
Punk Outs

But oh boy! They were so wrong...

This is one hell of a deja vu! A freakin’ mess of a déjà vu!

It was Sehun’s second year in High School when both Chanyeol and Baekhyun noticed that the youngest had become more fidgety and jittery around a certain someone. It caught their immediate attention because Sehun’s energy level just plummets down really quickly every time this certain someone drops by. They both thought it was just another one of Sehun’s ‘phases’ but then it continued for three months straight and the maknae even tried to avoid the entire get-together several times and they caught him once just hanging out alone by himself after school when they are walking their way home after someone needed the group’s input on his survey that he needed to complete for one of his subjects at the university.

They have decided that they need to talk to Sehun. And what do you do to lure Sehun into anything?

“Yah! My mom sent me a package full of Hershey’s, wanna come and eat it with me?” Baek slipped on Sehun’s lunch table during their break
“...I mean Chanyeol would probably be there too but who cares? I immediately thought of you when it arrived this morning! How can I forget our cuuuuuuteeeeeeee maknae right?” He said while pinching Sehun’s cheeks
“Hyyyuuuunnnngggggg stop!” He whined, trying to swat Baekhyun’s clenched fingers from his face

But as stubborn as Baekhyun is, he didn’t budge.

“Only if you say yes maknae.... just say yes.....” He smiled cutely while still pinching the youngest’s cheeks
“FINE! YES! I’ll go! I’ll go! Just let go of me hyung!” He replied and huffed after Baekhyun released his now swollen cheeks

“See you later maknae” He patted Sehun’s head and walked away.

It was Chanyeol’s idea. You can point all your fingers at him. Sure, maybe the dumb giant didn’t mean it. But it was the giant’s idea. Baek is just the most cooperative friend here.

“Where are my chocolates?” Sehun grumpily asked when his hyungs seated him on Baek’s dining table and both were staring at him looking really concerned but no chocolates are present.

“Is he really this grumpy?” Chanyeol inspected the unamused face of the youngest tilting his head and looking at Baekhyun
“Why didn’t I notice that he is this grumpy when I first dragged him to the music hall Baek?” He asked
“I don’t know...”
“...You’re the one who have recruited him” Baekhyun just shrugged
“YAH! Where are the chocolates! You said there will be chocolates! Were you lying about chocolates?!!!!!” He banged the table with his fist

“Go get the chocolates Baek and let’s start this interrogation!” Chanyeol nodded his ‘serious’ nod with full composure
“Eh?” And of course the maknae never get his hyungs.

Sehun just continued munching on wrappers upon wrappers of the party-pack sized chocolate bags that Baek threw at his direction while Chanyeol just continued on asking him a bunch of questions about his welfare in school and at home which all turned out normal with Sehun ending up answering him with nods and lots of variations of “Yeah, I’m fine”, “Of course hyung, I’m good” and “No, you don’t need to worry” which makes Baekhyun frustrated and bored.

Why can’t his best friend just be straightforward for once?

He needs answers!

Chanyeol is not getting anything and Sehun will end up having diabetes!

Baekhyun suddenly banged his palm against the table, stood up, towering both of them “STOP TING AROUND!” He exclaimed

“You!” He pointed at Sehun
“What’s your problem this past few weeks? Why are you avoiding all of us? Why are you not attending the weekend hang-outs? Did we do anything wrong?!” Chanyeol just gulped and Sehun was just left shocked and flustered, dropping a half-eaten Crackle on the floor.

“WOAH~ Hyung! You’re strong!” Sehun absent mindedly said to Baekhyun who’s still fuming with frustration

“THAT’S BESIDE THE POINT! ANSWER ME!” He demanded. Sehun’s adam’s apple just bobbed up and down panicked.

“Sehun?” Chanyeol checked if he is still okay because WHAT ON EARTH?! BAEK IS REALLY SCARY!

