New Year Resolutions (Taemin)

Surviving As The Diva's Sister...

(I have an idea now... ^^ Kind like the ending of the first part, but trust me, this ain't the end yet!)

Taemin POV! ^^

"So what are you guy's doing tonight?" Olivea asked as I helped her out of the car. I have to hand it to her, she may not like to dress up nicely, but when she does, it's perfect. I will forever love the day her and Sunny started sharing clothes.

"Oh yea, we forgot to tell you. I can't tell you yet, it's a secret!" I said making her laugh. Goodness, she is still beautiful when she smiles.

"Why can't you tell me!? I'm good at keeping secrets! Please tell me!" She whined making me laugh at how childish she was acting. 

"I'll give you a hint, it's a brand new song no ones ever heard!" I said as we walked up to the door where a very large man in dark clothes was standing looking rather annoyed. But once we got up the stairs he nodded and opened the door. Inside it was utter chaos. 

"Woooow. Theres nearly as many people in here as there is out there." Olivea said in awe. She always seems to point out how many people are in rooms. 

"Well, what do you expect? It's New Years, almost every name in K-pop in here. Either watching or performing." Key said directing us towards where the other guys should be getting their hair and makeup done. Key and I only need our makeup fixed up, because we got here early so we could go pick up Olivea. But I think mine needs to be redone a bit more then his, now that my lips are about the same shade of pink as Oliveas. Which Key had to point out, quite obviously.

"I knew that! I was just saying..." She said playfully hitting Key making him start laughing. 

"You know, when your both dressed up like this, you can really see the resemblance between you two." I mentioned noticing how a like they look while they are laughing. 

"I don't see it. She isn't nearly as pretty as me!" Key said flicking his hair and smirking.

"Stop being so full of yourself! I'm the pretty one!" Olivea said flicking him in the head. 

"Well, we know the siblings are here now." I heard someone say with a chuckle. With that Olivea and Key stopped messing with each other and looked to where the voice came from. 

"Shut up Siwon!" Olivea said once we saw Siwon laughing. After a bit of messing around the coordi noonas pulled me away and fixed my makeup nagging that I shouldn't have messed it up in the first place. All the while Jonghyun and Onew were teasing me about how pretty that shade of pink looked on me. While they were doing that Key was throwing his 5 cents in every so often and Minho was just laughing and being amused. Jerks. And Olivea was off messing around with people she knew. Last I heard she had made her way over and was messing around with Big Bang, but Yesung is never a reliable source.

"Where's Olivea? She hardly has seen us lately." Jonghyun asked once they took a break in teasing me. I looked up from my game that I was playing on my phone while the noona was playing with my hair, and peeked around for any traces of Olivea.

"Just look for curly red hair girl in a black dress and killer heels." Key said while slurping noodles into his mouth.

"She's wearing heels!? And huge ones at that? Not fair!" Jonghyun whined making everyone around us laugh. 

"True that, she was even a little taller then me in them." I told him making him look even more depressed. 

"Taemin! Stop moving! Your going to mess your hair up!" The noona said lightly flicking my head. 

"Don't worry noona, the only one that you have to worry about messing it up is Olivea." Minho said making me blush. They are really mean today. 

"Oh! I found here! Who's she with? I can't see them." Jonghyun said pointing across the room where, if you looked, you saw not one, but two quite tall attractive looking red heads.

"You should go over and ask for her shoes. She with the 2ne1 noonas and I think it's Daesung, Seungri, and TOP from Big Bang." Onew said making Jonghyun shoot him a deadly glare.

"Taemin, are you going to give Olivea a kiss to bring in the new year?" One of the coordi noonas who did Minho hair and makeup asked from a chair behind me. 

"I don't know! Why are you asking me?" I asked turning red. Well, I hadn't really thought of that yet. Actually, the only things I have been thing of was our comeback, and how much I missed seeing Olivea everyday. Goodness, I sound like a love sick puppy. 

"Because your her boyfriend! Who else would I ask?" She answered back making me turn even more red. 

"I still don't know." I mumbled looking intently at my phone now to avoid my hyungs stares. They seemed to like it when Olivea and I are together, but they also like to interrupt us even more. 

"Aw, look at how red he is! Just about as red as Olivea's hair!" Key said poking at my cheeks. 

