I know you are lying Jjong." He looked at me but then focused back on the ground. "Why did you do it?"

"I had to, he was gonna find out sooner or later." I cupped his face.

"You didnt have to go alone." He closed his eyes.

"He would have hurt you."

"The only thing that matters to me is that you got hurt." I saw a tear go down his face.

"You dont know my father, hes horrible. He gives no mercy, not even to his own son." I kissed him on the lips. It was a soft kiss but still full of passion.

"Don't ever do something this stupid again without telling me." He nodded slowly. I hugged him and he slowly wrapped his arms around my waist.

"I promise." We stayed in that position for hours, or atleast what felt like hours. Could have been seconds, minutes, hours, days, we couldnt tell, we felt that the time had stopped completely.

"I love you, so much."

"Me too."

I ran my hands over the countless bruises. A realization hit me.

"There are more arent there." He looked at the ground but looked back up with a fake smile.

"What do you mean? More of what?" Hes acting dumb.

"Bruises, they are not only on your face. Take of your shirt." He looked at me.

"There is no need for that, i sware." He said dodging my hands. He was to slow, I had lifted his shirt. There were bruises everywhere but one caught my eye. A giant gash across his chest. Tears spilled out of my eyes.

"Im fine Key, don't worry."

"Dont worry? Dont worry? Your father tried to kill you and you tell me to not worry?" He looked down.

"Please just let it go for now. Please."

"Fine, but we arent done with this conversation." He nodded and kissed me. I hugged him tightly.

How, why? My fists tightened.

"Dad please, stop."

"You are disgusting. I can't believe you are my son."

" stop please, I am your son, stop."

"You deserve a punishment"

That whip, I remember it from when I was young.

"Remember this my boy, when you were around 6 this was my favorite toy. You were petrified of it, everytime I brrought it out, you ran."

I felt myself shivering. I needed to get  home to see Key as soon as possible. I slowly got off the floor and ran out the door. I never want to relive my childhood with my father. Everyday was horrible.

The best day of my life..was when I met Key.

WOW i hate this chapter. God this was horrible what was I thinking..... well anyways I hope you well 'liked' it... tch doesnt this chapter make you soo happy. YA not so much.  Ill try to make the next chapter better and more joyful cuz this is a downer XD  I am so nice to myself ahahah well anyways

subscribe and I will make the next chapter happy and longer :P or shall attempt at a long chapter :) hehehe \


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moocow152 #1
I Suggest you tell you viewers that you will no longer be writing on here
moocow152 #2
Seriously, Claudia, WTF????
JongKey545 #3
yes they brighten my dad.....
moocow152 #4
They brighten your dad? WTF?
JongKey545 #5
hahaha I love your guys comments they brighten my dad XD
kolmilyo #6
jjongie!<br />
my heart goes to you.
moocow152 #7
moocow152 #8
No! The girl who beat you up, you derp!
kolmilyo #9
where'd he go?<br />
JongKey545 #10
I wish i could tell you all what happend but I shant and I cant