It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...

Surviving As The Diva's Sister...

"I'll see you guy's after Christmas! Well get right to work!" I said as we got to the BNS building. After Key texted me, we all started on our way to our respective homes. I walked with them over to BNS since all our homes seemed to be around that area. We all wished each other a merry Christmas and then started on our own ways. On my way home, I tried mind my own business and not notice all the mean looks I was getting from the teenage girls that passed by me. Maybe if I paid them no attention, they would get tired of it. Earlier I had moved things around so I had to carry less, but I still had about 5 bags to carry, so I was constantly trying hard not to hit anyone with them, too. Because hitting one of these girls that are following me might not be a great idea. Once I got to the SM building the girls called me some names that I wont repeat, and then bumped into me dramatically and then walked off giggling.

"I hate people." I mumbled as I shuffled into the warm building and wiped the bottom of my shoes off on the mat. 

"Hello Olivea! How are you doing this lovely winter day?" The security guard that was on duty asked with a pleasant smile. 

"Just a bit cold. But what about you?" I asked returning the smile. 

"Pretty good, if I do say so myself. But you better be getting upstairs, the boys are starting to get worried." He said with a chuckle. I thanked him and then started up towards the elevator. 

"OLIVEA! WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN!?" Was exactly what greeted once I walked in the door. 

"I was meeting up with the girls! Don't worry, we just went Christmas shopping!" I said while untieing my shoes. 

"You could have told me that you were going to do that last night." Key said crossing his arms and not so sneakily trying to peek in my bags. 

"I didn't know exactly what I was doing last night. Zico texted me yesterday asking me if I was free to join him and the rest of Block B for lunch, and since I have nothing better to do, I went. And I knew that if I told you I was meeting up with them, you would freak out." I told him in a matter-of-fact tone. 

"Are they pretty?" Jonghyun asked walking out of his room looking down at his phone. 

"They are! All of them are beautiful and funny!" I said making him look at me with a hopeful expression.

"Really?" He said his eyes growing and a smile playing on his lips.

"Yea. That's why you have no chance with them." I said which almost instantly replaced the hopeful expression with a hurt one. But everyone else was laughing.

"Now if you will excuse me, I have presents to wrap. Don't bother me." I said looking at each of them. They were still laughing but Key nodded and went to comfort Jonghyun. So I strolled into my room and locked the door behind me. I set my bags on my bed and went over to my desk and cleared it off so I had a lot of room to wrap all these presents. Before I started I turned my iPod on to my Christmas playlist and sang and danced along with the songs that I listen to every year, but never get old. As I was wrapping the presents the weather outside  started to get whiter and whiter. This morning it was barely snowing, but now the flakes where falling from the sky blocking your vision of anything 12 inches in front of you. It was a beautiful day. 

"OLIVEA! Are you about done? I haven't seen you all day!" I heard Taemin whine from the other side of my door. What a child that boy is. 

"Hold on!" I said finishing wrapping his gift up in the shiny paper I had found. Once I was finishing I put the box with the pile I had started against my wall. This year since all of SM is celebrating together, Lee Soo-Man gave us all money to go and buy everyone a present, so I had started shopping not too long ago. So my pile was now extremely tall. 

"Would you let me in fast if I told you I have food?" Taemin said again from behind my door. Now that I think of it, I was quiet hungry. So I strolled over to my door and unlocked it. 

"You should have said that first." I said with a giggle letting him in my room. He came in carrying a plate of cookies that smelled like they just came out of the oven. 

"Here, open!" He said picking a chocolate chip cookie from the plate and holding it in front of me. So I did what he told me and opened my mouth and he placed the warm cookie in my mouth. 

"Mmmm, yummy!" I said happily once I tasted the sweetness. I love Christmas cookies so much. 

"I made them myself!" He said proudly with a smug smile stretching across his mouth. 

"Your getting really good." I said ruffling his hair and grabbing another cookie and turning back to my pile of gifts I still needed to wrap.  

"Really? I have been practicing and letting Key-hyung boss me around because you said you think it's cute when guy's can cook themselves." He said blushing a little as he laid down on my bed.

"That's really only because I can't cook much of anything myself. But it is really cute." I told him with a chuckle. After that we talked about everything, from the weather to why I was wearing Jonghyun's pants. 

