

I am in love. I know who he is, he knows who I am. We are friends, not close, but not distant. Just, friends.

Oh how I hate that word friends, its so ambiguous. Its like saying we are close but not close enough, we are far but not that far. What is the definition of friends? Can friends go beyond that level?

"N, you're spacing out, you ok?" Leo waved his hands in front of me. I snapped out of my thoughts.

"Yeah, I'm good. Just a little tired from all this studying." I'm not lying, I am pretty exhausted. Studying for 4 hours straight without break is killing my brain. Not to mention, I can't talk since we're in the library.

"Let's go and eat. We can study again tomorrow." Leo packed his books into his back and slung his bag across his shoulder.

"Yeah. Sounds good." I packed my things and followed behind Leo. His back is broad, yet slim? And comforting and it seems soft, I wonder......


Oh my gosh. 

I did not just do that.

What should I say?

What should I do now?

Someone help me.

I should probably let go.

Ah, but I want to savour this feeling.

I need help desperately 

I looked up. Leo released my grasps and turned around. My face was blushing like mad. It was 11pm, good thing there's not a lot of people here at Macdonalds.

"N, what was that about?" Leo backed away slowly, looking at me cautiously.

"I...." welp, its now or never.

"I like you. I've always liked you. Maybe not from the beginning we met but for a very long time." I confessed whole heartedly. I shut my eyes tight, waiting for the rejection to come.

"I erm.... not sure.... I probably don't feel that same way, I er...." Leo kept stuttering, eyes darting everywhere but me.

"Its alright, with that off my chest, let's eat, I'm starving." I walked to the cashier to order. Leo stood beside me and ordered. We both took our order and sat at the near corner of the fast food restaraunt.

"Maybe I do?" Leo questioned himself as he ate is burger. He seems confused. I feel sorry but, I can't lie to myself.

"Relax, don't think so hard, I'm not gonna jump on you or anything. I just, you know, wanna let you know that I love you and I'll never leave your side. You can trust me." I tried. I hope Leo feels comforted. Putting on a smile feels tiring for once.

"But, its not like I hate that idea, and its not like I hated when you, er, back hugged me, I'm just worried I can't love you as much as you love me." My eyes were wide open.

"We can try dating, and don't worry about not loving me as much as me loving you, as long as you show you care, I'm satisfied." This time, stopping myself from smiling is so difficult.


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Oh my gosh I wanted to finally write another one BUT MY PHONE CRASHED AND EVERYTHING IS GONE :(


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Chapter 7: Give me seven seconds. To make me go ahakalfnbsgaioakf Haha omg sooo cute!
Chapter 7: awww, super cute!
90sLineLover #3
Chapter 7: This is the cutest chapter ever XD!!!
Chapter 6: awww. I love these. You make me happy reading all these shots. Thank you ♡
Kokechan #5
Chapter 6: This is always so cute! Thank you!
90sLineLover #6
Chapter 6: I love it tq sooo much for it i really enjoy it..
beckah #7
Chapter 5: I agree with the comment below mine!
90sLineLover #8
Chapter 5: Could you make the same story but with Teakwoo pov?if you would i would truelly be thanful..and maybe you could continue this story because this is really the best among all and i really like it.
mistressofsecrecy1 #9
Chapter 5: ahhhh I love it so cute >< awry poor Hakyeon! but not so poor by the end ^^ :D
thanks for the update!