Let it Rain. [EDITING]

My EXO Recommendations
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If you guys ever find fanfics that you think are really good that aren't on here, feel free to recommend them to me. It may take me a bit, but eventually I will get to reading them as well :)


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mintmistminseok #1
Oh my god, this list has like antique aff gems!!
I can't thank you enough for all these wonderful delicious recommendations
instantaneouslay #3
Hi! I’d like to recommend a mafia Baekhyun fanfic

Title: Innocent Deception
Author: takingchences
Pairing: Baekhyun x oc
Status: ongoing
Cover: https://i.imgur.com/UNihMUI.jpg
Description: EXO is a big name around here. The very mention of the word strikes fear in even the blackest of hearts. Within the span of 6 years, this elite group of men has steadily climbed up the underground ladder and is now regarded as the most powerful gang in Asia. No one knows anything about them, like how many members there are or where they keep all of their supplies and shipments.
For years they've managed to evade the cops, not leaving a single trace of evidence behind to condemn them...
Enter Zhang Yuna, a lounge singer at El Dorado Hotel and Casino, one of EXO's many scandalous crime syndicates. On her way home from work one night, she is approached by a mysterious man and given a proposition: find incriminating information on EXO to receive news regarding her older brother's sudden disappearance.
When a chance meeting after hours leads to one of her bosses taking an interest in her, Yuna realizes that she's been given the perfect opportunity to fulfill her side of the bargain.
Link: https://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/1240169/innocent-deception
Title: Irrevocable
Author: Googleyboo
Pairing: Exo x oc
Status: ongoing
Cover: https://i.imgur.com/hQrG2Fb.png
Description: We thought we were human, but they made us so much more. We can never go back to how we were before. You can call me monster, if that's what I've become. I've never been one of the lucky ones.
Link: https://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/1141833/irrevocable
Hello it's me again. Here is the story I want to recommend. Hope you want to give it a try. It is a Chanyeol and OC fic. Thanks...

Thank you for this recommendation list.. ❤❤
Do you still accept recommendation ? I think I want to market my own fic (≧∀≦)ゞ
i would like to recommend this story!


author: @ninifilms
group: EXO
warning: Mafia!au
the story starts with a simple relationship between baekhyun and the reader but its gonna end with all the the 9 brothers going out with the reader. also they're all gangsters!!!
1875 streak #9
Chapter 178: i love this story sjsjs it was WILD haha