Chapter 2

Can You Hear My Voice?

Jiyong’s POV:

“Ugh,” I groaned as my back hit the brick wall.

“So you think you can do this just because you’re some pretty little rich boy, huh?” the man who shoved me scoffed as he started to approach me once more, only stopping when there was only a foot between us. “Using your Daddy’s money to threaten us?”

“Tch,” I smirk before looking up to make eye contact with him, “And why would I need to waste that on you?”

The man slammed me into the wall again, “You threw my sister out like a ing piece of trash, do you even know how much trauma she’s going through because of you? Just because you’re the son of Kwon Enterprise doesn’t mean you’re the ing king,” he spat.

“Ha,” I chuckle, “But it does,” I take hold of his shirt and pulled him towards me, closing the gap between us until he could feel my breath on his face, “Now get out of my sight this instant,” I shoved him back, causing him to stumble. “And take your stupid, pathetic sister with you while you’re at it,” I glare at the girl who had watched the entire thing, “I’m sick of her begging.”

I turned my back and started to walk away from the man when a hand lands on my shoulder. Next thing I knew, a fist was flying towards my face. Ugh, that’s going to leave a bruise. “You’re a disgusting man Kwon Jiyong,” he spat before ushering the girl away from me. As they walked away she looked back at me several time. Like brother, like sister. ing pathetic pieces of sh*t, I thought.

Standing up, I pull my phone out of my jean pocket and dial a number. “Hello? Mr. Kwon what can I help you with this evening?” a polite voice greeted.

“Kim Jung-hoon, assistant manager to the XX department and Kim Yu-jin, sales representative at the Gangnam branch store. Fire them immediately,” I stated as I exited the alleyway.

“Reason being Mr. Kwon?” the voice started to sound less enthusiastic.

“Just do it,” I coldly stated.

“I understand,” the voice conceded without asking any more questions, “Is there anything else I can help you with today?”

“No,” I clicked the end button and sighed. “Reason? Tch,” I raised my hand to touch the developing bruise on my cheek, “Not my fault that girl thought there was actually something going one between us,” I muttered.

All the city lights started to dance and fuse together as I continued to walk through the city. A huge gust of wind blew, “Damn, the season’s starting to change,” I pull my jacket closer to my body in attempt to be a little warmer. Step by step, everything started to fade, the lights, the people, the weather, everything. It all just became white noise, just a blur of colors, everything was numb. Occasionally a few swears could be heard if I bumped into people, but who cares? I’m Kwon Jiyong, only son to Kwon Enterprises. I glance up, of course that would be here too. A huge billboard was advertising the new autumn clothing line from Kwon Enterprises. I continued on my way, away from the sign, There are so many people around, but somehow, I looked around to the amount of people bustling down the sidewalk, it feels the same as having no one around.

“SIR! PLEASE! LOOK AROUND YOU!” some girl at the corner yelled.

Tch, so loud, I scowled as I automatically turned the opposite direction without glancing at the girl’s face.

*beep beep* I felt the phone in my pocket vibrate. Just ignore it, it’s probably some useless joke that rat is trying pull.

*beep beep* It sounded again.

*beep beep*

*beep beep*

*ring ring ring*

I pulled the phone out and answered without looking at the caller ID, “WHO THE ARE YOU? AND WHY THE ARE YOU CALLING ME?”

“O…oppa, it’s me…” the girl timidly replied.

Ugh, it’s her, “How many times have I told you, don’t call me Oppa, Sohee,” I growled.

“But I want to!”

“Well that for you then. We’re the same age, so why the h*ll are you calling me Oppa?”

“We’re already gone over this Jiyong,” she emphasized, “We grew up together and you’re just like an older brother to me, so I’m going to call you Oppa.”

WHY, just because we grew up in the same neighborhood doesn’t mean you can glue yourself to me, “Whatever,” I rolled my eyes, “If you don’t have anything else to say, I’m going to hang up,” I pull the phone away to press the end button.


“What now?”

“Where are you? You’re not back yet…I was worried,” she said softly.

“None of your business,” I said coldly before hanging up.

*ring ring ring*

Who is it now? Sohee? Again? So annoying, I hang up the call and turn off my phone, Just leave me alone.

A few hours later, I stumble onto a familiar set of stairs, back here again…I stare at the mansion. The door creaks open, “Welcome back, sir,” Mr. Kim bowed.

Entering the building, I only hear my footsteps breaking the silence and echoing throughout the house.

“Your parents are currently out at the moment, I believe that are abroad for business,” Mr. Kim informed me.

Aren’t they always? I simply nod before heading up the stairs to my room.

*click clack* The sounds of my shoes resonating down the hall.

*click clack* Why is it always so cold in here? The air was cold and stale, showing evident signs that no one really lived in the house. It was just display of power and riches for his family. No one ever was here except the maids and Mr. Kim, an old family butler.

