Leave Me, Again

Kai's hooking up with Minzy and Hyoyeon couldn't get a grasp of the situation. She only introduced Kai as his bestfriend and the next thing she knew, Kai's flirting with Minzy.

Why can't he actually see that I am the only one who's been with him from the start? Hyoyeon complained inside her head and as if that would make a thing.

Minzy showed no interest to Kai, Hyoyeon didn't know the reason but she felt like Minzy already has someone but that wouldn't change her grudge against Kai.

He's an idiot.

Rolling her eyes over and over again with lots of heavy sighs, Luhan saw everything before his eyes. When he travelled where her gazes are, he saw exactly who and what he was thinking of, he's always right when it comes to this

He knew Hyoyeon so much even though it kinda hurts him.

Luhan managed to kick the guy sitting in front of Hyoyeon and blackmailed him saying that he'll let his girlfriend know that he's wooing some other woman there and that made the guy run away from his chair.

Luhan brought his finger on Hyoyeon's forehead which made Hyoyeon look at him and her hard face instantly turned into a soft one.

"You know what, you're pretty, why don't you smile for me or something?" Luhan tried to cheer her up from the scene she was looking at earlier.

He was jealous- of course he was but Hyoyeon's always a first to him.

Hyoyeon rolled her eyes and part of her lip turned down while she removed his finger and held it on her one hand, "Why should I smile for you anyway?"

Luhan chuckled and curved his other fingers to hold fully Hyoyeon's hand.

It took Hyoyeon by surprise, much more surprised by his sudden reply.

"To make me fall for you even more," and with a wink sent by Luhan to Hyoyeon, her frown turned upside down.

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Foreversnsd01 #1
Chapter 26: Oh its already end ㅠ ㅠ
Anyways i really the story ^ ^
Thank you for the updates~
Foreversnsd01 #2
Chapter 21: Yayyy u r backk
Chapter 21: Hyohan is the best ?
Chapter 20: Loving the fanfic so far ?????? Keep up the good work and also, I’m sorry but Kai missed his chance and I’m so shipping HyoHan until the end!!! Sorry not sorry ?
ice_jung #5
Chapter 19: please update i like you fic
ice_jung #6
Chapter 19: hyohan is the best
Josette-joy #7
Chapter 19: let hyoyeon with luhan
luhan is the best
kim_032 #8
Chapter 19: Hyoyeon fell in love with Luhan too xD
hyohyonie #9
Chapter 16: Thank you for the update :)
esahcla #10
Chapter 16: Its soo cute..HyoHan please..