“L-“ He almost whispered still flustered
“L-h” He pouted, arms falling on his sides
“Lu- lu- Aish!“ He himself became really annoyed with it
“Wait! Can you both promise not to tell him? I mean, he’s so busy I don’t want to bother him!” He said panicked as he stare back and forth between his two hyungs.
“Sure...” The said in chorus
“I mean if you want to it will be our secret” Chanyeol smiled his most motherly smile

“Luhan hyung. I like Luhan hyung...”
“Oh wow! This is really embarrassing!!!” Then the maknae covered his entire face with the giant bag of chocolates

Oh wow~! Since when this thing happened?





The “Lay-Suho Predicament” a.k.a “LSP” should be given the award of The Best Diversion Ever because after 1234567890567890 years, that thing is the only thing that made Chanyeol to go out of his cave and attend school. Because according to the dumb elf “I don’t want you to suffer through it alone Baek” he even suggested “We’ll be each other’s guard against slipping  LSP with everybody”.

So after that weekend  they knew the LSP, Chanyeol was back on his shoes, attending all his classes regularly.

“Don’t remind him of anything regarding his breakup with that girl” Minseok alerted them on the first day of Chanyeol’s return to the university

But as humongous failure as they are... the first thing that happened was...

“Oi! Park Giant! Have you already pasted the shattered pieces together?!”

That would have to be the troll, C-H-E to the N people! C-H-E to the N!

And because of that he earned a solid smack to the head courtesy of Tao.

“Ugh! How stupid and inconsiderate can you get hyung?” Tao was extremely irritated
“Oh..” At least a bit of realization dawned on him

“Sorry man! I was just...”
“It’s okay Chen...” Chanyeol smiled and the troll smiled back.

“you two” He pointed at both Chanyeol and Baek.
“Spill!” All of their friends who are present on that lunch table looked at them.


How can he sense that?! They both looked at each other

Chen must be some kind of a lunatic? Psychic? Whatever! That guy is nuts!

There’s no point of turning back now. But there’s no hurt in trying though.

Chanyeol pinched Baekhyun on his arm.

C’mon now!




“Sehun-ie likes Lulu hyung isn’t it?” That was Chen’s first statement at 8am during the high school’s assembly.

WOW! Was the only thing that entered their minds at that moment

“How did you even know that?” Both of them blurted out in unison
“He was avoiding him since that incident three months ago” He plainly shrugged
“Incident?” They both asked

“Yeah Luhan hyung gave Sehun 50 Bubble Tea giftcards!” He exclaimed
“50 man! 50!” he said holding up his hands

“And?” Both of his friends tilted their heads

We’re dumb. We know

“Well stupid people, Luhan hyung indirectly courted Sehun!”


Here’s the deal, Luhan is now in college while Chanyeol’s kitten number 2 is just in his 2nd year of High School and that’s.. that’s got to be head tilting at some point. It’s not that Sehun looks odd or something, it’s just well, Sehun is way younger than Luhan.

Ooooohhhh...... Now they understood the giant freaking kid.

See, since his, Tao and Jongin’s growth spurt that summer after his first year and after the old people graduated, the ting cute freshie turned out to be this alabaster tall handsome ing kid that earned double takes when the gang saw him after his month long family vacation. The pimply gangly and awkward kid became this head turner and no one in the whole school will deny that that ing kid is THE MAN.

“Hyuuunnngggg~~~” Sehun once ran from hiding behind the lockers, grabbing the clueless Baekhyun to their hide-out, the Music Room
“Hyung!!! People are staring! Did I do something wrong?!” He grab Baekhyun by his shoulders
“Oh My God Hyung! What if that rat I run over with my bike last week filed a complaint to the Police and everyone is plotting to get me because there’s a large sum of money that awaits them if they catch me?”
“OH MY GOD! This can’t be happening HYUUUUNNNNGGGG~~~!!!” He dramatically slummed himself on the floor, face crestfallen and hands clutching his heart.

Baekhyun snickered.

“C’mon now! Who would even file a criminal case against you after you run over a rat? Sehun, A RAT! Are you kidding me?” Baekhyun tried to knock some sense to the kid.

