

Huge tired eyes were glued on bright screen as long fingers carelessly jab through the keys of her Macbook, eager to finish the given project on time. It was already 2 am when she finished the last sentences of her essay, sighing contentedly as her back hit the soft mattress of her bed.

It is an understatement to say that Do Kyungsoo, a junior student with this strange ability of straying her personal life from people, isn't used to this kind of routine.

She's a straight A student with a father that would definitely do everything to provide her needs and to put her on one of the most prestigious school in Seoul.

Studying in Hanyang High School isn't just some game you can pause when you're tired, it is indeed a survival of the fittest .

So that's one of the reasons why Kyungsoo's trying to prove herself by working her off until she's passed out over piles of books. For her, it is a cycle of school, home and singing.
Her world seemed to evolve through this routine but everything went downhill when she met a certain boy who loves dogs.

Kyungsoo sighed for the fifth time that morning, long dark hair tied in a bun and eyes still weary from the lack of sleep. She fished her phone from her pocket forcing herself to stay awake while waiting for her best friend on their front porch. The latter's halfway through dozing off when Luhan chirps from the yard, all rainbows and sunshine stirring her from her short slumber. 

"What are you doing here? It's still early." Luhan asked striding to sit on the space beside the latter.
She already knew by heart that Kyungsoo's not a morning person and you shouldn't be the one to mess up with her. A cute pinch and a nice kick on the shin were sent on her direction the last time she remembered asking why Kyungsoo's eyes looks abnormally large. 

"Essay." was the only reply before she buries her face on her thighs trying to get back to sleep. Luhan shifts from her place, scooting closer to her friend.
"I think that a guy from our year will still play for the semi-finals despite his injured state. Kinda heard it from the other table in the cafeteria Yesterday." Luhan pipes rubbing her palms together because the wind's getting colder.

"You sure are very nosy Lu. Who's him this time?" Kyungsoo's reply wasn't very clear but Luhan catches it nonetheless.
"That Kim Jongin guy. I don't really know." Kyungsoo lifts her head at this and stared at the ground suddenly finding interest on the barely polished wooden floor. 
"Hey you seemed distracted, you okay?" Luhan asked, nudging her side to shook her off of her thoughts.
"Y-yeah.. I mean of course.. Just a little tired. Sorry Lu." she tilts her head to the side giving her friend a reassuring smile.

"Will he really play? I mean it's pretty risky." she tried to sound neutral before the other gets a wrong idea.
"Thought you're not into basketball and stuffs.. But anyways yes, I think he will. Do you know him?" Luhan raised a brow at this curiosity evident on her voice.

"No, I don't. It's just the team, they may lose." She defended.

"I know right. Now get up or we'll be late, you choose." Luhan said lending a hand in the air for Kyungsoo to take.

It took them a couple of minutes to decide whether to take the bus or not, but of course Luhan won saying that they needed some morning exercise with a grumpy Kyungsoo trailing behind.

The walk to school isn't really pleasing for Kyungsoo, she always hung her head low whenever she saw someone from school on the way. The action seems weird but Luhan just shrugged it off and continued walking.
When they reach the school's gate, Kyungsoo cursed her friend for making her tiredness into a whole new level that she might just collapse anytime soon. Luhan waved her of with a grin before they part ways to their own homeroom classes. 

She managed to keep herself awake during the first three subjects despite the lack of energy.



"You should get more rest Soo. You look so pale. Make time for yourself." she gave her a worried glance while munching on a piece of granola bar.

"Said the girl who forced me to walk to school today." she bites back but too worn out to even put sarcasm. She stares at her barely eaten food instantly loosing appetite at the sight, her head still light.
She just wanted to go home and bury herself under the soft blankets of her bed but knowing that she still have to finish her research in history, everything in mind seemed impossible. 

"Hey Kyungsoo. Did you even hear what I said?" Luhan waves the bar on her face leaving her flushed, so she shook her head.

"I said that you need to finish that real quick 'cause the bell just rang and you barely touch your food." she chided.

It's like one of these days when she forgot to bring her glasses with her, and her head is already thumping like crazy inside during the last period of her class.
She made it out after the last bell rang not bothering to wait for Luhan but thoughtfully sent her a message; an apologetic one. 

It  is stressful enough to deal with people who give her looks while taking the bus, but guess it's her bad luck today so she really have no choice. Thankfully, she managed to find an empty seat at the very back of the cramped bus.

She was staring outside the window when a guy from her class nudged her softly asking if he could take the unused seat. She can't remember the name but boy he was cute.
So she nods, forefinger and thumb instantly twiddling with the hem of her blouse, eyes bulging out from their sockets.
It is the first time someone actually asked her, usually the others would just seat there and not give a damn about it so she's not used to this kind of encounters. You cannot blame her though, she only have Luhan and she couldn't ask for more.

She was shaken off of her thoughts when the said guy cleared his throat.

