

It is the next day when Junmyeon took the empty seat of her seatmate Ravi during their vacant. She's too engrossed with her notes that Junmyeon has to clear his throat, again, to get her attention.

"Hi Kyungsoo." he greeted, his angelic features left Kyungsoo stunned for a few moments.
"Good morning Junmyeon-ssi." She bowed, small smile tugging the corner of her lips. She didn't even expect Junmyeon to talk to her after that awkward bus incident the past day. 

"Would you mind if I ask you something about the music club?" 

"No, what about it?" she can't just ignore him, can she? plus she likes music alot.

Then he scratched the back of his neck reluctantly,
"I really want to join, but I guess it's too late." he sighed.
Is Junmyeon asking for her help now? She didn't really know so she asked the most obvious question,

"Do you want me to help you?" but when Junmyeon flushed, Kyungsoo wanted to slap herself for thinking that it was really cute. At least he's not the type to , she thought. 

"If you only want to Kyungsoo ah.." he finally said.
"Yes. I mean I'm on pretty good terms with Mr. Jung so he m-might at least agree.." she was surprised when Junmyeon said a not-too-private "Really?!", earning curious looks from some of their classmates, Junmyeon bowed apologetically then return his gaze back to Kyungsoo. 

"Really?" he repeated lowering his voice this time. 

Mr. Kim trotted back to their classroom before she can actually agree, so she gave Junmyeon a curt nod before the latter shuffles off to his proper seat. 

Junmyeon thanked her properly before heading off to lunch.

Kyungsoo and Luhan took their usual seat in the cafeteria away from the rowdy groups of students.

"Lu, why didn't you answer my call last night?" Kyungsoo asked as they placed their tray down the table. Luhan splattered choking on her orange juice. 

"Sorry Kyungie! I was really busy last night I didn't know." She can sense Luhan hiding something but she didn't press any further.

"It's okay. I just thought you already realized how boring I am." she pouted and Luhan stared at her long enough before she bites. 

"Gosh Kyungsoo stop being silly! How dare you think of me like that? You know I won't leave you, you're stuck with me for like forever whether you like it or not." Kyungsoo laughed at the feedback but quickly remembered the second thing she wanted to tell Luhan. 

"Oh and I made a new friend." she blurted out. The grin on Luhan's face widening.

"Really? Who?" she asked with excitement.

"Yes, Junmyeon-ssi is pretty nice. He's my classmate." 

"Oh I see. Do you like him?" oh how kyungsoo wanted to wipe that smile with her own hands right now.

"This is why I don't want to talk about boys with you Luhan!" she protested 

"Jeez, c'mon loosen up Kyung. I'm just kidding." she said over a mouthful of rice.

"Are you serious?" she asked incredulously. 
"How can I loosen up when you always ask me such embarrassing things. I didn't even said he was my boyfriend!" accusing her friend with a raised fork.

"Neither did I." she wiggled her brows while sipping on her almost-empty beverage.

"Really Luhan, he's just my friend. Well I don't really think we're considered as friends. I'm such an awkward ball."  

"Well if that's the case, we should definitely invite him to eat with us some time." Luhan suggested and Kyungsoo blanched.

"No way Luhan! There's no way I'm gonna invite him to eat with us!" she demanded her eyes doubling in size. 

"Who said that you'll do the asking?" 
"Luhan please.. You don't understand. I can't even start normal conversation with him. I told you we're just slight friends." she emphasize each word while adjusting her rounded glass on the bridge of her nose. 

"There's no such thing as 'slight-friends' Kyungsoo. You're smart enough to know that, duh." 
"Whatever you say. I'll get going now Lu, see you later." she gathered her rubbish and dust off her too-long skirts before leaving the cafeteria. 


She's halfway through their classroom when she received a message. 

From: Lulu (๑′ᴗ‵๑)

            We are so gonna talk about this whole junmyeon thing later ok? Bye! Love u! <3


She was about slip the phone back in her bag when a familiar voice called her in the semi-empty corridor. 

"Fancy seeing you here nerd." She tried to walk away but the boy continued talking.

"For a smarty-pants like you, you should know that it's rude to walk away when someone's talking." 