Silence momentarily filled the room

Sehun’s eyes are calculating, maybe he’s thinking rational things on his behavior.

Maybe he’ll somehow get it. This kid is not that stupid! Stop kidding me now. Not everyone is as weird as Cha-

Sehun suddenly raised his hand.

“Yes Sehun?”

“the Animal Welfare club!”


“The Animal Welfare club filed a case for the rat!”

Okay... maybe you can really never have it all...

Chanyeol paid a visit to their pink-haired college hyung at the Bubble Tea place where he works part-time. The guy was busy taking orders and writing customer’s names when he arrived. He just settled and cued at the end of a very long line. He waited ever so patiently and when it was his turn...

“What?!” Luhan looked up only to see one of his abnormally tall friends grinning weirdly at him
“I have to greet you first. You know, store policy..”
“Huh?” Chanyeol tilted his head
“You know... those dumb protocols...” He annoyingly said

“Oh...” the taller nodded in understanding
“Okay hyung! Go on!” He immediately beamed after

“Good Evening Sir. We-“
Chanyeol raised his hand
“You can just call me Chanyeol? Because I am Chanyeol and Sir is stuffy~...” Chanyeol pouted and scratched behind his ear.
“Fine...” He is really getting on his nerves now

“Good Evening CHANYEOL! Welcome to Bubble Bubble Bubble Tea! Bubble Bubble Bubble Tea! Tea! Tea Shop. Home of the tea-est bubble tea and bubblest Bubble Tea there is! What would you like to order?” Luhan said in one go, Chanyeol was awestruck, slowly clapping his hands.
“WHOA! That’s amazing hyung! You should be a rapper! Have you considered rapping? Like underground? OR! Or you can just be an id~”

“...an idol and be the brightest rapper in the music wor~”

“...world. Then me and Baek and  Minseok hyung and Suho hyung and Lay hyung and Kris hyung and Kyungsoo and Chen and Kai and Tao and Sehun will be your number one fa-“


“Oh! Sorry. I got carried away. You want to say something hyung?” He snapped out form his long realization of things.

“I need to take your order”
“Ah yesss... sorry..” He scratched his head again

“But hyung!”
“Yes Channie?”
“Why did you give Sehun 50 gift certificates?” It was Luhan’s turn to scratch his head.

Chanyeol is really persistent.

“Channie, can you promise me that you’ll just order now and you will just wait until the end of my shift and I promise to tell you what you wanted to know?”
“Sure!” He beamed another big smile again
“Now what’s your order?” He smiled triumphantly

“One large Caramel Milktea hyung”
“Sweetness level?”
“Sweetness level?” Chanyeol tilted his head
“Yeah, how sweet do you want your drink to be?”

Chanyeol is holding up the line.

“Channie, let’s just get you the normal sweetness okay?” Luhan scribbled fast

But Chanyeol raised his hand again.

“Yes Chanyeol?”

“Will you be using caramel to sweeten my drink or sugar or caramel sugar or glucose sugar because hyung did you know that using too muc-“ Chanyeol continued his mindless but thoroughly informative blabbering.

Oh My God! This is an endless trap isn’t it? THIS IS A ING TRAP!!! Luhan thought.

Sehun was confused. A little frustrated but more than anything, he is confused. He tried talking to Kai and Tao but they don’t know about anything  so the three of them decided to seek some ‘guidance’ from one of the ‘wiser’ older guys, at least that’s what Tao tried to call it. Because believe it or not, they look up to their hyungs and they actually entrust them with their lives. At least they know stuff is what Kai once said during one of their ‘maknae only’ hang outs.

They knocked at the door, they kicked the door, they used the doorbell, they even tried throwing pebbles at his bedroom window but nothing happened. All they heard were the speakers on full blast playing a song on repeat. As of their last count, they have heard that song 15 times from beginning to end and it’s one of Taylor Swift’s latest songs.

