

Kyungsoo found herself bunched under the thick blankets of her bed that Saturday morning.
Her eyes swollen and puffy from crying over the mellow-dramatic movie playing on the wide screen tv across the room. The dark bags under her eyes contrasting her pale complexion and her form slouched in a somewhat unattractive way. 

Blowing her clogged nose, she stopped the movie with a sigh. The graphics on the screen stuttered a bit before black eats them away. She looks around and saw Luhan on the other side of the room talking in chinese with who-knows-who on the phone so she closed her eyes for a while.
The overwhelming feeling of being appreciated still linger at the back of her mind after dropping the news to Junmyeon the other day. He almost pulled her in his arms in excitement, almost as she thought so. 

Junmyeon trades seats with Ravi temporarily after that, thanking Kyungsoo occasionally.
Kyungsoo on the other hand, will give a polite 'it's no big deal Junmyeon-ssi' every now and then.

He even insisted treating Kyungsoo lunch in return but she politely declined the offer, there is no way she would risk Junmyeon from being seen with a weirdo like her.
For a moment, she saw something flashed on Junmyeon's eyes but she can't quite decipher what. He quickly offered an understanding smile though. 

Kyungsoo couldn't help but smile at how comfortable it is to talk with Junmyeon. She really admires how good-natured his personality is.
Just like a friend. But she doesn't really know the feeling of having one except for Luhan, so maybe not? Boy was she confused. 

She's having a mental battle when Luhan sits on the edge of her bed, one hand tugging on her covered foot cringing when she nearly touched a soiled tissue littering there.

"Kyung, my Dad told me to visit my grandmother next weekend. That's so boring." she extends her body beside Kyungsoo, stretching her limbs and knocking some tissues off the bed on the process. 

"It won't make any difference if you spend your time with me though." she replied in a serious tone. 

"Yah don't be ridiculous. Stop selling yourself short, I would rather spend my whole life with you than with anyone else." 
"Including guys?" Kyungsoo looked down at her with a challenging look, the specs around her eyes making it a little less-intimidating.

"You're such a ! You know I'm referring to friends." Kyungsoo huffs instead head resting on the headboard with distress, she's been struggling with her last bits of energy lately. The all-nighters, upcoming exams and the music club were totally wearing her off both physically and mentally. 

Luhan hops off from the bed to check herself on the body sized mirror beside the dresser. She just got her multi-piercing that morning so she tried easing some sore spots there with soft rubs.

"Soo, don't you think it's a little rude to turn Junmyeon's offer down? You told me he's nice and I won't really mind if he eats with us." Luhan suddenly blurted, still looking at her own reflection.
She was answered with a muffled, "He is, I'm not. That's pretty reasonable, yea?"

That's it. Luhan took long steps beside Kyungsoo giving her the stink eye.
"Seriously, what the hell is your problem?" bare legs tangled from her new sitting position on the bed, the glare on her eyes softens when she saw the look on her friend's face.

"You always turn people down Kyung. It's not that hard to try making new friends, you know." she stares at Kyungsoo for a while before continuing.
"I'm not saying that I'm not enough because I definitely am, but at least try other flavors that'll fit your taste. Not all people are as horrible as you think Kyungsoo ah, they also have flaws like us and that's given but they also have hearts." pausing to wipe the tears rolling down Kyungsoo's cheek before laying beside the latter.
"We tend to think we won't fit their standards and status but the truth is we don't have to fit, we only need to be ourselves to find out which flavors will give color to our plates." she finished. 

Kyungsoo sniffles a couple of times before speaking, voice still hoarse from crying.

"I know Luhan. I know.." 
It's true. She's well aware that not everyone abhors her, just some hell-raising students and unfortunately, Jongin. 

Her reserved aura is enough to cast people away. She's too distant from real life anymore, living in between dreams and reality.
Kyungsoo always dreamed to know the feeling of growing with a mother, maybe she can be considered as one of the norms too. 

Life isn't really fair after all, is it?
Maybe she could just go with the flow of life, maybe Luhan was right that it's not her fault that everything seems to be falling apart, that she's just trapped on everyone else's opinions, and that there's more to life.
It seemed so easy if only the buts, maybes and what ifs aren't dragging her back. There's so many doubts clouding her mind but she's entirely grateful to have Luhan with her even in this kind of situation. 

"You know, so why are you holding back?" Kyungsoo jolts when she remembered Luhan's presence. 
"It won't hurt Kyung, but even if it does,  I'll always be here. You just have to give it a try." she sighs, maybe if they're both emotionally stable right now, they'd be snickering at how serious their talk is. 

