Chapter 4

Can You Hear My Voice?

Jiyong’s POV:

Sandara Park, huh? I absentmindedly played with the ring on my finger. San-da-ra. Sandara. That name was like a song in my head, a song that would endlessly repeat because it never got old. Sandara Park…what an interesting name.

Pulling out my phone, I check the time. 10:35pm, already that much time has passed, huh? I shook my head and glanced around, Where am I? My eyes caught sight of the street name, Ah, I’m near where Seungri works, maybe I should swing by? It’s not like anyone is waiting for me at home- I chuckle at the thought, Babo, how could I forget that I moved out of that empty place? The convenience store Seungri works at must be around the corner, I thought as I continued on my stroll.

All of a sudden a couple passed me, “Ya! Watch where you’re going, you punk,” the guys scoffed making me roll my eyes.

“Come on oppa, don’t mind him! We have much, much better things we could be doing,” the girl hanging off his arm seductively said.

, I rolled my eyes again before continuing on my way until a small figure walking towards me caught my attention, Aish, why is a woman walking around alone at this time? Whatever, it’s not my problem. Right as we walked past each other, the light from the nearby lamp post lit up her face. There she was, the woman that has been occupying my thoughts for hours on end. This night is just getting better and better, I smirked  as I quickly spun around and started to follow her.

Ya, Kwon Jiyong, are you becoming a stalker now? A small voice in my head screamed. Ani, I smirked, just doing a little self-introduction to a Miss Sandara Park, I thought as I unconsciously my lips. Surely she’ll notice my presence, look back at me, and it’ll be the perfect opportunity to say hello, I thought proudly, feeling tempted enough to even pat myself on the back for the brilliant plan.

Wait, why is she speeding up? I furrowed my eyebrows as I quickened my pace, Don’t tell me…am I scaring her? Maybe she thinks I’m a murderer or or something. I sped up until I was only two steps behind her when I noticed she wasn’t even paying attention to me, she was staring intensely at the couple in front of us.

I looked up and saw as the guy tightened his grip on the girl’s waist while slyly moving his hand upward to touch her , “Ah, oppa, stop, we’re in public,” she whined. I glanced back at Sandara, her small hands started to form into fists as she looked at her surroundings, noticing that the street the couple were heading down was full of sketchy love hotels. Does she know them? I wondered, only to notice that she’s still following them, Aish, following a couple to a love hotel is definitely a bad idea, especially for a little girl like you, Sandara-ssi, I smirked as I raked my hand through my hair.

I reached out and grabbed her wrist, causing her to jump in surprise. Leaning over, I whispered into her right ear, “Well, hello there.”She completely froze at the sound of my voice.

Still holding onto her wrist I walked around in order to completely face her, “Hello,” I grinned.

“H…hello,” she stuttered.

“And why are you out by yourself so late at night little girl?” I slightly tilt my head, “It’s pretty dangerous to be out this late. You never know,” I looked down at the wrist I was holding, slightly loosening my hold, “what kind of people,” I lifted my gaze back to her face, “are out, wandering about at this time. Especially in a place like this,” I gestured to all of the bright neon hotel signs that lit up the street.

She bit her lip, weakly trying to tug her wrist out of my grasp, “W-who who are y-you?” she stammered, fear evident in her eyes.

“Don’t be afraid little girl,” I release her wrist, “I’m just a concerned Korean citizen. And as such, I think that little girls really shouldn't be out this late.”

“Ya!” she snapped, “Who are you calling a little girl, huh?”

I stared at her and raised an eyebrow.

“Ha,” she scoffed, “I probably older than you kid.”

“Tch, who are you calling a kid?” I gritted my teeth. I hated that term, Kid…kids are just play things to adults, I am NOT one of those.

“Who else? Now if you’re done, I’ll be on my way,” she tried to walk past me.

I stuck out my arm, stopping her from walking any further, “Not so fast little girl.”

“How many times do I have to tell you, I’m not a little girl,” she placed her hand on my arm, try to push it away.

“Fine,” I turned my head to here, “but women shouldn’t walk alone at this time. Let me walk you home.”

She trying pushing my arm off even harder. “I don’t even know you! Why would I let you know where I live?!”

I lowered my arm only to grab onto her hand, “Kwon Jiyong. There, now you know who I am, there shouldn’t be any more issues with me walking you home. Now which way?”

“Ya! You crazy person, let go of me!” she screamed.

I turned and glared, “Stop screaming, people are staring at us now. Now let’s try this again. Which way Sandara Park-ssi?”

She stopped fidgeting and stared at me in confusion, “How…how do you know my name?” her lips started to quiver.

“Hello, I’m Sandara Park,” I imitated her, making my voice more high-pitched, “I hope I’ll be able to meet each and every one of you, please take care of me. Sound familiar?”

“You,” she pointed at my with her free hand, “You’re one of my students??” her eyes widening.

“Kind of,” I shrugged, “I have a different discussion TA.”

“Ah! So that’s how you recognized me,” she forcefully laughed.

“So which way is your house?” I repeated myself.

