Chapter 1

Can You Hear My Voice?

Dara’s POV:

“Here’s your order,” the waitress smiled as she placed our food onto the table.

Once she left, I stared across and giggled, “That girl was completely flirting with you.”

“No way,” he shook his head, “She’s probably just always that nice.”

“Uh huh, sure. That’s why she slipped you her number,” I raised an eyebrow as I glanced at the small piece of paper tucked under his plate.

“What are you talking about Dara?” he chuckled, “You’re being ridiculous. Or,” he smirked, “are you jealous she didn’t give you her number?”

“Ya!” I kicked him.

“Hey,” he pouted, “That hurt Dara-ya. Even if you’re jealous, you don’t have to be so rough.”

“Why would I be jealous of you fishie?” I rolled my eyes and started to dig into my salad, “Plus, her number is right there,” I pointed under his plate with my fork indicating the little piece of paper.

“Hmm?” He raised an eyebrow and looked, “Oh,” eyes widening slightly he picked up the paper and opened it, “Eun-ji-ssi, huh?”

“It was written on her nametag babo,” I laughed.

“Laugh now, we’ll see who’s laughing when I’m the one with a date and you’re not,” he teased sticking his tongue out at me.

“Who said I wanted a date, huh?” I teased back.

“Well you know, if you ever want to go on a date, I’m always available,” he winks.

“Aigo,” I pinched the bridge, “Dating you is like dating Sanghyun, Donghae-ah,” I shook my head, “Ugh, just the thought of it seems wrong.”

“Hahaha…” He quietly laughed, “That’s true, we’ve known each other since we were kids…”

“Yup!” I gave him a wide smile, “You, me, and Seungri, friends since bir…”



[a/n: italics are vision flashes]

“Yes, yes, I’ll be there very soon…what do you mean you can’t find it???” a slight crease started to form on the man’s forehead. “Aish, I didn’t I already tell you it should located on my desk on the right side in the blue folder.”

The middle age man started to the top few buttons of his dark blue button down shirt before running his hand through his hair, “Ya! Where are you even looking? Are you even looking at MY desk? Don’t worry, I’ll be right there, I’m right across the street from the office now.” He stared at the building right across the street before a loud sound was heard from his phone. “Ya, what was that sound?? What do you mean it’s nothing? How could a bloodcurdling scream not mean anything?” Unknowingly he steps off the sidewalk and onto the cross walk.

“Ya! What do you think you’re doing?” a woman cries.

“What are you thinking, there are cars!” A young man tries to crab onto the business man’s arm.

The man quickly shrugs it off without looking back, eyes only focused on the towering office building.

An oncoming truck blares his horn knowing that he won’t be able to brake in time.  *HONK HONKKK* * SCREEEECH*

“Sorry, it’s kind of noisy here. All these people are yelling, What did yo-?”


His body flies into the air, tumbling to a stop 20 feet away from the crosswalk. Cuts, scrapes, and bruises marked his body. A defining three inch diagonal cut was visible near his hairline bleeding profusely, covering his facial skin in a layer of blood. A group of people swarmed around him.

“Is he okay?”

“Someone call the ambulance!”

“What was he thinking walking right in front of a truck?!”

“Is he still alive?”

“We need to stop the bleeding for now.”

“I can’t feel his pulse! Where’s the ambulance??”

*End of FLASH*


“Dara? Are you still there?” Donghae waved his hand in front of my face with a look of worry.

I flashed a small apologetic smile before shaking my head, “sorry,” I slightly frown, “just one of those…” My mind drifted off to the vision I just had. Just where is that? When will it happen? That office building looked slightly familiar…

“You just had one of your psychic moments, huh?” He raised an eyebrow at me.

I shyly nod and nibble at my salad before speaking again, “I really can’t hide anything from you, can I?”

“I am your best friend Dee,” he smirked, “I know everything about you, especially your power. What kind of best friend would I be if I didn’t even know about that?”

