Seconds Away

7 short stories in 7 short days

Sehun was a nomad, per se, but not by choice. At the age of 18 he was kicked out by his parents, with the reasoning that he was of age, and what better to help him grow by throwing him in the deep end. Thus began his life of renting one house after another. Luck was never on his side, he would usually get kicked out after a few months due to the ever-increasing rent that as a student, he couldn’t afford.


On this particular day searching he happened to come across a house, for sale, a price that was far too low to be real. However, being in no position to let an opportunity such as this to go buy, he went and saw the house.


It was a quaint house, built not 10 years ago with, three rooms, painted white donned with a single window and a brown door, quite plain and simple. Now Sehun began to get suspicious, why was it so that this house was so cheap?


The natural thing to do was to ask the owner, in which he did. Upon questioning the seller simply said ‘There is a nest of birds that live in the attic, an endangered species so we can’t remove them but it keeps everyone awake and due to financial reasons, I’ve had to let this go for whatever price I can get and soon.”

After confirming that there was indeed a nest on the attic Sehun followed with many more questions.


After a thorough investigation, he had deemed that this was indeed a legitimate sale and that the gods had possibly smiled upon him and given him some luck. Thus within three days he had moved in.


On the first night, upon midnight, the noise began ‘scrape scrape scrape’, the buyer had indeed been honest, the incessant scraping was distracting, but Sehun had long trained himself to sleep under any conditions and thus disregarded the noise and went to sleep.


On the Second night, as the clock struck twelve, once more the noise came from the ceiling ‘scrape scrape scrape’, only this time, the noise seemed to become softer, as if the birds were moving.


And so a week went by and Sehun was sure, indeed the birds were moving and the noise along with it and the more he noticed it, the more it kept him up at night.


A month went by and by then, the noise had moved to the wall in behind his bed ‘scrape scrape scrape’ he could hear it right next to his head as he slept. Unable to ignore the noise anymore, one night he got up, picked up his flash light and climbed up to the attic to hopefully move the birds further from his bedroom ceiling.


He slowly climbed up the creaking ladder as he reached the attic, his light shone in search for the incessant birds “I’m gonna have some rare roast tomorrow night if they don’t stop that noise” he thought to himself and as he peered further something caught his eye, the most peculiar thing that made him just a little uneasy. The heater that pumped hot air into every room in the house had four and not three tubes connecting to it, most peculiar as the house only had three rooms. Curious, he navigated each to a room until he reached the fourth one, one located slightly further than his room down the hall. Climbing down he returned to his room, expecting to see two heating ventilations in his room to no avail.


The next morning he called the previous owner, but there was no reply. Was he really tricked? Was the house sold because of some stupid reason such as an excess of heating bill due to that one extra ventilation? ‘That’s stupid’ he thought to himself.


Thus he went about his day, deciding to deal with the problem himself. However, as night came so did the scraping ‘scrape scrape scrape’. Sehun got up once more, put his ear to the wall and listened ‘scrape scrape scrape’. Annoyed he thumped his fist back at the noise ‘thump thump thump’ and then the noise from beyond the wall replied




Shocked, Sehun jumped back in fear. Did he just hear what he thought he did? Quickly he went back and pressed his ears to the wall ‘Hello? Is anyone there?’ but there was no reply only the ‘scrape scrape scrape’.


Morning came once more and seemingly spooked by his own mind and annoyed with the sound, he called a carpenter to drill a hole and hopefully remove the pests from his walls.


As the carpenter began to drill a hole in the wall, he paused as he noticed something ‘Hey, you might want to come and see this, I think you got an extra room behind these walls’ and as Sehun peered through the drill hole, he saw that the hall extended further and at the end, was another door leading to another room.


Shocked he told the carpenter to tear down the wall, but the cost was much too high, so Sehun told himself that he would leave it for another time.

Night came once more and with it so did the noise ‘scrape scrape scrape’, and Sehun got up once more, his ears tracing the noise following it till it reached the wall concealing the hidden room. The noise was coming from the freshly drilled hole. Curiosity beckoned him close, but fear anchored him still and in the end, curiosity won, he peered through the tiny peephole and into the room beyond, only to see someone looking back ‘let me out’ they said.


From Sehun came a shrill and deafening scream. With no coat and no shoes, he ran out of the house, fear had possessed him and he ran for how long he didn’t know. When he stopped and calmed down, he called one of his friends for he could no longer sleep in that house or alone for that matter.


Needless to say he told the police as soon as he could and when they broke down that wall, walked down the hall, opened that brown door, the inside they saw was a plain white room, with no windows and no light. Immaculately clean except for the small writing, etched on the wooden floor ‘let me out’. 

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Chapter 1: Aww that´s sad but somehow sweet .. can´t wait for the next story :)