"Speaking of Olivea, what is she doing over there?" Onew asked pointing to where Olivea had been earlier. She seemed to be having fun with Bom and Dara. They were doing some sort of... Odd dance, I think. But it was adorable, no matter how hard we were laughing at her. 

"What in the world? I have never seen her like that before. I don't know what to think of it either." Key said looking extremely confused. Which made us all start laughing again. After that we all went back to what we were doing, and keeping tabs on where Olivea would venture off to. I was truly jealous of every person she stopped and talked too. One because I haven't seen her in so long, and two because she would reveal her beautiful smile anytime some one would say her name. I have found myself wondering what she might be up to during the days we aren't around her. I'm constantly wondering if she was hurt again or not, but I had heard a rumor of her breaking one girls nose and another rib. I have to remember to ask her about that. I would feel really bad if that true, because if she is having to do that to keep herself from getting hurt, well, someone like her should have to hit anyone. And it's really all my fault this time. If we didn't have a public relationship, we wouldn't be in this mess. Sure it wouldn't be as nice as it is now, but she wouldn't have to be hurt.

"Taemin what are you thinking about?" Minho asked pulling me from my thoughts. 

"Oh, uh. Just Olivea." I said looking up from where I had dazed off too. 

"Surprise. I should have guessed. You looked upset, what about her?" He continued, just like he does with Olivea, he can get a lot out of all of us. Well, maybe not as well as with her, but basically the same concept.

"Just how she has been getting hurt." I told him, and he nodded. I have talked to him about this topic a few times already and every time he tells me:

"Well, you should do what your heart is telling you. And right now that should be to go see what she's doing over there with those guys." He said then pointing over to where her and the cute one from B1A4 were sitting together taking pictures. So being the over protective boyfriend I am, I strolled over to them hands in my pockets and sat down next to Olivea and looked over her shoulder at her phone.

"Whatcha doing?" I asked making both of them jump apart. I didn't know I was that sneaky, actually I thought I was quite obvious. 

"Taemin! You scared me!" She whined pushing me back with a chuckle. I peeked over at the cute kid and he still looked surprised. 

"Oh, Taemin this is Sanduel, from B1A4. Remember them?" She asked pointing to the kid who she called Sanduel. He looks really young, how old is this boy?

"They are the cute ones, right? With the lockets and rockets?" I asked remembering what she had told me about them. Really, I didn't know many of the rookie groups before she came. Now, I know just about everyone. And I know a lot about them. Except these guys, she told me about them only awhile ago. 

"Yes, hes the other pretty one, the other one is Jinyoung. He's over there." She said making Sanduel smile. Yes little boy you enjoy her compliments, I have the power to make it so you never hear them again.

"Sanduel, this is Taemin." She said as I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her closer to me. Which made his eyes go wide.

"Yes, I'm Taemin from SHINee. And her boyfriend." I said making his mouth drop.

"Taemin stop it. Oh! You should come meet the rest of them! You might like them, they are all really sweet! And they act a lot like you." Olivea said with a little annoyance at the end.

"I don't know any of their names besides his." I said resting my chin on her shoulder.

"Oh, it's ok! I can introduce you! I think the members would love to meet you!" Sandeul said his surprised expression now replaced with excitement. 

"Sure. I love meeting new people." I said reluctantly as Olivea slipped out from my grasp. Curse her silky dress. And with that the Sandeul kid jumped up, now really excited, and lead Olivea and I over to where 4 other colorful guys were standing. True to her words, all of them are cute. I mean we have Onew, Key, and me in charge of cute, but Minho and Jonghyun balance it out. But they are all as Olivea put it "stinking adorable, it's not even human". I only let that one go because she told me that I'm too cute to be real after she told me about them.

"Guys! I want you to meet some one!" Sanduel said once we got closer to the group. Once we got up to them he let go of Olivea's hand and turned to face for 4 males. One of them looked more beautiful then most people I see, another had big Harry Potter glass that I kinda want, the other looked like he was suppose to be the rapper, but he looked to colorful, then the last one had a cat on his shoulder. I wonder what they would look like with a hip hop concept. 

"Taemin, this is Jinyoung, the leader, CNU, vocals and rapper, Baro, the rapper, and Gongchan the makne. Guys this is Lee Taemin of SHINee." SAnduel said pointing to each person. I just nodded and tried to remember each name with the faces. But why does he have a cat on his shoulder? 

