Leave Me, Again

Another day passed by and Luhan decided to bring Hyoyeon to the whereabouts of her best friend, Kai, which was Sehun's house. He has been spending weeks and weeks at the big house of the Oh's and decided to not talk to Hyoyeon.

Even if it kills him to spare a look at Hyoyeon, he did so, because he respects Luhan and Hyoyeon. 

He fully resigned form the responsibility of being the leading man, because right now, he deserves anyone but Hyoyeon. 

The time that he took was just a phase for him to move on and forget about anything that he felt about Hyoyeon. This time was just a phase to look out for himself and dare himself not to fall in love so easily that it will neglect the people that should've been by his side up to this day.

This was just a time, merely, to fix himself.

And he's really grateful to Luhan for making him realize that.

Hyoyeon does deserve to be happy, and even if her happiness doesn't include him, it's fine. She has to be happy.

That is why Luhan brought her to Kai, because despite being the boyfriend of the fantasy, he's also the friend of Kai and a responsible adult at that.

Hyoyeon fidgeted her fingers and almost bit the nails off her nail bed. The longing stares between the two of them never released the tension and she felt like anytime soon, Kai will just cry. Though she doesn't want to see that, does it mean that she still likes him?

Of couse, but not as someone she wanted to build a family with, but rather someone who is already a family that she didn't want to lose.

When she held out her hand for Kai to grab on, she almost cried too, because Kai's hand enveloping hers felt like a dream. It has been so long, and she almost forgot that sensation.

She felt him tense under her touch, and those sad eyes? Really got into her guts.

She didn't need to say any words anymore, she just needs to be there for him. Holding him like no other and waiting for him to open up, because the man she's holding is still a kid at heart.

Glancing up at the smiling face of Luhan, he uttered a simple, "I love you," and got out of the room to wait in the living room.

She loves that Luhan trusts her so much with this and she loves that Luhan was matured enough.

She loves him too much.

And when Kai began to speak, she was determined that she will choose Luhan and not Kai.

"I hope you're just as happy as he is Hyo," Kai muttered under his slowing breath.

He couldn't help but feel his tears fall.

And I am, Hyoyeon thought.


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Foreversnsd01 #1
Chapter 26: Oh its already end ㅠ ㅠ
Anyways i really the story ^ ^
Thank you for the updates~
Foreversnsd01 #2
Chapter 21: Yayyy u r backk
Chapter 21: Hyohan is the best ?
Chapter 20: Loving the fanfic so far ?????? Keep up the good work and also, I’m sorry but Kai missed his chance and I’m so shipping HyoHan until the end!!! Sorry not sorry ?
ice_jung #5
Chapter 19: please update i like you fic
ice_jung #6
Chapter 19: hyohan is the best
Josette-joy #7
Chapter 19: let hyoyeon with luhan
luhan is the best
kim_032 #8
Chapter 19: Hyoyeon fell in love with Luhan too xD
hyohyonie #9
Chapter 16: Thank you for the update :)
esahcla #10
Chapter 16: Its soo cute..HyoHan please..