"Done!" I said once I finally finished wrapping Jessica's present.

"Your done? Great, now you can come keep me warm!" Taemin said happily jump off the bed and coming up behind me and wrapping his arms around me. He seems to enjoy holding me like this. Not that I don't like it. 

"So did you have fun today?" He asked quietly, making me shiver as his breath tickled my neck.

"Yes, I had lot's more fun then I would have if I stayed here. What about you, what did you do today?" I asked matching his volume. 

"I didn't have as much fun as you did. But were getting closer to our comeback stage. Then we won't be as tired." He said resting his head on my shoulder. 

"When is your comeback gonna be?" I asked hoping it would be soon. But then they have promotions and everything that goes along with that. So I will be spending some time with our neighbors. 

"In about a week if all goes as planned." He sighed causing another shiver to slide up my spine. 

"You feel really cold." I said feeling his skin that was showing from under the shirt he was wearing.

"I told you I was cold. Or maybe I'm a vampire!" He said tightening his grasp around me.

"Ew! Vampire are gross! You better not be one!" I said with a giggle trying to squirm out of his grip. 

"Nope, your not getting away that easy!" He said grabbing me by the wrist and spinning me around to face him. I looked up at him and through the exhaustion that was covering his eyes, he was thinking about something. He seemed to have some kind of deep thought running through his brain. 

"I was thinking about something." He said, almost like he could read my mind.

"What about?" I asked looping my arms around his neck. He didn't say anything right away, he had that look in his eyes as if he was trying to decide if he should tell me or not. 

"It's about us." He said looking away from my eyes. Wait, what?

"What about us?" I asked stepping back from him, confusion wiping through my brain.

"Well, it's just that I don't want you to get hurt anymore. I saw that girls following you today, and I saw the expression you had. Without hearing what they were saying, I knew they were hurting you even more. And I don't want that anymore. You mean the world to me. And seeing you hurt because of me, it hurts me too. Not that I want to break up with you, but maybe we should break up in the publics eyes. Go back to our private relationship, to be completely honest, I like it better that way. But I don't know what you think about everything, but I thought this might help you more. Because no matter how strong someone is, I know you don't like getting hurt." He said still not meeting my eyes. So he want's to break up with me, but still date each other? Ok, something sounds wrong in that. 

"Olivea, it's not like I don't love you anymore. I still think the world of you. I just can't risk you getting hurt again. That's it. If you have a better idea, I would love for you to tell me. Because I like this as much as you do." He said finally looking at me. I still didn't know what to say. It was a good idea. But it's not like I want to break up with him in public. 

"I don't know what to say to that." I told him glancing down at my feet.

"I don't know what to tell you to say. Your not mad are you?" He asked walking over towards me and lightly tilting my face to make me look at him. I just shook my head and a small smile played across his lips. 

"As long as your not mad. Just think about it for a bit. But onto something more important. What did you get my for Christmas?" He asked running over to my present pile. I had neatly written each name on the paper in a glitter marker that I had found a few weeks ago. 

"Oh, and I think you spelled their name wrong." He said pointing to a big box towards the bottom. 

"What!? I did not! I even had Key check those!" I said running over to look at the box he had pointed to.

"I know. Because that was my name. Remember, I taught you how to spell mine in Hangul first. If you spelled it wrong, I was going to be very unhappy with you." He said pulling the box into his hands. True, when I started to learn to read and write in Korean, he used his name to teach me what symbols made what noises.

"Jerk! Don't scare me like that!" I said pushing him over and taking the box from his hands. After that I don't really remember what he did, all I know is that I ended up sitting on his lap. 

"I'm sorry for scaring you. Do you forgive me?" He asked looking at me with his sweet puppy eyes. Him and Jonghyun, you can't not forgive them. 

"I guess so. Only because you make such good cookies. You'll have to teach me how to cook next time you make cookies. Just cuz they are my favorite food!" I said reaching over to the plate on my bed. But it was to far away but when I tried to get up he held me down.

"But I want one of your cookies! Taeminnie! Let me go! They are getting cold!" I whined trying to get up again. This time he was smiling at my struggles.

"How about I give you something else?" He asked with a tone in his voice that I never really heard much before. Only went we are messing with each other.

"And what would this be?" I asked crossing my arms and giving him a confused look. 