It was really addicting at first, they even started singing to it as it play, bobbing their heads in the process but after the 15th time, just like any other songs. You’ll get annoyed. Terribly annoyed!

“Is he dead?” Tao asked
“Who knows? He might have accidentally knocked himself off or something” Kai snickered

Sehun just helplessly ruffled his own hair

“Eh?” They were all surprised with the sudden foreign sound, all three heads flew to the side of the house.

“Why are you all here?” Baekhyun decided to appear. Right hand clutching a garbage bag while the other one is propped on his hip.

“HYUUUUUNNNGGGGG!!!!” All three rushed to him, crushing him within their sudden group hug
“Hyung!!!!” They are jumping now.

“Guys! STOP!” All three straighten themselves. Heads slightly lowered to the ground

“Okay... let me just get this to the bin & then we’ll talk okay?”
“Okay Baek-hyung...” They chorused

And they did just that.

They all decided to coup up in Baek’s bedroom because apparently Baekhyun has a magical, comfy and cozy bed. All three of the youngest sprawled on it while the glow lights and the sky projector on. Baekhyun decided to watch all three of them marvel at his ceiling while he sat on his soft couch.

They were all pointing at some constellations even beating each other out on figuring out some names.

“I’m sorry to bother the three of you but why are you all here?” Baek says
“Sehun needs help” Kai plainly said
“Yeah, it’s some sort of a love problem thingy and as stupid as the three of us are, we can’t be any help” Tao added

“Luhan-hyung related right?”
“Uh-huh” Tao and Kai agreed and Sehun just groaned

“Why can’t you just say it to him Sehun? That’s the simplest, most effective way of doing it” Baekhyun suggested
“I’ve tried reasoning that too hyung but he just said that it’s ‘complicated’” Kai quoted the last word with his fingers
“But you can’t just leave Luhan-hyung forever hanging in the air Oh Sehun”
“Yeah that would be very wrong Sehun! Don’t be heartless!” Tao hit Sehun multiple times

Sehun stood as he try to swat Tao away.

“I’m not going to leave him just like that guys. I-I’m just... ugh!” He flopped back on the bed flapping his hands in the air in frustration.

“You like the guy so much don’t you?” Kai asked
“mmmm...hhhmmmm” Sehun weakly admitted
“So why don’t you just quit being frustrated and just accept the looooovveeee?” Tao teased making hearts with his hand in the process

“YAH! Quit it you two! Have both of you ever tried being in love?” He asked sitting up in between his two idiotic but totally clueless same-age friends
“No!” They answered
“Exactly! And that’s why we’re here!”

“But don’t you think that both of them have a point though?” Baek butted in
Sehun pouted
“Yeah but I don’t think it should be that easy hyung”

Both Kai and Tao sat up and stared at Baek’s direction too. Eyes full of curiosity and anticipation.

“But it should be that easy Sehun. You’re the only one who’s making it complicated”

“What’s complicated?” The door opened, revealing Chanyeol with Luhan on his side






“How cheesy can Junmyeon get?” Minseok asked during rehearsals
“Would you like to make a bet out of that hyung?” Chen suggested

But before we dwell on the thing worth betting, No. They didn’t slip. Everyone just caught up on whole situation, everyone assumed things and right now everyone is just simply guessing and testing the waters if their assumptions were right.

“THE HQ”, a.k.a Kai’s parent’s basement, used to be full of naughty often rowdy early 20-year olds but since the LSP was felt, well, it somehow mellowed the atmosphere down.

“Are you all sick?” Luhan, the most oblivious person on Earth, entered the HQ with groceries.

