

Monday came rather quickly and the cold breeze of September morning seeps through the cracks of the windows inside the frigid classroom. Kyungsoo shivers slightly, her hands feeling clammy inside the pockets of her blazer and streaks of goosebumps crawled over her bare thighs as she stares ahead trying to focus on their lesson.


Mr. Kim scrawls his messy handwriting on the board something about assets and liabilities, making sure his students are prepared enough to listen before he starts the discussion.
Kyungsoo pretends she didn't notice Junmyeon's obvious stares though their eyes once met and both looked away shyly, ashamed from being caught.
And since Kyungsoo finally got the courage to ask him on lunch earlier that morning, both are expectant and anticipation tinges between them.


She stares at her accounting book for a moment, absent-mindedly flipping through the pages because the dread from the weekend is a who chose to come back and settle on the pit of her stomach making her shift uncomfortably on her seat.
And even though her fingers started drumming on her thighs out of habit when she's nervous, this time she feels a bit of excitement too.


"Kyungsoo ah.." she let out a surprised squeal when she felt a tap on her shoulder.
Luckily, everyone seemed to be caught up with the lesson to notice but Ravi did spare her a glance, just quickly before he returned to his notes again.
She looks behind, her glasses askew from the sudden movement when she saw Sehun staring back at her with a grin plastered on his face. A sigh escaped from her lips briefly but has her eyes bulging out seconds after she realized who the person is.


"Oh god I'm sorry. Did I scare you?" He whispers, lowering his head so Mr. Kim wouldn't notice them. The smile on his face still there but he sounded friendly save for the way he playfully quirks his brow.

Kyungsoo adjusts her eyeglass with one hand, the other having a tight grip on the side of the mahogany desk before she nods. The air suddenly becomes awkward between them, where Kyungsoo's neck started to strain a bit due to the position.

Kungsoo hadn't heard much about the boy for ages but she feels totally bad now that she didn't even know they're in the same class, she really have to pay attention to her surroundings more.


She stirs out of her reveries when Sehun pointed at her and whispered,
"Are you cold? You're shaking." Kyungsoo balled her fists and slips them back in her pockets.


"N-no, j-just a..." tilting her body to the side to raise her forefinger and thumb, "l-little bit." Sehun barks out a laugh and she instantly closed her eyes ready to hear what's coming because she just made a fool of herself in front of the boy.

She shouldn't have done that, now Sehun probably thinks she's a complete idiot.

When she didn't hear anything, she cracks one eye open only to see an extended hand holding a small pack, forms an 'o' when she realized what it is. Sehun snorts, totally amused at her reaction.


"C'mon take it, I won't bite you know. Besides, it's really cold today." he assured her, puffing out smoke of air as if to emphasize how chilled the weather is.

Kyungsoo took the heating pack with shaky hands, rolling it between her palms to get some warmth.

She looks in front to check if the teacher can see them before looking back muttering a 'thank you' to the boy in a hushed tone and getting a nod in return.

Sehun was friends with Jongin ever since first year and maybe he still is, that's why it feels really strange talking to him. His actions were kinda weird though, not that he makes fun of Kyungsoo, its just he's with them most of the time and probably heard more from them. She doesn't really know.

So rubbing the pad on her cheeks, she finished her notes as fast as she can.



"Yah yah yah! Give me one too. I'm cold as ."

"Shut up Chen. We all are."


Thankfully, Mr. Kim dismissed the class early for lunch. Kyungsoo sits on their lunch table alone since Junmyeon has to tell his friends that he won't be able to eat with them today.
Luhan is late so she took out her iPhone to type a quick message on the beat-up device until a strong scent wafts through the air making her nostrils flare.

Looking around, she caught sight of Junmyeon's familiar figure walking past other tables to get there. Kyungsoo half-heartedly locks the screen and waves at him. It didn't take long before Junmyeon sat across her, placing his backpack on his side.

"Did I make you wait for long?" Kyungsoo shook her head, placing her phone on top of her calc book.

"Not at all." she smiled softly at him.

"Should we get something to eat then?" he asked, fumbling with his bag to get his wallet and Kyungsoo lowered her head.

"I'm not q-quite sure if this is a good idea Junmyeon ssi." Junmyeon stopped on his tracks to look at her, confusion written all over his face.

"Sorry, what?" Kyungsoo puffs some air, lower lip jutting out and blowing some of her bangs away in the process.

"Well, you know..." she starts, but sighs in defeat when she realized that telling Junmyeon the consequences of eating with her will only add to the drama and ruin everything.