"A mistletoe!" He said pulling one from behind his back and held it up above us. I just started laughing, making him smile more.

"How long have you been hold that?" I asked once he brought his arm down. 

"Long enough to do this." He said before leaning in closer to me but stopping right before my lips. My breath hitched and I felt my eyes go wide, but then once he placed his now sweet tasting lips against mine, my eyes closed and my arms s around his neck. Our lips were slowly moving in sync, making my head start to spin. 

"I think supper is about done now." Taemin said once we heard Key yelling for everyone to come to the table. I just sighed and pulled myself up from his lap.  We both grabbed a cookie on our way our way out and munched on them once we took our spots at the table. After that we had eaten and talked about our days, we placed the rest of our presents under the tree and sat around the TV and watched the different Christmas specials on shows. And after that we all went about our nightly routines and then as they say in 'Twas the Night before Christmas', not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse. I was sound asleep in Minho and Taemin's room because I was cared of a bug in mine, Key and Onew were asleep in there room, and Jonghyun had fallen asleep on the couch, so we just left him. Once I fell asleep, I had an interesting dream. It was almost a nightmare, but not as bad as they where when I first got here. I can't even logically make sense of it, but it was scary!

"MINHO OLIVEA! WAKE UP! It's time to open presents! WAKE UP! There are so many! I went downstairs and saw them! Almost the whole lobby was filled with big boxes! And I saw my name on some of them! Come on you gotta wake up!" I heard Taemin yelling and bouncing on the bed. Almost like we planned it, Minho and I pushed him over, making him face plant into the bed and shut him up.

"Taemin! It's 6 in the morning! No one else is awake. And if you ran in their dorms, you might just not come back." Minho said rolling over so he was facing away from Taemin. 

"Pleaaaase! Keep me company at least. I can't go back to sleep. Not now! There are so many presents, we need to start noooooow!" Taemin started to whine towards me, shaking my shoulders making me mumble for him to go away.

"Oliveaaaa, pleasssse. There were a lot with your name on them! Come on, just come with me downstairs! Oh, and you can see the snow! We can't even  get outside anymore! We are snowed in!" He said, still shaking me. 

"Fine! Just stop whining!" I said smacking him with pillow, but still getting a happy squeal of excitement from him. He is almost 20 years old, but he still acts like a small child. So I climbed out of their nice and warm bed and shuffled into my room rubbing my eyes and looking around for my robe and slippers.

"Olivea, let go downstairs! I thought I heard someone else awake as I was making my way down earlier." He said tugging on my sleeve.

"Hold on. It's cold. I don't want to freeze." I said flatly, still trying to wake myself up. But really, it was freezing in here. And, it was still snowing just a badly as yesterday. At this rate, the main door should be blocked. Taemin followed right behind me telling me about everything that's downstairs. I was put in charge of setting up the big tree down in the lobby, only because I was the only one who had time to do it. But I got the tree up all by myself, well with the help of Kevin, the security guard. And just so every one could help decorate it, I divided up the ornaments and other decorating into boxes and put each group that is under SM's name on the box and when ever they had time, they could decorate the tree. And I have to say that it was a good idea, because everyone seemed to enjoy decorating it together, and it looks truly beautiful.

But once I had my slippers and a robe on and let Taemin pull me to the escalator and then pull me into the lobby.

"See! I told you! There are so many you can barely even move! I don't think every ones going to fit in here! Come on! Please can we go wake everyone up? Pleaaaase? They wont be as mad if you went with me!" He wined some more.

"Nah, let's just let everyone wake up themselves. We can hang out down here. Why don't you try and guess what some of your presents are." I suggested noticing how he would excitedly glance over the sea of boxes and shiny paper.

"Really? You wouldn't get mad? Key-hyung yells at me if I do that." He said looking down at his feet.

"No I wouldn't get mad, because I kinda want to too."  I told him, causing him to jump up and dart over into the boxes. Which he had already seemed to have cleared a path in. What time did he even wake up? While I was watching him carefully shake boxes I heard someone chuckling.

"Oh! I didn't even know you were here!" I said looking back at Kevin who was laughing in his seat. 

"It's fine. Why are you two up so early?" He asked once he stopped laughing. 

"Oh, just because I get the honor of living with the youngest child in all of SM." I said right before I heard the elevator door ding and then heard two voices yelling.