“Naaaahhh... they’re evaluating their life choices” Chen said
“Life choices?” Lay suddenly entered the room tilting his head
“Yup! Because the tension is so obvious we cannot breathe~~!!!!” Minseok let out a giant breathe of air standing up in the process
“Huh?” Lay scrunched his face. Confusion is starting to dawn on him

Kris just walked towards the guy

“You, our precious bunny unicorn is the nicest, purest person I know... Stay golden Lay~ Stay freakin’ golden~!” He patted Lay’s shoulders

“Did he just plucked that quote somewhere or did he actually made that himself?” Sehun threw a pillow waking up.
“I call copied!”’ Lay said before crouching down, checking the amplifier
“I call copied too~!” Chanyeol walked in

“Do you guys want to bet about this?” Chen asked

They all just eye-rolled with his remark.





It is all chaos. The mornings, when the sun shines is purely chaos. Their friends trying to figure out other people, trying to understand their friends, band rehearsals, academics piling up, food stocks running low, not to mention that midterms are on its way and  to top it all off, Luhan decided that he can book The PunkOuts for a wedding a day just after their exams!

Although all things are . Nothing is more tier than the hole that Chanyeol is in right now. Yes, the LSP is a good diversion when he thinks he might give up again with life because no one apparently cares but you cannot blame him for feeling worthless.

The sun was shining outside when he sits on the floor a full-length window facing the campus grounds, guitar at hand, his T-square and architecture materials sprawled on the floor. Five plates are due tomorrow but he does not feel like doing anything, his first class might be starting now but he feels down again. He is in fact on the verge of kicking himself on the ground.

How can somebody move on from that? How can he be so clueless about those kinds of things?

He already ate a tub of chocolate ice cream, drank a full case of beer, drank three bottles of wine, ran a full lap on the campus’ athletic field, he even ran under the rain but nothing. She is still there, in his head, buried in the very depths of his soul.

Baek even thought that they can last forever and Baek never believes in forever! And because of that he tried believing that he can, indeed, spend a  lifetime with her. But what do you know? She is only after the free tutor services and party passes that he can offer.

How dumb!

“As of the last minute that I was in the basement, Luhan is about to kill Chen” Baekhyun sat in front of him throwing a can of beer towards his direction
“Aren’t we breaking rules?” He said scrunching his nose
“We are! Don’t you feel the bad-assery coming our way?” Baekhyun said, arms rolling as if to waft air toward their direction then he let out his toothy boyish grin, slightly eyeing Chanyeol

He remembered the first time they actually drank during High School and it was not because of a broken heart apparently. But that’s another story for another rainy day.

They stayed quiet for some time just basking themselves under the sun rays that the full-length window can offer. They are just plainly sitting there, legs sprawled like they are just hanging out at somebody’s living room, not caring about all the units and scores that they might have to make up once they are out of this reverie.

Baekhyun lay on the floor in the process, he was followed by Chanyeol. The clouds were simply rolling about just like any other normal day. An indication that yes, time is running still.

“I want to crush my head. I’ll pay you but promise me you will crush my heart after I am dead” Chanyeol calmly said. Eyes closed
“Wow! That’s freaking cheesy and deep at the same time. Senpai teach me your ways!” Baekhyun raised his can of beer

“ you! I’m ing serious man!” Chanyeol took a deep breath
“Now, now... don’t tell me we’re back on square one again?
“We are always back on square one Baekhyun. Every single freakin’ day” He replied

Moving on is that hard huh?

Baekhyun sighed.





Kai and Tao are now on Baekhyun’s living room trying not to kill each other over Mario Kart.  They are trying their best on not knocking out the giant too in the process. It amazes him how they can fit themselves on his couch though, with Chanyeol taking up the largest space of the three while he, the owner of the said apartment, is sitting on the floor staring at the idiots. It is nice that they are a bit less rowdy this way. Not to mention that Luhan and Sehun are having their talk in his kitchen at the very same moment.

Honestly, he wants to cry. He and Chanyeol somehow raised that kid. And the kid is now in love! IN LOVE! In love with the hyung that they all know is better at taking care of the other people unlike them, they can still somehow classify themselves as idiots who can’t figure out life.

“Our Sehun is growing up fast...” he absentmindedly mumbled.

Mario Kart was paused because of it.

“We still have to raise two rascals Baek” His trance was distracted with that.