"Ah, nevermind." she flaps a hand in the air, "Let's go?" then the smile crept up his handsome face again like it's the most natural thing he does.

"It's really okay Kyungsoo ah. Do you uhm, want to wait for your friend first?" scratching the back of his head and clutching his wallet with the hand resting on top of the table.
Kyungsoo couldn't help but smile on the other's kind offer.

"I think we should go. I'm starting to starve." Junmyeon chuckles, he's also the first one who stood, smoothing some creases on his trousers and Kyungsoo took her phone and purse, before following him.

They're halfway through the line when they'd stopped with their little talk because everyone keeps giving them the looks especially that one particular table near the plate rack.
Kyungsoo haven't seen them in a while until now, since they do not share classes anymore.

And Chanyeol, who happened to be the tallest among the group sat on top of the table with one hand supporting his weight from behind and a soda can perched on the other.
His glare was sent to the pair, snorting at how easy he could make the girl sulk.

For Kyungsoo, it's really childish to entertain the bullies, specially now that they're too old for such kind of stuffs though the case is, she couldn't help but to feel weak whenever they're around.
To make things worse, the line moves in a snail phase and Junmyeon might've noticed how tense Kyungsoo is because the next thing she felt was a warm hand on the bend of her arm giving it a soft squeeze.
She's glad Junmyeon was there, at least for now.

When she looked up, she saw Jongin staring straight at her but there's a bored look on his face.
He quickly looked away and struggled slicing the piece of meat on his plate with a fork but it kept slipping.
Kyungsoo heard him curse something about it, placing the fork down carelessly clanking the utensils together. He groaned loudly and moves to comb his fingers through his hair as he chugs the carton of milk on his tray.
Jongin is strangely quiet today, almost annoyed.

A soft tune coming from the white iPhone fills the air and his eyes twitches from the sound. He answered it without bothering to look at the caller, the corner of his mouth ticking in annoyance as he started talking on it.
She only caught few words from him before he glared at the screen, shouting

"Sorry my . I'm hanging up."

She also noticed that Jongin had already grown out of his old skin. His tall physique and broad shoulder made him look more intimidating. His voice dropped an octave lower now too. Puberty must've hit him hard through all the right places.

"Hey guys." Chanyeol's deep voice booms around the cafeteria purposely gaining attention from some students and even Jongin who looked up from his plate to see what's going on.

"Look who's hitting on the rich kid." everyone laughed and he smirked at Kyungsoo who immediately stiffened from the sudden humiliation.
The hold on her arm tightens as Junmyeon tries to make her ignore them but who would really think that Park Chanyeol, of all people, would let this pass that easily.
He took the last sip of his drink before crouching down in front of Kyungsoo,

"What did you do this time huh? Teach him homework for free lunch? Oh c'mon should've asked you to tutor me if that's the case." Kyungsoo is shaking her head slightly, the corner of her eyes stinging from the unshed tears threatening to fall.
She can't do this. So she hung her head low and started running away, missing the way someone stares at her retreating figure with much guilt.

"What the hell is your problem man?" Junmyeon spats out, before running after Kyungsoo.

"Losers like you." he mock-shouts, like he would actually hear him.

"That's a bit harsh Chan." Jongin stood up stretching out his limbs and tossing his rubbish into the trash bin.

"T'was fun. Have you seen her face? That's just priceless, Kai." he laughed, wrapping an arm around his girlfriend earning a not-so-light nudge on the ribs.

"Stop calling him that."




a/n: sorry if this is too short, school has been tough for me but i promise to update more often.
please continue supporting this fic guys.
you deserve a long chapter and i promise to work things out between kaisoo on the next update!
ily all.

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ljisme #1
Chapter 4: Please give Kyungsoo the make over and it will shut their mouth up with the new Kyungsoo!!!
I dont really know how the title attracts meXD Maybe because I'm danish??XD
Oh well I'll give this fic a try:D
zeyeol1527 #3
Chapter 3: The makeover please...!!!!! “ψ(`∇´)ψ
CatlyDo #4
The title means "in love" in danish
soo_bouquet #5
Chapter 3: I love this soo much...SOO makeover time wohoooo ^-^
Loliest #6
Chapter 3: This story isn't bad. It's smooth and I really curious about Jongin in here. Well, and about their relationship too^^ I hope there isn't angst, hahahaaa. Good luck^^ hwaiting
srxhdks #7
Chapter 3: I can't wait for more kaisoo in the future!! And thank u for the update!!
Chapter 2: Woahh! This is really interesting!
Chapter 1: Can't wait for more~~
kaisookkamjong #10
that was super fast ≧﹏≦