“What?” she stared at me in confusion.

“Don’t make me repeat myself,” I said impatiently.

“Ah,” she hesitated.

I hardened my gaze, maintaining eye contact with her, “That…way,” she squeaked, pointing in the opposite direction that we had come.

I started walking in that direction, pulling her in tow. “I can go by myself Jiyong-ssi,” she said. Ignoring her, I kept going. “Really, I can go home by myself,” she continued.

“Just tell me which way,” I curtly said.

“Turn left at the intersection,” she muttered.

I nodded, What are you doing Jiyong?

“Ah, this is it,” she whispered as she tried to free her hand.

I look up at the apartment complex and then back at her, “You owe me.”

“What?” she coughed out, “Owe you for what?”

“This,” I gestured, “I walked you home, now you owe me.”

“I owe you nothing. You didn’t even give me a choice! I would’ve been perfectly fine walking home by myself,” she tugged her hand out of my grasp before walking up the steps to the door.

*BAM* I place my hands on the door, trapping her, “Don’t think you can escape from me,” I leaned forward, my lips almost touching her ear “I’ll see you soon, Noona.”

Dara’s POV:

Tch, who does that jerk think he is? I “owe” him? I reached the entrance to my apartment complex.


I looked at the hands that were placed on either side of my head. “Don’t think you can escape from me,” he warned, his voice sent shivers down my spine. He moved, getting closer to me, I feel his breath graze my ear and cheek, “I’ll see you soon, Noona.”

*BA-DUMP BA-DUMP BA-DUMP* My heart was racing. I watched as his hands slowly left the door. Once his hands were gone, I rushed into the building, frantically running to my apartment. Shutting the door behind me, I leaned against it. Slowly, I sunk down to the floor, hugging my knees to my chest.

*BA-DUMP BA-DUMP BA-DUMP* My heart was still pounding, from running or from him? I couldn’t even tell.

“Don’t think you can escape from me,” his words repeated in my head. I thought I was wrong…I thought maybe I was wrong thinking that it was HIM from my dream…but… His voice filled my head again, it’s…definitely him…Kwon Jiyong…I nervously bit my bottom lip, Who are you? And why can’t I get you out of my head?

Jiyong’s POV:

Well that went better than expected, I twirled the ring around my finger, Oh Sandara-ssi, you can’t escape from the dragon now. I grinned as I walked up to the apartment.

I pressed in the key code Seunghyun Hyung gave me earlier.

“What are you doing here so late Jiyong?” Youngbae raised an eyebrow.

“I live here?” I raised an eyebrow.

“Huh?” Daesung tilted his head in confusion.

“Since this morning,” I walked over to them, “all of my stuff should have already been delivered here.”

“That was your stuff???” Daesung asked worried.

“Yeah, why?” I raised an eyebrow.

“I…I…uh,” he hesitated.

“Just spit it out Dae,” I said.

“I thought it was hyung’s stuff…so I uh,” he rubbed the back of his head, “I went through, and looked at all of it…hehehe…”

“Aish,” I rubbed my temple, “What have I said about not touching my stuff?”

“Give him a break,” Youngbae swung his arm onto my shoulders, “You didn’t even tell us you were moving in. What made you change your mind?”

“Just stuff,” I sighed, “I don’t want to talk about it.”

The two of them just nodded, “where’s hyung, by the way?” I looked around not seeing Seunghyun anywhere.

“Probably with some chick somewhere,” Daesung replied, "You know how he is."

“By the way, where were you?” Youngbae asked, “It’s already past midnight and this is your first night here.”

“I was,” Sandara’s face popped up in my head, I smiled, “I was just taking a stroll.”

“Ya,” Daesung tugged Youngbae’s shirt, “Jiyong must be sick, I’ve never seen him smile like that-OW. What was that for?” He pouted as he looked at where I just punched him.

  walked past them, “Night,” I called as I closed my door behind me.

Slipping off my shirt and jeans, I laid on my bed. Sandara’s face popped up in my head again. Her warm brown eyes, cute little nose, soft pink cheeks, and her red, plump lips filled my mind. Slowly closing my eyes, I whispered, “I’ll see you soon Noona.” You’ll be mine.

A/N: Anyo! I know I said I'd try to update weekly, but I've been occupied with other things >___< Plus, I was having a slight writer's block. I'll try to update this story more :(

Thank you for reading~ I hope you enjoyed this chapter ^___^

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Until next time! Pyong~


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Fr0zenMus1c #1
Chapter 4: Really interesting plot. Do you still plan to continue this story?
Chapter 4: Author-nim..
Update juseyo.. :-(
Chapter 4: Jiyongie is really motivated, huh??? But can she woe Dara???
Chapter 3: Who is that guy??? Ottoke???
Chapter 2: Bad boy Jiyongie alert....
Chapter 1: Wow.. Dara is awesome..
Hmmn.. I'm confused.. @_@
Griffon #8
Chapter 4: Dropped? Please no. You have great plot
amilayisgood #9
Chapter 4: Luv it..!! Plz update soon