I press the fork to my lip, “True, I just don’t know when the vision I just had will happen,” I sighed.

“Don’t worry too much, it should be fine, was it about your brother getting sick? Or your mom losing her car keys again?” He inquired jokingly.

“No…I saw a man getting killed…” I quietly said as I placed my fork down.

“Ah,” he awkwardly smiled while rubbed the back of his neck. “Maybe it doesn’t have anything to do with you, it might be something that happens all the way across the city. Did you know the man?”

“Ani,” I shook my head as I took a sip of water. “I’ve never seen him before in my life.”

He placed his utensils down before leaning over to rub my arms comfortingly, “Don’t worry too much, everything happens for a reason. Speaking of reason,” he retracted his arms and started eating his fries, “what is that kid up to?”

“And by that kid, do you mean Seungri?” I laughed.

“Who else would I be talking about, hmmm?”

“He’s only 3 years younger than you, plus he just turned 18! He’s hardly a kid anymore,” I rolled my eyes.

“Maybe not age wise, but personality, he’s still a kid,” he started stuffing his mouth with more fries. “Anyways, do you know what he’s up to?”

“Hmmm,” I took a bite of salad, “I’m not sure, I think he’s working at the convenience store tomorrow night. Maybe I’ll swing by to visit him then,” I grinned.

“Tomorrow night?” He frowned, “I have work then so I can’t go with you. Make sure not to go too late, you never know what kind of creeps will be out late at night.”

“Neh, omma,” I smiled.

“Ya! I’m serious Sandara Park,” he pouted.

“I know, I’ll be careful,” I reassured him as I took the last bite of salad.

“All done?” he asked.

“Mmm,” I nod, noticing that his plate was completely empty, “Whoa, when did you finish?”

“When you were have your psychic moment, I was eating my food since I knew it would take a little while, but I didn’t think it would take as long as it did,” he shrugged as he paid the bill.

“Hey! Dinner is supposed to be my treat, remember?” I pouted.

“You can pay next time,” he smiled as he got up and started heading for the door.

“Aish, this guy, he always says that,” I puffed as I grabbed my purse and followed him out.

“Any other plans for the rest of the night?”

I stretched my arms out in front of me, “Nope, just waiting to see whether I got the TA position or not.”

“I’m sure you’ll get it,” he grinned as he slung his arm around my soldier.

“Hopefully,” I grinned.

“Yes, yes, I’ll be there very soon…what do you mean you can’t find it???” an annoyed voice sounded as a man speedily walked passed them. “Aish, I didn’t I already tell you it should located on my desk on the right side in the blue folder.”

Wait…that voice…those words. I looked over at the man who was weaving his way through the crown, Dark blue button down, it’s him. It has got to be him! “I…I need to go,” I dashed off in the direction of the man.

That’s the intersection, omo and there’s the truck. I spotted the delivery truck cruising down the street about a block from the intersection. I need to stop him from entering the crosswalk no matter what. But how??? He’s so focused on getting back to his office, it’s impossible to stop him. Think Dara, he’s almost at the inter…HE’S ALMOST AT THE INTERSECTION! I sprinted and walk the lights changing, clearly telling pedestrians not to cross. “Umm…Um excuse me sir!” I ran up right in front of him grabbing both of his sides.

“Excuse me, I’m in a hurry, I’m really sorry,” He curtly replied, easily pushing past me.

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH” could be heard from his phone.

“Ya, what was that sound?? What do you mean it’s nothing? How could a bloodcurdling scream not mean anything?” He scowled as he continued walking onto the crosswalk.

“SIR!!!” I roughly grabbed his arm and yanked it as hard as I could causing us to both fall onto the pavement. “PLEASE! LOOK AROUND YOU!” I yelled.


The man looked to his left and saw the truck drive by with wide eyes.

After getting up and dusting off my pants, I looked over at the man, “Are you okay sir?” I asked, extending him my hand.

“That….That…” his arm shaking as he pointed at the crosswalk, “That could have been me. I could have died.”