"Ah! It's Christmas! So many presents! How many are for me?!" Yesung yelled darting out the same way Taemin had, and right behind him was Ryeowook running after Yesung with the same excited expressions. They were both clad in tank tops and pajama pants, with is better then what I remember them wearing to sleep when I stayed with them. Well, up until Leeteuk saw them, and told them to put some clothes on. (Just because I know what you think of that, they were just wear their underpants). 

"Aw, we aren't the first ones up. But since he is awake, you can tells which ones are for us!" Ryeowook said once they noticed Taemin.

"I don't know. I wasn't looking for your names." Taemin told them and then going back to the box he had in his hands. And with the Yesung and Ryeowook started in look for their own names.

"Ok, maybe not the youngest, but pretty darn close." I said amused by how childish some people were. After that more and more people started to make their way down and each found a place to sit and watch as the children 'played' in the presents. And around 9 in the morning every was hanging around the lobby waiting to open our presents. 

"Can we start opening them now?" Taemin asked Key who was sitting up against the main desk sipping on some tea. 

"No, Lee Soo-Man isn't here." He said, sounding more like a father then a 21 year old. 

"I don't think he will be. Those doors aren't opening anytime soon." I said looking at the glass wall that covered the entrance. Snow was high enough to make it impossible to open the main doors, so we were all pretty much stuck in here.

"Well, go ask someone else if we can start. I don't want to. Go ask Kangta-hyung or Boa noona, one of the seniors." key told him and pointing out the two he mentioned. But Taemin looked over at them and decided against it. 

"Can we open the presents yet!?" I heard someone ask, quiet loudly, over the murmuring of everyone talking to each other. We all kind of looked around at each other and waited for someone to say something. And after a few awkward seconds Boa took charge.

"Well, since Lee Soo-Man can't make it, we should get started any way. And how about we go from oldest to youngest?" She said, which got a few sighs from the youngest of each group.

"Does anyone want to help hand out gifts?" She asked looking around.

"I can!" Luna and I said stepping forward to join Boa in the middle. And Siwon and Sunny came over to join us. 

"Ok, well, You four can start it off, just start handing the gifts out. But don't open them yet!" She said looking around the room at everyone. And with that us four went to work handing out gifts to everyone and starting up a race to see who could hand out the most. And by the time we had gotten most of them handed out, each persons pile took up most of the space around the room. Taemin and a few other people had taken to building a wall around them with their presents wait for the rest of them to be handed out. 

"I'll get the ones form under the tree!" I said starting to pull the boxes out from under the branches and putting them out for Siwon, Sunny, and Luna to hand to the respective people. Then after a bit I was sliding around completely underneath the tree getting the smaller boxes from behind it. Did I mention how big this tree was? Well, if I didn't, it was wide enough for me to get all the way underneath and not be seen.

"Are you okay under there?" Luna asked once I was on the other side against the wall. 

"Ow, yea. I'm fine!" I said, but move my head too much and hit it on the prickly fake branches. And once everything was cleared out, I slid myself out and ended up having to have Siwon help me out because my foot got caught. But it made everyone laugh, which is a good thing!

"Ok, now we will start with the oldest of each group, and once they get all theirs open, then the next can go. Kyuhyun and Seohyun, I'm sorry." She said, getting a laugh from everyone but those two. And with that the sound of paper ripping and voices filled the room. Everyone was excitedly talking about what they got, and what they hoped the got. Onew was enjoy his place as the oldest, and Taemin was watching him open his gifts envily. I glanced around at everyone and smiles were the only things to be found on every ones face. Super Junior had taken up going down their list of people two at a time, along with SNSD. And after awhile, we all sort of gave up on the going in order and just started open our gifts at once. 

All in all, it was the best Christmas ever. Minus the paper cuts and the mountain of wrapping paper I was now stuck in. But I'd rather be here then where ever I would be right now if I hadn't found out about Key being my brother and all. Well, it wasn't exactly perfect, there was two very important people missing. Lee Soo-Man, and Becca. In fact, I hadn't heard from anyone this entire morning. Actually I don't think anyone has. But my guess was this storm had something to do with it. So I decided to text Becca and she if she was fine. 

"Who are you texting? You shouldn't be texting anyone on Christmas!" Jonghyun asked once he looked over at me. 