He looked at Chanyeol who is pointing at the two brats beside him.

“Who are you calling rascals hyung?! Tao and I are very much mature for our own age! Right Tao?” Tao nodded.

“Add the fact that you really don’t really have to ‘raise’ us. We can manage on our own guys. Stop treating us like kids!” Tao added.

“But you are my kittens!” Chanyeol pouted.

“Now I feel more guilty” Luhan entered the living room
“Eh?” Kai and Tao blurted out.

“ YOU! You and my kitten number 3~?.... NOOOOOOOO~~~!!!!!” Chanyeol rushed to the kitchen.

Kai and Tao were dumbfounded just staring directly at one of the oldest hyungs. Both cannot not process the whole situation.

Baekhyun on the other hand, calmly stood up, wiping the single tear that managed to escape his eyes. He held Luhan’s hand.

“Take care of him hyung.... That kitten is the most stubborn one in his litter.” He smiled.





“I’m on the verge of throwing up my dinner...” Chanyeol announced after barging frantically in his apartment.

“Well... good evening to you too... As you already know, bathroom’s that way” Baek pointed at the direction

“Hi Baek!” Luhan, Minseok, Kris and Junmyeon entered.

“Oh wow! I didn’t know that I invited you all tonight” He said while trying to read his hand-outs

“We didn’t know that we are all going to end up here either” Minseok shrugged launching himself to crush on the couch. Luhan just let himself fall on the floor after.
“Why you’re all here anyway?” He asked standing up directing himself to his fridge.
“Not our choice actually. It was my dad’s idea” Junmyeon said

“Professor Kim’s?!”
“Yep” Kris sat on a stool on the kitchen bar

“Which was?”

“Not to let your best friend be an alcoholic!” Luhan shouted from the floor
“We got scolded you know...” Minseok followed

“He even threaten those two” Kris pointed out

“Ummm-Hmmm” They both agreed

“But that doesn’t explain why you’re all here” Baekhyun faced the gang

“Well, Chanyeol said he wants to be with you” Junmyeon shrugged like it’s a normal thing.

It’s not.

Definitely NOT!





“I hate every professor whose last names are Kim!” Chanyeol shouted
“ you man! I’m a Kim and I want to be a professor!” Chen lightly punched him
“Oh... really?” Chanyeol asked and Chen just innocently nodded

“Sorry man, I just got carried away.” He patted the smaller’s head

Luhan and Sehun just stared at the seemingly stupid exchange. They are still amused how those two dorks are within the same age.

Yixing arrived not very long after, still sporting his now ever pouting face. Suho then arrived after still not minding Yixing afraid that he might scare the guy away.

“It has been two weeks guys” Xiumin then arrived at the ‘murder scene’

Silence and a nudge from Luhan is all he got.

“We can’t get anywhere with this” He pointed out.

The fuse broke and they were just hanging out in the darkness of Jongin’s parent’s basement. It was so dark that when Yiffan and Chanyeol decided that they need to move, they ended up colliding with each other, groaning ever so loudly.

They earned a ‘Hang in there kids! We got this!’ from the ever so supportive Mr. Kim.

All they can do is wait or...

So they thought?

“Yixing?” Junmyeon called

All of them hold their breaths. Well, Junmyeon is not this haphazard and what on Earth? It’s dark for ’s sake!

“Hm?” Yixing’s voice is unsure but nonetheless alert.

Yixing replied! YEAH! Yixing replied! The members of The PunkOuts wanted to cry, scream and freakin’ react to these whole ordeal but ELECTRICITY!!! C’mon Mr. Kim!

“I--- uhm... I---“ Suho started to sound unsure

Everyone’s silent and they are not saying a word. This is like a radio drama! What on EARTH?!

“Yeah?” Yixing sounded really timid and confused
“I--- I---- I know you’re scared right now Yixing. I wanted to be there you know. Like hold your hand bu-- but---“

They are all cringing silently but there’s a seeming imposted rule of not interrupting the exchange or you’ll die sort of thing. So they all just silently spazz in the dark on their respective places.