Immediately after entering the room I laid down on my bed, even this room is cold and suffocating…why did I even come back home? Tch, how can I even consider this place as my ‘home’? …maybe because you were hoping that something would have changed, a small voice in my head said.

I sat up, only to see myself staring back in the mirror. “But nothing has changed stupid.” The now darkening mark on my cheek blemishing my face and the cold eyes that stared right back at me, “You really are pathetic Kwon Jiyong,” I muttered before slipping under my covers.

“Good morning, sir,” Mr. Kim greeted as I walked down the stairs, “Breakfast is ready at the table. Ah, good I see that you didn’t forget it was the first day of instruction,” Indicating the backpack that was slung around my shoulder.

“Of course not,” Ironic how school is the only place where things are somewhat interesting. “I’m not hungry and class will be starting soon,” I headed for the door before abruptly stopping, “Oh and by the way Mr. Kim, have all of my things packed up. I’m moving out.”

“Where will you be going sir?” he asked startled at the sudden request.

“I’m living with the boys from now on, make sure all my stuff is there by tonight,” I said before exiting the house. At least it won’t be so cold from now on…

Drama 101…sounds lame. I can’t believe Seunghyun Hyung got me to take this class, just because of that stupid bet. I pushed the door to the lecture hall open and found Seunghyun immediately.

“What’s up? You’re actually here,” he grinned.

“I lost the bet, remember?” I frowned.

“Not my fault you didn’t believe that I had that much skill,” he smirked.

“Skill?” I scoffed, “You call carrying 10 grocery bags all at once a skill?”

“What else could it be called?”

“Whatever,” I rolled my eyes, “Oh by the way, I’m moving in.”

“Moving in where?” he asked in confusion.

“The apartment,” I replied shortly.

“What apartment?”

“Are you really that stupid, hyung?” I raised an eyebrow at him.

“You mean our apartment?” he asked wide eyed.

“Yeah, you guys have an empty room anyways, so I’m moving there tonight,” I shrugged.

“Thanks for the heads up,” he said sarcastically.

“No problem. By the way, how the hell are you taking an intro to drama course in your second year if that’s what your major is?” I glared.

He shrugged, “Didn’t feel like taking it until now. Oh, I should let the others know that you’re moving in,” he said as he pulled out his phone.

“Excuse me, class will now be starting,” the professor said calling everyone’s attention.

So boring. If I wanted to know what was on the syllabus, I can read it for myself. Why are you spending half an hour just going over the ing syllabus. Oh man, now you’re moving to the course outline, there goes the rest of the class.

Right before the end of lecture, the professor brought back everyone’s attention, “I’m sorry, I completely skipped their introduction earlier, but here are your TAs for this class. There are three TAs since there are three sections. Song Jinho, he is the TA for the section right after this lecture.” A tall, good-looking man stood up and waved. Half of the girls in the room practically swooned when he started talking. "Kim Sun-Young, she is the TA for the Tuesday section.” A woman in her late thirties stood up and waved. So that’s my TA…boring. “And last but not least, Park Sandara, she is the TA for the Thursday section.”

“Score!” Seunghyun smirked as the petite girl stood up to wave. Similar words could be heard from all of the other boys in the room and some disappointed groans from those who weren’t in her section.

She’s so tiny, does she even eat? And she looks like she’s in high school, there’s no way she’s older than me. But there’s something about her, I couldn’t stop staring at her.

“Hello, I’m Sandara Park and I’ll be your TA for this semester,” she greeted sweetly, “I’m a first year graduate student studying Performing Arts and Education. My information is on the syllabus for when my office hours is and my email. I hope I’ll be able to meet each and every one of you, please take care of me,” she bowed.

Don’t worry, I’ll make sure to take care of you Sandara-ssi, I my top lip, Especially when you’re underneath me…in my bed. I smirked. I guess I know who my next target is.

A/N: Hello! Hope you enjoyed this chapter (sorry if it seems a little slow?) 

**note: I'm not really sure how the educational system actually works in Korea for university students so I'm just basing it off of my experience.

Please Subscribe and comment, I would love to get feedback and will answer any questions if you guys are confused or anything.

I'm going to try to update weekly or twice a week...hopefully.

Until next time! Pyong~~~


Teaser: "Well, hello there," a familiar voice said making her heart speed up, It's him.


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Fr0zenMus1c #1
Chapter 4: Really interesting plot. Do you still plan to continue this story?
Chapter 4: Author-nim..
Update juseyo.. :-(
Chapter 4: Jiyongie is really motivated, huh??? But can she woe Dara???
Chapter 3: Who is that guy??? Ottoke???
Chapter 2: Bad boy Jiyongie alert....
Chapter 1: Wow.. Dara is awesome..
Hmmn.. I'm confused.. @_@
Griffon #8
Chapter 4: Dropped? Please no. You have great plot
amilayisgood #9
Chapter 4: Luv it..!! Plz update soon