"I'm sorry, but do you know that there is a cat on your shoulder?" I asked, getting laughs from all of them and a flick to the ear from Olivea.

"I don't know. It's cute. And I was told too." Mr. Kitty said, wait no, it's Gongsan? Gongchan? I stink with names, almost as badly as Olivea.

"Could I pull a kitty off like he does?" I asked Olivea who was giving me one of those 'you have to be kidding me' looks. 

"I bet Jonghyun would better." She said making me laugh. Jonghyun with a cat on his shoulder. It's too funny.

"Does it come off? Or is it like hooked to you jacket? I wonder what key would thin of these outfits. So something he would wear." I mumbled moving away from Olivea to look at the cat further. I'm not weird, I just like cats. And this one is very interesting!

"I don't know. I ripped one before, so I stopped playing with them." Gongchan said looking down at it. 

"Is he normally like this?" I heard someone ask, but I didn't really care enough to see exactly who.

"No, but he is functioning off no sleep. So he's a bit off." Olivea replied. Hm, that a good excuse, I'm just really tired.

"Can I see you hat?" I asked the one whose name should be Jinyoung. The pretty one. He had a crown type hat, and it looked cool. I want their outfits. They are so much more fun. 

"Taemin, you're going to mess up... Your hair." Olivea said before I placed it on my head. 

"Can I switch groups? I want to wear what you guy's wear. Minho would defiantly never go along with that concept. But me with a kitty and a crown. Best idea ever. I'm cute, I would fit right in! See!" I said jumping in line and smiling. Which made Olivea laugh and then told us to pose for a picture. So we took a cute picture, why? Because we are cute! 

"Ok, ok. You really need some sleep. It was nice meeting the rest of you! Good luck tonight! Fighting~!" Olivea said bowing a little before I heard my name being called. The 5 guys bowed to us and waved as she pulled me to where SHINee was sitting watching us. All with extremely large smiles. Once we got over to our spot I pulled Olivea onto my lap and s my arms around her waist again. I could feel that she has gotten smaller since the last time I held her like this. Which was only Christmas. Has she been eating well?

"What happened to your forehead?" I heard Minho ask Olivea.

"Oh, uh. I got in a bit of a fight with two girls. They tripped me and I hit my head on the ground." She said then raking her fingers through her bangs. 

"Again? Did they do anything else?" Key asked looking worried. She just shook her head with a faint smile pulling at the edges of .

"Not before I hit them back." She said proudly. Which got shocked looks from everyone.

That's it, my New Years Resolution: Take better care of Olivea. 


And there is a look into Tae Tae's minddddd! What do you think of his tired behavior. I think it's quite fun to write this way. He seems like a lot of fun. But I have alway's thought that Taemin would look really cute with B1A4, so making my fangirl dreams come true through this. Sorry...>.<

Taemin -Take Better Care of Olivea.

There is the list. I will be the order for the looks into their minds to see what their New Year resloutions will be! ^^ What do you think?? ^^

And I just want to let you all know. I. Love. Y'all. So. Much. Like no words can describe. Y'all are perfect. And I love all of you. ^^

Until I find more time,

Lots of Love,
Rebecca ♥

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And that's a wrap everyone. The final chapter is finished and I've finally got everything together and finished 'Surviving As the Diva's Sister'! Thank you!


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Chapter 79: Aww, everything's coming to an end. :(
Chapter 78: Who rescued her? TAEMINNIE???
Chapter 76: Beautiful. *wipes tears from eyes* Just beautiful.
Chapter 76: HA! Payback's are so SWEET (SHINee Style).
Chapter 75: SHINee revenge!!! Can't wait to see what they have planned.
Chapter 74: Poor Olivea!!! Don't worry! SHINee will kick his for you. You can bet Key-umma will go crazy after he hears what Jiho did to you.
Chapter 73: I hate it when I have the perfect ending without anyway to get to it, so I'm glad you at least have a plan. :) Fighting!
Chapter 72: Tsk, tsk. Underage drinking...although I've done plenty myself. XD
Chapter 71: Cute!!! :)
Chapter 70: In just 2 days i have read all 68 chapters! Now that just proves how awesome your story actually is!! Update soon i'll be waiting so pali pali!! Fighting!!!