“It’s okay Jumyeon... I’m....” Yixing started trailing off too
“No it’s not!” Junmyeon suddenly shouted
“I mean it’s not okay, I don’t even know if... we’re okay Xing... I wanted us to be okay” Junmyeon sighed
“I wanted to know if you have ate well. If you slept well. I wanted to talk to you but I don’t... I don’t....”

Why is there this weird stuttering of unsureness?! Why can’t they just... UGH! The frustration! Xiumin even wanted to resort into pulling his hair! Luhan is clutching unto his boyfriend and Kyungsoo just banged his head in the air for the lack of wall anywhere near him. THIS. IS. FRUSTRATING!!!

“I know what you mean Junmyeon... I think I know at least... bu -but...” Yixing sound ever so unsure

Then silence.

Everyone were holding their breaths.

They can’t just end there! THEM! Baekhyun wants to scream
Ugh.... This is ugh!!!! Can Kai and I just punch them when the lights go back?! Tao thinks...

“I think I... Maybe I...” Yixing mumbled
“It has been months I think I just...” Junmyeon supplied in

Then sighs can be heard again.

Everyone’s just biting their lower lip to prevent them from cursing at the stupid STUPID duo!

Okay, it’s final. I’ll kill them if this doesn’t get resolved today! Kai  thought
I might help Kai and Tao on killing them today... Sehun seemingly heard everyone’s thoughts

Can we just get this over with?! We need to practice... -_- Kris mentally wanted to shut everyone up.

“I think....” They suddenly said in unison

Everyone takes in air audibly. Eyes bulging in the dark out of anticipation.




“I think I love you~” They both said

Then as if on cue,
the lights went on

Yixing and Junmyeon were surprised, they glanced at each other across the room.

And everyone cheered just like wild fangirls on steroids.


“! I think it's good to add breaking fuses as a hobby!” Chanyeol shouted, everyone just laughed at him.



Author's Note [15-8-11]
I have updated guys! whoa~! I managed to have hoard out a total of 4,550+ words for this update. I hope I can manage to let out another 6,000 more to finish this thing. Yep, as of now, it might be a three-shot-ish. So yeah, let's all wish me luck....
AND of course, you can always comment below. I accpet all kinds of comments and reactions & if you want, you can talk to me on twitter too (@SShoewalker)
See you soon guys~!
Thanks for reading (& waiting ever so patiently...)

Yep. HunHan, SuLay & of course, BaekYeol are my life =)

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Thank you!
I am super thankful for the readers who have waited for a very long time for this story to progress and for it to finish.
I am on the process of convincing my self of putting the Epilogue on paper.
See you all again soon on the Epilogue and on my other fics!

Thank you so much!


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Exo5laifu #1
Chapter 3: I'm actually really enjoying this ^_^
Exo5laifu #2
Chapter 2: Im---
Exo5laifu #3
Chapter 1: awwwwww
Exo5laifu #4
I'm excited to read this!
Chapter 5: Finally! Thank you so much for this amazing piece author-nim, even if it took years to finish, it is the journey that counts. ! Fighting for your upcoming fics!
Chapter 5: Oh gosh this is such a wonderful story!!!
Thank goodness i found it now so i won't miss such an amazing fic & also I'm spared for the waiting ><
Finally they ended up together \^0^/
Thank you so much for writing!!
I love it a million lots <333
Yes pleaseee for the epilogue!!!!
I need more~
I'm so happy thanks for the update! Looking forward for the next happening! ChanBaek na please!!!
Chapter 2: AAAAAHHHHHHHHHH*dancing like an idiot* ommmggggggg SuLay said i love you to each other...omg.. This has got to be the best update....
noname101 #9
Chapter 1: Ohh....I love it!! ♥♥♥♥
Hahaha....Baekyeol and Sulay!!!!!♥♥♥♥♥
Update yess author!!!!