“But you’re fine now, sir,” I smiled.

“All thanks to you,” he picked up his things and graciously shook my hand, “Thank you so much. Here,” He pulled out a business card, “please contact me, I want to repay you in some way for saving my life.”

“Thank you,” I gratefully accept the business card, “But you really don’t have to repay me,” *Ding* “Ah, the crosswalk is safe now, you should get going. I’m sure you’re in a rush.”

“Ah, you’re right. Thank you so much again,” he smiled as he picked up his phone to continue his earlier conversation.

I smiled as I saw him safely walk across the street safely.

“You really are like an angel Dara,” a voice behind me said.

“Aigoo, stop joking around fishie,” I grinned, “If I see something bad is going to happen, and I can prevent it somehow, I should help out in any way I can right?”

“Of course,” he grinned back.

“Anyways, I sh-”

*ring ring ring*

“Oh, hold on…” I clicked the answer key, “hello? Yes, this is Sandara Park. Yes…Yes…Really? Thank you so much,” I bowed, only to realize I’m still on the phone. My cheeks slightly pinked as I stood straight again, “I understand. I will see you tomorrow, thank you again. Okay…bye bye.” I clicked the end call button. “OMO! I got the TA position!!! I’m helping with the beginner’s Drama class” I squealed as I hugged him.

“Congrats! I told you that you’d get the job,” he hugged back.

“Wah, I can’t believe it. I need to report to the professor at 10 tomorrow so that I can do a self-introduction in front of the class tomorrow, so I should probably get going. I’ll see you later fishie,” releasing him, I waved goodbye as I headed home.

Today is a good day. Now I only have to get a good night’s rest and be ready for tomorrow.


A hand lightly drew circles on my stomach. Hot breath tickled my ears, clouding my senses. “Please…don’t” I gasped as I felt a pair of lips trace my jawline with light kisses.

“Don’t tell me to stop,” a husky voice sounded as a hand traveled underneath my top. His hand burned every part of my body that it touched.

“This…we…shouldn’t-Ahhh” I moaned as he a sensitive spot on my neck. I closed my eyes, as his thumb grazed his mark on me.

"Ugh, look at what you're doing to me Dara," he breathed downed my neck, "I can't seem to get you out of my mind," he gently took my hand into his as he placed it on his hard chest, "my body," he moved his lips over to my ear again and whispered seductively, "my soul."

"Mmm," I closed my eyes trying to catch my breath, "I....I...."

He lips grazed my neck again, throwing any thoughts I was still capable of, "Please Noona, Help Me..."

*End of FLASH*



I gasped as I shot up out of my bed covered in sweat. My heart felt like it wanted to burst out of my chest. I hastily placed my hand over my chest in an attempt to stop my heart from jumping out. What was that? Who is he? Was that a Dream? ...or a Vision? I stared at the mirror and raised my hand to lightly touch my neck, "Please...Noona...Help Me..." 

A/N: Hello! Here's the first chapter, as promised :D I hope you like it! 

Please subscribe and upvote. I would really love to get feedback so please, please comment. 

To clarify: Dara has a special ability where she'll see glimpses of the future at random points in time. Some of these flashes are about the people closest to her, but sometimes they are about people and places she's never even met or been to. She doesn't know the context of any of these flashes. I hope that helped!

And don't worry! Jiyong will be in the story soon! :D

Until Next Time! Pyonggg~

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Fr0zenMus1c #1
Chapter 4: Really interesting plot. Do you still plan to continue this story?
Chapter 4: Author-nim..
Update juseyo.. :-(
Chapter 4: Jiyongie is really motivated, huh??? But can she woe Dara???
Chapter 3: Who is that guy??? Ottoke???
Chapter 2: Bad boy Jiyongie alert....
Chapter 1: Wow.. Dara is awesome..
Hmmn.. I'm confused.. @_@
Griffon #8
Chapter 4: Dropped? Please no. You have great plot
amilayisgood #9
Chapter 4: Luv it..!! Plz update soon