"It's easy for you to say that. You're pretty..and smart, and everyone likes you. I'm the exact opposite, thanks for reminding me." her hands clutching the blanket so tight that her knuckles turned white. She's on the brink of breaking down again.

"God Kyungsoo I want to strangle you right the now! You're the top student in your class so don't you smart me!" she gave her the look.
Ah yes, a nerd." 
Luhan sat up pinching the bridge of her nose exasperatedly.

"Should I hit you or something to knock some sense on that thick skull of yours?! And for the love of god you're beautiful and damn right y! You're just scared because you always depend on what others might think of you." she flinched as Luhan literally screamed at her face.

"I'm ugly and lame. They made me believe that long time ago Luhan." 
society Soo, they'd already viewed everyone crookedly. No one has the right to tell you what to do with your life but you. Please do know that."

"And for the nth freaking time you are beautiful just the way you are now, but we can always improve your look if that bothers you so much." she paused, a little hesitant 'cause the last time she insisted plucking Kyungsoo's brows, she's been banned from the Do's house for weeks.

"It'll be my pleasure to give you a makeover, what do ya say?" Kyungsoo chuckled, her hair sticking messily on her damp cheeks. 
"Are you insane Lu? Don't give me false hopes anymore. I'm sorry to tell you but this is already the best version of me." Luhan's nothing near on losing this debate so she won't let this slip off that fast.

"Do you think I'm dumb?" she crossed her arms and nudged Kyungsoo with her foot.
"This," she points at Kyungsoo's shirt, to her sweatpants then to her face.
"Is not the best version of you, to be honest." 


" you." 

They're laughing by now, and Luhan was the first who broke the fit of giggles. 

"Naw Kyung, come to think of it. Your wardrobe is full of special clothes you bought whenever we go shopping. The point is you have tons of fashionable clothes, which I know you were dying to wear, yet you stick with these crap. Sorry for the words. It's true." 
"Don't deprive yourself too much, you're a teenager not a mommy of ten, duh. I haven't seen you wear any of them yet." she demanded.

"I did, they didn't fit me." she pouts, running a hand through her messy hair.

"Liar. You're blessed in so many places, I'd kill to have thighs and jugs like that." 

"Thank you Lu, but I'm contented with this look. Please anticipate Junmyeon on lunch, I'm gonna try working this whole friendship thing out." 

"Ah I'm so proud of you Kyungie. I'm still up for the makeover though and as much as I wanted to stay, I have to babysit the demon." hugging Kyungsoo before getting on her feet.
"He's your brother." 

"Unfortunately." then they broke into another fit of laughter.

Luhan checks herself on the mirror one last time before heading out with Kyungsoo following suit. 
She locked the front door after waving Luhan off and strolled inside the kitchen opening one cupboard to get a glass. She's leaning on the counter while chugging some water when she realized how her
 unhappiness is past its limits already. She decided to not let anyone suppress her life anymore.


I've been on a trip with my family since the 9th, 
my eldest sister treat my mom on a date for her special day and guess what?
me and my other sister (the one who just got her work recently) tagged along.
We've been staying in a hotel for 4 days now and the wifi on our floor isn't working.
can u imagine? a wifi with no net access? ugh
(ノ ゜Д゜)ノ ︵ IℲIW
I feel really iritated since the first day and my mom's kinda annoyed with my ty attitude
so she talked with the staffs to let me surf here on the lobby's personal computer. 
They're all giving me looks bc I'm sitting here for about straight 5 hours now.
LMAO I'm such an attention !

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(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ♡



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ljisme #1
Chapter 4: Please give Kyungsoo the make over and it will shut their mouth up with the new Kyungsoo!!!
I dont really know how the title attracts meXD Maybe because I'm danish??XD
Oh well I'll give this fic a try:D
zeyeol1527 #3
Chapter 3: The makeover please...!!!!! “ψ(`∇´)ψ
CatlyDo #4
The title means "in love" in danish
soo_bouquet #5
Chapter 3: I love this soo much...SOO makeover time wohoooo ^-^
Loliest #6
Chapter 3: This story isn't bad. It's smooth and I really curious about Jongin in here. Well, and about their relationship too^^ I hope there isn't angst, hahahaaa. Good luck^^ hwaiting
srxhdks #7
Chapter 3: I can't wait for more kaisoo in the future!! And thank u for the update!!
Chapter 2: Woahh! This is really interesting!
Chapter 1: Can't wait for more~~
kaisookkamjong #10
that was super fast ≧﹏≦