"I'm seeing if Becca's okay. She hasn't said anything to me all day." I told him and he just nodded and went back to unwrapping his last few boxes. It was now about 12 in the afternoon, and the storm hadn't calmed down on bit. And by now, the sound of ripping paper was starting to die down. The groups with fewer amounts of people in them had started going around giving hugs and thanking everyone. Groups with more then 5 people in them were still working on getting everything unwrapped and keeping in sorted in piles so nothing got mixed up with someone else.

'Olivea! THIS ! I'm stuck in the apartment all alone! And I can just tell that the powers going to go out sooner or later. Can you get some of the guys over there to dig a path of me so I'm not alone on Christmas?^^' Was the reply I got from Becca about 10 minuets later. 

'I don't think so. They seem a bit to occupied at the moment. I'm sorry though. But aren't you fiends with some of you neighbors?' I replied and set my phone back in my pocket and went back to open the last few gifts of mine. Taemin had now taken to helping me open the rest of my boxes because he had finished unwrapping his already. 

"Oh! This one's mine! Your gonna like it a lot!" He said handing me a small neatly wrapped box with a cute little bow on the top. I took it from him and started opening it. He patiently watched me with a smile. I peeled the rest of the paper off to revel a black velvet box. I peeked up at him and he was watching me closely. 

"Open it!" He said noticing me looking up at him. So I just chuckled and opened the box. Inside had to be one of the most beautiful and sparkly necklaces I have seen. It was a silver heart with diamonds set in the metal. 

"It's so beautiful." I said quietly, lightly touching it and moving it so that the light would bounce off of it. 

"Do you like it?" Taemin asked sounding like he was holding his breath.

"I love it." I said looking up at him with a smile. Instantly his was beaming. 

"Here, let me help you put it on!" He said scooting closer to me and taking the box from me. I turned around and lifted my hair up and let him latch the clasp behind my neck. 

"There, let me see!" He said almost turning me around himself. 

"What do you think?" I asked adjusting the heart so it was centered on my chest.

"Just as beautiful as you!" He said with a cheesy smile. I couldn't help be laugh at him, and after that he pulled me into his lap and we opened the rest of the last of the presents just like we did back on our birthday last year. And once we were finished we messed around with all the new things we had gotten. 

And once everyone's gifts had been opened, each of the leaders called for everyone's attention and they gave little speeches thanking everyone. Each of them were sweet and lighthearted through out their 'speeches', but then when Onew went up there, on his way he tripped a couple times, and then awkwardly stumbled through his words. But everyone had a good time listening to him and laughing. Then once everyone was done, we all started cleaning up messes and all that good stuff. Well, except Taemin and I, we went around stealing boxes that no one was using and adding them to our pile to take upstairs with us and play with. It's a little sad how childish we are sometimes. 

While we were waiting for people to start heading to their dorms, I started tweeting pictures of everyone and seeing what people were doing for Christmas. It was now about 3 in the afternoon, and I still haven't gotten any type of reply from Becca. So I was starting to get a bit worried. But my mind was diverted from that when we started playing games to pass even more time as one big SM family. The one family I'm proud to say I'm a part of. 


MERRY CHRISTMASU! I hope y'all had a good Christmas and made some happy memories! ^.^

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And that's a wrap everyone. The final chapter is finished and I've finally got everything together and finished 'Surviving As the Diva's Sister'! Thank you!


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Chapter 79: Aww, everything's coming to an end. :(
Chapter 78: Who rescued her? TAEMINNIE???
Chapter 76: Beautiful. *wipes tears from eyes* Just beautiful.
Chapter 76: HA! Payback's are so SWEET (SHINee Style).
Chapter 75: SHINee revenge!!! Can't wait to see what they have planned.
Chapter 74: Poor Olivea!!! Don't worry! SHINee will kick his for you. You can bet Key-umma will go crazy after he hears what Jiho did to you.
Chapter 73: I hate it when I have the perfect ending without anyway to get to it, so I'm glad you at least have a plan. :) Fighting!
Chapter 72: Tsk, tsk. Underage drinking...although I've done plenty myself. XD
Chapter 71: Cute!!! :)
Chapter 70: In just 2 days i have read all 68 chapters! Now that just proves how awesome your story actually is!! Update soon i'll be waiting so pali pali!! Fighting!!!