Chapter 2 Is It Really Okay?

Always and Forever
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Skip MAMA Era and go straight into the Wolf and Growl Era. 4 years after the incident.


Minseok's P.O.V

 We just got back from performing Wolf. Everyone is exhausted . I wonder how. All you do is dance, sing, and practice. Pretty easy if you ask me. The car ride back was something. Kai sleeping on D.O.' s shoulder ,Baekhyun and Chen annoying Kris, Tao looking on his instagram, Sehun talking playfully with Luhan, Chanyeol laughing at something. Suho talking to manager hyung, Lay.... being Lay... (don't even question it ), and me pretending to admire everything silently.

 "KREASE!" Baekhyun screams.

 "What!" Kris screams in response

   "Nothing!" Chen yells back.

  "These Kids..."Kris says.


It's nice.... To live like this. Although the members find this life stressful, I find it peaceful.


 "Guys..."D.O. begins, "that car has been following us sense the concert."


Just great, I think, another crazy, insane fan.


 "Manager hyung..." Baekhyun begins.

 "I know." Manager Hyung says.


Everyone becomes silent and another dangerous car chase begins.


( Car Chase over and Exo is a Dorm)


 "That was .. AWESOME" exclaims Chanyeol.


D.O. hits Chanyeol on the head . Really hard. For such a small person, he hits like a professional boxer.


 " No that was dangerous and crazy and if you like risking your life so much I'd be happy to assist you." he says with a soft ,but deadly,voice.


"hahahahah......" Chanyeol laughs timidly as he slowly backs away.


"I'm going to my room." I say monotonously.


I'm tired and I don't feel like acting like I'm someone else right now. I walk to my room. For me, I have my own room. I asked this personally from Lee Soo Man. If I share a room with another member then they I have to keep my act up all day ,and 18 hours  of acting is enough for me.


I act like I'm a quiet, caring person. But really I'm not. I like to stay quiet because I feel as if it's a waste of breath to talk about something so pointless. Like the question,


What do you want for dinner?


I don't care what I get I'm not going to eat anyways. There's no point for me to answer. I don't care what i have for dinner. I don't care if I'm happy or not. It is irrelevant of how I feel about a job because either way I have to do it.


Is it necessary for me to feel happiness, discontent, sadness, anger?

It isn't. It's pointless to feel like this during a job. I have to do the job either way.

But if the other members know this then they feel as if I'm wrong. I may be wrong, I may be right but I don't know. It's more efficient if I don't feel anything. Newt thinks I need help. Because I haven't cried. People that were close to me died. I didn't cry.I won't cry. I didn't cry when I visited me parents grave 4 years ago. I promised I wouldn't cry so I didn't.

Newt said that I should've cried to "Let it all out," but I didn't.

I don't see a problem with it but apparently I have a "mental" problem .


*knock knock*


 "Can I come in?" asked a voice that sound a lot like Luhan.


  "Sure" I yelled while quickly putting my facade on.


 Luhan came in the door. I quickly smiled at him to give off of the feeling that I was okay. He frowned at me.


 "Are you okay?" he asked me with a concerned tone and look.


" Yeah." I said with a calm and happy tone.


 After 3 years this facade is like another part of me, of what I dreamed I could be.


  " You seemed down earlier." he says as if it were a problem.


 So what if I was down. That's no one's  problem to worry about . Just do your job.


"Oh I was?" I asked like I actually cared.


"Yeah" he says.


"I wasn't .Sorry to make you worry." i said


"Okay," he said still not convinced ,"dinner is ready. Are you coming down?"


"No thanks I'm gonna go practice the dance routines. Thanks though." I say

not as if i was actually going to eat.


"But you need to eat." he says


If only he knew


"I'm not hungry I'll eat later just save me some then."  I say.


"Okay." and with that he left.


I wasn't really going to practice. I can do that tomorrow. Plus I already memorized the routines and know which moves to emphasis.


I really need to go to the hospital to get m

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Have you given up on redoing this or not?
K-SoulHeart #2
Chapter 9: Personally I really like this story why it is now, it very interesting and unique, and I like Minseok's character here as well as Newt. But if you feel that you must redo it then do so but please update as soon as you can which is hopefully soon and please don't stray too far from the how the story is now cause like I said this is very interesting and new.
Maigoddd ,, update soon .. Fighting
justafans #4
Chapter 7: Its okeyy :))

Happy vacation!
serenablabla #5
You're really good for first timer authornim
Keep going fighting!
justafans #6
Chapter 5: Woww...palli palli update. I want to know what newt going to do..erghhh i just can't wait. This going to be interesting~

Goodluck authornim!!
d_cielle #7
Chapter 4: This story is really interesting..cant wait for the new update....