Leave Me, Again

Another day came, Hyoyeon did her best to forget about what Luhan made her feel that day. Ever since he told her that, she's been staring at nothing for minutes and minutes, now. Ever her sister's wondering why does she look so wasted.

The same fluttering feeling was felt inside that pit of her stomach. Something that she never have felt with other guys before, except the one and only Kai, of course. Now that she's walking towards her room with a backpack on her shoulders, her mind's wandering on its own again.

"It's because I love you."

Her heart beats loudly once again. She took her golden locks and pulled it out of frustration, "What the Luhan stop coming inside my head-" she even hit her head quite a few times.

Few more steps, her room is near but so with Luhan who was beside her all this time. Of course, he heard everything. It made him chuckle for a bit seeing Hyoyeon so mad at him for coming inside her head, but, it's actually a good thing.

With a pretty smile on his face, he reached out to her hand that was abusing her head by now and intertwined his fingers with hers.

That didn't help Hyoyeon neither because by the time she felt her fingers intertwined with someone else, Kai was standing feet away from her.


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Foreversnsd01 #1
Chapter 26: Oh its already end ㅠ ㅠ
Anyways i really the story ^ ^
Thank you for the updates~
Foreversnsd01 #2
Chapter 21: Yayyy u r backk
Chapter 21: Hyohan is the best ?
Chapter 20: Loving the fanfic so far ?????? Keep up the good work and also, I’m sorry but Kai missed his chance and I’m so shipping HyoHan until the end!!! Sorry not sorry ?
ice_jung #5
Chapter 19: please update i like you fic
ice_jung #6
Chapter 19: hyohan is the best
Josette-joy #7
Chapter 19: let hyoyeon with luhan
luhan is the best
kim_032 #8
Chapter 19: Hyoyeon fell in love with Luhan too xD
hyohyonie #9
Chapter 16: Thank you for the update :)
esahcla #10
Chapter 16: Its soo cute..HyoHan please..