"Hey, y-you're Kyungsoo right?" he hesitated, unsure if Kyungsoo ever want to talk on the first place but quickly show off his pearly whites when he did get a reply.

"Ah y-yeah." she stammered, already regretting ditching Luhan for the bus ride.

"Sorry, am I making you uncomfortable?" he frowns,
"No." she retorts almost immediately shaking her head.
"It's just I'm n-not a social person." Kyungsoo added honestly.
"Oh.." the smile graces back on his handsome face.
"I'm Junmyeon by the way, we're on the same homeroom class since freshmen." shoot, that was so embarrassing.

She didn't even remember the name. But before she could give a proper response the bus stopped right away and the said classmate puts on his coat ready to dash of with some piling students.

"It's really nice meeting you Kyungsoo-ssi, I hope we can be good friends." then he got off the bus.
Kyungsoo couldn't help the tint of pink spreading across her pale cheeks.
Maybe, just maybe it's not that bad to have friends.
It's her destined stop when she sat up that she stepped on something soft, looking down to see a navy blue hankie embroidered with an elegant font that reads 'kim suho'.
Maybe it was Junmyeon's so she decided to pick it up and ask the boy tomorrow as if she's got the guts. 

She finished her homework in their spacey kitchen while eating her reheated food because she's too tired to cook and too tired to do the said notes in her room.

She's living by herself in their huge lone house since she turned sixteen last year. Luhan has been there on the first few months of adjusting when her father decided to work abroad.
Her mom left them when she was six and it is one of the many reasons why she have all these trust issues.
But her dad never failed to supply everything she needed, like clothes, shoes, education, and even pricey gadgets but it's just not enough.
He's been very protective over kyungsoo until he was called abroad that the said girl had had the chance to be free off of her nosy excuse of a dad. He would literally glare at any boy who would dare look at her direction.

There were times when it came to the point where she thinks that no one's ever gonna like her in that intimate way.
That she's not pretty enough, not smart enough and that she needed escape from the feelings of her pathetic excuse of a heart. Her insecurities took most part of her that she didn't have time for herself anymore.
She's the exact opposite of her best friend, who's all girly and stylish, while she prefer baggy pants and loose shirts. She won't even go downtown during weekends without being forced by Luhan.
Her best friend or more like sister, knew Kyungsoo like the back of her hand except for the fact that she's been crushing on someone for a longtime now.

She's sort of guilty for not telling Luhan about this small crush but her introvert side weighs her away from such topics.
She always reason out to herself that it is the best way to not deepen any feelings, because she knew very well that Luhan wouldn't stop talking about it and she can't have any of her hopes up. She's too afraid to try and she felt really pathetic for it.

Kyungsoo grown to think that no one will ever look her way, so to expect that someone will return these feelings is way too impossible.

It is when she's flopped down down on the bed that her eyes caught the sight of the handkerchief on her nightstand. She took it between her fingers to inspect but what amused her was how the expensive smell linger in the air when she unfolded the cloth to get a better look at the name. 
'Kim Suho' not a typical Korean name, she thought.
Maybe it's not Junmyeon's so she shrugged it back on the table and took her phone out to check if Luhan respond to her text. And she did, there were 3 unread messages all from Luhan asking if she went home safely because her mom's so used to give Kyungsoo a ride home with them.
Kyungsoo just rolled her eyes at the silly reply and pressed the call button, three rings and the line went off. Weird. Luhan would not ignore her calls like that so she left her a message indicating that she's home and is about to sleep.
And as if on cue her eyelids began closing letting the tiredness ebb her into another world that is her dreamland.

Hi guys! I really hope you like fem!soo as much as I do.
I think it's pretty hot! \(UoU)/

Also, I let my sister read this first part and she was like, "Kyungsoo is a guy, how dare you!"
LOL think twice.

i hope ur super ready for Kyungsoo n' s? bc i am -(ˆ▿ˆ)/

And to clear things out, I have nothing against boyxboy (I'm ttly into it tbh)
I just really have a strong thing for girl!soo.

I'm out! Love you all guys! 

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ljisme #1
Chapter 4: Please give Kyungsoo the make over and it will shut their mouth up with the new Kyungsoo!!!
I dont really know how the title attracts meXD Maybe because I'm danish??XD
Oh well I'll give this fic a try:D
zeyeol1527 #3
Chapter 3: The makeover please...!!!!! “ψ(`∇´)ψ
CatlyDo #4
The title means "in love" in danish
soo_bouquet #5
Chapter 3: I love this soo much...SOO makeover time wohoooo ^-^
Loliest #6
Chapter 3: This story isn't bad. It's smooth and I really curious about Jongin in here. Well, and about their relationship too^^ I hope there isn't angst, hahahaaa. Good luck^^ hwaiting
srxhdks #7
Chapter 3: I can't wait for more kaisoo in the future!! And thank u for the update!!
Chapter 2: Woahh! This is really interesting!
Chapter 1: Can't wait for more~~
kaisookkamjong #10
that was super fast ≧﹏≦