Without bothering to face the boy, she quickly dashed off to the nearest bathroom placing a hand over her racing heart.
The place was deserted so she stared at her reflection on the dusty mirror. Her hair sticking out everywhere, cheeks flushed, she looked like a wreck. 
It's been a long time since she stumbled upon him. 

She met Kim Jongin on the first day of her freshman year. He's quiet and shy, he even borrowed Kyungsoo's pencil once or twice when he forgot to bring one during their art class.
It started from a small crush that easily grow into a huge one as months passed.
Jongin has a very outgoing personality, athletic skills and is really good looking to top that so it's no wonder why he was invited to join the basketball team when he was in second year. And that's when hell break loose. 

He started to join large group of friends. Those who are the not-so-good influence ones.
Kyungsoo's totally fine with it, because she didn't really have the right to object, until he started joining the teasing with his friends who are strongly against 'nerds', and by nerds means Kyungsoo.
She was really hurt the first time Jongin laughed at one of his friend's joke about Kyungsoo and her lame looks.
She cried herself to sleep that night.


She didn't tell Luhan about the bullying, because it's too hard for her to admit that her crush is calling her names together with his friends.
It's like Jongin didn't even remember her, he used to be polite and kind but who's to blame? People change and she's just not the type to be remembered. 

So she play numb as they continued the teasing every now and then. She tried to ignore the painful knot in her chest and focused on her studies more.
The effect of the encounters with the bullies does not do any good on her already low self-esteem.
Every possible self-loathe seemed to rub her in every possible places. 

She did get used to it as months passed, but this time, it felt nothing anymore.
It's like her hate for herself is stronger enough to knock off the hate of those who despise her.
She would just sit there, and agreed silently to everything they'd say because she know it all too well. 

The only thing that kept her sane that time was Luhan. She's always there to make her smile for real so she decided to not drag Luhan along with her because she can't stand seeing her friend on her place, as well.
Half year had past and she kept trying to tell herself to forget about Jongin, but there's just something about the boy that she can't just not remember.
She managed to keep him at back of her mind though for about a half year now until she heard that same sullen voice just some minutes ago. 

She didn't even realize, until she looked at the small bathroom clock beside the broom rack that she already missed her biology class.
So she scurried out, making sure she look at least presentable to attend her last class; the gym. 

She's not in the mood to participate, thinking of every acceptable reason to ditch the tiring class. 

Majority of the class were already wearing their gym clothes when she entered the field. Her eyes caught sight of Junmyeon, his noticable worried look making her utterly confused but then she remembered the music club. 

So making her way to their teacher, she put on her very sick face and told him she's not feeling well before coughing couple of times. It did work and he told her to go to the clinic to get checked. 

That's what she like about Mr. Choi, he's so considerate but most probably dumb for still falling onto this kind of lies most lazy students make. So she thanked him before running around the familiar hallway where the music room was located. 

It wasn't that hard to force Mr. Jung to let Junmyeon participate in their club. Besides, they're still willing to accept those who really want to join until the end of first semester. She can't wait to tell him about the good news.

Kyungsoo met with Luhan at the school gates when the class ended, hoping for things to get better soon.


Hi guys! Second chapter's up for ya'll~ 

I really hope you like it. ;A;

This is not edited yet so sorry for all the mistakes! 

My sister left for her job Yesterday so I was kinda feeling down all day. 

Please tell me your opinions about this chapter guys! 

I love you all! <3 

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ljisme #1
Chapter 4: Please give Kyungsoo the make over and it will shut their mouth up with the new Kyungsoo!!!
I dont really know how the title attracts meXD Maybe because I'm danish??XD
Oh well I'll give this fic a try:D
zeyeol1527 #3
Chapter 3: The makeover please...!!!!! “ψ(`∇´)ψ
CatlyDo #4
The title means "in love" in danish
soo_bouquet #5
Chapter 3: I love this soo much...SOO makeover time wohoooo ^-^
Loliest #6
Chapter 3: This story isn't bad. It's smooth and I really curious about Jongin in here. Well, and about their relationship too^^ I hope there isn't angst, hahahaaa. Good luck^^ hwaiting
srxhdks #7
Chapter 3: I can't wait for more kaisoo in the future!! And thank u for the update!!
Chapter 2: Woahh! This is really interesting!
Chapter 1: Can't wait for more~~
kaisookkamjong #10
that was super fast ≧﹏≦